Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass chapter 251

"We can't escape in the first time, there is a transient moment of flying thunders, he wants to run, you can always, then the purpose of his left is naturally obvious. Do you want to get our organization's intention! Interest? The mouth of the mouth does not help but there is no smile.

I don't want to see his expression, some strange, continue to ask: "Do you see it?"

When you shake, you shake your head, say: "Should be an instant, continue to see, ghosts are estimated to have trouble."

The water waves have ended, and the ground has been rushed out of a huge circular puddle with more than three hundred square meters, and the depth of the middle is seven or eight meters.

The ghost falls on the water and looks at the two thirty-ten meters away from the heart, and the look is a bit dignified. He didn't see how to escape from the heart.

Therefore, the explosion shift is displayed by half, and he is overlooked by him.

If this is not the case, the area of ​​the puddle can be extended twice.

It is also a pity from the heart, and the marker in the dark is in the dark, and it is rushed to seven zero eight. Originally he intended to use these marks before leaving these marks, but now not only destroyed more, but also exposes the ability to transient in advance, and then we want to sneak almost impossible.

In this case, he is not intended to be delayed again, otherwise it is not good, and if it is controlled, then it is finished.

I looked at it, jumped to try the ghost, from the corner of my heart, then waved, the big channel: "Bai"

Then the next moment, the figure directly disappeared in the original place, and then four shadows were allocated into a caver.

The ghost shark eye search, it seems that you want to find a trace from your heart, but in addition to the trees and Fujiman without a trace.

Pudi flew to the high altitude and the vision is more open, but did not see the figure of the heart.

The japonicity is not going to go, go to the ghost, said: "Don't find it, you should run away"

Said to stop in front of a flying thunder, kneel down, carefully view.

The ghosts jumped from the water, and the head was also lowered to the ground along the point of view, and then asked inadvertently: "How to run?"

: "Do you know that the four generations of fire?"

I don't want to say: "Are you saying flying thunders? How is it possible, I heard that since the four generations of fire, no one has learned this to help."

: "I am afraid that now, I haven't guess the wrong way, this symbol is the fly-free martial art."

Ghosts don't understand: "How can it be so simple, isn't it a horizontal?"

"I didn't shake the head:" I didn't break the way to practice the way. Therefore, I don't know what characteristics of the flying thunder's degree. The four generations of the four generations were quite complicated, and this is completely different. "

No more, "How do you determine this is the mark of Fei Leizhen?"

: "There are still a lot of this marker. If you look at the volatility of Chakra, if you are not the marker of Fei Leizhen, I totally can't think of other possibilities. Just now he avoids your water At that time, you also see it. "

I don't want to take a way: "If it is flying, why not flee directly."

: "If I guess, his flying thunder has not been cultivated to the extent to the four generations, you carefully look at these markers, with Chakra's lapse, it is slowly dissipated. So I think, he did not The method makes a long-term mark, so it can only be temporarily manufactured. "

Everyone is a smart person, talk about it here, natural everyone understands the meaning of the mean.

"So, he is giving an eye-catching score to delay the time! It is really unexpected." Ghost couldn't help but feel: "I just started to find that he lurked at the time, how did you think that it would be like this, but Seniors, what should we do below, is it going to chase? "

Shake and shakes: "No, according to time, leave from the shadow to now have more than 20 minutes, according to the rush of the ninja, no consumption, at this time, the farthest may have reached a few dozens of miles And the shadow is a four-sized, even if there is no clear direction. "

The ghost nodded: "Since this is the case, do we follow the plan, do you go?"

I nodded, and I thought about a concealed in the forest, and then I would like to go forward.

It's all right, and the body from the heart is already in the country, the native of the fire.

After landing, he did not forget to use the spiritual surgery will summon it too much.

Chapter 234 Dragon Cave Call

Woody village.

Nightning office.

The three generations of fire shadow came from the heart, suddenly disappeared from the heart, did not feel anything wrong, thinking that this child is a small temper, directly disbanding his shadow.

Although some don't respect the old man, getting along more than ten days, the three generations have roughly clear the spleen of heart.

This child seems to be non-tone, in fact, there is a very bit of mind, the work ability is also very strong, and the task assigned to him will be completed soon. The only thing that is not good is to like a drum, which makes him couldn't help but think of his favorite disciple, big snake pill. The big snake pill is also a talent, but also likes to kick. Just later, I was busy working, negligent, and made him astray.

Now another talented child, come to him, three generations decided, must give him more care (brainwashing), let him really inherit the will of fire, to make up for the regret that I left on the big snake pill .

Therefore, the first time, from the first time that disappears, the three generations did not mind except some of the headaches.

In the evening, when I report work from my heart, I have more educated, I mean it.

But what did he didn't expect that when it was in the evening, it was originally scheduled to return to report every day, and the guys who had a will of the fire did not come.

Then he sent someone, went to the family, and the wooden hospital and the meat Q were found, but the dark sides returned to all said that people were found.

At this time, the three generations feel that the problem is somewhat wrong.

Carefully recall the status when disappearing, brow, wrinkle: "He said half of the way suddenly disappeared, so I thought he was the same as before, it was unpubged, but I thought about it, he was clear. If there is anything else, I suddenly disappeared, it is very likely that the body encounters something danger. Instead I thought the little temper. "

Yes, the three generations of this time I thought that the one who disappeared at noon was shaped.

"This child has always likes to homes at home to kick the so-called chip, basically will not leave the village, and you can take a person who will take a person in the village in the village, it is absolutely not so easy. Unless This person knows the information of this child and finds the weakness of the flying thunder. "

I thought here, an old friend's figure suddenly appeared in his mind: "Remember more than a month, the steel iron is reported to me, and the group has been privately contacted from the heart. I hope that I think more. "

Three generations of fire picked up the microphone on the table, and then on a button, said the sentence made Kakasi to see me, and hang up the phone. This phone is from the heart, and it has been improved on the original call of Huang Shadow, and the computer is controlled, replacing manual transfer. Now there is a call in each office building in the Office building, informing people, no hand, no need to run a small door to the door.

The work of the errand is to join the first job of the secret, and then I have this.

"Is lazy? Is it really possible to move forward?" I thought of speaking from my heart, the three generations couldn't help but silently.

Just after the three generations suddenly lost from the heart, the parties of the event were in a small town that came to the border of the fire of the fire in the fire.

He did not hurry back to the village. For ten days, he was bombed in the three generations of a large-scale language. If it was not a bombing of the network information, it would be true that it will be fooled by the three generations.

It's hard to leave the village because you will leave the village alone, and it's rare to clean it, he naturally delays a little time.

However, although the real people don't go back, he also sent a movie to the way to the village of the wooden leaf. At the same time, he also came to this seaside town.

This small town was originally a war period. After the country of anti-water, after the war, it gradually developed into a medium-scale town. He became an important port town, and the location is more important than Wuyi Town.

From the heart here, it is not a play, but because there is a special set of information here, it is possible to return the information back to the village within one day.

Although he wants to steal a lazy, he also knows that if he really disappears, I am afraid I will go out. In case, if it is treated as a rebell, then wanted, finally being brushed by the Naruto Team, it is big.

So the first time report, it is still necessary.

I have been doing more than a dozen days of fire assistants, and there are most of the majestic points of the mites in the city. He is also known, and some of the cuttings are very clear.

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