Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden God-Level Role Interchange System Chapter 106

"This is the breath of the child, you have to see Yizhi Pub?"

The big snake pill returned to normal, and the royal hand washed red beans. Although she was the apprentice of the big snake pill, every time the big snake pill is too angry, it will still feel special fear.

"Yes, I ... I just felt very special, so I went once again."

The big snake pill is lifted, and the light: "What is the result?"

Royal hand washed red bean face, although she knew she was still the body, because the design of this world would not have a man to have a relationship, but she knows her red print on her body, including wet clothes must be a stinky boy. Unnecessary relationship.

But how she can't think of it, all this is a kitten on her body, and the active episode is caused.

"The result is very surprised. He is a small age, and it has a high prestige in Uzhibo, and has also organized a Galaxy Guards for more than 30 people ..."

The big snake pill did not speak, and the Royal hand washed more red beans. He nature has already understood.

The special performance at the four-generation rigging in the four-generation rigging, not only shocked the high-rise of other hidden villages, and of course, it also made the Sub-hiding and big snake pills.

'The child's talents are too high. After a generation of fire and Yizhiwa sputum, the wooden village has never had a talented child. '

Everyone came from his body, almost the birth of the legendary nintee.

"And his IQ is very high."

Royal hand washing red beans to tell themselves. "He is a small age, the idea is clear, and the knowledge is profound. He also knows how to explore people's hearts. He can accurately calculate the reason why I am going to find him. This Urshi is the most terrible one in the children I have ever seen."

Although this child is so beautiful, I know how horror is in the in-depth understanding.

If this child is teens, twenties, there is now IQ, everyone is not surprising, it is what he is only less than 5 years old.

After listening to the big snake pill, he suddenly walked over, dismantling the courier, unpacking the clothes of the red bean, and there is some red bodies on her smooth body, not a wretched man left, and some like this is forcibly holding Some things, that is struggling to escape.

The royal hand washed red face was very red. She knew that her teacher is a metamorphosis, but this metamorphosis is not a man's good color, but a metamorphosis of science and biological research.

From a small time, the Royal hand washed red beans often looked by the big snake pill. She currently had a lot of snake, but it was not simple tolerance. There is also a part of the genetically modified.

This trick in the original drama is only related to the Big Snake Pill, and the outsiders will not learn.

Although I know that the big snake pill has never washed her to wash the red bean as a woman, in the eyes of the teacher, she is only a senior experiment, which will not have some side effects, belonging to the success or semi-successful research results to do experiments.

However, this is shameful by the big snake pills, and the Royal hand washed red beans or feel very shameful.

The big snake pill is also shakes the clothes of the red bean, and the chin who is playing with the red bean, saying something means deep.

"Red Beans, you are brought big, you are different from me, I can kill many children without knowing, alone, never put special dangerous experiments, or unsuccessful genes Injection your body. "

"So, it is not a talent, but it is very special for me. Do you understand?"

I don't know if it is the illusion of the red bean. She actually saw a trace of hit from the cold eyes of the Teachers.

His things, no people touch.

Although there are very few descriptions of the big snake pills and royal hands to wash the red beans, many big snake pills are very miserable, or they are not ghostless people who are being tortured, or they are not very good, but they are hard to wash red beans. In addition to the curse of the sky, Big Snake Pill (even Mr. Ma Lu is only the curse of the land) The curse of the day is only Sasuke and Royal hand washing red beans. The royal hand washing red beans. The sky is not awkward. Leave this, except that he left the second place outside the red bean, there is no doubt that the big snake will have special feelings for this apprentice.

And the royal hand washed red beans in the original drama.


The Royal Hand Washing Red Beans, I don't know, it is the head of my head: "The big snake pills, I will definitely protect my body, never let the outsider touch, the child is not."

The big snake pill did not speak, he left.


This night, she did a nightmare, the dream of the big snake pill made a very blushing thing, her teenage girl didn't refuse, and she was dedicated to dedication, she never regard himself as a big snake The apprentice of the pill, because she qualified mediocrity, is destined to have perfectly inherited the jacket of the big snake.

The big snake pills have always been her god. I don't know that the Ninja of the big snake may feel that he is a madman, neuropathy, but the royal hand washing red beans, in the field of biological sciences, anyone in the whole world can't compare the big snake pill.

In the dream, she dreamed that she had a shame of myself and the big snake pill.

However, when the spring dream is over, the moment turned a nightmare -

The big snake pills in the dream, turned out to write the eyes. It turned out that he turned out that the Magic Piphen is so evil. His smile is so evil, so that the Royal hand washing red beans feels that he has become a small dragon. At the time of Yang, the result was the case of Zhi Zhiyanfei ... The feeling is simply vomiting blood.


The royal hand washed the red bean tip, and it was directly awakened from the nightmare. She sat up, her face was pale, her body was sweat, and even her hair was wet on the cheek.

"But this is a dream, scared me, scare me ..."

Royal hand washed red beans to pat your chest, it is hard to calm, and it is really growing up. I have never doing this dream. Even if I dream of the big snake pill, I also work together in the laboratory ...

'This is because Urshi Pubty is the little fart, can be evil, you don't have a long quicker, so that I am so embarrassed in my dreams, you give me waiting, I am not two. '

Chapter 95 Some Hearts

After washing red beans, I didn't think that the dark house was actually waiting for her.

"You go to the Yuxi Woshi's Urcho House?"

"Yes, big snake pills."

Royal Hand Washing Red Beans This time, it is a bit nervous, as if there is a feeling of being a thief.

"And I said to say your feelings."

The big snake pill rushed straight theme, so that he was interested in nature is that.

Royal hand washing red beans and said all the one hundred and 10 you know.


In the dark, the face of the big snake pills could not see, but his voice was full of cold taste: "After the study in my hand, I will take him with him."

The royal hand washed red beans, instinct, she didn't want the big snake pill to hurt him.

"But he is a long son, or the disciple of four generations of fire."

The big snake pill came over, he smiled and said: "What is it? Red beans, as my disciple, your eyes are still too small. After a while, it should be the birthday feast of the child, let him live after the birth, I will take myself, and I have to see why this child does not have to be in general children. "

After that, the big snake pill is left.




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