"Why did Uncle Jonathan mobilize so many people?"

"Hasn't the Lancaster family already turned to him?"

The eldest prince and Grand Duke Hamfast sat cross-legged opposite each other.

Their postures are upright, like shadows carved out of them.

Prince Padric asked calmly while looking at the map of the continent reflected in the image crystal.

He had memorized the distribution of forces in the kingdom very well and knew that it was the territory of the Lancaster family.

I saw that Duke Hamfast still maintained a meticulous and solemn appearance.

"It is said that the Lancaster family turned against Chloe."

"My stupid and irritable brother can't even fight the Duke."

"His plans to win over heretical churches are slowly shrinking his power."

"This guy has brought shame to our ancestors. It is the Pendragon family's misfortune that he is in charge of the Imperial City of San Sebastian."

Even though he was complaining, Hamfast's tone remained calm and calm.

Grand Duke Jonathan and King Guther are both his royal brothers.

Among the direct princes of the royal family of this generation, he is the youngest but the strongest.

"The ancestors once said that heretics cannot be trusted."

"They offer everything to their so-called gods."

"But this continent is ultimately the stage for overlords."

The eldest prince Padric quoted the warning left by King Arthur.

As the overlord of the continent, King Arthur left behind many legends.

The Kingdom of Avalon worships the nine-faced dragon god Io.

But worship and belief are two different things.

Don’t build temples and altars, don’t engage in religious sacrifices.

The gods worshiped are just ethereal imprints.

Or a kind of spiritual sustenance.

And the worship of the Dragon God began with King Arthur III of Avalon.

He is the third generation king of the Kingdom of Avalon.

At that time, King Arthur's influence was still huge, so subsequent generations of kings continued to use the name of King Arthur.

In order to maintain the stability of rule.

At that time, Arthur III received some kind of guidance from the void.

Since then, the Kingdom of Avalon has become friendly with the metal dragon tribe in the Endless Continent.

During the honeymoon period, you can see scenes of harmonious coexistence between humans and dragons in many giant cities.

The metallic dragon, which is bold and helpful, has an excellent reputation in the kingdom.

The honeymoon period didn't last long, however.

With the passage of time, it is now rare to see metal dragons traveling in disguise in Avalon.

But the worship of the nine-faced dragon god Io has remained.

The kingdom's emblems include the roar of the dragon god and the redbud flower.

Even one of the imperial cities was called Io.

Habits become natural, and over time, worship will become a tradition and continue.

But even if the metal dragon left the Kingdom of Avalon.

But for thousands of years, the relationship between Avalon and the metal dragon tribe has been relatively good.

The negative effect is that Avalon is easily attacked by five-color evil dragons.

For example, Xiao Heizi's mother, Black Wing Tyrant, a terrifying lord dragon, now led his subordinates to launch an attack on the battle fortress at the border of Hanlubu Forest in the southern part of the kingdom.

The battle has been going on for several months and is expected to continue.

Speaking of the history of the Kingdom of Avalon, it would take three days and three nights to finish it.

But even after so many kings.

King Arthur's reputation remains irreplaceable.

As a follower of ancient times, Hamfast greatly appreciated the way the eldest prince cited scriptures.

"Yes, everything we face today."

"In fact, the ancestors have already left the answer."

"Pursue these answers, follow in the footsteps of your ancestors, and you will become a wise king."

"The continent will tremble beneath your feet."

"Avalon's territory will be even greater than it is now!"

When Hamfast said this, his calm expression finally changed significantly.

There was a rare hint of fanatical restlessness in his deep eyes.

Padrick nodded seriously and then asked.

"Then dear Uncle Hamfast."

"Are we going to take action?"

Hamfast narrowed his eyes.


"Let Jonathan and Chloe fight."

"The second prince Carter and the third prince Anna are nothing to worry about."

"The former accomplishes little, while the latter is obsessed with exploring the vast ocean."

"None of them are qualified kings."

"The only one who needs to be careful is the fourth prince."

"Behind him is a camp of radical reformers in the kingdom."

"Those lunatics can do anything."

"I suspect that the failure of Brother Guther's baptism and the disappearance of Anne are related to those guys."

"Unfortunately, the forces that took action did not leave any traces."

"The fourth prince seems to have left Akso Battle Castle."

"The destination is a mystery."

"Our scouts have trouble infiltrating the ranks of the reformers."

"But it doesn't matter. As long as we maintain our current strategy, we won't reveal any flaws."

"If those damn apostates dare to fight, our warriors will make them taste death."

Having said this, Archduke Hamfast paused for a moment before continuing.

"Start heading to the third training ground tomorrow."

"The new twelve Knights of the Round Table will be waiting for your arrival."

"They will help you conquer the continent in the future."

In response, the eldest prince Padric just nodded with an unchanged expression.

"I understand, Uncle Hamfast."

Gave him an encouraging look.

Hamfast stood up suddenly and put away the crystal that projected the map.

Then he left here without any regrets.

The door to the quiet room was closed again, and the place returned to a state of silence.

In place, Padrick's eyes gradually changed.

A trace of hatred and hatred was revealed.

He first clenched his fists and then slowly loosened them.

"When I am free again..."

It is true that Archduke Hamfast supports the eldest prince.

But in reality it is also a form of imprisonment.

His support is based on his absolute control.

For Hamfast, he wanted to train Prince Padric to become an overlord comparable to King Arthur.

And he was very resolute and never listened to Padrick's objections.

There are definitely benefits to retreating.

During this period of time, Padric has made great progress in both strength and experience.

The understanding of tactics and strategy has also been significantly improved.

Compared with his other brothers and sisters, there is undoubtedly a gap.

But Padraic himself did not like this forced retreat, and it could even be said to be extremely disgusting.

The arrogance of royal blood flows in his bones.

Fortunately, he also figured out Hamfast's habits during this time.

As long as you try your best to imitate your ancestor King Arthur, you will get more respect.

Until Archduke Hamfast was willing to delegate power to him.

Thinking of this, Padric couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He sat down again and closed his eyes.

It appears to be meditative.

In fact, Anne Lancaster's smile appeared in his mind.

Deep meditation brings smiles to life.

Padrick's cheeks were visibly flushed.

"Little sister, I will find you."


"Make you my wife!"

Late at night.

A biting cold wind blew across the earth.

The cold air gradually spreads into the distance.

The ice and snow around the giant city of Lentax not only did not melt, but also tended to spread.

The scope of climate impact is too large and it is difficult to recover naturally in a short period of time.

There may even be long-lasting climate anomalies.

You must know that hundreds of kilometers in radius are covered by ice.

It's like a scar that takes time to heal.

Like a big iceberg floating to the south, even after months of drifting and melting, only the tip of the iceberg will remain in the end.

All in all, unless large-scale magical means are used.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the ice and snow here to melt quickly.

The frozen scene before our eyes will last for a long time.

After several hours of hard work in both directions.

More than a dozen large passages have been dug out of the ice shell cage covering the second and first circles of the giant city of Lentax.

But this is far from meeting Zong Shen's requirements.

So the excavation continues.

The excavated broken ice was as hard as stone and was all taken out and piled in the open space.

Dozens of small icebergs were piled outside almost every passage.

The diffuse snowy wind obscured the view and made the night white.

At least that's what it looks like from the ground.

A huge heating fire swayed in the wind and snow.

The orange-red light cannot shine far away, and the fine snow particles will quickly accumulate in any windward corner under the influence of strong winds.

At this moment, here, it is like being in the northern border at night.

The strong wind swept everything away, and the only thing that could or could not be taken away was freedom.

When tens of millions of people were digging into the ice shell in the frozen area of ​​the giant city of Lentax.

Zong Shen had already taken the lead by riding [Hell Dark Nightmare] to catch up with the girls who had left Lentax for a day.

Tasia, the kitten girl Irina, the two sisters Karan of Zerikan, Heya and Ella from the Elf Eye, and the former raven saint Safuri.

The girls lack the means to move through space over long distances.

They could only ride towards the territory on prairie horses captured from horse bandits along the way.

After a day and night of stop-and-go trekking, we have just left the giant city of Lentax, eight or nine hundred kilometers away.

Zong Shen, riding the Dark Nightmare, quickly caught up with them.

Moreover, we also "rescued" several lone caravans and farmers along the way.

Further enriching the territory's population and resource reserves.

After meeting the girls, he also had a dream-like illusion.

The place is still affected by the cold, but it's not as windy and snowy as the city.

When the entire giant city was in turmoil and was frozen.

They also saw the scene from a distance that looked like the world was being destroyed by frost and snow.

The scope of the giant city itself is not small, and the ice shell that can cover it is naturally ridiculously large.

Even if they are hundreds of kilometers apart, as long as the terrain is suitable, you can still see what is happening there.

After seeing Zong Shen, the girls also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they all knew that nothing happened to the Lord.

But if Zong Shen unfortunately dies, they will all become ownerless free subjects.

"Sir, has the giant city of Lentax fallen into the hands of the church?"

The first to speak were Heya and Ella.

As former members of Elf Eyes, they had lived in the giant city of Lentax for several years.

I am relatively familiar with it.

So when I saw the huge city destroyed, I couldn't help but ask.

In response, Zong Shen just nodded lightly.

"The Calamity Raven Church is well prepared."

"Through ritual means, they not only opened up a long-distance shuttle channel directly to Jackdaw Valley."

"And using the bones of the ancestral frost dragon as a carrier, we received a wisp of the raven's divine will."

"That ray of divine thought is attached to the bones of the Frost Ancestral Dragon, forming the projection of a god whose strength reaches the intermediate level of a demigod!"

"The frozen giant city you see is what it left behind."

Zong Shen explained unhurriedly.

The girls couldn't help but open their mouths slightly.

Their faces were shocked, and they could not hide the surprise in their hearts.

No one expected that the Calamity Raven Church would launch such a massive all-out attack.

The most shocked among them was Sally.

"The remains of the Frost Ancestor Dragon..."

"Projection of God..."

These keywords reminded her of the forbidden area of ​​the church.

She never set foot there until she was an adult.

As an adult, I have only been to the church once during Holy Sacrifice.

I have the impression that it is an ice cave hidden deep underground.

It comes from an era so long ago that it cannot be traced back.

There she saw a rib dozens of meters long.

It is being moved out from the depths of the ice cave by a group of strong heretical giant warriors.

The old bishop at the time didn't explain much to her, and she had never seen the complete skeleton of the Frost Ancestor Dragon.

Now everything is right.

At this time, Zong Shen turned his attention to Safuli.

"I killed the projection of God."

"Getting this thing at the same time."

After saying that, he took out the [Jade of Raven Divine Will (Special)].

The huge sacred jade exuded a not too dazzling light in the cold windy night sky.

Seeing the Jade of Divine Will, others didn't have much reaction.

Safuri's body trembled slightly.

After all, she had been a saint of the church for so many years, even though she had unilaterally left the church.

But the power of faith hidden in the bones cannot be completely eliminated so quickly.

So when Zong Shen took out the Jade of Divine Will, her body reacted immediately.

Subconsciously, he wanted to kneel down and surrender to Zong Shen.

"Dear this...this is..."

Such a big reaction was seen by all the girls.

But Zong Shen raised the corners of his mouth and showed a smile.

"This is what you get after killing the projection of God."

"Now, the Calamity Raven Church has surrendered to me!"

"The giant city of Lentax is also under control. "

He told the good news.

The girls breathed a sigh of relief.

The demigod-level opponents are not the cats and dogs we have encountered before.

Every demigod has the power to suppress a giant city.

Plus the soldiers from both sides of the giant city and the church fighting each other.

It is impossible to say that there is no danger in being among them.

But the lord was able to take grain from the fire, miraculously frightening both sides.

And he was safe and sound, with no injuries.

I have to say this is simply a miracle!

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