The city walls in the first circle are taller and thicker than those in the second circle.

The defense looks amazing!

The closer to the core layer, the city's defense strength continues to increase.

In fact, the total area of ​​the first circle, including the core area, is only slightly larger than that of an ordinary city.

If the giant city is compared to a huge cream cake.

Then the first layer is the center of the cake, where the real essence lies.

And the core area is the "peak" of it.

The closer you go to the center, the towers seem to become taller and thicker, and there are more arrow towers and sentry towers standing there.

Even the garrison nearby started at the fourth level, and the leaders were even sixth-level experts.

In addition, there are more spellcaster formations in the team, such as Avalon's signature Dragon Mage, and a mixed team composed of mages from various elemental systems.

On average, twenty teams of infantry will be paired with three teams of cavalry, two of which are light cavalry. Their main focus is mobility and they are equipped with curved bows and shields and swords.

There is also a group of heavy armored lancers composed of serious Redbud Knights or Dragonborn Knights.

Then every forty teams will be paired with a mixed caster team.

There are also medical camps dedicated to treating the wounded.

And this is just the rapid reaction force stationed near the first circle.

The entire giant city's million-level army must have complete armaments and troop configurations.

Only in the magical world can there be such a huge city that can support so many soldiers.

Magic is productivity is not an empty statement.

What he saw and heard after arriving in the giant city gave Zong Shen an eye-opening feeling.

Previously, he had been trying to enter and measure the different world of Endless Continent with the vision and knowledge of Earth.

But later he understood that the magical world and the earth were still very different.

It is even more impossible to simply and crudely use the Western Medieval-level standards of Earth to directly substitute.

After all, this is a magical world with legendary strongmen and extraordinary power.

Not to mention being a legend, any level 4 or 5 strength warrior can lift tons of weight.

It's just that Zong Shen and the others have integrated into this system, so they don't feel out of place and can adapt perfectly.

But the actual lords have changed subtly.

The continuous tempering and changes of their bodies, strength, elemental induction, etc., all allowed them to say goodbye to their past selves.

Today's Zong Shen can kill one hundred and eighty of his original selves with one punch.

Only from a magical and extraordinary perspective can we have a profound understanding of the world, including its extended civilization system and changes in productivity.

Riding in the carriage, Zong Shen lifted the curtains and looked thoughtfully at the first circle of city walls that were advancing more and more.

Xiao Heizi didn't think much about it. There was a smell of alcohol on his body.

Although the effects of drunkenness can be ignored, there is no time to clean up the odor on your body.

Spending is a bottomless pit, and there is never a so-called upper limit.

Zong Shen was also helpless when faced with England who spent as much as he wanted.

He was not going to give England any more money, and was urging him to join the Territory tonight.

To be honest, Zong Shen was so kind to him that he somewhat missed the friendship he had as a "friend".

In terms of actual value, England, a hero with purple rare qualifications, is just like that.

If there was a golden epic qualification, someone from Zong might take a few more glances.

So those tens of thousands of dinars and the life-saving grace can be regarded as paying for the past friendship.

In the future, that boy will not have such a chance to squander.

Zong Shen was extremely kind and righteous to him.

As for Xiao Heizi, it doesn't matter.

After all, its contribution is here, let alone the old dragon-level combat power of the ancestral bloodline.

Even the volumes it brought back were of immeasurable value.

At present, those ethnic groups are still being resettled.

Every ethnic group needs a large living space.

Originally, Zong Shen also had a [Random Dragonborn Scroll Clan Refuge Order (Gold)], but he did not use it immediately because of the placement issue.

Anyway, the recruitment order won't go away, so it doesn't matter if you use it later or earlier.

Let Xiao Heizi go to the jungle first, and after arranging the attributes brought back by the jungle, it is too late to use the surrender order.

The meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and hasty recruitment will only cause unnecessary confusion.

The Dragonborn is not an easy guy to get along with.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen shook his head and got rid of those fancy thoughts and ideas in his mind.

He was so greedy for this city, but he always felt that there were still many poorly planned places in it.

He plans to wait until he returns this time to arrange for Mariel, Hao Yin and other internal affairs heroes to take turns inspecting and visiting the giant city of Lentax.

Everyone worked together to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of this city's planning.

Take the essence and discard the dross and use it in the construction of the territory itself.

The carriage came to a stop outside the city gate somewhere in the first circle.

Normally, the carriages in the outer circle are only delivered to the door, unless the employer is willing to pay an extra 500 dinars, but this is unnecessary because there are paid short-distance space transmission nodes available in the first circle.

There are also specialized light horses.

In addition, the scope of the first circle is much smaller than that of the second and third circles.

The difficulty and time required to pass are greatly reduced.

After paying the city entry fee totaling 1,000 dinars, Zong Shen and Xiao Heizi walked into the city along the first circle of dozens of meters long towers.

The barriers between circles are so great that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a city of its own.

The width of the tower reaches sixty or seventy meters, which makes the corridor into the city particularly deep.

The air flow "whooshed" from afar, and the sound of wind noise was ringing in my ears.

There are not many people entering the city, and if nothing happens, no one will pay this unjust amount of money to come to the first circle.

But when they walked out of the tower, the scene in front of them suddenly became clear.


There was no loud shouting, and the air became much fresher.

The crisp chirping of birds echoed in my ears.

The road underfoot is neat and smooth.

The surrounding buildings have all been strengthened with runes, and the exterior walls have been painted, greatly improving their appearance.

Zong Shen looked around and saw that from the perspective of a lord, the buildings in the first circle all started at least at the third level.

Class represents the quality of the building, which is what originally applied to Lord's buildings.

In fact, there are similar standards in Aboriginal architecture.

There is not much garbage on the hard stone roadside, and there is no trace of feces.

You must know that in the second and third circles, even though there are excrement pickers and sewage sewers, excrement can still be seen everywhere, including human excrement, cow dung, horse dung, and various poultry dung.

Walking casually into the alley, the smell of defecation fills the tip of your nose.

There are no greening measures to speak of in the urban area.

Just crowding, busyness and endless noise.

But the first circle is different.

Zong Shen actually felt "empty" here.

Neat grounds, clean and regular houses, and flower beds and tree beds surrounded by red bricks can be seen from time to time on the roadside. The air is filled with the fresh smell of green plants.

Those who didn’t know it thought they were in a fairy tale town.

In fact, this is the real core of the giant city of Lentax and the source of wealth.

The wealth circulating in the hands of the nobles and wealthy merchants living here accounts for almost 60% of the entire city.

This is also the result of magical productivity curbing the budding capital.

On Earth, when capitalism sprouted, the concentration of wealth even reached over 95%.

No matter what, whoever can control the first circle will control most of the huge city.

This may be an exaggeration, but it is actually true.

In this place that looks like a fairy tale town, who would have thought that it is the core of the giant city?

This situation made Zong Shen couldn't help but think of the four words "return to nature".

Unexpectedly, the closer to the core of the giant city, the farther away from the busyness and noise.

If you stand by the tower on the first circle and look towards the center, you can see the towering castle in the distance, as well as the defense matrix surrounding the core area.

Twelve four-cornered towers with a height of 100 meters form the nodes, connecting the last tower and surrounding the castle.

The towers in the core area finally broke the law that the walls get taller toward the center.

There are large open spaces and gardens around the castle, which alone occupies a large area of ​​land.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zong Shen led Xiao Heizi along the street.

Near the tower, there is a blank space of about two to three hundred meters.

That area will be blocked by the tower during part of the day, so there is not enough lighting.

Therefore, it was converted into an auxiliary barracks and sentry point for the first circle.

It can be regarded as a supplementary part of the defense node.

Zong Shen was not in a hurry to look for Count Lys Kazan's manor at this time.

He was going to take a walk around the first circle.

There are many manors and small castle-like mansions in this circle.

But there are also commercial streets.

But the specifications are relatively high-end.

For example, high-end clothing stores, dessert shops, bakeries, pubs, restaurants, etc.

There is no smoke and fire here, and there are very noisy blacksmith shops and tailor shops.

There are no workshops, just shops that sell finished products directly.

Pedestrians walking on the street were all dressed in exquisite brocade clothes and had shiny hairstyles.

There were also ladies and maidens wearing whalebone-lined and lace-trimmed skirts.

The accompanying servants followed closely behind.

Even the carriages passing by on the road are more exquisite, many of them are decorated with fine gold and mithril.

There are even runes shining on the surface.

One of these carriages blessed with magic runes is worth dozens or hundreds of ordinary carriages.

Although there is no science and technology in Endless Continent, runes can achieve similar effects.

For example, making the interior of the carriage warm in winter and cool in summer.

In addition, it can enhance defense capabilities and increase movement speed.

All of the above are applications and changes brought about by magic energy and rune technology.

In the first circle, which is like a garden, you can also see towers rising from the ground.

However, these towers have all been beautified in appearance, or painted with exquisite oil paintings, or planted with ivy.

What stands out is a green circle.

What makes Zong Shen most satisfied is that there is no feces on the ground here.

This is rare in Aboriginal cities.

It seems that the nobles are not fools, and they still understand the importance of having a beautiful environment within the living area.

"Wow, it's nice here!"

"It's just too dry."

Xiao Heizi said in amazement.

It wasn't too shocking, because the black dragon preferred the swamp of Sticky Lake.

But although it is an out-and-out pure-blood true dragon, it is a true dragon with little knowledge.

Like Zong Shen, it was the first time he came back to the giant city.

The two masters and servants felt somewhat like mountain people entering the city for the first time.

After walking along this voucher street for a while, they saw at least five or six groups of garrison patrols passing by.

The sense of security is simply overwhelming.

This is also a patrol density that outer urban areas can never achieve.

Because there are not that many manpower.

After all, the second and third circles are really too big. To achieve high-frequency patrols, at least millions of people must be deployed.

These are also words of experience.

Zong Shen was not prepared to increase the territory's urban population to such a large scale.

The lord has to deal with crises at any time, so the fighting population of his territory will never be too small.

At least it will reach a 50-50 ratio, that is, 1:1 between fighting and working population.

This ratio is actually very uneven for a city.

But there is no way, the lord is so unscientific.

After walking around for a while, Zong Shen lost interest.

He simply activated the strategy module and directly targeted the location of Earl Lais's manor.

In case the guy wasn't at home, he also specifically mapped out the count's immediate location.

I have to say that Zong Shen was lucky, the earl happened to be in the manor.

This will make it easier for Mr. Zong and Xiao Heizi to do it all at once.

"Ah sneeze!"

Lying on the luxurious bed, Earl Leith sneezed.

The butler who was waiting beside him immediately handed over a handkerchief.

At this moment he was eating breakfast leaning against the bed.

On the huge bed, his friends were lying around.

The maid brought breakfast and slowly fed it to him.

Whenever the Earl of Leith took a bite of bread, the young maid would spread some yogurt or jam on the bread, and then put it on for the Earl to enjoy.

"Today's bacon was too cooked."

"Tell the kitchen and prepare to appear at the slave auction next time if you don't do it right!"

Earl Leith took a sip of the sweet and sour jam and complained to the butler dissatisfied.

The butler, whose temples were slightly gray, bowed slightly. His expression was calm and he hid the disgust in his eyes well.

After breakfast, the housekeeper went downstairs to get the freshly extracted [Dragon Root Potion].

This stuff is extracted from a special herb called [Dragon Root Grass].

After taking it, you can become energetic and make up for the shortfall caused by long days of hard work.

This is also a necessary potion for most nobles in the city.

Each bottle sells for thousands of dinars.

After taking the potion, Earl Leith put on a silk pajamas feeling refreshed.

He patted them, and the female companions went downstairs feebly to eat and play with him later.

Earl of Lace was going to take a swim in the small lake in the manor.

At this time of year and temperature, it wouldn’t be too pleasant to take a swim after breakfast.

The life of aristocrats is so simple and unpretentious.

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