Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 635

The house is biting.

"No way, fight!"

Said, set the tiger print, hidden in the corner.

A large number of memory fragments are integrated into the brain, and the learning and understanding of the agents is also entered into the brain.

Although there is no complete learning, it is always too strong.

"You can accept it, it is relatively slow." The heart is slightly sound.

At least not, just slow, if someone can help him block, it is good to bloc.

Suddenly, there is a shadow in the brain.

Put your thumb directly in your mouth, bit it, start the printing.

"Nor is it only you can pass the tail!"

Said, hand palm is empty, "Tongling - Jam!"

San Sangquen, that is only sealed in the three-generation wind shadow, and it is directly psychically.


The huge seems to be a three-tailed of a gray thick armor. In its eyes, the windmill of the kaleidoscope is rotated.

"Three tails ?!"

Seeing the three tails, Yu Zhibo spheres were obvious, he clearly remembers that according to the plan, this three tail should be with the little girl of the wooden leaf, the original wildlife who attaches great importance to the soil of Yisi Bo should be left together, calculate the time, it seems Still caught up soon?

Is it the time in advance?

Not much time to think about him, three tails under the control of the people, one has already formed a tire, and he is rushing to the Zhisbo spheres.

And the people yourself, it is standing on the wood, both hands together, the red texture on the face is getting more and more obvious.

The rotation speed of the kaleidoscope writes is slow, while the Wood people must be able to have a crow, and the dog armor is all disappeared.

He has to concentrate all Chakra to show this just learned, or even counted.

However, it is slower.

Fortunately, no matter the three tails that don't care, this moment also successfully stopped Yu Zhibo spheres.

Now his, does not support him in controlling the nine tail, but also controls the three tails, so he can only solve this three tail first.

A tail beast is not a threat to him.

A mushing, reluctant and Unexpell spots, must be able to resist the shell on the three tail back, actually by the Unexpected Spheres by Uti Wheel.

Even if it is a tail, this harm is not enough to let it continue to fight, and it is not even enough to let it continue to live.


A molt, the huge three-tailed suddenly disappeared, and the rich natural energy burst.

Among them, they are directly absorbed by the people.

Convert to Xianke Chakra, the texture of his face is getting clarible.

Slowly close your eyes, it seems like the bottom rebound, and suddenly opens.

"Immortal - Wooden - Truth!"

The second chapter of the hundred and ninety chapter ended [seeking a monthly ticket]

"Immortal - Wooden - Truth!"

In the seal space, the hand is in front of the hand, and the second end of his remaining is also ten, and the look is serious.

"I am ready, big beautiful, give me your Chakra!"

"To understanding!"

The second is low, and you will enter your own Chakra without reservation.

The wood man under the feet of the house changed, and a large number of wooden branches emerged from the woods and wrapped it in an instant.

A large-scale, ecological, more serious, is presented.

The middle is a true Buddha who looks like a good look, and the hands and the people are all in the chest. After that, after the back, it seems that the peacock opens generally show thousands of Buddha.

This is a thousand hand, "Thousands of hands" two characters true, or Xianke.

It is almost a bulky body, which is almost agreed to attract attention at all the wooden ninja at this moment.

But when they saw this true thousand hands, they unconsciously shot a hot look.

This is their noodles!

This is their fourth generation of rigid battles with a strong enemy that can manipulate the nine tail!

Although the other party is very powerful, let everyone look up, but it doesn't matter, they still have their wooden shadow, which is their biggest back to the mountains and the spiritual pillars in their hearts.

As long as it is, they will not give up the thoughts.

Also, their fire is alone in pair of such a strong, and there is no way to fall, then what reasons do they have to retreat when they face a nine?

Wood leaves, not a man's leaves!

Everyone is needed to protect.

This real number of people, the appearance of the people, the shock of everyone is still very big, but this time, more is spiritual support, mental inspiring.

However, in front of Yuxi Bo, it is not the case.

I saw that he was stopped at the moment, and he looked at this huge almost a thousand hand of the sky. The brain recalled, it was the battle between him and the killer. The truce is almost exactly the same, the truth that is summoned at this moment.

The only thing that once defeated him once, let him feel unbearable, and did not expect to have been broken for several decades, and the thousands of hands have been born for so many years, but he can see again.

At this moment, I stand in the Buddha's top hand ten people, in the view of Yuxi Boss, his appearance is completely consistent with the figure between the killer.

"Cylinder !!!" Yu Zhiwei smiled and shouted against the people.

"I won't lose to you !!"

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