Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1230: Reaching consensus, the real hero

It turns out that this guy is not as stupid as he showed before.

He is indeed a smart man.

Just now when Zong Shen was testing him. He might also be testing Zong Shen.

After Mai Yi found out Zong Shen's character, he decided how to get along with him.

It has to be said that Mai Raven still has a few skills to be trained as a red-robed bishop by the Calamity Raven Church.

He does not have pedantic religious beliefs, but he has a flexible mind.

Conversations between smart people often involve tacit understanding.

Zong Shen looked at him with playful eyes, while Mai Raven kept a dignified posture with a smile on her face.

"It seems that you know very well that the Jade of Divine Will is not permanently effective."

"So you hope that I can leave the seeds of inheritance for the Calamity Raven Church?"

Zong Shen said calmly.

Ming Ren didn't tell secrets, since Mai Yi had seen through Zong Shen's predatory nature.

Then there is no need for him to continue pretending to act.

"Yes, it is."

Mai nodded helplessly.

It was like using an understatement to discuss with a robber who broke into the house whether he could not steal all the money.

Let the robber show some kindness and leave him with some capital to make a comeback.

It sounds helpless to say it, but it is an unavoidable problem.

Maybe the "robber" in front of me will actually agree.

As long as the church's heritage is not extinguished, there is still hope.

Over time, the church will one day recover.

Faced with his outspokenness, Zong Shen smiled and said nothing.

In fact, he has no thoughts about the church.

This was what he thought about when he was in the giant city of Lentax.

Because church citizens have the characteristics of devout faith, the loyalty system often fails to effectively restrain them.

The Mai Raven in front of me is the best example.

After knowing the existence of the Chosen Son, he didn't have much intention to resist.

That part of the memory he gained after joining the territory is reminding him all the time what is the best choice.

When Mai's loyalty drops to the threshold and she loses her identity as a territorial citizen, those memories of the Chosen One will also disappear.

Zong Shen did not give him an accurate answer immediately.

So Mai Raven didn't say much.

Both sides have a tacit understanding of seeing through but not exposing.

In the ice pit where the Frost Ancestral Dragon was once buried, there were only silent echoes and silent collisions.

About three or four minutes passed.

Zong Shen suddenly spoke.

"Don't worry."

"The church can definitely continue to be passed down."

"And I can also give you a chance to cooperate."

Hear his words.

Mai Raven's eyes regained their radiance.

He has seen a hero like Zong Shen.

This type of person is a natural predator, but as long as he makes a promise, there is no need to worry about going back on it.

Unless some unexpected situation occurs, such as new interests emerging.

In short, he is not only a profit-seeker, but also a scornful hero who gradually acquires a fearless and regretless spirit during his conquests.

After lowering his head and thinking for a while, Mai Raven raised his head and asked carefully.

"What kind of cooperation?"

Zong Shen seems to have already had a draft in mind.

replied quickly.

"The first thing to make clear is that the church will retain Jackdaw Valley as its base."

"Second, select some of the elite members of the apostle group who are at least the sixth level to form the [Knower Group]. The number of the group is about 30,000, and all members must swear allegiance to me."

"Through the sacrificial ceremony, the warriors in the war group forget their faith."

"Third, the church must turn over a certain amount of ice-field specialties every month."

"Fourth, use the ritual to adjust the endpoint position of the long-distance transmission channel so that its transmission destination becomes my territory."

“Fifth, during the duration of the divine providence, an inventory of the church’s property shall be carried out under your supervision.”

"Seventy percent of the wealth, excluding buildings and land, will be handed over."

"Sixth, the church must fully assist me in excavating the ruins of the ice cave where the out-of-control frost divine will is buried."



The series of terms and agreements that came out of Zong Shen's mouth were all squeezing the church's thousands of years of accumulation.

But in fact, upon closer inspection, these cooperation agreements are not too harsh.

He still left about 30% of his assets to the church.

As for the fixed assets such as churches, land, and fortresses, basically all of them have been preserved.

However, the subsequent treaty involved the sacrificial ceremony.

The resources required for the ceremony must be raised by the church itself, and the remaining wealth may not be able to cover the consumption.

For example, Zong Shen asked for the elite members of the Apostles to form a new battle group loyal to him.

There are a total of 30,000 people in this battle group, and the apostle warriors among them will forget their faith through special rituals.

This way they can ensure their loyalty to Zong Shen.

There are many types of rituals.

There are rituals that strengthen faith and rituals that forget faith.

It's just that the materials required for such rituals are extremely expensive.

Zong Shen estimated that if those 30,000 devout and steadfast Apostolic Regiment soldiers forgot their faith, the church would be almost at risk.

After all, in order to capture the giant city of Lentax, the Calamity Raven Church had already emptied most of its wealth.

After stating the conditions, even with Mai Raven's character, he couldn't help but turn pale.

It's one thing to be able to accept it in your heart, but it's another thing to actually start negotiating terms.

Moreover, the other party was very precise and seemed to have left behind 30% of the wealth and the church's real estate.

In fact, in the end, all that is left for the church is probably an empty shell.

These conditions were accurately proposed by Zong Shen after referring to the information provided by the strategy module.

This will not stop the Calamity Raven Church from severing its inheritance, but will also allow the church to drain out its potential as much as possible.

And most of the above-mentioned agreements will be completed within three months.

That is the point in time when [Raven Divine Will Jade (Special)] loses its effectiveness.

Regarding this point, both Mai Yi and Zong Shen knew it well.

It's just to ensure subsequent long-term benefits.

Zong Shen decided to give Mai Yi another beating.

Therefore, after seeing the slightly pale Mai nod, he continued.

"I have given you a clear commitment."

"Now, it's your turn to commit."

“How can you guarantee that you will keep your word once the bonds of loyalty are lifted?”

Three months is not a long time, nor is it a short time.

According to Zong Shen's plan, such a long time is enough for him to completely digest the population of the giant city of Lentax, and at the same time, completely transform the wealth of the giant city into resources for the development of the territory.

This period of time will be a process of ebb and flow for the Calamity Raven Church and Zong Shen's territory.

His domain will continue to grow, while the Church will stagnate or even regress.

As long as the territory reaches the giant city level.

Regardless of its size or combat power, it was beyond the reach of the church at that time.

Therefore, Zong Shen's hand is as stable as snake skin.

To be honest, the church is a piece of meat that cannot be fully eaten in the first place.

The ritual of forgetting the faith cannot be completely popularized.

Because consumption is not directly proportional to results.

The higher the level and the better the qualifications of believers and apostle warriors, the greater the price they have to pay if they want to forget their faith.

It doesn't matter just to form a high-level battle group of 30,000 people.

Power should be a kind of restraint and suppression of the church.

But to have tens of millions of church believers and apostle warriors forget their faith would definitely be a waste.

This will raise population costs to an alarming level.

Under such circumstances, the conditions proposed by Zong Shen were simply 360 degrees without blind spots.

There are no loopholes that can be exploited, and there is not much room for the Calamity Raven Church to breathe.

A half-dead church is a good church.

In the future, just make sure that the strength of the territory can suppress Jackdaw Valley.

Then you can maintain a long-term affiliation.

Just like a vassal state and a suzerain state.

Hearing Zong Shen ask for a promise from himself.

Mai Raven suddenly smiled bitterly.

He knew very well that after leaving the territory, he would lose part of his memory.

At that time, in the absence of memory, he may not be aggrieved and act according to the agreement.

But he also knew that Zong Shen had already blocked the church's retreat.

As long as the inheritance of the church can be preserved, he can accept it whether it is becoming a subsidiary or an object of oppression.

If you think about it carefully, after the projection of God was defeated, it already meant that the church was doomed.

Just the various materials and wealth consumed will take at least a hundred years to accumulate again.

Now that he thought about it, the archbishop who made this decision was obviously insane, just like the oracles he received frequently during that time.

The church itself seems to have become expendable.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Then he took out a dagger with a pitch black blade and carved a special symbol on the back of his hand.

The blade cut open the flesh, and the bloody wound stopped bleeding almost instantly.

After all, Mai Raven's body is not weak.

His self-healing ability is naturally not much different.

But the black blade is obviously quenched with toxins, which can inhibit the wound from completely healing.

Therefore, the rune mark turned into a scar, which remained on the back of his hand for a long time.

"This is the sigil of my Christian name."

"As long as I see it, even if I lose my memory, I will firmly carry out my promise."

Mai said decisively.

That determined look seemed to confirm what he said.

"Okay, I believe you."

Zong Shen did not continue to attack, but raised the corners of his mouth and nodded slowly.

He could tell that Mai Raven was telling the truth.

Anyway, he was fully prepared. No matter whether this guy could keep his promise or not, Zong Shen didn't care.

The reason why he was asked to express his position was just to cover up the hypocrisy of this agreement and make it easier for the people of the church to accept it.

Yes, this is the hypocritical agreement to take off your pants and fart.

In essence, Zong Shen was unilaterally squeezing the church.

It's just that after covering it up with the promise, as the one being exploited, it's easier to accept it.

"Now that we've reached an agreement."

"Then let's leave this ice cave ruins for the time being."

"By the way, I'll give this back to you."

After saying that, he took out the [Sacrificial Raven Statue (Special)].

To put it bluntly, after taking down the church, this thing has no value.

"Within three days, the end point of the long-distance transmission channel must be changed to my territory."

"There is no need to rush to form the [Knower Chapter]."

"First get a hundred Frost Ravens."

Zong Shen is more concerned about the raven that can spit out frost.

That is a proper "productivity tool".

As for the inventory of wealth, Zong Shen is not worried.

The wealth he is talking about is not just the original assets of the church.

It also includes the population and wealth that the warriors of the Apostles previously robbed from the third circle of Lentax City.

These were all calculated by him.

Otherwise, with only the remaining resources of the church, it would be difficult to complete the oblivion of the faith of the 30,000 high-level apostolic warriors.

After a brief explanation, he took Mai Raven and left the ice cave.

The [Raven Pendant (Glory Level V)] that he took away was not mentioned by anyone at all, because he knew that this pendant was not the only one in the church.

After returning to the ground, Mai Raven immediately took action.

Zong Shen returned to the giant city of Lentax through the mirror-like long-distance transmission channel.

The other red-robed bishop who stayed here didn't say much after seeing him come back.

He and Mai are both the same type of people, so there is no need to worry about any disagreements.

Even if this guy didn't negotiate with Zong Shen personally, he could vaguely guess the final result and the choice Mai Yi made.

In this case, it doesn't matter whether he says it or not.

Years of getting along with him convinced him that Mai's decisions were all justified.

Zong Shen had already gained information insight into these two red-robed bishops.

Know the person's character and personality clearly before testing.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

This principle applies most of the time.

At this moment, Zong Shen is more concerned about the progress of excavation of the ice shell.

The second and first circles shrouded by the ice shell cage are the real core of the giant city of Lentax.

The total wealth of these two circles is much greater than that of the third circle.

If we describe it in terms of multiples and magnitude, there is at least a gap of dozens of times.

The gap between the rich and the poor among the indigenous people of the Endless Continent is not small.

The nobles and wealthy businessmen living in the second and first circles control more than 90% of the wealth.

This is also the reason why Zong Shen doesn't care about the church's robbery in the third circle.

In comparison, it is the difference between a small lake and the sea.

The progress of excavation of the ice shell has been significantly improved.

There are still more than ten meters left to completely penetrate.

And the ice layer on the inside continues to thin.

This shows that the giant city is also constantly attacking the ice shell.

It's just that the attacks from the city are not concentrated, so the effect is not as obvious as that of the apostles digging towards one location.

According to this situation, the first ones to dig through the ice shell were the apostles.

This is also a situation that Zong Shen is happy to see.

He kept Penny Lancaster just for that moment.

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