Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1279: The knowledge of domination, Alanna’s holiday [Happy Mid-Autumn Festival]

The vigorous development of the territory has undoubtedly changed the fate of many indigenous people.

Take the little girl named Masai in front of me as an example.

Without Zong Shen's intervention.

The city of Seakabang will only be destroyed step by step in the famine.

The refugees there either starved to death or had no choice but to leave their homes.

In the outside world, horse bandits, bandits, slave traders, and hungry monsters wandering in the wilderness are all irresistible dangers to the refugees.

Some bandits and bandits even enjoyed cannibalism.

Rather than risking capture by traveling to a village or settlement to buy food or hunt wild beasts.

It is more convenient to rob and eat people.

So no matter which path he takes, there is a high probability of a bad fate waiting for Masai.

But Zong Shen's appearance changed everything.

The territory received the hungry people from Seakabang City and transformed them into official territorial citizens.

Meals are provided every day.

Although it is not luxurious and delicious, at least it is more than enough to fill your stomach.

Moreover, the territory also provided the hungry people with enough shelter from wind and rain, and distributed clean clothes.

Fully fed, warmly clothed, and a place to rest.

Being able to meet these three points is like a dream for the hungry people of Seaka.

Under such circumstances, most of the territorial residents who joined later, including Masai, felt a natural gratitude to him.

These territorial citizens transformed from hungry people and refugees do not need much care.

As long as they can ensure that they have enough food and clothing, their loyalty will naturally increase quickly.

The real trouble was with the immigrants from the great city of Lentax.

They didn't know the real reason for the destruction of the great city of Lentax.

For example, the game between the Grand Dukes, the inheritance of the Scarlet Rose that bewitched Penny, and the accumulated greed and contradictions of the Lancaster family.

For most of the immigrants in the giant city of Lentax, they were displaced because of the war started by the Calamity Raven Church.

So when these guys were moved to Jackdaw Hollow.

Chaos is almost inevitable.

All were suppressed by force from the church's apostles and believers.

Now they will be transferred to Zong Shen's territory again.

If there is no reasonable rhetoric and excuse, this conflict will definitely be transferred.

This makes it difficult for immigrants in the giant city of Lentax to increase their loyalty.

In order to prevent this situation from happening.

Zong Shen made two preparations.

First, while relocating the population, he sent the heroic talents in charge of resettling the population in the territory to perform a play with the elders of the church.

The general idea is that the territory paid a heavy price to "rescue" these poor people in a peaceful way.

Let them move from the cold Jackdaw Valley to a warmer territory.

The secondary preparation was to take advantage of the privileges Penny had received.

There is also the prestige accumulated by the Lancaster family in the giant city of Lentax for thousands of years.

This was used to downplay the conflicts in the hearts of the Lentax immigrants.

Both hands are ready to go out together.

In the end, it was the Calamity Raven Church that took the blame.

And those immigrants in the giant city of Lentax had no choice but to accept the reality.

Only with comparison can we see the difference.

Compared to the cold Church Valley, the climate conditions in Zongshen's territory are of course much more favorable.

And to be honest here, it is actually not far from the giant city of Lentax.

The distance of four to five thousand kilometers makes the regional climate of the two places similar.

Because of this, the immigrants from the giant city who are being transferred one after another have the "illusion" of going home. Under this operation, the immigrants can accept their fate and choose to join the territory.

Become a subject under the Chosen One, and then be controlled by the loyalty system.

There is no turning back when the bow is drawn.

As long as Zong Shen can ensure their most basic survival guarantee.

Loyalty will slowly increase bit by bit.

This is almost an inevitable rule.

When the population in the territory increased sharply, how to arrange governance and how to increase loyalty became unavoidable issues.

Zong Shen also had plans for this.

Moreover, Mariel and Howie also learned a lot of valuable experience in actual territory management.

Zong Shen withdrew his thoughts and watched Masayi and other young tailors skipping away.

Immediately he looked at the dragon rangers standing around.

The rangers holding longbows nodded slightly, confirming Masai's words.

This made Zong Shen a little strange.

Alana, also known as Anne Pendragon, usually likes to be quiet in the territory rather than making trouble.

Apart from working day and night in the tailor shop, he has almost no interest in anything else.

Every time he seems extremely focused and serious.

Zong Shen understood that she was using her identity as "tailor supervisor" to cover up her depression.

But such a "hidden figure" with a special status in the territory suddenly took five days off.

This is somewhat abnormal.

Not that Zong Shen minded her asking for leave.

The territory is not so poor that it will stop running without a high-level tailor.

But Alana's request for leave seemed to reveal a change in her mentality.

Shaking his head, Zong Shen pushed away his distracting thoughts and stepped into the sixth-floor tailor shop ahead.

He planned to look for Alanna after inspecting this place.

This time he had something to ask her about King Guser.

As the fifth princess of the Kingdom of Avalon, Anne can play an unknown role in promoting the future changes in the kingdom, which is regarded as a big card in Zong Shen's hand.

It's just that he hasn't decided yet whether or when to use this big card.

He even planned to leave the decision-making power in Anne's own hands.

Because his intuition told him that the fate decided by Anne herself was the most perfect choice.

There is no need for external interference, the answer exists somewhere.

Sighing leisurely, he focused on inspecting the tailor shop.

September of the Kingdom of Avalon season.

The temperature in the territory is pleasant, neither hot nor cold.

And because this place is located in the east of the Endless Continent, there are only two cold seasons at most every year.

It's far from cold yet.

Compared to the north where snow falls all year round, the climate conditions here are very superior.

Walking in the commercial streets of the territory.

These shopping streets were prepared for the reform of the free people.

Nowadays, before the freedmen policy has been implemented, the shopping street has been open for business.

It's just that most of the people who have the ability to patronize this place are small officials in the territory.

Pubs, restaurants, hostels and even flower shops are all available.

The floor of the shopping street is made up of neat square stones.

It is not only flat and clean, but also does not have sewage flowing across it like other cities.

Alanna is one of the "talents" in the territory who gets paid early.

The reward system was also part of the freedmen's reform vision.

Large-scale changes like that cannot happen overnight.

You must click on the back first, and gradually try and figure out the correct way to open it.

So Alana also had a savings of about 2,000 dinars.

This amount of money was not worth mentioning to her before, but compared with the current salary standards in the territory, it is still considered a high salary.

The current municipal system is divided in great detail.

There are roughly four levels of leadership system, from street level to district level to territorial level heroic talents.

Alanna's salary standard is equivalent to the fourth level.

Second only to chief officers like Mariel and Howie.

The current prices in the territory have not been in line with marketization and remain at a low floating point level.

Because it is a pilot.

Therefore, pricing in shopping malls is determined by the city hall.

It is temporarily a welfare product, and the price is only slightly higher than the cost.

But the variety is still very rich.

Take food as an example. Cupboards are filled with all kinds of baked pastries and desserts.

It has an alluring buttery aroma.

There are also endless snacks with rich flavors.

[Market] The existence of buildings is a bug to the Aboriginal concept.

It eliminates the blockade of geographical distance on ingredients.

For example, the local giant city tried its best to obtain super long-distance ingredients.

But through the [Market], you can quickly purchase it regardless of the distance between the two places.

Without transportation costs, some ingredients that are expensive for the indigenous people are now common in the territory.

Those lords who are in the food business basically have a way to obtain supplies in bulk.

Instead of trying every means to form a caravan and sell to distant aboriginal people to make huge profits, it is better to easily sell to other lords through the [market] and make appropriate profits.

At least the latter involves much lower risks and worries than the former.

In addition, the chefs in the territory also received guidance from Zong Shen.

Before leaving Li Di, Zong took the time to write a recipe.

It was written based on the eight major cuisine concepts of Earth China.

It’s rough, but it points chefs in the territory to new directions in culinary exploration.

The Chinese food in China and the Western-style food style in Endless Continent are completely two different branches.

Even if there are no specific recipes, you can explore along the Chinese cooking methods and you will always find new discoveries.

This is what makes the territory's current diet diverse.

There are many foods that even Alanna, a princess, has never eaten.

It cost her only twenty dinars and she was full.

Now I am sitting on the second floor of a restaurant in the shopping street slowly enjoying the food while admiring the distant view of the territory.

“The Chosen One is indeed favored by Heaven.”

"These are miracles that I could never have imagined before."

"In less than two months, I watched this place transform from grassland to city."

Alanna sighed in her heart.

It was not only the food that attracted her, but also the changes in this territory.

Before that she had been working in a tailor shop.

I haven’t taken a good look at the changes outside the core area.

In her mind, a large part of the impression of the territory still came from riding in a cage car during the slave period.

This time she took leave and really enjoyed the joy of the holiday.

Try your best to relax your tense body and mind.

Trying to use the change of exploring the territory to temporarily overcome the concern for the imperial city and his father.

Facts have proven that this is still effective.

This made her depressed mood slightly relieved.

Even just a little relief made her feel better.

She planned to visit the agricultural area in the afternoon and tomorrow.

The manager there is a fairly kind druid.

It seems to be called Salome Linyu?

Although sometimes Salome seems a little paranoid.

But he is undoubtedly a good man.

His daily life is almost as focused and monotonous as Alana's.

Just holding the vibrant branch staff, spreading the spiritual dew everywhere.

Salome's whole focus was on agriculture.

We are trying to cultivate more and better varieties for the territory.

Even if the size of the agricultural area cannot keep up with the population growth, he is not discouraged at all.

In other words, he doesn't care about the population problem at all, and only sees the seeds and crops.

Just what Zong Shen needs is such a dedicated guy.

Unlike everyone else who finds agricultural areas boring.

Alana liked it there instead.

Sitting in the opened field of fast-growing wheat, watching the wheat complete the process from germination to harvest in one day.

She could just sit there and watch it all day.

During this period, the little girls responsible for tending the farmland would always quietly send her a few fruits.

There is little communication between the two parties, but the atmosphere of getting along is always harmonious.

Unlike her brothers and sisters, Alanna, or rather Princess Anne, had different preferences since childhood.

She enjoyed painting, gardening and sewing.

Every day, except for the aristocratic etiquette class, he would choose to be quiet and alone.

He neither wields swords or guns like the king brothers, nor does he like shiny jewelry like sister Anna.

So she couldn't get along with her siblings since she was a child.

Except that the eldest brother will occasionally show care and bring her some nice embroidery thread or flowers.

The other siblings rarely interacted or played with her.

But she didn't have any dissatisfaction with it.

On the contrary, I feel that this kind of life is very comfortable.

It wasn't until a series of events happened that her comfort zone was completely shattered.

It has to be said that he wandered around in order to avoid being hunted.

In the process, she was getting further and further away from the imperial city and her home.

After disguising herself, she was captured and made a slave.

She avoided being violated by her ugly and hard-to-find disguise.

And the tailoring skills she inadvertently revealed made her a more valuable being in the hands of slave owners.

They won't be sold to the countryside to feed cows and pick manure.

It was this series of coincidences that finally led her to meet the person who changed her destiny——

——Zong Shen.

Just as she was looking out the window in a daze.

A clear and powerful voice appeared from behind.

"What are you looking at?"

She turned around and saw Zong Shen's smiling face.

So he stood up quickly and wanted to salute, but was stopped by Zong Shen the next moment.

There were not many people in the restaurant, and she was the only one on the second floor.

In a relatively private environment, there is no need to consider confidentiality issues.

And the territory is currently not open to outsiders.

Everyone who can appear here is the leader.

"Didn't we agree?"

"You don't have to salute me."

"Of course, in daily life, you must abide by the rules of the territory. That is your freedom."

Zong Shen said with a smile.

He saw three plates ordered at Alanna's table.

Alana nodded slightly and did not answer.

As if he was used to her reticence, Zong Shen smiled and sat across from her.

Movements are light and natural.

It looked like meeting old friends.

Happy belated Mid-Autumn Festival.

I wish all book friends and their families good health.

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