He allowed the girls to chatter among themselves for a long time.

After all, conquering the giant city is still worthy of celebration.

Not to mention that Zong Shen also took down the Calamity Raven Church.

This is equivalent to solving two giant city-level forces at once.

While the girls were rejoicing, Zong Shen was not overly optimistic.

He turned around and looked at the huge city of Lentax, whose outline could no longer be seen, along the windy and snowy night.

There is no telling how many forces will be affected by the giant city-level incident.

It is different from the small fights in Bangcheng in the past.

The turmoil in every giant city in the Endless Continent will attract the attention of those big forces.

I'm afraid it won't take long before various forces will send people to inquire about the news.

After the destruction of the giant city of Lentax, the buildings in the second and first circles will definitely be reused.

After all, Lentax back then also started from the core circle and expanded outward little by little.

It eventually became a large city with three circles.

The buildings on the first and second circles are generally well preserved.

If there is a force that takes over this place, given time, it can be rebuilt into a huge city.

In fact, even Zong Shen was a little greedy.

If he hadn't been worried about possible revenge from Archduke Jonathan, he would have wanted to occupy this place.

But after all, this idea is just a thought.

His current plan is to reduce his presence as much as possible in front of the major forces in the kingdom.

Never show off easily.

It is foreseeable that the situation near the giant city of Lentax will become increasingly unstable.

This was originally the junction of the respective spheres of influence of Grand Duke Jonathan and Grand Duke Chloé.

There is a high probability that the two sides will start fighting and tug-of-war around here.

Now the kingdom is in turmoil, and no one knows when the war will break out.

It's better to be on the safe side.

Zong Shen's territory already has the resources to become a giant city.

As long as it is supplemented by resources from the Calamity Raven Church and the Great City of Lentax.

Everything will fall into place.

With sufficient resources and time on his side, the territory will surely grow.

With this premise, it would be meaningless for him to jump horizontally again and again.

It's not enough to just be full, you have to truly digest it, then it's your own.

At some point, the girls suddenly stopped discussing.

When Zong Shen turned around silently, he happened to catch their eyes.

"Sir, shall we continue to return to the territory, or shall we follow you to the giant city?"

Tasia, the most senior, took the initiative to take a step forward.

This is a question that others want to ask as well.

"You follow me."

“The trek on horseback is too time consuming.”

"Let's get into the big pocket first, and soon we will be able to ride on the church's 'hitch train'."

Zong Shen actually had already made arrangements for this.

It is not only inefficient to continue to let the girls ride back to the territory, but it is also easy to encounter accidents along the way.

Especially in such a time of chaos.

Although the strength of the girls is not weak, it is better to be careful.

At this juncture, Zong Shen was not worried about the indigenous people, but the lords with malicious intentions.

When seeing a beautiful female warrior who is alone, there is no guarantee that no one will have their own thoughts.

Before setting off, he gave the girls many life-saving cards such as magic scrolls.

The team used to deal with ordinary lords is definitely more than enough.

However, if it encounters a siege, it will be powerless.

Today's lords are generally highly cooperative, and there are few lone wolves like him.

After joining together, the lords can exert more powerful combat power, giving them the opportunity to leapfrog against the aboriginal forces.

Of course, looting other people's territory is equivalent to starting a war.

No matter who the other party is, Zong Shen will find the culprit and raise their ashes.

But if it gets to that point, nothing you do will help.

If he had not predicted that the giant city of Lentax would cause chaos, even he himself might not have been absolutely sure that he could escape unscathed, and Zong Shen would not have let the girls leave first.

The battle for the giant city was originally a huge gamble and adventure.

Now that the situation has become clear, it has become the best choice to let the girls follow him again.

After all the supplies and population of the giant city of Lentax are transferred to Jackdaw Valley through long-distance transmission channels.

Zong Shen will also go to the valley again, waiting for the red-robed Bishop Mai to pass the ceremony to change the port of the long-distance teleportation channel from the giant city of Lentax to his territory.

As a high-energy level transmission channel that can exist for a long time.

With that thing, it can greatly promote the communication between Jackdaw Valley and the territory.

After all, the subsequent church will have to supply various northern specialties to the territory, as well as the [Frost Dragon Crystal (gold)] excavated from the ice cave ruins.

Zong Shen’s plan to empty out the church within three months is by no means empty talk.

In these three months, the territory will enter a period of rapid improvement and development.

Naturally, the girls had no objections to the decision he made.

Zong Shen took out [Pascal Contract's Big Bag (Gold)] and opened the teleportation entrance.

As the first storage item he got that could contain living things.

Big Pocket has been with him for some time.

At this time, [Pascal Contract's Big Bag (Gold)] also contained thousands of elite warriors brought from the territory.

It was originally prepared to fight the autumn wind in the giant city, but it was not used in the end.

After a period of renovation, the space inside the big pocket has now taken on a completely new look.

Not only were straw sheds built for them to rest temporarily, but a large amount of food and drinking water were also stored.

If there was no sunshine and rain in the space, it would be almost like a small world.

The girls walked into the teleportation entrance one after another. As the spatial singularity closed, Zong Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

After taking away the girls, he can now safely take over the giant city of Lentax.

Hamis, the Dark Nightmare of Hell, was pacing beside him.

The wind and snow drifting from the edge of the frozen area fell on it.

The smooth black fur was gradually covered with some snow particles.

This makes it look particularly majestic.

The white snow and the black body set off each other.


Zong Shen waved to Nightmare.

Hearing his call, Hamis quickly turned around and walked over, shaking off the snow on his body.

Its fur is not only smooth, but also waterproof. Whether it is snow particles or rain and dew, it will fall very smoothly.

If you use Hamis's fur to make a raincoat, it will definitely be waterproof.

Turning over and riding on the nightmare, Zong Shen gently pulled the mane on its neck with both hands.

Although this guy was willing to let him ride, he was still unwilling to let Zong Shen regard it as a horse.

Zong Shen was not allowed to put the reins, saddle and shoes on it.

Of course, to Zong, the nightmare is not a horse, but it is no different from a horse.

"lets go!"

Zong Shen shouted softly, and the nightmare immediately set fire to its hooves and ran forward.

As time goes by.

The night faded, and a dark blue light curtain illuminated the sky.

The coldest time is before dawn.

Wisps of cold air spread across the land like dense fog.

After most of the day's excavation, dozens of ice shell passages had been dug out of the ice shell cage.

Large quantities of materials were transported out of the city by animal-drawn vehicles such as mules, horses, and oxen.

They are concentrated under the mirror-like long-distance transmission channel.

Whenever the supplies accumulate to a certain amount, the next beam of light will be projected on the transmission channel.

These beams can quickly guide supplies to Jackdaw Valley.

Transport supplies first, then transport people.

Evacuating a huge city is a big project.

It’s normal to spend a few days before and after.

At this time, Penny Lancaster had used her privileges to recruit a population of 20 million.

The remaining millions of people will give priority to the church's territory through long-distance transmission channels.

Take advantage of the free hands of the Apostle Regiment soldiers.

Zong Shen plans to clear out the small dimensional world in [Dimension Seed (Special)].

Release the several legendary level thorn heads that were collected before.

Mainly the two brothers Doris, the fire magician, and Sorenson, the Dabos gladiator twin.

There are also the two elders from Sanji Church.

A total of five legendary powerhouses are trapped in the small dimensional world.

Since Zong Shen decided to place those 20 million people into the small dimension, it was time to start clearing them out.

He immediately took action.

Directly summoned several apostolic groups, a team of hundreds of thousands of people.

Based on this, different military formations were formed to completely blockade all directions.

They also brought over those church elders who were promoted to legends during the sacrificial ceremony.

He had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers and strength, but he wanted to see how those low-level legends would deal with it.

After all preparations were completed, Zong Shen took out [Dimensional Seed (Special)].

The mind is immersed in the small dimensional world.

It can be found that the three people from the giant city of Dabos and the two elders of the Tripole Church seem to have reached some kind of consensus.

After staying in the small world for a few days, they gave up struggling.

No more attacks on space barriers.

Instead, he chose to lie down.

I saw five people building a few wooden houses on the meadow.

Each takes out the food stored in the storage jewelry to share.

I was stunned to regard this life in captivity as a vacation and picnic.

"The leisurely time is coming to an end."

"Everyone, please make your choice."

"Surrender or die?"

The ethereal voice echoed in the small world.

As the owner of [Dimensional Seed (Special)], Zong Shen can observe and speak without any hindrance.

Not long after this voice appeared.

Several people suddenly lost interest in the picnic.

Just as he was about to get up, the scene changed in the next second, and invisible space waves rippled.

The five people disappeared from the small world in an instant and appeared in the ice and snow of the giant city of Lentax.

Just as the space was transformed, the fire mage Doris let out an exclamation.

"The frost element here is so rich that it's terrifying!"

"The magic power of the fire element has been squeezed very thin!"

As a fire magician, such an environment made her feel particularly uncomfortable.

The Dabos gladiatorial twins each took out their own weapons.

The two elders of Sanji Church stood back-to-back with terrifyingly cold expressions.

The five of them all looked at the Apostle Regiment soldiers who had already formed a circle around them with vigilant eyes.

Most of these soldiers have not rested for several days and nights.

But their strong bodies and iron will kept them strong.

"How's it going, everyone."

"Have you thought about it?"

Zong Shen jumped up riding the [Hell Dark Nightmare·Hamis] with four flaming hooves.

The blue flames burned blazingly, projecting blue light and shadow on the ground.

It looked particularly eye-catching when it was still dark.

His voice was not loud, but it could clearly reach the ears of the five people in the encirclement.

Zong Shen didn't leave them much time to think about it.

From the moment I left the small dimensional world to now, it takes less than half a minute.

It took five people to barely understand the surrounding situation.

The first thing that can be determined is that this is still the giant city of Lentax.

It's just the state after destruction.

Judging from the aggressive apostolic warriors who surrounded them, it was the church that ultimately won.

"We are envoys sent by Duke Jonathan Pendragon."

Realizing that something was wrong, the fire mage Doris decided to raise Jonathan's banner.

Counting on the other party to give the Grand Duke face.


Zong Shen showed a faint smile and approached slowly on Nightmare.

"Then, Your Majesty the Ambassador."

"Surrender or death?"

His tone was full of teasing and mocking.

The guys in front of me didn't seem to understand the situation yet.

Counting on using the same old methods to scare them away.

Little did he know that this would be in vain.

Things have developed to this point, let alone moving out Archduke Jonathan.

It's useless even if they say they are the king's emissaries.

I saw Zong Shen gently waving his hand, and the group of apostles surrounded here took a step forward uniformly.

Then it continuously shrinks the surrounding circle at the frequency of one step per second.

Hundreds of thousands of people were walking around at the same time, and the momentum was undoubtedly huge.

Even the ice under everyone's feet trembled slightly under the simultaneous trampling.

The dull sound of treading on the ground was like an approaching landslide and tsunami.

For the five people in the encirclement, the pressure they need to endure is even greater.

If this situation develops, it will take at most half a minute for the encirclement to shrink completely.

They will also be overwhelmed by the battle group composed of Apostle Legion warriors.

Zong Shen stood in the air riding a nightmare, waiting from a high position for them to make a decision.

It would be best if you could conquer the high-end combat power of the legendary level.

If you really can't conquer them, you can only kill them.

They have seen the actual situation of the giant city, and they must not let them leave easily.

When another twenty seconds passed, the encirclement was still less than ten meters away from being completely closed.

The feeling of oppression is getting stronger and stronger.

Those walking in the front row were all fifth- and sixth-level Apostle Regiment warriors, and they were blessed by battle formations.

Even if five people can defeat hundreds or thousands of people, they can't escape from this mighty ocean composed of hundreds of thousands of Apostle Regiment soldiers.

The military formation has blocked the space, and it can be said that it is a certain death situation.

Life and death are all in one thought.

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