Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 684

"I didn't expect Sasaki, your observation ability is so careful."

First lamented, continue asking: "So you think, if you are on him, how much can you win?"

The house is slightly turned slightly, looking at her eyes, determined that she is not joking, he asked helplessly: "What do you think, how many things do I have?"

Illuminated did not hear the meaning in the people's words, put a thinking, and finally said:

"If it is my words ... I am afraid ... Isn't it half a job?"

Whether she thinks from that aspect, I feel that I am afraid that there is no more than half a point, this is a gap between comprehensive strength.

However, it is tight, and the eyes of the beauty will look up again, and the wings look at the people.

"But if it is Sasaki's words ..."

"Cough, don't just see his wooden resilience, you still have to see, the eyes in his left eye, if you have not guess, it should be the writing of the Yishabo family, can be reflected in the dark The eyes of scarlet light are undoubtedly written.

Although it is unclear why it is not a hook jade but a windmill, but the strength of him, it is necessary that this is only written in the eyes of three hooks.

Such strength, you have to analyze it. "The people rely on the first time.

I analyze my strength, I didn't disclose my home.

After listening to him, if you think about it, you will be slightly hesitant, you reach out and give a number.

Erete the index finger and the middle finger, the posture of the yeah.

"Two-round, no more, I think Saso Mujun should have two-result, if the water shadow is the words, it should have a 40% of the competition, after all, it is a village's shadow, even if there is a gap, there should be no special Big."

The houseper patted his forehead.

Ok, no matter what to say, it's all myself, and a few more than a variety.

"You won, what is you say, how is it?"

If the people are refuting, he does not refute, but it is really surprised by Meimei.

Originally, there are fewer water, and she feels that she is not able to win, and Sasaki is more than one way.

Now, he is not objected, it doesn't mean that when it is fighting with her, Sasaki is not used.

This is still a little surprised. I didn't expect the strength of the people to be strong than her imagination.

Thinking of this, suddenly I feel that my fogy village, the strength is not so weak.

In addition to the fourth generation of water shadows, there is a strong person such as the people in the fog hidden village.

At the same time, she gradually "understand", I am afraid that the orange is sauce to pull the people directly into the Guying Guard, and there is not much intention.

Although the strength of the guard team captain is not weak, if there is no special opportunity, his upper limit is only like this.

After a while, it may also protect the guard captain.

So as the strength of Sasaki, Zassu, who is beautiful, is a relief, and must be the first to be ahead.

And the captain of the guard team, representing any special meanings, she is clear.

Does it explain that the people have the potential of the fifth generation of water shadows?

After all, the oranges are only young, but in fact his son is getting married.

Thinking here, I suddenly feel that the way in the future, I will definitely take a lot better than before.

" ..." gently smashed his nose.

Looking at her is surprised, I just smiried there, I didn't know what he was smirking.

This is probably a person, I am afraid I will never understand, the other person's self-brain compensation.

It doesn't seem to contact the relationship with this seemingly given by her.

"The mouth is harvested." The people took a slightly ridicule.


When I immediately went to the breath, I was busy with my mouth.

When the sound of the extremely shameful suction water, her face immediately turned a shame, and the redness on his face was more and more obvious.

At the same time, she also realized that this is the people who kisit her joke.

Immediately white him.

This style of the eyes and the eyes of the eyes itself, and the people actually feel that their little heart is not controlled.

The sin is sin, this charming little goblin is completely difficult to have a more temptation than a child.

"Cough ..." The people once again coughed and concealed.

At this time, the beauty is still not like the fifth generation of the fifth generation of water, because she is suffering from marriage, her temper, at this time, she is still a young woman in my own young, there is a spring heart, and it is hidden. After all, she is still a teenage girl who is stupid.

In order to cover your own embarrassment, I will introduce the topic in the venue that is being tried at this time.

"Sasaki, you think these two people, who can win?"

At this point, on the game field in the middle of the field, the test is a priest from sandy village, and it is necessary to pay attention to it from the beginning, that is from the unknown in Chuanyin Village. Ninja.

Saha Yin Village's martial artist controlled his own puppet to launch offense, and that person seems to be uncomfortable at this time, but keep it in the venue.

Every time, it seems like a dangerous episode, but it is just the advantage, it is difficult to see that he is because of strength can be accomplished, or because of luck, every time you can dodge.

"I think, it should be the Sichuan." The people will reply to the way.

"Well? That Sichuan? Do you think Saso Mujun, this Sichuan is hidden in hiding his strength? To know that he is a blind man."

Gently rubbed down, "There is this guess, but from him, there is still a look at the broken clothes, it is hard to determine his true strength.

Just his battle means and method is indeed very familiar, this is to see.

It is the case that it is so surprising that a combat experience is not a very good person, but it can go now, then only one possibility, his own strength is very strong, just dragged his legs, this leads to He hopes that every battle can continue to have a long time, so that he can give him more practical experience.

However, a person who has no combat experience, how do you have this strength now?

I am very curious about this. "

I heard the people's analysis and observed that the other's time, the beauty suddenly found it. This Sichuan's movement has become more and more skilled, and the attack is also more and more coherent, and there is no one of the kind of wolf.

Then, her eyes have surprised, turned to look at the people, "this Sichuan ... will not fight experience before participating in this to endure the exam?"

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