Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 636

Shouting, manipulating the nine tails that must be wrapped, and the pace is rushing towards the people.

Seeing this moment, there are some hystericoid spots, and the people know that he is the same as a thousand hand of the column, recalling the scene he once lost to the killer.

"Although this is not really perfect" true ", you are not true 'Will-dressing - must be Sudo', it is destined to defeat twice in the same tightness, Yuxi Boss, I am I feel sad for you. "

At this moment, although the ultimate imminerism of this wood is exhibited, it is still barely useful. If Yishibo sphere is observed, it will be found that this trumer thousands of hands are inadequate.

Unfortunately, there is always a heart magic in his heart, which is a thousand hand.

When I saw this rushing of his rushing, Yishibo spheres were calm, and finally I can't keep calming.

But just as the people said, although his true thousands of power is insufficient, Yisi Boss's Warmada - must be it is not full.

Just just half of the nine-tailed Chakra, plus the use of someone else's three hook jade, not a full body, and the real "warning - must be able to" also has a big gap.

The royal gown on the house is almost completely launched behind him. Between his hands, there is a strong green ray between his hands.

"Immortal - Top Character!"

The low voice seems to be a deep and unpleasant Buddha.

It was originally straight to the thousands of wooden hands behind the body, and finally was still moving.

Yu Zhibo spheres are unhabined, and the front is confrogably.

boom! !

As the first hand falls, a rumor sounds, the next is a endless attack.

Boom - Boom - Boom -

Dust flying, gravel roar, the entire ground is like a seismic, completely uncontrolled in different frequencies.

Along the same, it is a constantly sinking ground.

Finally, this roar continued for a whole three minutes, and the overall elevation of their position decreased for tens of meters.

When the smoke is dissipated, the huge real thousand hands have disappeared, and one, it is the blue of Yuxi Boss.

Only a nine tail is like exhausted, in the deep pit, widened, it is incredible, but the body is not listening and shivery.

The focus is, the writing of the writing wheel in its eyes has completely dissipated.

Next to him, one of the upper body clothes has been ruined, revealing an internally intensive body, and is full of blood.

The mouth is constantly overflowing blood, but his eyes are dead and staring at the eyes, and that barely keeps the body standing.

This is really barely standing, and the double strands keep shaking slightly, this is the embodiment of all the strength.

He finally understood why there was a strong body, such as a strong body, such as a strong body, but only let him live a few months.

It's really this real thousand hand too much consumption Chakra, especially when the trend is truly thousands of Chakra consumption, is a cardi, or even more than not.

If Chakra is not enough, then the wooden will only be filled with its own life energy, because the wood is itself a plant that is life-promoted.

That is, his true thousand hands is incomplete, and there is also two tail helps and three-tailed death, the rich natural energy is supported, otherwise this is to take it, you can take his whole person into a corpse. .

Just like the magic of the original road.

However, after all, he still got a victory.

That once buried in his heart, that his brain consciously thought that he could not compete, this time, this is really really defeated in him.

Even if he is just an old spots, his strength is not the strongest, but the Sui Zhiwei is Yu Zhibo spots, which is enough to explain a lot.

At least, that is a person who is not overwhelming, and now no longer an invincible existence.

The house is trembled, and it is going to Yisi Boufang.

Looking at him at a great place, "If you can resurrect, I am waiting for you!"

It seems to hear the answer to his most wanted. The eyes of Yishibo spheres are dead and stare at him, and he must keep his appearance at the heart.

A young smoke made from him.

The appearance of Yuxibo spots slowly faded, and there was only a full body of body.


This is also the reason why Yizhi Boli, who can use the like to persist in such a long time, and the body is definitely the most suitable container, whether it is for any operation.

It's just that Chakra in the body is almost completely exhausted, and you can't get this white body.

I looked at the nine tail next to the ground.

Looking at it, spitting the tongue, a pair of lifeless appearance, the people are also distressed for it.

Yischo's ambiguity is twice in the real number of people. It also tried two truths and the terrorist attacks of the top of the Buddha.

This self-loveless look can also be understood.

When the people went to it, they determined that he could not move in a short time, slowly shake his head, and sat down directly on the ground. From the endurance package, he took out a special soldier food pill, and endured Put into the mouth, simply chew two times, swallow directly.

His Chakra has already exhausted, but the crisis of wood leaves, the crisis of the water gates and the Ni Nai have not yet spent it. He needs to reply to Chakra as soon as possible, and then help.

Since Yuxi Bouvet has been resolved, then only Yisi Bo belt soil is not enough.

At this time, his thousand hand cells played greatly.

Silently put the knee on the ground for three minutes, and the people immediately stood up.

Three minutes of time for Chakra recovery, it is quite small, but he can't wait any longer.

Sitting here, it seems that it can be used to hear the battle sound from the distance, the scream of the mulk, and the roar of the other half.

I looked at the nine tail lying on the ground. The people didn't hesitate, and the feet were hard in the ground. With the ground, the whole person disappeared.

The role of a somewhere is dim.

The place named hell with the real world clamings.

Describe the old old Yisi Bou spots are sitting on his special chair, god dull, seems to have ever slowed from the battle.

Behind the tree root pipe, connect the outer road behind the road.

And on the outer road, tens of dozens, or even hundreds of ninja in which hundreds of shape color strength.

But at this time, they were dry, and the eyes were deep, and a pair of appearance was taken with Chakra, stop breathing, and all lost his life.

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