Inside the Ice Cave Temple.

A total of twenty-seven ice coffins were moved into the storage space of the big pocket.

In each ice coffin lies an old bishop with different faces and postures.

They were either unshaven or gray-haired, wrapped in velvet robes, keeping their eyes closed, and were frozen in the ice condensed by the frost dragon's cold air.

And their strength is generally at the legendary mid-level or legendary high-level.

These "predecessors" of the Calamity Raven Church are much stronger than the current bishops.

It is obvious that the church is also experiencing a situation where one generation is not as good as the other.

In addition, Zong Shen also discovered a situation, that is, these old bishops in the "frost formation" state are all men.

There is not even a female bishop among them.

Combined with Safuri's previously revealed thoughts, it was not difficult for Zong Shen to guess that the fate of the church saint would not be much better.

It was probably used as some kind of consumable product that could be used for ritual sacrifices.

Because in Odo Village at that time, many sacrificial circles required Safuri's blood as some kind of "additive".

Moreover, after Safuri lost her virginity, she once told Zong Shen that she had lost value to the church.

It can be seen from this that the status of saints in the church is not necessarily that of the next generation of leaders and successors, but is more likely to be a consumable.

This kind of sect that promotes the sacrifice of flesh and blood and the dedication of the soul is definitely not a good bird.

Zong Shen was fortunate that he had seduced Safuli in advance, otherwise, he might not have had the opportunity to come to Jackdaw Valley directly to raid his home.

Speaking of what was going on with the Calamity Raven Church in the giant city of Lentax, his first clue came from Safuri.

At that time, Safuri suddenly came to the territory and showed her true feelings to him.

It seems that Safuri herself should know very well what will happen if she continues to stay in Jackdaw Valley.

Looking at the ice coffin that was evacuated in minutes, Mai Raven wanted to cry without tears.

As a big shot in the church, when had he ever been manipulated like this?

This feeling of embarrassment that he couldn't help but couldn't resist but couldn't control made him extremely crazy.

After putting away the ice coffins, Zong Shen used his mind to call up the strategy module to search inside and outside the temple.

After confirming that no treasure was missing, he came to Mai and patted his shoulder.

"Okay, don't cry sadly."

"I will take good care of those ice coffins."

Mai raised her head, with a complicated expression on her face, neither crying nor laughing.

What could he say? What can he do?

After a pause, Zong Shen continued to add.

"Now, please give me a detailed introduction to the other branches."

"This ice cave looks very simple."

Zong Shen's words have a meaning.

In fact, he knew very well that this was by no means a simple place.

The mere fact that the ancestral frost dragon can be dug out is enough to prove how extraordinary this place is.

And through the strategy module, he already knew part of the truth in advance.

This ice cave located thousands of meters underground is much older than the Calamity Raven Church.

It can even be traced back several epochs.

Perhaps it was due to the successive blows that Mai Raven was a little resigned to her fate.

He silently glanced at the empty church and replied in a slightly dejected tone.

"You come with me first."

He stepped around the hook gun placed in front of him and walked straight out of the church.

Zong Shen didn't say anything and followed him out of the temple step by step.

There is light in the ice cave, which comes from the [Frost Dragon Crystal (gold)] of different sizes dotted on the top of the cave.

The [Frost Dragon Crystal (Gold)] here starts out as big as a head.

As far as Zong Shen could see, he even saw a crystal with a diameter of more than three meters.

These crystals are continuously emitting a frosty blue light, enough to completely illuminate the ice cave.

In this world of ice and snow, the cold-toned light looks particularly quiet.

Mai Raven had already walked down the steps outside the church first.

Zong Shen was standing on the steps.

After Mai Yi stood still, his hands were filled with white halo.

Then he raised his hands high and waved them violently a few times.

It was as if two shovels were scraping the ground.

The ground of the ice cave is naturally covered with thick ice, but it doesn't look clear.

This is because the ice near the ground has been trampled over a long period of time and then breaks and then freezes again.

Therefore, there are a lot of impurities and bubbles in it.

These impurities and bubbles will become the nuclei for water to freeze.

Water molecules will form a special structure with uneven density around the crystal nucleus.

This structure will scatter and absorb light, causing the ice to no longer be transparent, but appear white.

Therefore, in the earth, there is a very vivid term called Yun Bing.

The white clouds and ice are like hazy frosted glass, making it impossible to clearly see through the ice under your feet.

In addition, there is a strong magical power of frost element in the ice cave, which makes the space sensing ability unable to take effect here.

So the reason why Mai Yi did this was very simple, just to let Zong Shen see what was going on in the ice below.

After he waved his hands one after another, the ice ground in front of him was suddenly thinned by several meters, forming a V-shaped depression.

When the white cloud ice near the ground is scraped off.

The clear ice layer under the pit showed a magnificent picture.

Under the ice, at least a hundred meters deep, is an ancient battlefield frozen in ice.

There were not only corpses wearing black armor, but also waving flags stuck diagonally on the ground.

The two parties fighting were obviously not of the same ethnic group.

One of them should be a humanoid race, but it is much taller than ordinary humans.

Visually, he is at least ten meters tall.

They all wore face-covered battle helmets and all wore dark heavy armor.

From the broken parts of the armor, you can see that the skin of these big guys is iron blue and very rough.

There is thick green moss on the exposed back of the hand.

Yes, it's moss.

Instead of blue hair.

The weapons used were mainly maces and pointed war hammers, as well as some giant flails, all of which were powerful, heavy and rough weapons.

As for the other side on the battlefield, they don't even have a human form, and they actually look a bit like half-dragons.

But they are very different from the half-dragons in the Endless Continent.

The main reason is that there is a pair of membrane wings behind it that are not too big.

The thick tail is like a soft pillar.

White scales covered the ferocious head, and the curved horns were still eye-catching in the ice.

And the size of these white-scaled dragons is not much inferior to those of black-armored giants.

The recurved joints and slightly curved back make the white-scaled dragon man nearly ten meters tall.

You must know that Xiao Heizi in the young dragon period was only about thirteen meters long.

These dragonmen have no weapons, only a pair of surprisingly long curved claws.

In addition, the ferocious spiked dragon head and claw-like feet are enough to show how terrifying these guys are.

No matter from any aspect, these two ethnic groups that Zong Shen had never seen before were terrifying aliens.

It can be seen that both sides of this war definitely have extraordinary origins.

These corpses look lifelike, and many of them still maintain fighting postures.

The freezing seemed to happen in an instant, and it was extremely overbearing.

Judging from their frozen posture, Zong Shen was reminded of the frost dragon's cold air.

There is no guarantee that these guys under the ice are in a frozen state of suspended animation.

However, with the insight of the strategy module, Zong Shen knew that these guys were not in a "frozen" state, but were really dead.

All their vitality and souls have disappeared, and only their bodies and the long-gone past are left frozen in the ice.

While Zong Shen was observing silently, Mai Raven suddenly spoke.

"As you can see."

"This was once a battlefield."

"Those are Frost Dragons."

"They are all the descendants created by the ancestral frost dragon."

"Not only does it have a physique comparable to that of a real dragon, but its growth cycle is extremely short."

"The combat effectiveness is very strong."

"The only drawback is that they do not have the ability to cast dragon language magic."

"It is considered a failure, or a semi-finished product."

He pointed at the white-scaled dragons below and introduced them seriously.

These huge dragon-men are obviously some unknown dragon-veined alien species.

And it is very likely related to the ancestral frost dragon.

It may very well involve the truth about its fall.

These ancestral dragons basically came from the star realm, and they took root in the Endless Continent and gave birth to new dragon clans.

Today's frost dragons are its pureblood descendants.

As for the monsters below that Mai calls Frost Dragonmen, they seem to have a certain relationship with the Frost Dragon.

However, the frost dragons in the Endless Continent do not have this humanoid form.

They are similar to the five-color dragons, metal dragons and non-alien dragons.

He also has dragon power and can cast dragon language magic, but the frost dragon's dragon language magic specializes in the frost system.

From the perspective of element proficiency and application, their characteristics are similar to those of white dragons, but they are generally stronger than white dragons.

Of course, look at the pure-blood dragon clan in the entire Endless Continent.

The Frost Dragon is considered a very niche species.

Most of them are active in the north of the continent and like cold and dislike heat.

Such habits and characteristics restrict the scope of activities of the frost dragon.

However, dislike of heat does not mean that it is afraid of heat. Occasionally, frost dragons will appear in other areas on the continent.

Anyway, let’s get to the bottom of it based on what we know.

There should be some clear connection between the ancestral frost dragon and the current frost dragon, as well as the frost dragon people frozen in the ruins of this battlefield.

Zong Shen remained silent on the surface, pretending to be listening attentively, but in fact he was thinking rapidly in his heart.

From time to time, the strategy module will be called up, and more detailed clues will be pursued according to these keywords.

Mai Raven on the other side was not aware of this and just introduced himself.

"Those big guys covered in black armor are moss giants that have long since disappeared from the continent."

"They were once the dominant species on this ice sheet."

"Has a hint of Titan blood."

"These guys have a lot of strength."

"The black iron heavy armor on his body is of unique craftsmanship and has amazing defensive power."

It seems that the Calamity Raven Church has done some research on this ancient frozen battlefield.

Mai is familiar with the origins of both warring parties.

Zong Shen is no stranger to the bloodline of giants.

The [Half-armored Giant Gurta] he took into the captive space had the blood of a giant.

From that time Zong Shen knew that there was a period of time in the history of the Endless Continent that was dominated by the giant race.

There are relics left by the activities of various giant branch races on the continent.

Now it seems that this inference should be traceable.

When Zong Shen heard Mai Yi talk about the unique forging process of the black armor of those ice moss giants, he couldn't help but ask.

"What craft?"

Seeing that he was finally attracted by her introduction, the stiff expression on Mai's face relaxed.

He paused for a moment.

Then he continued.

"The ice moss giants used a rare die-casting process at that time."

"The black iron castings are repeatedly pressed and hammered with a huge and heavy punch hammer."

"This makes black iron, a common metal, stronger and lighter."

"The black iron produced through this process is also called finely pressed black iron."

Mai Raven talks freely.

Obviously, the church must have conducted detailed research on the black armor on the moss giants, and even found relevant information.

After all, this place has been discovered by the church for thousands of years.

After thinking about it for a while.

Zong Shen asked again.

“Is the fine-pressed black iron forging process so lost?”

The current mass-produced metal consumables in Endless Continent do not include [Precision Black Iron].

This shows that its production process is lost or cannot be reproduced.

If it's the former, then Zong Shen can use the strategy module to try to find the craft formula.

But if it was the latter, then he probably wouldn't be able to solve it.

Hearing this question, Mai Raven couldn't help but reveal a sarcastic smile.

"The production of finely pressed black iron is indispensable without the Ice Moss Giant's family treasure."

"A heavy hammer named Shanxiao."

"That heavy hammer is extremely heavy. According to the description in the classics, its weight is comparable to that of a large mountain range."

Zong Shen frowned slightly, the reason why the fine black iron was lost was indeed the latter.

Although he can get answers to some questions through the strategy module.

But he still prefers to listen to Mai:·Raven's dictation.

Because this can not only be combined with the strategy module to check the truth.

It can also generate more new clues and keywords.

Mai is more like an introduction.

When he heard that a sledgehammer weighed as much as a mountain, Zong Shen knew that it was definitely an incredible treasure.

This made him even more curious about the origins of the ice moss giants and the reasons why they fought with the frost dragons.


"Looks like you found a lot of things here."

"This battlefield frozen underground must be quite old, right?"

Zong Shen deliberately guided the conversation.

Mai Yi nodded slightly.

Then he said a few weird syllables.

"That was the barren era of the Endless Continent, a distant past filled with giants, true dragons and ancient giant monsters."

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