Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 682

"Oh, no matter what this is the purpose, this is very important, don't have a complaint, Luojing.

Didn't, wait until this time I endure exam, I will avoid your task task for a month, how do you think? "The people also know that Luojing is complaining.

"Two months, no matter what I didn't do, you came back." Lu is finally talked to the topic you want.

"One and a half, otherwise I have no way to follow the American aunt and Ji."


Looking at the sideways on the side of the water door, I looked at the two "major" issues that were washed there.

To know, he has no choice, every time after finishing the meal, it is inevitable to wash the dishes.

Lingxiang is responsible for cooking, and Ni Ni will not dare to make her wash the dishes, and the people will not touch it, only the water door can end.

Just when the people, Luojing and the water are discussed with the "significant" thing about the dishwashing. The second round of the tenth of the whole leaf is also finally started.

Death Forest is not a small place, in which a lot of beasts live, there are many people with human beasts. .

Therefore, in the death forest, casualties will inevitably occur.

Of course, after entering the death forest, the most dangerous affirmation is also the endurance of each hidden village.

Outside the death forest, there are all the ninja guards, preventing the tentative exams, trying to escape, but also to prevent the outside of the Ninja from entering the death forest, the impact of this tolerance.

Not just death forests, even the whole wood, there are also a lot of Ninja defense.

But sometimes, these protection don't necessarily avoid some things into the wooden leaves 100%.

After all, the scope of the leaves is very large, even if the wood, ninja can be completely monitored, but it is just around the chakra, anything that carries Chakra, or has a life activity, you can clear Occue.

But if there are some things that Chat, there is no life, or you can completely conceal your own creatures, it is really not necessarily discovered.

No one can't think of the critical moment of this kind of wooden leaves, there are some things that should not appear.

No people were noticed.

On the edge of the wooden blade, a black shadow is slowly awkward, and the orange-yellow eyes are staring straight at this time.

"I didn't expect that I thought I didn't have the opportunity. I thought they shouldn't exist. I didn't expect it. At this time, can I say that I am helping me?"

This black shadow is exactly, he wants to enter the wooden leaf, and the no one is stopped.

When he spoke, the two black shadows appeared in him.

Strange is that these two obvious are people, but there is no breath on the body, nor any Chekra fluctuations.

Seeing their arrival, black raised hands, distinguished, referring to a wooden orientation.

They don't hesitate to leave.

"I didn't expect, the priest was also out, then this is the time, I should do what I should do."

The voice is falling, and the black is hidden, and it disappears.

Just in this dark stream.

The second phase of the Treatment is over.

Many participation in this phase of exams from all hidden villages, there have been different degrees of casualties.

However, no matter how many casualties, the third phase of the Chinese endurance test, or continue.

Because of the last stage, this time, the house as a noodle can no longer hide behind, and you must go out to take the town.

And the most important point is

"I said that the fourth generation of the leaves of the leaves, is there a final stage of the exam, is it going on this air?" Yun Yin Village Jingjing looked at the people, and then looked at the air in front of this time.

When he heard him, the people had not responded, and the wood-legged civilians behind him were prepared to watch the war, but they were angry at this time.

This flatness is not ordinary place. It is the platform that the huge pit is buried after the end of the hordeen and the Yuxi Bolt fight.

I don't want to build anything above, but at the end of the battle, after I have to report to the test, it will provide the final stage of the Chinese tolerance.

Here is their wooden shadow, the traces left behind with the horrible enemy, not these cloud bung can be ridiculous.

It is obvious that the soil is not known.

Just he became the hostility of the people in the woods without knowing.

The people didn't answer him in the first time, just watching now, in front of him, those remaining, through the villages of the second phase of assessment.

One more or less brought some injuries, but through the second phase of the assessment, it is still convinced from their face.

Specially in his own disciples, Yisha Water stopped for a while, looked at him to try the way of jumping, and he should know that he should have not used all efforts, waiting for the final stage assessment.

For your own disciples, the people are also spending forever, and the two of him team, the strength is not weak, and there is a strength.

In addition to Unexpell Water, there is still no walnuts, and there is no doubt that the second round is passed.

The eyes of the house also swept the Ninja of the Sichuan Hirace, which was a reminder to remind him. The one has closed his eyes, the skin is white, and he also passed the second round of assessment.

As a ninja, a small hidden village identity, can pass the second round of assessment in this scale, it should be a thing worth proud.

His companions have joy on their faces, but he still faces no expression.

Once again, I saw the familiar feeling of this person again hit the heart, and the people were also special attention to this person.

Remove the attention, look at the soil next to it, and the loess, Luo Same, etc.

The face is slightly rising, and the dust is gently mirtted.

"Naturally, it is impossible to let you hold this last round of assessment this flat, just sorry, because it is too rush, so some things can only be built."

Said that the people slowly slowlypt to Checkla.

Now that the waves and Nara Luojing are very tacit in a step back.

With them, there are all wooden residents who have watched behind, and after a step, the face cannot suppress excitement.

The ninja, which is not far away, seeing this scene.

Only the oranges are also taking the way back to step by step, resulting in the future of the blue, photographing, and the woods of the house, have to take a step back.

I saw that the soda is so decisive, and Luo Same is thinking about what I think, with Magi, I have retired a distance.

In one, there is a loess from rocky village, and have seen the loess of the gods.

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