Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 704


A green small vest that is wearing a wooden leaf, behind a short knife is placed behind, and at the end of the short knife, it is engraved with a group fan that represents the Yisi Bo.

Seeing him, there is a smile on his face.

"Water, finally became a connotation, and successfully helped the teacher to win the first place in this tolerance, this is very good!"

At this time, he really felt that there is a top genius-level student, what is a feeling.

"It is a teacher to teach."

After the water, the mouth is open, and the erythrics will finish his big nose and laugh happily.

Although he has always been able to listen to praise, he will feel very happy every time, because his teacher is not someone else, the top of the top, the top of the whole, the patriarchal, the fourth generation of fire!

The reluctant shot his shoulders, continued: "Is there anything you want? As long as you reasonably, the teacher will satisfy you."

I heard the people said that Yishiwei is a little embarrassed to laugh.

" ..."

Seeing him, the people know that he is definitely what thoughts.

This is still relatively rare in Yuxi Wave.

"Tell me."

The character of the water is relatively outward, unlike Yishe, even if he really wants anything, if he doesn't look, he will never say.

"Teacher ... is this ... You have said to me with me last time, waiting for our strength, you can have a psychic cat belonging to our own, ... ..."

I looked at him with my big nose, and she really felt poor for his nose.

"I understand."

Said, the people bite the finger.


A body pattern is about two people with high giant blue gray drums appearing in the office.

"People among people!"

I originally still looked a little lazy huge blue cat. After seeing the people summoned it, immediately stood straight and shouted.

But with his movements, the whole body is shameful.

The people know its personality, but the water is still can't stand it.

In his impression, he had seen the cat in the house of the people, no matter how big the body is, it is a very cute look, and this blue gray fat cat in front of him has huge. difference.

But this is a cat, it is a bit can't stand, and I feel that the three views of the cat are all subvert.

At the same time, after the blue cat appeared, from the chest of the people, the cat leap out of a life ratio of two tail, which was the small two tail.

See the second tail, blue cat eyes are bright, "also journey!"

The people put their hands and touched their hands on the back of the small second.

Nowadays, I have been accustomed to the stroke of the people, and immediately reveal intoxicated look.

Truely presented, not just a cat will be addicted, even if it is being smashed, it will be addicted.

It is only zero and countless times.

The small second is directly sitting on the house, and the lower head will enjoy it, but also stick to the tongue slowly lick the hair on his paw.

"Blue fat, don't discontinue, take the reel."

The people who saw the blue graphic fat cat or a look of do not know, immediately didn't say good luck.

The name of this cat is called a blue fat man. It is said that it was the name of the small blue, it was not understanding, and it was very acceptable. Nowadays have been used to habits, even if they want to change, they can't change it.

"Good, everyone!"

Said that the Blue fat child is like a person, sitting on the ground, reaching out of the paw, looking for a rich hair on his body.

The Sucho Water on the side is to reveal a somewhat grunge, stiff expression.

The people saw this look, after thinking about it, I understand that he at the moment, smiled and asked:

"What happened? Water?"

I heard the problem of the people, and the water dried and shook his head and didn't speak.

Until he looked up, he saw that the people looked at him, he hesitatedly and asked: "Teacher ... You won't let it become my spirit beast?"

The people have not answered yet, the blue fat man is looking for something in her abdomen white soft and dense hair suddenly stops, and looks to Yuxi Woshi.

"I think you can't look down on me? I can't afford my blue fat man?"

"No, no, I don't mean this ..." Swing in the water.

In fact, he doesn't look at the blue fat man, and it can be seen in this way, think it is not an ordinary cat.

Just ... For this type of cat, he can't control it.

"You just mean, I am stasify, I can do this little child?" The blue fat son stood up, and the limbs were volleyed on the ground and slowly close to Yishe Water.

Strike shrugged, "Just, but I have to give you an advice, the strength of the water, can be comparable to the shoulder."

The blue fat man is nauseated, but it will be recovered soon, "I have to bear anything ... As long as it is not a shadow level, I am not afraid."

Said, a face fiercely moving the limbs and came to the front of Yuxi Wave.

It's just its fierce model, in the view of Unexpello Soil, there is no more deterrent.

However, from the footsteps of the front and rear, it can still be seen, it is slightly sore.

Finally, it stopped in front of Yuxi Woshi, and smashed him. "My blue fat man is born to now, in addition to a few adults, I am not afraid of who, today you can't afford me, you can't afford us. Ethnic groups, I can't afford to create the people of this ethnic group and the adults.

Even if others promise, my blue fat man is absolutely not promised! "

Yischo stopped the water and smiled and put his hand: "No, the blue fat man, I don't mean this, I hope you can ..."

"Don't talk! This Liangzi has already turned today! I told you that no one can stop me today!" Blue fat son.

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