Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart of the 250th chapter

The moment, the moment, the feet, raised a smoke, the body rushed to the heart with the speed of ordinary people.

Dynamic vision bonus from the heart of the heart, seeing the action of ghosts.

Because of the problem of body type, he is very powerful, relatively speed, but relies on excellent reactions, or in the shortest time, it will respond.

I saw his body slightly, and the right fist directly hooked. Before the ghost fist and the body, he hit his arms and put his fist.

However, from the end of the year, he lowered the power of ghosts. Although his fist, Ling Hao's boxing is still painful.

Ghosts have some unexpected results for their first attack, but the excitement in the eyes is more strong.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to close, the other hand instantly attacked the lower abdomen from the heart.

Coping from the same way, the left hand goes down, playing on the other's wrist, and resolving the other party.

This is a move that he has explored in the process of taking Sasuke.

Sasuke's movement speed is faster than him, so it is used to disturb the unclear method, the small range move, through the smallest action, interrupt the other party's offensive.

Sasuke's speed is better than the ghost, so you can contact his fist with your palm every time.

At that time, I was still very attached to this called "Trunk," and then was spit into "picking up".

However, the action of ghosts is much more fast, with the speed of the heart, can't just stop in front of the other party's fists, and the other's strength is more than a big cut from the heart, even if the front is blocked, more than half will be Smash.

So directly changed from the heart to attack the arms of the opponent, interrupt the other's offensive.

This became a genuine "trunk".

Of course, this will not be able to compare with Mr. Li Xiaolong, after people cut the other party's fists, then they can counterattack back, but from the heart, it is not good, the speed and strength of the ghosts are completely rolling level, from the heart If you can increase the power on your fist with a multiplication, even if you can't bring the other party's fist.

This is the case, and there are still many punches on the body. Fortunately, the boxing is quite a lot, plus the efficiency of his recent absorption vitality has improved a lot, and the body has a lot of life, and the restoration is fast.

So although it is in a division, it is not enough for a while.

On the side of the Yuxi Pub, I can't help but shake my head.

"I didn't have this little ghost for so long, I really unexpectedly." I don't have some accidents.

I don't have a call, he doesn't have to take the head, but he doesn't play all the strength because the ghosts did not take the head. He naturally can see it.

He shook his head because he saw it. It is very skinless from the heart to write the eyes. At present, we will only fight through powerful dynamic vision, do not know how to integrate with illusion in battle, otherwise, the form of attack and defensive It will be turned.

But just speaking, I have been DISS, and he is now completely unsatisfactory.

At the same time, he also thought of Sasuke that should have never graduated: "Ninja without Yuxi Bowl personally guided, Sasuke should not be better in writing the wheel eye! This is good, the strength is weak, and Anan is active. Not bad down. "


At this time, the two sides of the war were retired, and the ghosts took the wrist, and she came from the heart. It was obvious that the two were not very good.

It turned out that the insights from the heart of the heart, every cut, the hit is the same position of the ghost wrist, every time it is too strong, but accumulating, the injury is not less.

Just now, he keen observed that the ghosts had some obvious slow wrists, so he turned into a block. When he was called, he directly bombarded the past. This collision, directly take the pain of the ghosts. .

Of course, you have no fish from your heart, because you have done in this boxing, you don't take into account the right hand of ghosts.

If the belly is trusted, it is estimated to be ignored directly.

But from the heart of the heart, there is no hurt the bones, and the two will be restored. If this punch is on the chest, the three or two ribs are broken, and it will be able to recover for a while.

Instead, it is a ghost, left hand wrist, although it has been reset, but it can't attack it in a short half.

Not enough wrist injuries, make the battle flames in the ghosts, the more powerful, the big voice: "Well, I have to do it"

Said high jump, single-hand print:

Explosive water shift.

Chapter 233 by Bai Bai

Explosive shower:

Ejects huge amounts of salvation from the enemy to the ground.

Even if the impact wave, the enemy is estimated to die.

It is said that this trick has an upgraded version, called the big blasting, more water, and wrapped people in the mouth of the water, then ghost into sharks, soaring, two attacks.

It's just that the ghosts are only the base version.

However, this is the case, from the heart or depressed

The behavior of the ghosts suddenly changing the operation of the combat routine made him very uncomfortable.

The air in the air is too big, saying that the water of the lake is exaggerated, but there are absolutely four or five pools so much. This is to be on the head, absolutely no good fruit.

The big water turned to the moment, the cover area exceeded the round ten meters, and ordinary avoidance was obviously too late.

But this is hard to fall.

"I didn't expect this to use this trick so soon." I thought together, from my heart disappeared from my original, and I had already separated from a shadow covered with water waves.

"Is this, instant surgery?" No more unbelievable.

Yis Zhi Puboi also opened his eyes in the first time. He didn't see how suddenly appeared from the heart.

Then his line of sight fell on a footprint that had just left.

Footprints are not unstoppable, unameter is the symbol of the "one" word type of the footprint center.

Note that after this symbol, the followed the memory to the other sides, and found more than ten "one" character symbols.

It turned out that when the heart started at the beginning of the battle, the fourth shadow was again divided into four fits.

After the start of the battle, four fits did not have the meaning of the former help, and have been walking nearby, and the footprints are covered with hundreds of meters.

Then leave a symbol every few meters.

This is the symbol of the fly thunder.

Because it is released, it is very concealed, and the traces of the symbol are also very light. If you can't attract everyone, if you suddenly become transiently, you will have a sudden appearance in another place, and you will not write the eyes. Find these styles.

"Is it a four generations of flying thunder."

I have experienced three battles, I naturally know the prestigious name of the four generations of golden flash, and even see the four generations of flying thunder.

"It turned out to be like this?" After the beginning of the head, he suddenly understood all the behaviors of the heart, and he suddenly understood all his plans.

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