Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Level Role Interchange System Chapter 107

Say something, let's talk!

Mosquito should spit hard, really, mosquito pressure is really too big, and it is difficult to suffer.

Is this year!

Mosquito is realized: there is no reason, it is really hard, it is too difficult.

This number started to write novels earliest, except this, there are still many small numbers at that time, I don't know how much it is written until 14 years, "I have an empire".

Among them, it is difficult to describe it.

I don't know how the author of this mediocrity to spicy chicken persisted, maybe it is not good to listen to the book to write the story to the office teacher: You don't work now, what do you want to do?

At that time, there was a embarrassment for the future, saying that I have to be a novelist!

(wry smile)

One, for more than ten years, for dreams, when the dream is in the present, there is not a few enthusiasm, there is only one of them to be obsessed with and unwilling.

"Crossing the Turned" This is, which allows mosquitoes to see hope for the first time, there are more than 50 collections in the first night, more than 30 tickets for more than 30 days.

Later, I can't write, and a good brand is tibia.

Because this title may be very good, even if there is not recommended, there are 20 ~ 30 collections every day, this is a hope.

Later, there is still a few old readers who have left the mosquitoes, mosquitoes are dying in order to walk the left, the sword is in front, and the book is blocked.

Mosquitoes spend 3 months, after reading the entire Naruto, putting 1 million novels, and overwhered over again.

Why is there a chapter of the novel in this novel, in addition to the mosquito consciousness, I want to write the story about the story, it is to make a trick, and have been revised, but I still have been in the past 3 months (I haven't been full of full, smile).

"The heroine" is coming out, the mosquito is ecstatic, and the fascinating joy is especially hard to make mosquitoes. Ten thousand words are updated every day, and the results are also slow.

But after the late stage, it may still be written, and the results began to go back.

Not recommended for a few months, only one thousand months left, but mosquitoes still plan to write to 1 million words, mosquitoes know that they are not talent, and mosquitoes are really stupid.

I can only write, I have been writing, I have been writing.

[The new "heroine" I dare to guarantee that there is no violation in it.

But this time is blocked, the reason is probably not written.

Heart such as death!

But the next day, the mosquitoes put the previous idea of ​​this "wooden god-level role interchange system", it is very difficult to get up, this title is really difficult (it is estimated that now is uncomfortable and painful is the title of this book)

This title is really a bit! !

It's miserable to describe it!

Mosquito self-consideration of writing skills, and narrative paving, rhythm, character portray, and gold finger settings have improved.

There is even the choice of theme, however, the facts have proven.

Mosquito is still a spicy chicken without a skill. This book is poor, and the mosquitoes are written every time, the heart is 10,000 people want to give up.

Especially this male protagonist is still so happy, the author is so painful, that is hard to describe.

However, each chapter wrote about 300 words, the mosquitoes feel feeling, I feel very interesting, the protagonist is very smart, and I have written it naturally.

Thoughts are a bit messy, you listen to me to continue.

This book, in fact, it has already risen when the collection of 500, almost zero collection every day, maybe it's a humble self-respect for so many years, let the mosquitoes rushed ...

That's right, now the novel shows the honor of the novel, all the mosquitoes brush it out at the starting point, and then truly collections every day, the mood, hey, he is exhausted.

The purpose of this, just want to have a new reader passing, there are 1,000 collections, although it is also miserable, there is always 500 collections compared to hundreds of thousands of words (bitter)

At present, 900 collections are displayed in the background, but mosquitoes know that the real collection is still only 500.

In a few votes every day, mosquitoes know that the book friends who really read more will not exceed 10, is it very bad (bitter laugh)

This book collects, the reasoning tickets are poor, and it is not as good as the first found for the first book in 2009.

[In this case, the mosquito is grateful to the reader of this book, as well as the mosquito, really want to thank]

Signing, it may be a very simple matter for the old author, but the author of this very bad pad is still very sacred.

In any case, this book, this story is written.

(It is actually because the mosquitoes are not confident, because it is completely doubtful, and the confused, there are several ideas for opening new books, but it is written, if it is not more than it is still?)

Yes, the mosquitoes are still small, do not dare to try.

Mainly because there is no ability!

There is no ability to be my sins.

Water spitting here, in fact, there is still no end, the reason why it will say so much, because there is another last straw that crashes to crash.

Tomorrow's novel is going to get it (about 12 o'clock), but the chapter updated at noon today, but it was sealed.


Now that mosquitoes seem to be stunned, I actually violate it.

The mood is mixed, and it is difficult to describe it.

I have repeatedly watching this chapter today, it is really a bit problem, it may be that the mosquito is blunted, it is a bit overline.

(I started to be self-doubting, I was blocked once again, why is it not remember?)

Is it a waste!

That's right, mosquito is a waste, and the mood is in a self-doubt.

In fact, there are still a lot of stress from the novel. It is not sold here because it is really miserable. I am not willing to take it out, I am afraid that I can't afford it. Write a novel, although the enthusiasm of dreams is almost alive, but suddenly, this career is still the favorite occupation of mosquitoes.

Yes, write the novel this industry, is a mosquito like, no one.

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