Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 481

After all, no matter what to say, he is in his hands and is crucial, double knife!

What he was as confined, it was a three-generation water and shadow, and it was trustworthy.

The crisis of the wooden leaves has been resolved, and their existence seems to be so important.

Hold the knife handle and remove it from the back.

During this time, it has been a matter of life. As the number of use is increasing, with more and more understanding it, the people find some of them like this special tackle.

Of course, this does not mean that he will give up the circle of the circle, just sometimes the circle is not suitable for that, occasionally flashing, it is better to say, after all, the ninja, but if used for a long time, One of the signs of his leafletucita, or too obvious.

So ... this is not happy, this is a lot of love ...

Gently hard, release the , separate into two handles, respectively, and .

"It seems that the puffergapy is to do with me?" She asked.

The watermelon hills rushed into the muscles in the hand, staring at the people tightly: "As long as the Sancai Mr. can hand over your hands, I promise is definitely not moving, I will leave, after all, ... Muscle said Mr. Chakra is not very like! "

Said, right arm is proud, and it is straight to take the muscle. It is guarded. The bloodpot is open, and the tongue is crazy, and it seems to be strengthened.


Watermelon mountain river ghost frown, look at the side or some kind of cortical ghost, low drink: "Ghost, kill!"

The voice is falling, and the first is the first to rush.

With him, you still have to endure the fog behind him.

The people didn't return, but I greeted it. He is a 50,000 people!

First of all, it is naturally a horse's first watermelon mountain river dolphin.

Hey! ! !

with the front of the muscles, Mars splash.

The people can obviously feel that they have entered the , after colliding with the muscle, some Chakra crazy, was absorbed by the muscles.

"Useless! Even if your has the ability to be similar to the muscles, this is completely different!

As long as the muscle is cut out, you can absorb Chakra, but just kill can absorb, you just have to collide with me, you will be you sooner or later, because my Chakra is unlimited! ! "The watermelon mountain river dolphins shouted excitedly.

"Is it? In this case, you will take a break first."

The reluctance laughed and flashed away the drills that once again rushed.

Nourishment ...

Drawing the armor armor, the speed is further improved, leaving a long light on the ground, directly rushing to the last side to endure.

Watermelon mountain river ghosts can not solve it, but these neocroziness is different.

If you enter the unmanned, every time you scribble, you represent the fall of a ninja.

Even if they come from blood, but in front of now, it is the same, there is no one in the enemy.

Those who have never had a small impact on the people, but unfortunately, their speed can not keep him, as long as you avoid endurance, the people can solve these necties and tolerate a little bit.

Every time I fall, I gradually flourfully blue Chakra whisk.

The role of is played, and every killing, you can absorb Chakra to strengthen itself.

"Bastan! Let's stop him quickly! Ghosts you still don't show up?" Watermelon mountain river ghost is a bit of an urgentity.

The ninja at this time to participate in the task can be the three generations of shadows, each loss will be lost.

Blood fog ninja is not so easy to cultivate.

I heard the watermelon hills, the ghosts, the ghosts before, finally moved, although he had a great feeling about the people, the task is that the mission of the manda poison, the martial arts can command his person, it is impossible Just relying in a few words, he turned him.

Just, although the current changer ghosts are endured, it is not a complete body, just just his participation in the war, it must be impossible.

As a corpse fell to the ground, the fog hidden to protect the opportunity to protect and endure, more and more, the people want to avoid them, and they are not so simple.

However, it is enough.

I have absorbed a lot of Chakra, and the blue-colored and have been completely awakened, and the is full.

"about there!"

The mouth is rising.

I don't want to be with those who have worked hard, just want to solve them.

But as ten will be surrounded by people, only the end of the endure is to withdraw, and the fog is hidden to nain, and you can use the water.

And because of the battle, I don't know, I have moved from the cliffs of the Lei Zhi, moved to the sea.

"Now, where do you run!"

On the sea, it can be equal to the home of their mist.

The people did not pay attention to the ghosts of the watermelon, just looking to the ghosts.

Take note of the sight of the people, the chanmon ghosts have some dare not go to his eyes, and the long knife in your hands.

I don't want to scold him, she said: "Ghost, you have to remember, you can live more, you can make you live more more meaning!"

After finishing, the relieving people standing around the sea emerged from bottom to airflow.

A circle is like a white air-visible white air flow from the house, and the whole sea is also rushed by this West.

"Injury door, open!"

Directly open the fourth door injuries of eight armors.

I feel that some kind of mist but also have fun.

"Water Water Tooth!"

"Water Water"! "

"The water of the water is bomb!"

"Water escape..."

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