Keep that piece of godhead.

This thing is considered a treasure for the lords at the current stage.

Being able to quickly reach the demigod level would definitely drive most lords crazy.

You must know that there is an advancement threshold for the demigod level, and you need to have a certain understanding of the rules to take this step.

It's not like previous levels where you can advance naturally once your attributes are in place.

False Demon Lilia's normal [agility] attribute has reached a standard comparable to that of a demigod-level junior.

But because of the lack of understanding of the rules, he was unable to become a true demigod-level powerhouse.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the Three Extremes Church deliberately suppressed it.

After all, she is an "artificial creature".

After gathering his thoughts, Zong Shen raised his hand and took out the third ball of light.

As the halo covering the outside quickly dissipated, a particle of light wrapped in it was revealed.

This particle of light was very agile, fluttering in front of Zong Shen.

Then it suddenly bloomed and turned into a dazzling star map.

"This is…?"

Zong Shen immediately narrowed his eyes.

There are hundreds of shining points on this star map.

One of the points is particularly bright and dazzling.

In addition, there is a place marked with an asterisk on the border of the star chart.

When Zong Shen stared, a line of writing appeared next to the two marks.

[Unknown void coordinates]

[The Lost Trial Sequence World—Endless Continent, No. 0719]

In addition, there is an eye-catching title above the entire star map.

"The Twenty-Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Generation Masterless Realm Star Map IX"

There is no doubt that this star chart is extremely informative!

It represents part of the situation beyond the dimensional world of the Endless Continent.

Zong Shen focused on the star mark points, which are the dimensional worlds that exist around the Endless Continent.

However, since the dimensional world moves slowly, the star map needs to be updated at regular intervals.

This star map should only expand for a short period of time, because it collapsed again soon after, returning to a spatial singularity and floating in Zong Shen's hands.

"So, the star map just now was just a temporary version?"

Zong Shen understood clearly and guessed that this was probably a good thing done by that old boy Alpha.

It gave him a preliminary glimpse into a higher-level world.

Dimensions are like particles, and everything becomes even smaller.

If one cannot transcend dimensions, all efforts seem to be in vain.

Even if he becomes a dominant king or even a powerful overlord who conquers the continent, he will eventually disappear in time.


Zong Shen roughly understood Alpha’s intention.

After a sudden glimpse, all the past will become nothing more than this.

After seeing the vast sea of ​​stars and the boundless realm, who would want to stay in this three-acre land?

But what is Alpha’s intention of hinting like this?

Is it possible that when the development reaches a certain level in the future, the lord will face some kind of choice, or is he worried that he will not have enough stamina and will just sink into a comfortable mainland rich man?

Questions came one after another in my mind.

Zong Shen didn't dwell on this issue for too long. He thought he was still a bit ambitious.

He will keep going.

Until there is no other way to go.

At that point, the choice before him would be simple.

Either stop here, or break through the shackles in one go.

For now, that future is far away.

Shaking his head slightly, he lowered his head and stared at the particle of light floating in his palm.

Not long after, golden subtitles appeared.

[Unknown void coordinates (unknown)]

[Quality: unknown]

[Guide to an unknown void coordinate somewhere, and there is an old friend waiting for you to go to this coordinate]

(We are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, but not in person if not destined to meet each other)

When you can break the dimensional barrier and travel through the star world, take out this coordinate and it will guide you.

However, this guide still recommends that you be cautious in your words and actions)

"Is there an old friend waiting for me?"

"This should be talking about Alpha..."

Zong Shen thought about it in his heart.

Alpha is really full of tricks.

Judging from the notes given in the strategy module, there is a threshold for stimulating this coordinate to go to the corresponding location.

Not just any cat or dog can break through dimensional barriers and travel across the stars.

As far as Zong Shen knew, one must be at least half-god level to be qualified to travel in the star world.

And it is best to be above the mid-level demigod level.

To be on the safe side, Zong Shen didn't plan to wander around the star realm until he completely conquered the continent.

Anyway, he still has two opportunities to explore the [Ruins of Cross-Dimensional Civilization].

One is Yuelan Country, the hometown of Tiezhu and other initial farmers.

The other is a martial arts world called Zhenwu Kingdom.

Even if Zong Shen wants to explore different dimensions, he will give priority to these two exploration opportunities.

Instead of blindly breaking into the star realm, this would do him no good at all.

Put away [Unknown Void Coordinates (Unknown)] with your backhand.

He then looked at the fourth ball of light.

After the light ball was punctured, it immediately turned into a white light and sank into his body.

[Obtained: Special title [God of War] × 1]

The title reward does not have a physical entity, and it enters the body directly after the acceptance is triggered.

Zong Shen opened his personal attribute list and quickly found this option in the [Special Title] column.

[Special title: Fighting God]

[Passive effect: Fighting Gods (When fighting against gods, you can get 5% of the final attack damage bonus for demigods, 10% for weak gods, 15% for medium gods, and 20% for powerful gods according to the opponent's level, and it is permanent. Reduce the divine power level suppression effect by 50%)

It’s endless fun (when fighting divine creatures or gods, you can obtain temporary all-attribute gains at different levels, with a low level of 40 points, a middle level of 60 points, and a high level of 80 points for demigods, and a low level of 240 points and a middle level of 360 points for weak gods) , the high level is 680 points, the medium level is 900 points, the middle level is 1200 points, the high level is 1600 points, the powerful god is at the initial level 2800 points, the middle level is 4200 points, the high level is 6000 points, lasts for 30 minutes, the effect cannot be superimposed)]

[The only active skill: 50/50 between me and the gods (activate the target whose energy level does not exceed the powerful god, add the attributes of both parties, and then divide the divisors equally, and redistribute them into their respective attributes, lasting 12 hours)]

[After reaching LV70, you can use this title to get a chance to enter the edge area of ​​the ancient tomb of the gods in the star world]

(It’s endless fun to fight with gods, either become a god or kill a god)

This title is quite interesting.

The final notes on the strategy module also seem to have something to say.

"Is there any other way besides the path of the gods?"

Zong Shen couldn't help but think about this.

He seemed to have entered some misunderstandings that were restricted by rules and regulations.

Is it true that power upgrading cannot bypass the path of understanding the rules, realizing divinity, and condensing godhead?

No, real power is never so rigid.

Frowning, Zong Shen's doubts became more intense.

But he didn't think deeply about this issue.

It's better to just let nature take its course for these things.

Being too ambitious will do a lot of harm and no good.

Be it a divine path or a new unknown path.

As long as you can keep getting stronger and seek opportunities to break away from the shackles, that's all.

From a practical point of view, the title [God of Fighting] is still very powerful.

When dealing with enemies of demigod level and above, you can get extra damage.

Especially after Zong Shen's own strength level also increased.

The effect of [God of War] will become more powerful.

Even if you fight against demigods or gods of the same level, you will still have an advantage.

In addition, this title also allows him to obtain temporary all-attribute buffs.

Let’s not say whether this attribute gain can help him turn things around in battle, but it is still an extra boost.

At critical moments, we can also narrow the gap and expand our advantages.

Finally, there are the necessary "copies" for most high-level titles.

After Zong Shen reaches LV70, he can get a chance to enter the edge area of ​​the ancient tomb of the gods in the star world by virtue of the title of [God of Fighting].

This means that the location of the title "copy" is in the star realm.

The ancient tomb of the gods, as the name suggests, is the tomb of the gods.

Even the fringe areas must contain many opportunities and treasures.

It's worth exploring.

After knowing it well, Zong Shen dispersed the details of the [Title].

He directly reached out and took the fifth light ball reward.

As the ball of light was released by touch, there was actually a cup of steaming coffee inside.

Zong Shen noticed this strange reward item long before accepting the mission.

This was also the reward that intrigued him the most.

Looking at the steaming coffee in my hand, the rich bitter aroma dances in my nose.

Zong Shen was looking into coffee, and he wanted to see what this cup of coffee was all about.

【Coffee (Special)】

[Quality: Special]

[Coffee beans cultivated in the Kingdom of God are carefully dried, roasted and ground to extract the most essential coffee powder, which is then brewed in the divine spring between flowers]

[After drinking, you can get a large amount of attribute enhancement]

[Effect: All attributes +500 points, maximum health value +10,000 points]

[Remarks: I’ll buy you a drink]

(The ingredients used in this cup of coffee have already destined it to be extraordinary.

You can drink Xiao Zongzi with confidence. It has no side effects and is just a pure benefit.

The handy work of a powerful person in a high position is a supreme gift to all living beings in the material world.

So what else can be said?

Work hard! Become the Supreme Lord and you will see more exciting scenery

This guide is with you)

"Well, it's just welfare..."

"Still a greeting from the boss?"

Zong Shen was holding the coffee, without any reason to refuse to drink it.

The differences in levels and energy levels make such a gap inevitable.

Taking a gentle sip, the smooth taste echoed in the mouthpiece.

There is a slight bitter taste at first, followed by a dense and mellow aftertaste.

He actually doesn't like drinking coffee and is a complete layman on this drink.

But the taste of this cup of coffee still made him feel very comfortable.

Without tasting it carefully, he simply raised his neck and drank it all in one gulp, drinking it as boldly as Lao Baigan.


He let out a loud burp full of mellow smell.

A prompt to obtain a gain appeared in front of Zong Shen's eyes.

【Drinking coffee (special)】

[All attributes are increased by 500 points, and the upper limit of health is increased by 10,000 points]

The indescribable comfort made Zong Shen couldn't help but stretch.

After drinking this cup of coffee from the Kingdom of God, he felt that his whole body was full of strength.

It's not an illusion, but a kind of feedback produced by real attribute enhancement.

Opening the [Personal List], all attributes have indeed changed.

【Power: 3547】

[Agility: 1972]

【Intelligence: 2069】

【Charm: 1907】

[HP: 31452+1500 (Magic Thunder Breast Mirror) + 5000 (Kard Medical Gem) + 2000 (Ace Emblem) + 3000 (Whistle of All Souls Bowing)]

[Command value: 3020+1500 (ace emblem)]

This cup significantly improved his normal attributes.

Even the basic health value has climbed to more than 30,000 points!

There is only more than 3,000 points left to master the 35,000 basic health points required to master the non-teachable skill [God Descends to Earth].

Once he masters [God Descends to Earth], Zong Shen will have one more powerful trump card.

No matter what medicine is contained in Alpha's gourd.

This cup of [coffee (special)] still makes Zong Shen very satisfied.

Now there is still the last light ball that is the mission reward in front of him.

After slowly breaking it open, what was revealed was part of some kind of large emblem.

Looking at the outline above, it is clear that it is a map.

Marked lines of mountains and rivers snake across the fragments of the emblem.

The whole thing is only as big as a palm, and the edges are extremely irregular.

He is not unfamiliar with this thing, because it is not the first time he has obtained it.

It's the fragment of Kingdom Hearts.

There are 84 fragments in total, divided into seven groups, and each group is numbered from I to IX.

There is no difference in the fragments themselves, only the serial number.

As long as the fragments with corresponding serial numbers are collected, Kingdom Hearts can be pieced together.

Obtaining the Kingdom Hearts emblem will give you the authority to establish the kingdom.

In other words, there will be seven kingdoms in the entire continent.

If Zong Shen can collect all 84 fragments, he will probably become the so-called overlord of the mainland.

And the collection of fragments is also very particular. If you can get two fragments with the same serial number, it means that one group may not be able to collect them all.

From a pure collection perspective, the earlier you get the fragments, the greater your advantage will be in the future.

Currently, the number of Kingdom Hearts fragments released is not large.

Except for the one in his hand and the one he got earlier.

There are currently only three fragments in the entire Endless Continent, and the remaining one is in the hands of a certain lord in the Kingdom of Swadia.

Zong Shen weighed the fragments in his hands and looked at its information.

【Kingdom Hearts Fragments III (Unknown)】

[Quality: unknown]

[One of the precious Kingdom Hearts fragments. Collect all the fragments with appropriate serial numbers to piece together a special item (Kingdom Hearts)]

[Kingdom Hearts: Nation-building props recognized by the will of the continent and the supreme rules]

[Only by obtaining Kingdom Hearts can a country be formally established, and the lord authority upgraded, and then the authority of the true king controlled]

(One of the fragments of the special prop Kingdom Hearts Emblem, an essential prop for establishing the kingdom)

Pick up the pieces.

At this point, Zong Shen has checked out all the rewards from the Alpha mission.

Regardless, it's a nice bonus.

It can make him stronger!

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