Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 633

Yuxi Bao is a hearty, interested, but the heart of the people has become more and more heavy as the sound of the sound comes from the distance.

"This is not a way, can only be desperate!"

The house is condensed, the wooden knife in the hand is inserted by him, and the wood man opens two hands to form a huge spiral pill.

Then, the speed of the spiral pill is getting faster and faster, and the sound of "" is issued, and outside the spiral pill, surrounding a layer of liquid like a water stain.

Water attribute Chakra is more likely to make Chakra's morphological changes and properties.

Of course, the people have their own fire, water. The Tacraform of the Tuli, the properties of Lei Four, have been mastered, even after the composition of Senluo in the body, it has recently hanged a signs of the weather in Chekra.

However, at this time is in the woods, it is obviously a better concidity of the water attribute Chakra and the earth properties.

And the range of water attendance challenge is not so horrible, no matter what to say, now they are still in the wooden leaves.

Seeing the departure of the people, Yisi Bao is not born, and it is equally excited.

Four hands are all open.

Eight-feet Qiong !

"Wooden ninja, all retreat! The farther, the better!" The people roared.

Even if he doesn't know how much such collision will have.

Anyway, as long as you run, the better.

Woody ninja has long been fighting in the remaining batches of the previous collision, and the impairment of this resection and the other party is obviously more horrible. They are so soft.

But because the people are rigor, they don't dare to have a move.

I have heard the command now, and I don't hesitate to choose the retreat.

The combat of this level is really not what they can participate, whether it is ordinary endurance, it is almost unbearable in front of them.

At this moment, there are fewer people who have some annoyance in my heart, why didn't you think of the ancestral hall of the thousand hand?

I haven't found the big tricks earlier.

If you learn, I will face Yuxi Bo spots, I will directly give him a real thousand hand, and the top of the Buddha greet it, and ensure that the Sui Zhibin once again experience the strong wood in the killer.

Although as long as it is a wooden restriction, the palm of the palm can be handed out, but each of the way to operate Chakra is different.

The palm of the palm is an endurance, does not mean that it is simpler than the printing, and even a lot of injuries.

Even if you have a certain wooden foundation, it is not so simple to learn the Buddha's feet.

Fortunately, the people have left one hand in advance, and when they discovered the trail of Unexpello, they divided a shadow.

Originally, I wanted to find a chance to take the fastest speed to take it, but I found that the soil is not a person. After Yuxi Bou is also coming, I immediately changed the use plan for shadows.

Retreating it in the soil, trying to learn there.

Even if it is a temporary buddha, there is always a good thing to try, maybe it can understand it?

However, the memory of the people is not coming, and there are no learning.

Originally, I can choose to drag, but the water gates are still an unknown, and if the second must fight, the people are not patient and then grinding with Unexpea.

He wants to force and Yishibo spots to spell Clara and recovery skills with its own advantages.

See what he is his older, Chakra, more recovery, or his young people Chakra, more recovery.

boom! !

This time, the impact of the impact-made hush is almost swept the entire wooden leaf, and a large amount of gravel dust is like a sandstone rumored, and some architectural structures are not so good buildings, and even collapse.

This time, just just start.

The collision of the house and the Zhizhi Boss appeared in two consecutive places.

"It's too horrible, it is too horrible. I didn't expect this guy to grow to this extent." With the Nara Lulu, which is rushing toward the Woody Leaf Center, and feel the secondary airflow hit. And that endless explosion, I can't help but sigh.

I helpless, I don't know what to say, and there are fewer people in my heart, I am also somewhat. I will pass the fire to the house.

It seems that the people doing things about the leaves, only the benefits have not been treated yet.

But at this moment, his strength is almost the entire endurance.

If the person appeared today is really Yuxi Bao, the description is too much.

"Indeed, I fly, this is the boy who is fighting with us? I didn't expect it to stay again, I didn't know if it was angry or fortunate." I didn't talk, but he The

Finally, I added a sentence. "I said that he became the strength of the fourth generation of fire."

In this regard, I can only represent the agreement.

Just, they don't know, when fighting with them, the strength of the people is not so strong.

At least, his wooden will have a small gap now, and today it must be explosive.

"It should be no problem with the people, rush to the water door as soon as possible, just have taken an explosion, I don't know what to do." There is a little worried on the face of the day.

He is countless, not many people who know that Ni Ni is pregnant, but the specific childbirth date, he doesn't know.

But he knows that Ni Xin.com is the column of the nine tail. If there is any accident, the nine-tailed rock is not a good thing.

It seems to feel what he is most worried.


A huge screams full of fierce breath sound.

In their sight, a huge nursing of nine tails suddenly appeared in nine tails.

The actions at the foot are all hysteresis.

Great eyes look at the huge fox in the distance, even if it is so far, it still feels that the kind of fierce breath comes from it.

"Nine nine tails"

"Is this the strongest nine tail in all tail beasts? Single is just a feeling of such terror, which makes people feel the feelings of cold and chestnut."

Everyone looked at the nine tails that suddenly appeared in the center of the leaf, and the horror breath that broke out on it was shocked.

It is unable to understand the scared of the kindness in the hearts of the wood ninies in the heart of the heart.

The face of the day is very ugly, Shen Sheng: "I still didn't catch up, convene all the woods to fight against the nine tail, absolutely can't let it destroy the leaves!"

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