Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1278: Earth-shaking changes, tailor shop

There is a big difference between the development models of lords and aborigines.

The former has stronger aggressiveness and war intentions, and is a rapid development.

The latter should be relatively conservative, because the previous environment was relatively stable and it was a steady development of farming.

If the lord's territory completely copied the aboriginal model, there would definitely be great restrictions.

Take the number of troops, for example.

A normal giant city can deploy 500,000 to 3 million troops to meet its garrison needs.

They have little need for expansion.

As long as it can be ensured that the defensive positions of the giant city can be fully deployed and will not be left vacant.

Therefore, an army of this magnitude can meet the needs.

But the lord is different.

Not only must we defend, but we must also be prepared to expand.

Normally, 3 to 4 million soldiers per 10 million people is the appropriate ratio.

But with such a large unemployed population and full-time soldiers, it will undoubtedly make farming more difficult.

It is very difficult to feed so many soldiers with a limited population for farming.

We still have to rely on the mode of war and plunder to snowball.

These are things that Zong Shen needs to pay attention to.

If the lord wants to train soldiers in batches, in addition to getting drawings based on military camps.

The only option is to DIY troops.

You must know that the standard military camp training arms require corresponding training books.

Zong Shen actually has seven or eight thousand copies of this thing on hand, but compared with the demand for recruiting soldiers, it is just a drop in the bucket, and it is not worth the tokens or special buildings that are recruited regularly.

Therefore, in Zong Shen's opinion, the standard barracks are purely a useless product during the transition period.

He didn't even bother to notice.

The establishment of new arms still relies on DIY permissions.

But it's more complicated.

First, you need to decide on the types of troops to train.

The second is the standard equipment that can be mass-produced in the territory.

Finally, the training ground must be coordinated and divided into steps and gaps for multiple arms and levels.

These are all problems that DIY troops must solve.

Regarding this matter, Zong Shen planned to focus on solving the problems after completing the burial ground.

At least he had to do all the preparatory work before he went out to take risks.

It has a population of tens of millions and huge resource reserves.

His territory has long become a terrifying behemoth.

Even without him in charge, once this behemoth takes a step forward, it is absolutely unstoppable.

Today's territory is no longer as fragile as it was when it first arrived.

Looking at the region, it is a very intimidating giant force for both the indigenous people and the lords.

Using this as a basis, you can gradually turn the surrounding giant cities and state cities into resources for the growth of the territory, just like a big fish eating a small fish.

Of course, wait until Zong Shen releases the Frost Divine Will.

There is a demigod-level strongman sitting in the territory.

The demigod level is also called the guardian level among the aborigines.

Quantity is quite rare.

Belongs to the real high-end combat power among the indigenous people of Endless Continent

So much so that there are no defensive-level strongmen in most giant cities, and they all rely on legendary strongmen to support the scene.

But on the other hand, being able to protect the giant city shows that the legendary powerhouse is no longer weak.

In Zong Shen's current territory, there are more than one or two "big brothers" with legendary strength.

Even if there is no demigod level expert, this strength is not weak.

If there was another demigod-level powerhouse taking charge, that would be the real icing on the cake.

As long as you don't get involved in a kingdom-level war.

A territory with such strength can not only protect itself, but also have the ability to annex the surrounding aboriginal territory. Being able to reach this point is enough for Zong Shen.

He was actually looking forward to this very much.

The increasingly large territory has not become a burden, nor will it affect his ability to explore the continent.

This is great!

The dinner lasted until late at night.

During this period, everyone did not talk about development, but just drank and ate.

Holding the girls in his arms, Zong Shen went to the hot spring hut.

His strong physique kept him standing.

The next morning.

Zong Shen woke up from the big bed in the bedroom in high spirits.

As the lord's fortress expanded, he also got a larger and more luxurious bedroom.

A large bed several meters in diameter can solve most problems.

Be careful not to wake your loved ones.

He reactivated the [Quantum Furnace Core], and his energy instantly filled his body.

After getting up and dressing up, he left a note and left the fortress bedroom in a flash.

The current territory construction is developing too fast, which makes him feel a little unfamiliar.

Walking on the streets in the core area, most of the roads here are paved with strong and beautiful stone slabs.

A few open spaces have been greened.

Transplantation or spawning of large trees and ornamental shrubs.

The territory is both neat and tidy and lacks green vitality.

Those who can live in the core area are basically hero-level talents above the middle level of the territorial municipal government.

There are also the technical backbones of those workshops.

Masters including masters with senior professional titles usually live here.

Following the stone road, we walked for nearly two kilometers before leaving the core area where Marier will expand the Lord's Fortress in the future.

After passing through a six-level city wall, we officially entered the workshop area.

If put on the scale of the entire territory.

This can be considered part of the core area. Outside the core area adjacent to the Lord's Fortress, additional open space has been reserved. There are still workshops outside.

Compared to the bustling residential area, this place seems relatively deserted.

Pillars of smoke emerged from the blacksmith shop matrix in the distance.

That's a sign of the melting pot being turned on full blast.

They are like a giant beast that spits black smoke, smelting various metals and mineral materials and turning them into sharp weapons or armor.

Zong Shen's first stop was not the astonishingly large matrix of blacksmith shops.

It's the tailor shop in the territory.

The size of the current tailor shop has also expanded twenty to thirty times.

But matrixization has not yet been completely formed.

Because the application side of tailor shop is not as wide as that of blacksmith shop.

After all, the blacksmith shop covers building materials, metal castings, weapon forging, armor forging and other fields.

It is basically linked to the construction and development of the territory and the expansion of troops.

With the full demand here, large-scale development into a matrix has become inevitable.

Due to the difference in demand, the development speed of tailor shops will naturally be slower.

Demand determines development.

This becomes particularly evident in the pragmatic territory.

But even so, there are still twenty or thirty tailor shops.

As the core is a sixth-floor tailor shop.

Alanna and several other senior tailors are personally in charge.

It is not only responsible for processing the furs and leather materials of high-level monsters.

Also responsible for training more tailors.

Responsible for expanding tailoring talents in the territory.

Senior tailors can teach at most intermediate tailors.

From tailor apprentice, to trainee tailor, low-level tailor, and intermediate tailor, it is equivalent to four levels.

Intermediate tailors are capable of handling fourth- and fifth-level fur and leather materials.

And sew leather armor, leather boots and other leather protective gear of corresponding levels.

He can already be regarded as the mainstay of tailors in the territory.

So these high-end tailors are more like seeds.

More fruits can be grown.

Until Zong Shen owned an orchard.

This kind of successional development is of great significance to the future of the territory.

Just like giving birth, it is equivalent to turning dead water into living water.

This is the development model that can see the future.

Zong Shen strolled among the tailor shops.

Walking along the straight path towards the largest room among them.

The air here is filled with a strange smell.

It smelled slightly rancid and sour.

Leather material needs to be tanned before it can be cut and sewn.

This smell comes from tanned leather.

Along the way you can see girls pushing trolleys.

Different grades of leather materials are placed in each car.

The classification of leather is also very particular.

In addition to the grade, it must also be based on the type and elemental properties of the leather.

For example, crocodile skin, scale skin and thick skin of hairless animals cannot be processed together.

The skins of hairy animals also need to be processed separately.

Broken down further, Warcraft's leather also has differences in different elemental systems.

Water-based leather and fire-based leather cannot be placed together.

It contains elements that conflict with each other.

These are all knowledge about leather classification.

Zong Shen only had a slight understanding of this.

But now it seems that the tailor shop in the territory has also realized the workshop language.

Each process is quite orderly, and there is obviously a clear division of labor.

Clear procedural division of labor and assembly lines, as well as power machines that liberate productivity, are the three major elements for the earth to enter the industrial age.

At present, the current territory workshop has taken the prototype of efficiency.

The lord's territory not only develops faster, but also has greater compatibility and innovation.

The tailor shop has used the exclusive magic core produced in cooperation with the machine workshop.

This magic core can power the tailor's tanning machine.

Increase tanning efficiency and reduce the proportion of occupied talents.

The freed up tailor can be responsible for the more technical work of cutting, sewing and rune drawing.

Such measures have made the territory's tailor shops extremely productive.

A lot of leather equipment and protective gear are produced every day.

This is a real positive output. If it is sold, it will be a benefit.

Keeping it for personal use can also solve the problem of equipment gaps during troop expansion.

Zong Shen walked around in a low-key manner, feeling increasingly satisfied with the development of the territory.

The little tailor girls who recognized him along the way exclaimed in admiration, and then bowed to him.

He is more like a hero who creates miracles in the hearts of the people.

It is thanks to Zong Shen that those people who have experienced a life of upheaval and displacement are able to live a stable life and have enough to eat every day.

These two items alone are enough for the citizens to be grateful.

Zong Shen smiled and nodded at them.

Not much was said.

He just put his hands behind his back and inspected his home.

Currently, all the tailors in the territory are girls.

And most of them are young girls aged 14 to 20 years old.

Girls of this age are relatively simple-minded and clever.

It is faster to learn tailoring skills.

Able to master technology quickly.

The blacksmith shop is all filled with old men.

It's not that men can't hold embroidery needles, it's just that Zong Shen thinks it would look weird.

It's just his personal bias.

But this prejudice is harmless.

This was originally his territory. As a lord, he couldn't do anything about it.

What's the point of using a hammer?

He doesn’t want others to think about it, he just wants to feel about it himself.

In this situation of looking east and west.

He quickly walked to the door of the huge sixth-floor tailor shop.

Dragonborn rangers are stationed nearby.

When they saw Zong Shen arriving, they all stepped out of their fighting positions to salute and bow.

"Lord Lord!"

Zong Shen nodded and asked smoothly.

"Where is Lady Alanna in charge of the tailor shop?"

Those dragonborn rangers were just about to answer.

At this time, a group of little girls walked out.

They also saw Zong Shen and were startled.

Some of the little girls joined the territory later.

But they have all seen Zong Shen's portraits and sculptures.

Yes, during this period, Howie erected statues of Zong Shen in many parks and squares reserved in the territory.

They are all images of his heroic appearance.

These sculptures are all carved by intermediate and advanced sculptors based on the three-dimensional images of photographic crystals.

Not only are the craftsmanship superb, but some statues also have totem-like area effects.

Most of them have effects such as [Encouragement], [Inspiration], and [Worship].

This move also allowed those people who had never met Zong Shen to know his appearance subtly.

At the same time, he established an image of a wise and powerful person in his mind.

In addition, there are large portraits.

and “shows” that take place every three to five days.

In addition to common entertainment programs such as singing and dancing, the performance also includes storytelling sessions.

Zong Shen's previous achievements and experiences were written into stories by a young blacksmith in the territory who was good at writing.

According to the content of each article and paragraph, it serves as the story environment after the song and dance.

The above methods are somewhat brainwashing.

But the results were very good.

Only then can the loyalty of the people in the territory maintain a positive improvement.

It is precisely because of various measures that the average loyalty can be maintained at around 82 points.

Judging from the new population and total number of people in the territory, this is quite an explosive result.

Under such circumstances, even if the people have never seen Zong Shen, they can still recognize the lord in an instant.

Not to mention the faint invisible connection between the lord and his subjects.

Even without these measures, it can be recognized quickly.

After he asked the question, one of the little girls walking out of the tailor shop suddenly took a step forward.

"Dear Lord."

"Are you here Master Alana?"

Zong Shen glanced at the little girl in surprise.

The information that appeared in front of her showed that her name was Masai, and she came from the group of hungry people received in Sakabang.

Now he is a tailor apprentice in the territory.

After a slight pause, he smiled.


At this time, Masayi said quickly.

"Master Alana took five days off yesterday."

"Said he wanted to relax in the territory."

"So she didn't come to the tailor shop to report today."

Hearing Masayi's words, Zong Shen smiled.

"Thank you, I understand."

This child named Masai seems to have a very good relationship with Alana.

After receiving his compliment, Masai smiled naively and bowed again before leaving.

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