Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 683

Then there was only a place to stand on the ground, he didn't know why others retired after a distance.

Is there anything in the wild?

When he is still thinking, it is already too late.

Chakra on the house is all running. "Since it feels that it is not good, then now, now, it will come!"


Said, the people directly pressed their hands directly on the ground.


A huge building is directly pulled, and a large number of wood is drawn from the empty ground and keeps aging.

With large wooden branches as the skeleton, small wooden branches, not only very firm, it seems to be very nice.

A large number of Chakra transforms into life energy, perfuse into the wooden branches, letting it are free to grow with what they want, and they want to work.

Wooden residents look at this scene, full of enthusiasm and pride.

This is their noodles, their fourth generation of rigs, their pride, they at this time.

Others are just sighing at this moment, and the soil platform does not have their relaxed, one rising wooden pile makes him have to come back and flicker, otherwise it will be wrapped in the woods for his people.

To know that these woods can be able to inhibit Chekra, which can suppress others, and even absorbiate Chekra, if such a package, it is difficult to come out.

The outermost wall constructed, surrounded all people, and participated in the internal tolerance, it is in the center.

Slowly, rising a platform under the foot of the house, slowly increase, and raised him the highest.

One hand is still placed on the wooden pile in front of him, and the other hand is gently waved toward the people who are watching, and they also rise from their feet.

All things all the things, venues, podium, etc. are completed.

The whole process is not slow, and a total of a total of a total of the third stage battle is completed, all viewers, at this time, under the control of the people, sit in their position one by one.

Just this minute, the soast, but the speed of life and death.

At the end of a minute, he was full of sweating and tired, and he looked at the people on the high platform, and he did not dare to confuse.

While he came, he also looked at him, with a more or less play of his mouth.

"Is this the fourth generation of fire shadow? The first time I saw this scene, it is really amazing.

Did you have such a strong universal relationship between the gods of the relief? "

The oranges controlled by the house is very suitable for this sentence.

However, there is not much person to refute his sentence, because others are more or less have the same idea.

"Wooden, is this really the same ability as other blood suxus?" Now he is also sighing after him.

In fact, the woods and other blood sustainings are indeed different.

In addition to those circulating, such as the Western Eyes of the Yishabo family in addition to those who are circulated in the blood, the day.

It is also like a boiling, dissolution, Chakra, which is normal attribute, is recombined, and finally produced by a special combination.

However, the wood is converted to Chakra into life energy, and then uses life energy to promote plants to quickly and efficiently. This growth mode is the presence of wood.

So, the wood is indeed a big difference with another bloody, and there is a big difference.

Thirty-eighth chapter shocks [ask monthly ticket]

As the people will be completed in the final grounds of the Chinese tolerance.

The third phase of the Chinese tolerance test is also officially started.

As a spike, the water and the wind shadow, the people, the oranges, Luo sand three people are sitting at the top of the viewing station, watching the fight below to participate in this endurance test.

Just now, many people don't have much thoughts and then put their attention on the battle below.

Whether there is anyone who has seen the wood in the past, there is no calmness at this time.

Standing behind the people's body, quietly moving a thumbs up towards the people.

This is also the high-rise of these wooden leaves in the beginning, and give this representative of all countries that bring various minds to participate in the Chinese tolerance.

In the Chinese tolerance, you can only count the young people in the longan life, and there will be more power in the future.

But this is just the future, not now, although it will have a certain impact on negotiations behind the Chinese tolerance, but it is just a little impact, the impact is not very big.

At least, but becoming the key to changing the idea of ​​others.

The hand that the can be exposed can be different, which can be a well-old arena, and can accommodate tens of thousands of viewers at the same time, but they are completed by the construction of the house.

This is not just a visual impact, power pressure, more explanation, and the leaves are not subject to devastating blows, as long as he is willing, the entire wooden village can be fully recovered in a few minutes.

Otherwise, if you really want to build in advance, even if you don't have a house, you have a long preparation time. Is the whole wood still completed such a venue?

It is not to show his abilities and strength to the last time before the negotiations, and produce enough deterrent.

It seems that the results caused at this time are still quite good. This west is responsible for the end of the last negotiations, the hearts of the people, and there have been some touches in the heart.

Especially in the Yunyin Village, which is just equivalent to the death of the dead, the soast.

At this time, he sat in the position and the breathing was not completely calm, and Chakra on his body was also absorbed in a large half.

Under the schematic of the people, the following, the following, finally, the assessment of this third phase is also started.

Nara Lulu is the head of the person, and it is also the final examiner.

After the oranges, followed by the two, the two of the Sasaki, which is sedn, who is in the wood, sitting in the standing point, looking at the middle of all hidden villages to fight.

In addition to analyzing these ability, they give certain prompts before the Ninja in the fog hidden village, is at a critical moment, and save themselves will defeat themselves.

"Sasaki Mu Jun, what do you think of the fourth generation of noodles, how do you have?"

When I was bored, I was still completely recovered from the shock of the house.

The house is lightly glanced, and the eyes are slightly flashing, and there is no expression:

"Very strong, very strong! Not only the quantity of Chakra, or the quality of Chakra is even more controlled by Chakra, almost exceeding some people in the field.

Not only that, the ability of the wood is also very powerful. You look at the Turki of Yun Yin Village. At this time, it is not completely recovered. It is estimated that it consumes a lot of Chakra, and it has absorbed a lot of Chakra by the wood. "

I heard the words, shouted as a beautiful eyes, gently screamed the brown red hair.

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