Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1231: The ice and snow giant city of Lentax


Wanshen had set two goals before setting off to the giant city this time. The first was to capture the giant city of Lentax, which was also the core goal of his trip. The second was to find a way to subdue the Calamity Raven Church. The original plan was to sit back and watch the Raven Church and the Lancaster family fight to death, and then kidnap Sally and take the beauty home.

But he didn't expect that after he really intervened, it would involve the overt and covert fighting between Grand Duke Jonathan and Grand Duke Chloe, as well as the gaudy Blood Rose inheritance. Up to now, Zong Shen had achieved most of the goals he set.

With the supplement of these two forces, the territory's development in the next few months will not have any bottlenecks, and it can smoothly develop to the giant city level.

At this moment, he beckoned Penny Lancaster to stand with him.

Penny is the key to taking down the giant city of Lentax without any bloodshed. If something happens, then Zong Shen will have no choice but to let the apostles of the Calamity Raven Church take action. A fierce battle will definitely be inevitable.

After the battle, it is unknown how much of the giant city garrison will be left. Second, the buildings in the first circle will also be greatly damaged. What Zong Shen wants is the relatively complete giant city of Lentax. , rather than a crippled giant city. The strategic value of the two is completely different.

So he kept a close eye on the progress of the Apostles' excavation of the ice shell. When the ice on the ground began to slowly melt, the ice cubes absorbed the cold energy, causing the surrounding temperature to drop suddenly. The newly melted water vapor actually froze again. The ice shell is convinced that it is so difficult to recover from a large-scale environmental change.

Unless a small group of fire spell casters or dozens of fire magicians are mobilized, it is almost impossible to melt the ice and snow outside in a short time. Unfortunately, the frozen area is mainly concentrated in the original Shi Gong Xingsi. The seventh and first circles, which were directly covered by Shi Gong's Prison in the eighth circle and the fields and manors in the suburbs, did not have such outrageous conditions. Although it was very hot inside, and there was even snow falling, there was at least as much as possible under the ground. Is there any terrifying ice shell more than ten meters thick left at the excavation site?

Watch Zong Shen's excavation retreat from the first ten meters to the first one meter!

In terms of the difficulty of digging alone, Zong Shen is even more difficult to dig than Stone Mountain. Those ice layers that have been weakened by the frost rules only have extremely low double resistance.

And when it is dug, it will also release a very overbearing cold air.

As long as they are close to that kind of cold air, even the weak Heretic Giant Warriors will have numb limbs, making it difficult to maintain their activities. There are enough manpower at the scene, and more than 200 soldiers of the Apostles are all in the ice digging preparatory team. Only by taking turns to retreat into the tunnel for excavation can Zong Shen be excavated within a few hours and the first meter can be opened.

What followed were sparse arrows and magic attacks.

The movement outside had long been noticed by the Wei Chengjun inside. The breach was surrounded by tens of thousands of elite Wei Chengjun who had not yet been surrounded by tens of thousands of elite Wei Chengjun. Suddenly, an attack came and knocked down the few who were walking at the back. Warriors of the Apostles.

The escaping attack hit Zongshen Passage and stirred up a lot of ice chips to block the opening. Unless the apostles continued to charge with their lives, it would be difficult to break out of Wei Chengjun's encirclement.

That problem put no pressure on Ice Shell. I stopped the apostle group's intention of mobilizing bad hands to attack weakly and decided to take Penny Shigong Xingte and use [Fantasy God Flash] to retreat directly. After that, when Zong Shen was not broken, this The outside is completely shrouded by the rich frost elemental magic power, and our medium and short space displacement methods are difficult to achieve. But now Zong Shen has not been able to dig out a passage, and the closed loop of the cage formed by the frost elemental magic power has been broken.

My [Fantasy God Flash], I will directly take Penny to retreat. It is necessary to fight to the death. I am going to take Penny and have a bad talk with Marquis Henry. Before I have experienced so many weird and strange things, I will make wise choices.

The most important thing is that Shi Gong Xing and Shi Gong Xing's small momentum are gone. That is a situation that everyone knows. Today, Lancais Luntak has only lost the eighth circle with the smallest area, and also lost the protection of Jonathan.

The performance of the Stone City family is disappointing. If it were not for Zong Shen, I am afraid that the remaining residents in the city would choose to abandon the city and flee. Even some forces in the Wei Chengjun had a crisis of confidence in Marquis Henry. The ruling family wanted It takes few years to develop trust within a city.

But it only took a moment for that trust to collapse. Now the credibility of the Shi Gongxingte family in the city has long been on the verge of collapse. They rely on internal crises such as Zong Shen's Cage and the Apostles to maintain their rule.

The only bad news is that the material reserves in the city are still sufficient, so it will fall into a situation of running out of ammunition and food. All in all, the situation in Zong Shen's prison cage is not simple at the moment. Ice Shell and Penny Stone will choose. Zong Shen flashed straight towards the Marquis Castle. After almost half a day of closure and isolation, the circle above Zong Shen's flash cage had already turned into a world of ice and snow. Drifting snowflakes fell from the sky.

The area covered by Zongshen's knee-deep snow piled up on the ground was small enough that it even had its own climate inside.

The enriched frost elemental magic cannot easily extinguish the fire magic of level eight or above.

The newly gathered fire elemental magic power will dissipate in an instant, and even the heating flames on my head will be affected to a certain extent. When it disappears, light blue ice whirlpools will appear in the sky.

Those ice whirlpools disappear and appear. Whenever they appear, there will always be a howling cold wind blowing from above. If it directly touches the ice whirlpool, it will suffer several points of frost magic damage per second, whether it is a living creature or a living creature. Dead objects will be quickly frozen by the action of ice vortex, and the eaves of some buildings are hung with ice ridges of equal length and length, and the air is spreading with heat.

The breath exhaled by any living thing is difficult to freeze into frost, and the ice is dissolved from top to bottom on the wall. Whether it is the ditch on the street or the stone road on the waterway, it is blocked by freezing.

There are too many people walking around in the street.

However, there were often not one or two groups of Wei Chengjun knights wearing animal fur coats. The mixed-breed military horses, which had taken measures to keep the horses' legs and necks warm, used their iron hooves to make large dents in the icy ground.

A small part of Wei Chengjun still stayed at the seventh level, and the battle forts under the defense line of the first circle of towers also became gathering points. Braziers and bonfires became the most common splendor in the frozen city.

The orange light glowed with an eerie halo on the blue-white ice. At this moment, under the defense platform on the roof of one of the small battle fortresses in the defense area controlled by the security forces.

Outside that is the rare low point in the distance. Several giant crossbows are set up next to the tooth-shaped wall stacks. The temporary tent is bent by the weight of the snow. There are not many figures wearing thick jackets in the tent. Warm yourself around the fire.

"Ah sneeze!"

Count Les, don't be stingy with his bad wine, I'll give you another glass!

The bard England sneezed heavily and looked forward to Count Lescazan, who was sitting opposite me. The focus was on the storage bracelet in my hand.

England knows that the ice shell allowed Earl Rice to retain part of his wealth, and now this storage bracelet contains all the remaining wealth of the other party.

This includes some wine from the wine cellar.

When the weather was freezing, warming up by the fire and drinking wine became the only fun. "Shut up, England." No one could tell how long the ice cover would last. "

"The security forces have not received any orders since they were not more than eight years old."

"And the order given to you by the villain lord is not to just wait.

I decisively agreed to England's request. This was not the seventh time this alcoholic bard had asked for a drink in an hour.

But in reality, my wine inventory is not small.

The bad thing is that food is in short supply. A small portion of the drinks in the city have been confiscated by Wei Chengjun and become strategic materials. As night falls in the inner world, the blue-white Zongshen dome is continuously emitting a faint sky-blue light. Looking up at the bad guy, There seemed to be a layer of aurora covering everyone's heads.

Hearing Earl Rice's answer, England curled his lips in disappointment.

At that time, Shuraya Bhutto, the commander of the security forces who was sitting next to us and also the commander-in-chief of Count Les Kazan, showed a wry smile.

Immediately he took out a mithril flask from his arms and handed it to England before unscrewing the cap, "You can only take a sip."

"Damn it! Who made him drink so little in one gulp!"

England took the flask and took a sip of wine.

His cheeks suddenly turned red with satisfaction, and he let out a comfortable burp. Among the officers in the security army, a very small number were gradually overpowered by Bingke with the help of Count Rice's social circle, so we can't mention Bingke openly outside of that place. , that was originally a precautionary measure to fight for my interests before the Stone City family and the church had a last-ditch battle, but now it seems that that measure should have been used or not.

The plan is about to change.

Using the bones of the Frost Ancestral Dragon as the carrier, and weak church rituals as the wedge to lead, the projection of the Disaster Frost Raven God that finally appeared was terrifyingly powerful.

Even leaving aside the apostles who have superior numbers and combat power.

The projection of God alone is enough to suppress Lancais Luntak, and the long-distance transmission channel that appears directly in the eighth circle makes the inner defense line of the giant city useless.

Not more than half of the eighth circle garrison, which originally accounted for the smallest proportion, was defeated or captured by the apostles in a very short period of time. Of course, some of them were captured by lords with malicious intentions. Those captured garrison troops only needed to be captured. It can be quickly conquered by taking it back to the territory with a little training.

Those were the remaining half of the ready-made combat power. The remaining defenders of the eighth circle barely escaped through various channels and returned to the tower of the seventh circle. In fact, the number of Wei Chengjun who survived was only less than 10% of the peak number. On the right and left, Lancais Shigongxing shrunk the defense line, but the number of the garrison was actually not as small as it was just after the end, and the situation in the city was not simple. As time goes by, I am afraid there will be some changes. Strategies for the future diverged.

That's why until now, Wei Chengjun still managed to organize manpower to attack Zong Shen's designated position.

Marquis Henry was no longer depressed.

They did not mobilize to rectify the team and develop according to that situation. It would take too long for chaos and war to break out in the city, and there were not many refugees in the eighth circle.

That made the seventh circle less crowded. As the heat came, Wei Chengjun opened a small number of taverns and small guild buildings to allow the refugees to escape the cold.

Otherwise, those frozen refugees would quickly gather together to rob the original residents of the seventh circle, causing order to collapse.

The only bad news in the city right now is not that food and other materials are quite sufficient. Thanks to the slightly abnormal material reserve system of the indigenous people of the mainland, the food stored in the last two circles is enough for us to eat for several years. As for making fires In addition to the materials in special wood, there is no grease from fire monsters. A piece of grease as small as a baby's fist can burn for less than 8 hours. Ordinary trees that are full of elemental magic do not yet contain fire element magic. Warcraft will be born from the beasts in the world.

In this book, they are the same as tree people without wisdom. Those magic trees are still plants, but they have certain elemental characteristics. In addition, there are not many similar reserve materials. As far as heating is concerned, they can support a few The moon is also a problem, but once you get to the front, you may have to burn food to keep warm.

The situation is not like that. It is definitely optimistic. In comparison, the security army is quite peaceful. The officers in the team abide by the orders left on the ice shell and always stay in the defense zone. As a result, England spent an unforgettable time with us. Time took the flask back from my hand, Shuraya Bhutto took a sip himself, and then handed the flask to the others. The brazier behind them emitted billowing coldness, causing the air below to distort. Because of the heat, coolness becomes so valuable just when we are chatting loudly.

The sudden appearance of two figures was someone from Zong who was holding Penny's wrist. "It seems they are living a leisurely life."

"Do you want to buy you a drink?" Shi Gong said with a smile. Hearing this, everyone turned their heads in a hurry, and when they saw me, they stood up and saluted, "Little man!" "

I saw Bingkei waving his hand, letting go of Penny's wrist and sitting by the brazier, stretching out his hand to roast the hot palm. My body is strong enough to withstand the high temperature inside Zong Shen.

But speaking of it, it also made me lose the fun of warming up by the fire. I took the mithril flask and took a sip. Is there anything more intoxicating than the strong wine shared in the ice and snow? Put the flask on, I The smile on his face subsided slightly, and he said in a serious tone, "You haven't surrendered to the Calamity Raven Church yet." Then he opened a passage. "

"If it takes too long, the city will be under your control.

I made bold words, but no one questioned my words.

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