Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1229: Divine Will of the Era, Mai’s Conditions

Mai Raven's voice gradually became deeper.

Zong Shen did not interrupt him.

Since this guy is willing to talk, Zong Shen is still happy to see it happen.

Just as he had guessed before.

In the dimensional change of the Endless Continent, there was a time when giant races were galloping.

Nowadays, the giant race has almost disappeared, leaving only the special ones who have retained part of the giant blood.

And in those uninhabited strange and dangerous places, there are occasionally rumors about giants inhabiting them.

The ancient giant race is a superior race that is no less than a true dragon. Its fighting power is very powerful and its vitality is extremely tenacious.

The most terrifying thing is their adaptability to the environment.

You must know that there are many subspecies and branches of the giant race.

Adaptability is the key to their ability to spread across the continent.

The ice moss giants are considered a branch group.

In addition to having the characteristics of ordinary giants, they are extremely powerful, thick-skinned and tough-bodied.

Their talents in the frost element system are also quite outstanding.

These guys are similar to other "close relatives" in that they all have strong adaptability.

After arriving in the ice field, I quickly adapted to the cold environment here.

At the same time, because this place is full of free ice elemental magic, their bodies have also changed accordingly.

First, the tough skin turned from brown to grayish blue.

Then the hair changed.

Transformed into ice moss that can absorb the power of frost.

This change not only means that their skin has stronger resistance to the frost element, but their sensitivity to the frost element has also been greatly improved.

This is the best expression of the characteristics of the giant race.

Strong mutation and adaptability!

In fact, most branches and subspecies of giants appeared this way.

By constantly adapting to the environment and carrying out corresponding mutations, they gradually became a branch race with completely new characteristics.

In addition, the giant's bloodline, like the true dragon's bloodline, has extremely obvious reproductive assimilation characteristics.

Under such circumstances, if there really is an era where giants and real dragons compete for beauty.

It was definitely a magnificent and legendary era.

And Mai Raven actually called such an era "barren".

Zong Shen has carefully checked the information about the giant since he fought against [Half-armor Giant Gurta].

The strategy module at that time gave a clearer explanation.

Rang Zong was extremely surprised by this ethnic group.

However, at the end of the notes in the strategy module, a firm conclusion was given, that is, in today's Endless Continent, the number of giants' legacy is definitely very few.

At this time, Zong Shen combined the characteristics and rise of the giant clan, and it was not difficult to deduce the general outline of that ancient era.

Zong Shen was not disturbed.

Mai Raven continued.

"The years since the Desolate Era have long been impossible to determine."

"As eras continue to change, time seems to have become a foil."

"The ancient strongman has long passed away."

"All that remains is the elegy they composed."

Mai became more and more emotional as she spoke, and her words were full of longing for the barren era.

However, Zong Shen was not interested in this.

He counted on Mai Raven to reveal more valuable clues.

Watching this guy, he began to feel sad and nostalgic for the bygone ancient times.

Zong Shen once again played a guiding role and asked intentionally.

"The Desolate Era is very magnificent when you think about it."

"Then the question is, why do these ice moss giants fight with the frost dragon people."

"The final result of this battle shouldn't be good, right?"

"Otherwise, why would the bones of the Frost Ancestral Dragon appear here?"

His questions were very clever. They did not reveal the fact that he knew the information, but also effectively guided Mai to tell him the keywords he needed to search for the strategy.

Hearing his question, Mai stopped talking and was silent for a moment before answering.

"The Frost Ancestral Dragon is not the only one who died."

"And the Ice Moss Giant Chief."

"Their corpses are located in the other two branches of the ice cave."

Hearing what he said, Zong Shen couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

Then he asked in a puzzled tone.

"Did they die together?"

At this time, Mai Raven slowly turned around and gave him an intriguing look.

"No, it's the will of the frost god."

This word made Zong Shen thoughtful, as if he had heard it somewhere.

After thinking for a while, he soon had the answer.

It's the white dragon's letter for help!

It was a special letter written on the white dragon's scales.

It comes from the [V-Level Lucky Bag] that Zong Shen once opened.

He sunk his mind into the storage compartment and quickly located the location of the letter asking for help.

Then as soon as my mind moved, relevant information appeared.

[Mysterious letter of help from the strong walls of the gods (special)]

[Quality: Special]

[A letter for help from a thousand-year-old ice valley within the ice of the gods]

[You can choose whether to go to the rescue according to the location recorded in the distress letter]

[I am the calamity of the Cold Wings. I am trapped in the ice valley of the barrier of the gods in order to seize the epoch and divine will. Anyone who helps me escape will be richly rewarded. This letter is written on my scales and has the trace dragon language on it. After inputting the magic power Can be activated]

(This is a distress letter left by an ancient white dragon before it was frozen by the frost god. The text on it is in dragon language. This scale skin is attached with tracking magic. When activated, it can guide you on the way to the Ice Valley)

This is a distress letter left by an evil dragon known as the Scourge of Coldwings.

It was trapped in the icy valley of the gods in order to fight for the will of the era.

This dragon skin letter itself has the ability to track, and it is also a special mission.

Any real dragon who can have a nickname is not a small character.

But what caught Zong Shen's attention even more was the keywords involved, which seemed to be vaguely related and corresponding to the ice cave battlefield.

First of all, the Wall of the Gods is not too far from Jackdaw Dale.

Both are located on the fringes of Northland.

The distance is only tens of thousands of kilometers.

Such a distance is nothing to a legendary or demigod level expert.

The help letter mentioned that they were trapped while fighting for the will of the Era.

However, the notes given in the strategy module clearly mentioned that it was blocked by the Frost God.

This divine will of the era is the divine will and authority that will be released after every era changes.

Under such circumstances, perhaps the white dragon nicknamed the Scourge of Cold Wings, the Frost Ancestral Dragon and the Ice Moss Giant Chief who both died here are related.

There is a high probability that they are all trying to compete for the Frost Divine Will in the Divine Will of the Era.

When there are conflicts and disputes over interests, wars will break out.

Otherwise, they have no reason to fight to the death here.

After thinking for a while, he discovered the clues here.

The special items obtained before finally found the corresponding clues here.

After a few minutes of silence, Zong Shen asked again.

"In other words, the remains of the Ice Moss Giant chief are still here?"

Hearing this, Mai nodded.

"Yes, but its bones have also become skeletons."

"Whether it's the Frost Ancestral Dragon from the star realm, or the Ice Moss Giant Chieftain whose power is comparable to that of a mountain."

"Their flesh and blood have turned into the food of the frost gods."

“This is the price you pay for chasing God’s will.”

After saying that, he stepped heavily on the ice with his feet.

The hard leather boots kicked up a lot of flying ice.

Then he added.

"The reason why the church has not excavated this battlefield for thousands of years is because it fears the power of God's will."

"The divine will of frost left over from the ancient era is out of control."

"If you touch it rashly, it will freeze everything."

"Back then, the ice divine will here aroused the covetousness of almost all the demigod-level frost powerhouses in the continent. The battlefield was not limited to this place, and the battle even lasted for decades."

"Over the years, the church has barely unearthed the bones of the Frost Ancestor Dragon."

"As for the remaining ruins, they will easily be frozen if excavated hastily."

"Based on the ancient books the church has reviewed."

"A total of four frost divine wills appeared that year."

"Only this one lost control due to some changes, and it is still sealed here."

Zong Shen suddenly felt enlightened, but his face remained calm.


Everything is right!

After finishing speaking, Mai Raven showed an expression of relief on his face.

The secret you tell is no longer a burden.

Rather than being threatened and forced by Zong Shen, it would be better to explain everything directly.

This is also the fundamental reason for his sudden change of attitude.

He motioned for Zong Shen to follow.

Then walk towards the north fork.

Apart from the church guards, there seemed to be no soldiers from other churches stationed here.

Walking in the frost-blue ice cave feels a bit like a lonely walk.

After traveling several hundred meters, Zong Shen saw a large amount of grain and frozen meat piled on the edge of the ice cliff.

This ice cave is a natural large refrigerator.

At the end of the road ahead is a branch road, which is much larger than what Mai described.

It was a circular passage tens of meters in diameter.

It is surrounded by crystal clear ice and a small amount of white cloud ice.

After entering this passage.

Almost every few meters there are several believers and magic machines frozen into ice sculptures.

These believers hold de-icing picks, and their lives stop at the moment they swing the pick.

As Mai said, the church paid a huge price to excavate the bones of the Frost Ancestor Dragon.

There is a risk of ice sealing in these sensitive areas during excavation.

After advancing only three to four hundred meters along the passage, Zong Shen saw at least thousands of frozen corpses of church believers, as well as those magic machines.

These corpses and ice blocks are integrated with the ground.

Reckless destruction may also be countered.

But soon they came to the end of the passage.

There, Zong Shen saw a huge ice pit.

Looking at the shape and outline of the pit, it is not difficult to guess that it is the place where the bones of the Frost Ancestor Dragon were frozen.

"This is the place where the Frost Ancestral Dragon fell!"

Mai introduced with a serious expression.

Zong Shen could feel a weak sense of oppression here.

It should be the remnants of Long Wei.

Combined with the frost divine will here, it swallowed the flesh and blood of the Frost Ancestral Dragon.

From this, it can be speculated that those [Frost Dragon Crystals (Golden)] are probably special products combined with many factors.

Among them, the essence from the flesh and blood of the Frost Ancestral Dragon constitutes the characteristics of the frost.

And here, there are many, many [Frost Dragon Crystals (Gold)].

Standing next to the ice pit, Mai Yi suddenly looked at Zong Shen with a half-smile.

"This is the greatest secret and wealth in Jackdaw Valley."

"Including a frost divine will. If you can get it, you can condense the regular godhead."

"The Lord calls our world the place where rules are born."

"It's precisely because every time an era changes, a lot of rules and divine will will be released."

"These rules and divine will are enough to make mortals become gods!"

There was a hint of confusion in his tone.

But Zong Shen sneered.

"I have no interest in developing this area."

that's the truth.

There is no need to do anything where the risk outweighs the reward.

He actually thought about what Mai said about "the place where rules are born".

As for whether to develop this dangerous ice cave and how to dig it, he can let the strategy module provide an effective plan.

In this regard, the strategy module is the "expert".

Seeing that Zong Shen didn't take the bait, Mai Yi didn't seem angry.

"Can even resist the temptation to become a god."

"You are indeed no ordinary person."

"He is worthy of being a strong man who can fight against the projection of the God."

He actually complimented Zong Shen for the first time.

But no matter what this guy said, Zong could hear a hint of bad intentions in his words.

It was obvious that this guy was definitely not holding anything back.

As a special territorial citizen with low loyalty and few constraints from the framework.

I'm sure this guy wants to trick Zong Shen.

However, while observing silently, he discovered that there were many treasure chests scattered in the pit.

They are all frozen in the ice, proving that this place is indeed a ruin by definition.

It's not Zong's style to refuse to take treasure when faced with it.

But he didn't show too much excitement in front of Mai.

He always looks calm and calm.

Seeing Zong Shen beside him ignoring him, Mai Raven shook his head helplessly.

"Alright alright."

"It seems I have to tell you the important point directly."

"There are still things belonging to the Frost Ancestral Dragon under this ice pit."

"Not all of its flesh and blood has been turned into food."

"The heart, which contains great power, has been preserved."

"That heart can allow any frost dragon to be strengthened by its ancestral bloodline."

"It even has a great effect on other creatures of the frost element system."

"It's frozen more than fifty meters below the ice pit."

"The church is willing to fully cooperate with your excavation of the ice cave."

"And no matter the cost."

Zong Shen looked at him in surprise when he heard what he said.

"What about the conditions?"

"You can take away the church's wealth, and you can even take away the believers you like."

"But please don't destroy the church's heritage."

"For God's sake."

Mai Raven finally spoke out her demands.

Rather than letting Zong Shen ruin the church, it would be better to actively offer treasures in exchange for opportunities.


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