Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 703

At the beginning of the second generation of fire, you went to Yun Yin Village to sign the alliance. The differences have suffered innocent disasters.

You know, the second generation of rigorous shadows, but with a hard work, he repeated four hidden villages on the siege of the leaves.

That is, the ................... ...,

Since the next time, the people are so refuted, and the Turkai understands that the people must be in the pressure of this other hidden villages and the unlicenses of the leaves, to force them to give them a certain benefit of Yun Yin Village.

"The fourth generation of fire, you said, what do you want?

We Yun Yin Village is a good molecule. If you really want to make a truly excessive condition, I have no power to decide, and I think, with the temper of our fourth generation Lei Ying, it will not agree . "

The Turkai gave up, directly let the people make conditions, see that Yun Yin Village can accept it.

"I don't want to go around you, I only have one condition, don't you have much benefits, don't give you how much money, I only need a commitment." The people reached a finger, the expression looks some serious.

"What is your commitment?" Santai Shen Sheng.

"I need your fourth generation of Lei Ying, Yunyin Village, promised me, will let Yun Yin Village in the future, helping me to coexue our common enemies, and when I propose this condition, he can't be opposed."

I heard the inexplicable condition of the people, don't say it is a sun, many people in this conference is a glimpse.

"What does this mean? A common enemy?"

The people don't know how to explain, even if he is not sure that this common enemy will still appear, but it is true that this condition is always true.

"Yes, a common enemy of our entire endure, if you don't think this is an enemy, you can deny the requirements I propose."

The sun is slowly low.

If you say this, this active is still in the hands of their Yunyin Village.

Regardless of what is required, as long as they disagree, then they have not given anything like.

This is also the reason for other people in the conference room.

This is completely the initiative to give Yun Yun Village.

Just they don't know, now as long as the people are willing, they can destroy Yun Yin Village, the reason is not that, it is hope that when you may appear in the future, you can have a few helpers.

"If you just like this, then I can represent our Lei Ying people to promise your conditions for your conditions." The Tower directly promised, he was afraid that he would wait for the people to react, there was not so good to talk.

Only the loess exposed a disappointment expression.

Soon, under the schematic of the people, Nara Luli will take a rectification, and I will take a few more than the conventionally planned contract.

Everyone is in the conference room and signs these alliances and cooperation.

When you leave, you will take a few mouthfuls of gas, and if you have lost the land, you don't know if you are regrettable or fortunate.

It is also the moment of everyone who left the conference room, officially announced the end of the third endurance war.

Chapter 318 Contract

"Four generations of wind shadows, you will go back, don't go for a month, I will definitely go to you."

The wooden door, the people will give these more people who are ready to return to the ninja and these shadows.

The sound that only two people can hear is said to Luo Same.

This time, Luo Sand is a face, and it is also a good sincerity.

Several shadows in Sandy Village may make decisions against wooden leaves, that is because the original wooden leaves have a thousand hand and the Yuxi Bouvet that is comparable to it.

Therefore, after the death of the killer and the Sui Zhibo spheres, they immediately jointly launched the first, second endurance battles.

Nowadays, the wooden leaves seem to have returned to the time when the Warring States period has just ended, and the wooden leaves are proud of the strength of the entire endurance.

Although others may feel that he is the fourth generation of sandy villages, even if it is not as good as the people, it should be able to compete for one or two.

However, he only knows, now the strength of the people is not what he can resist now.

Looking at him for so long, I have seen the house so many times, but never dare to look at the eyes of the people.

This is this, you can see the gap between him and the people.

So after he became a vertical body, the first thing to do is to form alliances with the wood, which is not his weak, but because he is clear, now this endurance has gone to enter the wooden leaves or enter the house. Human era.

This is the era of new tolerance.

"No problem, just hope that the four generations of fire should not forget this thing." Luo Sand nodded.

Turning with Maji and a sand, the sand that came to participate in the test, leaving the wooden leaves, along the way to escort the Ninja on the way, to ensure that they can safely leave the fire, will not be in fire Excessive stay in China.

After the team of sandy village leaving, the people went to the front of the orange.

Although the orange is completely in his control, it is still going to do.

"The fourth generation of water, this time is not our first time, I believe it is not the last time, I hope that our wooden leaves can always maintain friendly relations with your foggy village.

This handle is originally a double knife, ,

May our friendship last! "

Said, the people reach out.

"Friendship forever."

The orange is nodded, so he saved the double knife, Sasaki, who gave it to the body, and smiled and shrewd out and the people gently.

Through this time, the leaves and fog villages will have a long time, and it is estimated that the friendship period of decades is not estimated.

At the same time, the people also supplemented a large number of pupils in the oranges of the orange.

The fog hidden village is also left.

This time, it is destined to be a new beginning in the foggy village. After reading the bustling of the wood, these mistlements will certainly work harder to develop fogy villages.

As for the remaining rocky village loess, Yun Yin Village, there is no wind shadow and the water shadow so good, after all, the identity is different.

Have these people, return to the office.

I met the land and the ninja face all the way.

The official end of the third endurance war, the inner endurance test wood, and because the powerful strength of the people gives an absolute sense, all the residents of the entire wooden leaves feel very safe.

Now, I will say hello respectfully.

Just in such a special busy, the people returned to the fire office, and there were a few people waiting for him here.

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