Zong Shen left the "Dream Chaser" tavern neatly and neatly.

Ella and Heya were left looking at his figure walking towards the street with complicated expressions.

Before walking out of the street, Heya suddenly chased after him.

In her hand she held a parchment.

"Zong...Zong Shen!"

Hearing her call, Zong Shen slowly stopped and turned around.

"Here, this parchment!"

"This is a gift from Ella and I to you!"

Heya said urgently, with some expectation and desire in her eyes.

Zong Shen glanced at the parchment in confusion, looked up into Heya's eyes, and asked casually.


"Yes, you saved our lives!"

"This parchment contains information about the great nobles and wealthy merchants in the city."

"Including those slave traders."

"Everyone who can be recorded on this parchment is a wealthy person with a net worth of tens of millions of dinars."

"We don't have the power to plunder, but you do."

"Your territory needs development, and no amount of dinars is too much."

This thick parchment roll is imprinted with magical aura.

I guess it is considered a secret even in the eyes of the elves of Lentax.

This is the key information that Elf Eyes has been digging deep into and painstakingly searching for in this city.

Not enough Zong Shen but felt a little embarrassed.

What he lacks most is information.

If he wanted to, Zong Shen could pick out all three generations of wealthy merchants and nobles in the city.

Robbery is indeed the most efficient way to plunder wealth.

These nobles and wealthy businessmen are one of the sources of capital, and robbing them can yield a lot of wealth.

But there was no point in doing so. His purpose in coming to the giant city of Lentax was to get the entire city, not just rob someone.

However, this parchment is one of the few gifts that Ella and Heya can give.

For them, this is a very valuable gift.

There has been a saying in China since ancient times, which is "it is light on etiquette but heavy on affection".

As long as the gift is a sincere gift from the other party, it should not be measured purely by monetary value.

Zong Shen naturally understood this and accepted the gift with a smile.

Seeing him reaching out and taking the parchment, Heya also showed a heartfelt smile.

"I understand, thank you for your gift."

"As I said before, if you have any difficulties, you can contact me."

"If the crystal numbered 00001 cannot be connected, it means that I am thousands of kilometers away."

"You can ride the hippogryph directly to my territory, or contact the crystal numbered 00007."

Taking the opportunity to explain things again, Zong Shen waved to Heya, and the two parted ways.

Heya nodded gently, and she did not return to the "Dream Chaser" pub until Zong Shen disappeared from sight.

"He...he's gone..."

Ella, who had always had a lively personality, seemed a little depressed at the moment.

Her tone was filled with indescribable frustration.

Hearing his words, Heya nodded blankly.

"Yes, he's gone."

After finishing speaking, Heya picked up the fruit wine in the glass and drank it in one gulp.

"At least he bought us a drink."

"This is a rare good temper among humans."

She was more relieved than Ella.

The two women are very aware of the situation in the Elven Eye of the giant city of Lentax.

Not only the Prophet of Green, but other compatriots are also overshadowed by hatred.

Including Ella and Heya themselves.

If it weren't for feeling the long-lost kindness in Zong Shen and seeing the strength he showed.

They will never trust a human easily.

And any human who tries to show favor to the Elf Eyes will do so unless there is a chance.

Otherwise, they will basically be forced back by the hostility shown by the Elf Eyes.

Faced with the request of the Prophet of Greenfield to share the general output of the Azshara mining area.

Zong Shen is considered a good person with excellent psychological quality even if he doesn't get angry.

Moreover, the two women also understood that what Zong Shen said was not wrong.

All minerals are gifts from the earth, and they are by no means the exclusive wealth of a certain ethnic group.

Even the ancient Azshara Elf ancestors had developed there.

But after all, it has been abandoned for thousands of years.

This place is now the territory of the Kingdom of Avalon.

Elf Eyes has no right to ask Zong Shen to share the minerals there.

This is also the dilemma faced by many Elf Eye organizations currently.

They can neither obtain resources through trade nor have the ability to use force to conquer.

The most embarrassing thing is when both civil and military paths fail.

After drinking all the wine in their glasses, Ella and Heya also stood up and left the "Dream Chaser" pub.

The [Communication Crystal] left by Zong Shen is still kept by Heya.

Although they were not determined to abandon their compatriots, Zong still succeeded in planting a seed in the hearts of the two girls.

When the time comes, the seed will sprout.

The next morning.

Zong Shen had a good sleep and restarted [Quantum Furnace Core (Mid-level Demigod Level)].

As his strength improved, he increasingly felt that sleep was of irreplaceable importance.

Although the effect of [Infinite Energy] is very pleasant, it is still not as satisfying as having a nice meal, taking a bath, and then sleeping with Tasia's delicate body in your arms after a day of running around.

Sleep can not only restore physical strength, but also heal the mind and spirit.

Zong Shen stretched out and stroked his hands restlessly in the quilt.

This caused Tasia, who was snoozing, to wake up too, and it soon became flooded.


Tasia's face turned red and she whispered hello to Zong Shen.

The morning exercises that followed became a matter of course.

The kitten girl Yin Lina was awakened by the gentle movement and hid in her room without daring to show her face.

She became increasingly shy and curious.

As a brand new individual created by the lord system with its endless creative power.

Even comparing Yin Lina to a blank sheet of paper is definitely not an exaggeration.

Therefore, when facing matters between men and women, they will be more cautious and curious.

But instinct cannot be faked. Whenever Tasia's voice becomes louder, Yin Liya always feels hot in her lower abdomen and an inexplicable impulse emerges, but she doesn't know how to deal with it.

In other words, although Zong Shen did not deliberately train her.

But Yin Lina was subtly affected.

After finishing his morning exercises, Zong Shen exhaled a sigh of relief.

His body became stronger and stronger, even having to hold back most of his strength.

The muscles all over his body are like the perfect work of a sculptor, with a unique charm.

This is a sign of life's leap towards transcendence.

He raised his head, not a trace of sweat spilling from his body.

Theoretically speaking, he has long been separated from the category of ordinary people.

When power is accumulated to the extreme, it will bring about the transformation and evolution of life.

This is also the level of power contained in the magical world of martial arts.

If the earth is a world without or with little demons, then the Endless Continent is a world with medium to high demons.

The same is true for the progression of power, from ordinary people to low-level demons, then to medium-level demons, until reaching legends, contacting extraordinary realms, and even getting a glimpse of gods and demigods.

This is the gradual evolution of the power level and the life level.

Lying in bed, he didn't want to get up today.

The time has come to around eight o'clock in the morning.

I don’t know if Xiao Heizi and England are back.

But speaking of it, with that guy Xiao Heizi in charge, there is no need to worry about anything happening.

There are not many guys in this huge city who can suppress Xiao Heizi.

It is not an ordinary legendary strongman, but a serious pure-blooded dragon.

This is a plus.

So Zong Shen didn't bother to care about the two libertines.

There are still about three days left until the competitive meeting is held.

Zong Shen felt a little empty, and for a while he didn't know what to do.

He held the lovable little Tasia in one hand, and with the other hand he took out the parchment given to him by Ella and Hera, spread it out and read it.

Soon he found the name of [Count Les Kazan] in the row of slave trader leaders.

For some reason, Zong Shen was particularly interested in slave traders.

This should be because the slave merchants' method of robbing people is somewhat similar to that of the lords, but it is more rough and direct than the lords.

As for Lais Kazan, he seems to be the one who mainly targets the Elf Eyes in the city.

It has three slave-catching teams stationed abroad, most of which have been sent to the Kingdom of Nord at this time.

Any area where there is a war will attract the attention of slave traders from all walks of life.

They are like sharks smelling something fishy.

In addition to the slave trade, spring halls and casinos were also the main businesses of Count Lyce.

Including the [Red Charm Spring Pavilion] which he had destroyed in one fell swoop.

Speaking of which, there are still many people detained in his [captive space].

Among them, those [female branch girls] from [Red Charming Spring Pavilion] accounted for the majority.

"This is a lucky coincidence."

Zong Shen narrowed his eyes.

Earl Lys rarely did anything directly in the giant city.

His most important force was embodied in the slave-catching team.

And his slave-catching team is active in the outside world all year round.

The giant city of Lentax is more like a place for him to retire.

It happened that Zong Shen was idle and bored, and he couldn't find anything to do in the city.

It's not like Xiao Heizi and England who can have fun casually.

As for doing other things, he has no interest at all.

After all, his target is the entire giant city.

But he didn't want to just lie down and spend these three days.

So after much thought, he decided to find trouble with Count Les Kazan.

Make some extra money by the way.

You can never have too many dinars.

And since the sieges of [Red Charm Spring Pavilion] and [Hot Springs God] are all related to him.

Then someone from Zong will definitely take action to find a place.

You can also take a look at the first circle and get a manor to stay.

In addition, this information also shows that Count Rais Kazan and the chief of the security army are close friends.

They have had a friendship for many years.

With the assistance of the strategy module, Zong Shen was able to basically confirm that most of the intelligence information on this parchment was accurate.

After making the decision, Zong Shen stood up and put on his armor and stomach.

Tasia lay lazily on the bed, and the two girls were the most relaxed.

Zong Shen never needed help when fighting in the city.

Travel light and do what you say.

It is also more convenient when running.

He left tens of thousands of dinars as pocket money.

He told the two girls not to go too far and left the room.

Go to the suite opposite.

Karan Bebeka and Karan Sirir woke up early.

When his sister opened the door for him, the two women had already put on their newly purchased light armor and scimitars.

Compared with those with higher attributes

"Good morning."

The two sisters greeted him in a half-familiar Common Tongue.

Zong Shen nodded and pointed to the room opposite.

"Tasia and Yin Lina live there."

"You can join them today."

Zong Shen had already told Tasia and Yin Lina about the matter of the two Karan sisters.

Four women and one drama, but now everyone is within the constraints of the lord's framework and should be able to live in harmony.

Kitten Girl and Tasia are both very capable in actual combat, and the gap in strength between the two is not obvious.

As long as you have proper contact, you will get along very happily.

After Zong Shen finished explaining, Shi Shiran went downstairs.

If we act quickly enough, everyone will be able to live in the manor in the first circle tonight.

When he came to the door of the hotel, he suddenly saw Xiao Heizi and England sitting on the steps.

The two guys were arm-in-arm, each holding a bottle of wine in their hands.

He looked like a young man just waking up from a hangover on the street.

Even the physically powerful Xiao Heizi looked drunk.

This shows that this guy is letting alcohol numb his brain.

Zong Shen stood behind them, raised his foot and lightly kicked Xiao Heizi.

Xiao Heizi, who was humming an unknown song, suddenly turned around.

When he saw it was Zong Shen, he immediately sobered up.

He was controllably drunk, while England was truly drunk.

"Oh, look at you."

"Come with me today, let's go fight."

Zong Shen shook his head and ordered to Xiao Heizi.

When the owner spoke, it naturally didn't hesitate and quickly threw away the bottle and stood up to salute.

Then Zong Shen pointed at England.

"Take him back to the room first."

Xiao Heizi carried England on his shoulders with one hand.


"I...I still want to drink..."

"Oh...damn...don't touch my waist. Do you like men?"

England twisted his body and spoke vague drunken words.

Zong Shen looked at the backs of the two walking upstairs and shook his head again.

Half an hour later, they were already on the carriage heading to the first circle.

There are "tickets" there as well as in the second circle.

And the cost of entering the city is as high as 500 dinars.

That's a lot of money in the city, and a high bar.

Moreover, there is a curfew in the first circle, and outsiders are not allowed to spend the night there unless they have a place to stay.

This is also a manifestation of the class system in the city.

As for the core area, no one is allowed to enter unless invited by the marquis and alderman.

It is precisely based on this system that the several circles in the giant city of Lentax appear distinct.

After making trouble in the second circle, Zong Shen finally extended his "magic hand" to the first circle!

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