Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 685

Do he have to give yourself a combat experience through this tentative exam?

Is there such a genius in this world? "

The people slowly shake their heads, "I am afraid, it is not his genius, but because his own strength is already strong enough, this is also the guarantee that he dares to do."

Said, he is slightly in the top of the highest stage, sitting in the middle of our own body.

It seems to be noticed that his sight is to look at him, and it is also found that he only knows how to understand it.

Since I have discovered my own body, then I am relieved when you spade the division of nisjui.

He said, now it is just a difference, there is not much.

His action is not eye-catching, so there is no attention to anyone.

"This time the tentative exam actually hides this kind of person? What do you want to do in Chuanyin Village?"

At this time, this white-eyed Chuan Sichuan is already the Ninja, which is currently the last remaining small Yin Village.

He insisted on the first in the first part of the five hidden villages to participate in the present, and the Sichuan Hobei Village is proud.

In fact, there are many person in charge of Xiaobin Village, they are also clear, this truly protagonist of the Chinese tolerance is to endure these big hidden villages, they just come to spend, meaning to give the wooden leaves, no, no It is necessary to force.

However, this white-eyed Sichuan is some expects that exceed most people.

And see him, it is estimated that it can continue.

To know, in order to make this tentative exam soon, let the people will follow the negotiations expected, Nara Luli is on the lottery, and it is also moving some hands and feet.

Try to make a few rounds of people with a relatively weak person, then the strength is relatively strong, and it is as best as possible.

"It's not just him, there are more or less, and there are so many strong people, can't be underestimated."

"What you said is that the wooden leaves are gently open, and the instant is very fast, is the little ghost called Yuxi Woshi?" Asked by Meime.

I got her, "I am a little ghost. Do you think you have a lot of age? But he is also an important competitor of the top name of this."

I heard the words, I was angry with the beauty of the beauty. "I am not big enough to be big enough." I am not big enough? "

His: "..."

This gimmick is really a bit for what I want.

The people have an absolute reason to believe that I am afraid she lasts the last time she is wet, so she began to have a righteousness.

This makes him as a man's dignity?

If you want to mind, the people are still always turning their heads, gently rubbing their nose, lesting.

"Okay, you are big, okay? You are the biggest."

Looking at the trace of embarrassment on the face of the face, and then she never seen the blush, according to the beauty of the beauty, but it turned out a victory smile.

Even, holding a boxing a pair of victories.

"Then you think, our foggy village will not be ignorant, bubble or just become a thunderous knife, the teeth, the talents of the ninja Lin Yuyu, who have the opportunity to defeat him?"

Removing the topic again.

The people are sinking, and I said:

"I am afraid that it is difficult to play the silent murder, and it is difficult to play a role in front of the write-wheel eye, and he is proud of the speed, and is also slightly in the instant surgery of Yuxi Water.

Although the foam is the column of the sixth tail, he controls the strength of the six tails or is relatively weak, and it does not play a good effect in actual combat, and as long as the control of the writing wheel is relatively large, it can be up to a certain extent. Tail beast.

As soon as it is, Lin Yuyu is profitable, although it is known as the genius Raytar, but can also attack the other party, but also to see their actual strength and combat experience.

I heard that this Unexpell water is now the fourth generation of noodles in the woods, and is deeply heavy. "

I heard the words, I gave him a blind eye. "You are rising, you are rising, and you will die."

For the beautiful white eyes, the people think that they should be immune.

Shrick: "I am just the truth."

To be honest, in fact, this time to endure the exam, the wooden leaves really can take a lot of hardships, of which Yisi Wave is the best.

And before, the people told him that he must win his head.

And the water is obviously not a person who will disappoint him.

I really want to speak variables, I am afraid that the name is from Chuanyin Village, but I don't know the true ability to endure, it is the biggest variable in this.

Time is a quick lapse between the people and the Mi Ming.

The tailbear exam is gradually close to the end.

At this time, the rest of each of the tentative exams is a fatigue, or more or less.

At this stage, it is the first time to take the first time this time.

The final battle should not be ended in such a state, and every insistence on the now, to restore enough physical strength to present more exciting battles.

And from the heads of the major hidden villages, the reasonable views see that they don't choose to leave, because they have to help their hidden villages to collected their intelligence.

After this rest, I can get a good grade in the final decisive battle for a few days.

Just when the people on the entire watching stage, they are still ready to leave, but they are suddenly fallen.


A huge explosion has taken a huge explosion from the distance of the fellow, the center area of ​​the field.

Then, it is the roar of the two three.

Everyone has a change.

The house suddenly stood up, and Chakra spurred on his body, and the woods made by his own Chakra were actually broken because of this powerful Chakra wave.

The sharp eyes glanced on the audience, especially in the person in charge of the big hidden village.

People who have been swept away from the eyes of the people have changed, and they feel that the whole body is stiff. The sweat roots are erected, on the back, instantly secrete rich sweat instantly.

Such a deterrent, but it is more horrible than the start of this isna.

At this time, there is no doubt that people hit by the people who are hit by the shackles of Chakra fluctuations, such as wave wind gates, such as the fourth generation of wind shadow.


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