Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1208: The Great Wave, Banner Rewards and Destiny Parts

After checking the rewards of the mission.

Next it's time to check out the rewards given by the two platinum banners.

This operation against the giant city of Lentax not only made Zong Shen see his current limit.

And it also allowed him to make a lot of money from a series of events.

As for the frozen giant city below, it will also become his possession later.

Taking a deep breath, Zong Shen stood up, stood on the ice dome and looked in all directions.

The apostles and believers of the Calamity Raven Church have been awed by the [Raven Divine Will Jade (Special)].

Under the supervision of Nightmare Khamis, a circular front was formed to completely clear out the third circle that had become a ruin.

By the way, drive away those lords who try to fight against the autumn wind.

All the heretical knights were dispatched to pursue the caravans and farmers who had fled the city.

To those with vested interests, those lords turned into annoying fleas.

Because any current act of plundering the giant city of Lentax is equivalent to lying on his body and sucking blood.

If you can, do your best to drive him away. If he is really greedy and stubborn, don't blame him for killing him.

After killing these lords, you can also inherit the unclaimed territory they left behind.

Not far away from Zong Shen, Penny Lancaster was wrapped in a coat and squatting next to the shield with the fire magic gem, huddled to keep warm.

Seeing him stand up, Penny quickly stood up as well.

"grown ups…"

There was a hint of eagerness on his calm face.

It was obvious that her thoughts were not outside.

And Lentax under the ice shell.

There are also a large number of city residents there, as well as the main force of the garrison.

It also has her relatives and everything she has known since childhood.

"Are you anxious?"

Zong Shen knew what she was thinking.

In his field of vision, the ice shell under him was constantly popping up damage values.

This means that the garrison trapped in the city has not given up resistance.

Of course, under extreme cold, the environment inside the ice shell must be very harsh.

In the outside world, the raven spirit that possessed the ancestral frost bone dragon dispersed.

Temperatures are slowly rising, and the climate changes caused previously will disappear within a period of time.

But the situation inside the ice shell is completely different.

This is a super giant ice shell that covers the entire second circle to the core area.

It is only two to three hundred meters thick, like a huge blue and white bowl tilted upside down on the city.

The ice shell will keep the city in a relatively isolated and sealed state. To use an appropriate description, it is like an ice coffin.

The cold will not dissipate so easily but will persist.

The severe cold of nearly minus 100 degrees is not so easy to bear.

Most ordinary city residents could only hide in their houses and light fires to keep warm.

If you walk casually, you will soon be frozen.

Every breath is painful, and the water vapor sprayed from the mouth and nose will be quickly frozen.

The respiratory tract may feel burning after inhaling cold air, causing difficulty in breathing.

The combat effectiveness of the garrisons everywhere will also be seriously affected.

It is difficult for warriors below the fourth level to exert their due combat effectiveness in such severe cold.

At this time, those who can still fight on the city wall are generally the garrisons of the fourth level and above.

The Logistics Department urgently distributed cold-warming supplies during this period.

The braziers on the battlements were also lit one after another.

To ensure that the flames are not affected by the extreme cold.

The special environment caused the magic power of the ice element to become enriched.

In such a situation, an exposed flame is prone to suddenly and slowly extinguishing.

All the braziers were sprinkled with some powder ground from fire magic gems.

Only in this way can the flame burn continuously and stably in the severe cold.

[Magic Heat Balls] and various stoves were also moved to the tower to keep out the cold.

The conditions can be described as quite difficult.

He can know these situations clearly through the feedback from the strategy module.

But even so, Zong Shen was still in no rush to break the ice shell.

He planned to continue to suppress the morale of the garrison.

To avoid being attacked after breaking through the ice shell.

"Endurance" is a science of controlling human nature.

The role Zong Shen defines for himself here is not that of conqueror, but of savior.

It is always better to provide help in times of need than to add icing on the cake.

Let them endure it for a while and expend some energy.

When despair sets in, he comes as a savior.

Then use Marquis Henry as the entry point to control the entire giant city from top to bottom.

This plan is safer, and he doesn't lack time anyway.

After taking over the giant city of Lentax, the biggest trouble was not other things, but Archduke Jonathan, who was watching eagerly. He had actually issued a war order.

In this regard, Zong Shen plans to follow the previous arrangements of the Calamity Raven Church.

First, completely empty the city.

Half of the population will be sent to Jackdaw Valley using the long-distance teleportation channels that still exist.

There is enough volume there to accommodate this population.

The remaining half was taken directly to Zong Shen's territory.

As for the shortage of food and supplies, they can use the supplies plundered in the city to "be self-sufficient."

It's just that hastily cramming tens of millions of people into the territory will definitely cause a lot of logistical pressure in a short period of time.

These things require Zong Shen to spend a lot of time and help his subordinates sort out and adjust them.

Only in this way can such a large population be admitted in an orderly manner.

When food is sufficient, these people can be allowed to live in the suburbs first.

At the same time, it will gradually absorb the population, expand the scale of the residents, and prepare for large-scale planning and construction.

Want to build enough housing for everyone in a short time.

It's not too difficult to do this by taking advantage of the various construction perks.

The only difficulty lies in the massive consumption of resources.

Wood, stone, hemp, iron and various primary runes are important materials that constitute the lord's construction system.

This is different from the aborigines.

Of course, in order to meet the needs of construction, the Aboriginal Pass also has specialized quarries and lumberyards.

But these basic building materials are rarely stocked in the city.

The current ways to earn these resources are mainly through trade between lords and bulk collection.

There are also many special buildings dedicated to gathering resources.

A normal lord would always set aside a portion of the population to go out to collect various resources every day.

Under such circumstances, it was almost impossible for Zong Shen to obtain basic resource supplies from the indigenous people.

However, these houses and towers in the city can be dismantled.

But this is still not enough to alleviate the pressure on resource consumption.

Fortunately, before heading to Giant City this time, Zong Shen, Mariel, Howie and others had discussed the territory expansion and construction plan. At the same time, the output of Azshara's mining area continued to surge.

At that time, a construction plan for the territory based on the giant city level had been made.

Plans for resource reserve expansion are also being carried out simultaneously.

It’s time to accept the results in the near future.

According to the construction plan, those residential areas and attached street residential areas.

It can meet the housing needs of approximately 15 million to 20 million people.

If resources are insufficient, you can first build lower-cost first-level sheds and second-level residential buildings to make the transition.

You can upgrade gradually in the future.

Carry out rough placement first, and then slowly start to refine the allocation.

For today's plan, that's all.

Taking advantage of this opportunity for population growth, we can try to implement free citizen reforms to ensure the development vitality of the territory.

He had been thinking about the free democratic system for a long time.

In fact, within the framework of the loyalty system, the so-called free people are actually an alternative form of slavery.

It's just that ordinary slavery is destined to become rigid and stale.

This is the inevitable result.

At the same time, it is also a common drawback under the "equal distribution" system.

Since there is no difference in the amount of food and clothing allocated to everyone, do we still need to pay attention to our daily work?

Just fool around.

Slavery under ancient autocracy relied on strict control to control it.

Of course, loyalty systems can also achieve similar effects by issuing clear mandatory orders.

But this is too troublesome, especially after the population increases greatly.

He can't manage everyone in detail.

Even the heroic talents who extend downward can accept his appointment and command the lower-level civilians on his behalf.

But in terms of the effect of implementing loyalty, it is far inferior to Zong Shen himself giving orders personally.

Regarding this point, it can be said that it is a problem exposed after the expansion of the loyalty system.

Every lord cannot avoid the stage of establishing command nodes.

This problem manifests itself especially after a defensive challenge.

The citizens in the territory generally have a situation where "human nature" is lifted.

It is no longer like a puppet on strings as it was in the early days of advent.

But there is desire and desire again.

Zong Shen is a pragmatist.

He never believed in the idea that everyone is equal.

Not to mention in the world of the Endless Continent, where the weak eat the strong and strength is respected.

This is true even on Earth.

Equality for all is a paradox.

A series of complex multi-dimensional data such as talent, opportunity, hard work, thinking, luck, family background, general environment, etc. constitute a person's ultimate achievement.

The samples created are all kinds of strange, and the gaps will arise from this.

Unless materials can appear out of thin air without restriction, the reality of the world is that everyone is unequal.

Based on this consideration, he decided to implement free civil reforms and provide opportunities for advancement in different fields.

This fully stimulates the subjective initiative of the residents.

Unleash their potential.

Under the great waves, there will definitely be many outstanding talents like San Pang emerging.

This is the difference between living water and dead water.

Only living water can last forever, while stagnant water will only gradually become bloated and rancid.

Therefore, Zong Shen had already planned how to deal with the population of the giant city of Lentax.

Although the population in the city is large, it seems difficult to digest.

But the food and other resources left in the city are also huge.

It is easy to feed this population in a short period of time.

The distribution of resources among indigenous peoples is extremely uneven.

Most of the wealth and resources were in the hands of a few nobles and wealthy merchants.

In fact, the consumption and resources required by civilians are not much compared to the total amount of materials at the giant city level.

Once this staggering amount of wealth is released, it will definitely be more than enough to feed this population.

Zong Shen's current operation is equivalent to opening a warehouse to release food.

Roughly redistribute wealth to eliminate the pressure caused by receiving a large number of people.

After thinking for a moment, he sat back down again.

His strong physique allows him to be unafraid of severe cold to the greatest extent.

The cold air spread and intertwined with his body temperature, finally turning into wisps of white smoke and drifting away.

Zong Shen, who was sitting cross-legged on the ice shell, calmed down and called up the previous banner announcement record.

[Successfully killed the mid-level demigod and achieved the first kill of the global lord]

[Get a special first kill reward]

[Start settling rewards for you]

[Obtained the only title: Mortal Body]

[Obtain Destiny Drive Rod (Unknown) ×1]

[Obtain territory construction sand table (Yao Guang Level Ⅶ) × 1]

[Obtain space technology drawings·100 times expansion (special) × 1]

[Obtain a million-level basic resource box (Yaguang Level IV) × 12]

[Obtain senior technical personnel squadron recruitment volume (Yaoguang level III) × 4]

[Obtain gold treasure chest ×10]

[Obtain platinum treasure chest × 5]

[Obtain Dark Gold Treasure Box ×1]

[Get hero emblem (gold) × 6]

[Obtain level 10 city lord’s mansion upgrade certificate × 1]

[Obtain special attribute fruit (orange) × 6]

[Obtain level 6 magic energy miner (gold) × 3]

[Equipment Advancement Stone (Gold) × 3]

[The Fool’s Black Gloves (Low Level Demigod) × 1]

[Successfully killed the powerful projection of God and achieved the first kill of the global lord]

[Get a special first kill reward]

[Start settling rewards for you]

[Obtained the only title: Comparable to Gods]

[Obtain Destiny Screw (Unknown) ×12]

[Obtain the construction blueprint of Solid Diamond Barrier·Wonder (low level) × 1]

[Acquire territorial rule system privileges and timing adjustment (special) × 1]

[Obtain a million-level basic resource box (Yaguang Level IV) × 12]

[Obtain high-level warrior squadron recruitment volume (Yaguang Level III) × 4]

[Obtain gold treasure chest ×10]

[Obtain platinum treasure chest × 5]

[Obtain Dark Gold Treasure Box ×1]

[Get hero emblem (gold) × 6]

[Obtain an upgrade certificate for the eleventh-level city lord’s mansion × 1]

[Get super power fruit (gold) × 3]

[Get the sixth-level magic iron guard (gold) × 4]

[Special Object Fusion Stone (Special) × 1]

[Illusion God·Spirit of the Sky (Low Level Demigod) × 1]

These rewards from the platinum banner have all been stored in the storage compartment by default.

Some of the rewards are the same.

After all, the two banners are of the same level, and the specifications of the rewards are quite different.

Gold-level and platinum-level banners are breakthrough events with greater influence.

Basically, a unique title will be given as a reward.

Such breakthrough events are all events that are beyond the scope of difficulty.

The lords who can achieve this are definitely the best among men.

And as time goes by, there will be fewer and fewer things that can be called "breakthrough events."

The difficulty and corresponding standards will also gradually increase.

In short, the standard for high-end banner events going forward will be very high.

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