Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 632

The huge roar sounds through the world, and the impact wave generated by the collision causes the surrounding ground to be flat, even if it is sporadic in the night, not many black clouds are all at this moment.

Next, I still watching the reaches of the people and the root ninja, almost no one can stand smoothly on the ground.

The surrounding house is also like a typhoon transit, and the roof is all blown.

Fortunately, the day is still in time, and the surrounding residents are almost sent.

Yu Zhibo spheres smiled excitedly, laughing and somewhat crazy, some hysterical.

Since he has lost the defeat between him and the killer, he has been struggling for "unlimited month reading", others don't understand him, but he must firmly believe the correctness of this matter.

Don't go out for decades, no fight, not because he can't, but because he doesn't want it.

In this world, in addition to the thousand-handles, no one can let him mention some battle.

So when he first saw the people, think that the people have the potential to continue to go up, and it may grow to the strength of being handed over.

He decided to cultivate the people and give him more opportunities to touch.

Even self-deception is to make the people become a card in his hand.

But in fact, it is concluded that there is only one sentence.

He itched.

I have been tuied for so many years, until he saw the people, I found that I was silent for decades, and I actually itched!

Laughing, his eyes are together, "Let me teach you, how to use the kaleidoscope to write the wheel!

If this time you can live, I am willing to think that you are the second place in the person who is the most expectant! "

"Two your sister!" The people will not have anything to keep with him now.

Reload the cyan wooden knife in your hand, falling vertically.

boom! !

The dynamics that have just happened again.

- -

The entire ground is broken.

At the same time, under the parcel, this wood man, as if it is like his body, refers to the arm.

Empty left hand lifted, a huge light blue Chakra rotated in his palm.

Spiral pill!

This is not the ordinary spiral pills used in the usual water gate, which is a spiral pill that is completed with now.

The volume is bigger than a house.

This massive Chakra, or if there is a Chakra Sea, the average person is really not used.

Single is a volume, it is comparable to the jade spiral pills in the future.

The diameter is straight toward the Sui Zhibo spots.

"It's good! I let you know, you must use it!

Eight-feet Qiong ! "

The blue must be protected from the five fingers, three like a fire, the jade is connected in series, forming a ring, condensed in the hands.

This unfortunate special tissue can be taken as a giant hand, or a spiral pill can do a close range of attacks in his hand.

As long as you can take the huge explosion brought by this attack.

Giant spiral pills face eight feet Qiongyu!

boom! !

The huge roar of the world is accompanied by almost the entire night of the explosion flashes.


PS: PY written by a book friend "starts from the training", I like to watch the Elf Wen, I will introduce me in the writer.

Chapter 290, Immortal - Mu Wi [Search]

In the huge smoke, the two fits fly.

It is a blue featuring and cyan.

If you are, you must last after any, but it is more than Yuxi Boupe, even if there is a wood fill in the inside.

The entire wooden man's half body, the internal woodman is almost all blows up with the blue armor outside.

It is just a burst of an arm.

However, the people are not very concerned, because he has its own advantage, the young body, the huge Chakra is his largest pillar.

Don't read the appearance of Yu Zhibo spheres, it is a look, but this is all fake elephants. It is true, and it should be a congeous year, there is no asthorn.

The last time the long-door calls the outer road of the magic, I broke him once, let him completely lose the opportunity to continue to live.

Even if there is still a foreign magic image and a white Chakra supplement, but the limitations of the transformation are shackles that are smashed, only 30% of Chakra.

Even if it is the ability, Chakra cannot support him so!

The house is moving, the wood-crushed body recovered quickly with the speed visible to the naked eye, even if it was wrapped in it, it would be quickly recovered.

In contrast, it is only to blast the Yu Zhibo spheres of an arm, but it is almost restored at the same time.

This recovery of Chakra is strong and weak, and it will be at a glance.

Of course, Unexpectedly, he also found this, he frowned, but there was nothing to say that he naturally has its own plan.

The two quickly got up and once again rushed toward the opponent.

The southwest of Woody Village, because the battle of the two is almost ranked flat.

If you have an attempt to take Yuxi wave into the wooden leaves, you can not be a fool, he remembers what they come here for what is for what, is impossible to leave the wooden leaves.

If the people want to leave the wooden leaves, he does not hesitate to launch an attack inside the wooden leaves.

No way, the two can only be reluctant to be stalemate, and they can't be paid.

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