Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1298: Sarcophagus Hall, Deformed Demon

Latest website: In fact, the potential for harvesting relics around Zongshen’s territory does not stop there.

You must know that the bone burial ground he has developed now is only a small part of it.

In addition, Azshara's Vault has not yet been opened.

The same goes for the ruins surrounding the ancient great city of Azshara.

If the surrounding ruins were completely developed.

The standard armaments obtained are enough to arm at least two to three million troops.

This is what a thorough development of a heritage site can bring.

It doesn't matter if you are broke or broke, there are ancient ruins and battlefields left over from the last era.

Magical equipment does not decay and can be used even after cleaning.

The blessings of previous generations are enjoyed now.

This is why Zong Shen attaches great importance to the development of ruins.

Most of these ancient standard equipment can be adapted according to equipment requirements.

There are no additional thresholds.

Before the territory obtains equipment molds and has the ability to mass-produce standard equipment, the best option is to pluck these ordnance and spare equipment left over from the war in the last era from the ruins.

After collecting the treasure chests in this branch, mark the storage compartments of the weapons.

Someone will naturally come down to collect it later.

What Zong Shen has to do is keep moving forward.

At the end of the branch road is a hall, with a dim light shining faintly inside.

There are also various shadows swaying on the wall.

Zong Shen walked forward quickly and soon arrived at the hall.

This hall is unimaginably large, covering thousands of square meters, and is divided into two areas, one large and one small.

There are several round rune tables placed in a smaller area.

There were not only dark straps used to bind the limbs, but also brown stains soaked in blood.

Like an altar for bloody sacrifices.

There are rows of specimen racks filled with evil aura placed against the wall.

Those specimen racks contained brain specimens and organs from different ethnic groups.

They all use special anti-corrosion treatments.

Even though more than 10,000 years have passed, there is still no decay.

In addition, there is a stone door at the end of the hall.

There are runes all over it, as well as the obscure words of the blood-burning demon.

The stone table near the edge was piled with various leather scrolls, scratch paper, and rune notebooks.

There were also books that had long since decayed and did not need to be touched. Just the weak air flow when they entered the corridor slowly turned those books and scraps of paper into ashes.

All that can be left is the scroll and the rune notebook.

Finally, on the wall of the hall, there are bottles of statues with different postures.

These statues resemble giant demons that look completely deformed.

Some have two heads, and there is a smaller half head on top of the big head, which looks like a matryoshka doll.

Some heads are densely covered with eyes. A conservative estimate would be that there are at least dozens of eyes.

It looked extremely scary, and even reminded Zong Shen of the long-lost evil god.

There are also two arms of different sizes. The right arm is extremely thick, and the left arm is as small as an underdeveloped stump, full of deformities and weirdness.

Opposite the heavy stone door, there seemed to be another entrance to a larger area.

But now is not the time to continue exploring.

Because in this hall, there are dozens of huge magic-patterned stone coffins.

The quality is almost the same as the Demon Hunter sarcophagus that Zong Shen disassembled in the temple. They are all good magic materials.

Speaking of which, demons seem to like to use magic stones to preserve their bodies.

The original Demon Hunter was like this, and so was the previous Stitch Monster army.

Now I went deep into the bone bunker again and saw a similar scene again.

In addition, there should be an extended passage at the entrance to the larger area, but it has almost collapsed and is considered a dead end.

The strategy module points to the direction of the core area, which is the thick rune stone door.

Just when Zong Shen and others stepped into this hall, before they had time to investigate carefully,

The sarcophagi within sight had begun to tremble violently.

Not long after, the heavy magic stone cover was lifted.

All these magic stone pavilions were opened one by one from the inside.

Zong Shen was not surprised at all. This was not the first time he had seen a similar scene.

And speaking of it, he has also explored a lot of various sneaky ruins since his arrival.

When we were on Earth, ghosts were mystical creatures, but in the Endless Continent, ghosts were just the undead.

It can be hacked to death or kicked to death, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

In the hall, strong and ugly figures crawled out of the Magic Stone Pavilion one after another.

These figures are all grotesquely deformed demons.

Different from the aberrant monsters we have seen before, these aberrant demons all possess the main characteristics of demons.

But it is obviously not a common native demon, with obvious traces of experimentation.

It is estimated that it is another war weapon created by some evil experiment.

It's just that the shapes of these deformed demons are even weirder than those of the Stitch Monsters.

Moreover, the first group of aberrant demons to come out relied on scale claws and sharp teeth to fight with any weapons.

From these deformed demons, it can be seen that in addition to the obvious demonic characteristics, the deformed demons also contain the characteristics of many different ethnic groups in the Endless Continent.

For example, there is an extra heart on the chest of a deformed demon, with a black tattoo of the World Tree on the surface, and a big hole is opened in the arm, where is the secret skin of the troll.

The limbs and bodies of many deformed demons look full of dissonance,

So much so that part of the body is in a semi-rotted state.

Black corrosive pus was constantly flowing, dripping on the ground and emitting putrid white smoke.

The deformed demon rushing at the front waved its dark claws wildly, its eyes glowing blood red, and it wanted to tear someone apart at all costs.

Faced with the attack of the deformed demon, Zong Shen didn't care at all. Instead, he calmly concentrated and took a look at its attributes.

[Deformed Demon·Experimental Version II Generation LV35 (Purple)]

[Purple Commander Level]

[Race: Undead/Devil Aberration/Suture Experimental Subject]

[Chopping damage: 265~368]

[Health value: 6500]

[Armor value: 65]

[Magic Resistance: 75]

[Skill: Distorted Poison Gas LV30 (releases a 15-meter-diameter distorted poison gas cloud, which can cause continuous damage and slow down the enemy's movement speed, causing a deceleration effect of 20% and poisonous damage of 55 points/second. It is effective for targets with health values ​​below 5%. 10% chance of causing distortion, lasting 5 seconds, cooldown time 1 hour)

Devil's Claw Pounce (waving the devil's claw crazily, causing three consecutive slashing damage, cooling time 2 hours)]

[Passive skill: Corrosion (attacks have a corrosive effect, each hit attack can reduce the armor value by 1 point and the equipment durability by 3 points)]

(Comes from cruel demonic experiments, the purpose is to create war tools that can produce and integrate multiple advantages. Unfortunately, this production technology is not mature, it is only a semi-finished product at best.

Although these aberrant demons have obtained demonic scales and sharp claws, they do not have the signature ability to release chaotic attacks. On the contrary, the various toxins and corrosive effects on their bodies are more troublesome)

"Purple Commander Level?"

"Weak chicken..."

After getting used to big monsters, Zong Shen felt weak when he saw an opponent of this caliber again.

These aberration demons are too weak.

This is true whether it's attack or armor value. He can't even withstand a casual blow with thousands of health points.

Monsters of this level can only put some pressure on him in the early stages of their arrival.

In terms of skills, there is only poison gas and claw attack, and there is nothing outstanding at all.

With Zong Shen's current strength, he simply couldn't catch his eye.

He didn't even need to take action himself, Colby rushed forward with a machete in hand.

He stretched out his arms and roughly grabbed the neck of the deformed demon, and then threw it to the ground brutally.

Splashes of pitch-black corrosive sap.

Without giving it a chance to fight back, Colby raised his knife and cut off its health with two "swishes".

In less than five seconds, this deformed demon was filled with hatred.

And Colby didn't even have any serious skills.

It was totally a casual death.

The dead aberration demon quickly turned into a pile of putrid and dirty flesh and blood, without any pressure or challenge at all.

A dark bead was left in place.

Zong Shen picked it up and took a look at it, and found that it was actually a good material.

[Demon Soul Pearl (Purple)]

[Quality: rare grade]

[The orb that condenses the remnant soul of the devil after death can be used to increase the strength of the puppet or to strengthen the undead so that it can acquire part of the devil's characteristics]

(Orbs condensed using demon soul beads are relatively rare materials.

Can be used to strengthen undead and golems)

This thing is somewhat useful.

It happened to be useful for one of Zong Shen's plans.

After destroying the fastest running aberration demon.

The twenty or thirty aberration demons placed in the area began to tremble.

The sarcophagi and statues hidden deeper also rubbed against the ground due to shaking.

There were obscure and unpleasant friction sounds everywhere.

Zong Shen was not afraid at all, Colby stood by his side.

"Bang bang bang!"

The remaining covers of the magic-patterned sarcophagus were roughly opened, flew out and landed on the ground.

A total of fifty or sixty magic pattern sarcophagi of different sizes were opened.

More terrifying figures stood up from the sarcophagus.

They are all kinds of aberrant demons.

Some held different weapons in their hands, and some had sharper scale claws.

These deformed demons looked at Zong Shen and others.

Each aberration demon has a different height and appearance.

The only thing they have in common is that they are all full of grotesque inconsistencies.

This scene, at first glance, is terrifying.

It's almost the same as stabbing the aberration demon's lair.

Again more aberrant demons are seen.

Zong Shen can be sure that none of these guys have the same appearance.

Some aberrant demons are as short as goblins.

Some are extremely fat and tall.

There are also all kinds of weird and deformed species.

For example, there is a deformed version that resembles the elemental body's ethereal lower body and the demon's upper body.

In Zong Shen's eyes, these deformed demons were simply a blasphemy to living beings.

After all, it is the product of evil experiments, which will make people instinctively feel disgusted.

The appearance of these deformed demons depends entirely on what ethnic elements are implanted in their bodies.

Each sarcophagus in the area corresponds to a deformed demon with a weird style.

A full fifty or sixty deformed demons appeared. After leaving the sealed environment of the sarcophagus, the entire hall began to be filled with a strong putrid smell.

The bodies of most of the deformed demons are in a semi-rotted state. It is unknown whether it is a process problem or the time limit is too long, exceeding the "shelf life" of the magic pattern sarcophagus.

The smelly, sticky rotten water dripped everywhere.

Compared with these deformed demons, the undead demons found in the mines were definitely in "high-quality" condition.

After these aberrant demons appeared, they did not rush to attack Zong Shen and the others. Instead, they walked to another area and knelt down in front of the trembling demon statue.

"Colby, kill them!"

Zong Shen issued the battle order. Most of the aberrant demons he could see were purple commander-level, with only a few orange overlord-level, and not even a golden epic-level one.

Colby smiled and nodded, and after a slight nod, the movable visor automatically slid off.

His face is completely obscured.

This is bound to be a massacre.

With the strength of the legendary strongman, Caulbi entered the realm of no one.

But the demon statues against the wall suddenly moved.

The fragments of the statue on his body were shaken off like raindrops.

Demons slightly smaller than the statue appeared.

These demons are more like orthodox blood-burning demons.

One of the demons was holding a heavy book in his hands, and he was gently flipping a few pages in a humane manner.

Suddenly a black light mask appeared.

The mask of light immediately expanded with a repulsive force, suddenly expelling Colby, Zong Shen and others.


Feeling the repulsive force, Zong Shen muttered to himself in a daze.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a rare look of interest.

He raised his hand and gently touched the black light shield.

Circles of ripples immediately appeared on it, and its sturdiness was surprising.

It's actually as high as 10 million points.

At the very least, this is a defense that can only be activated by gold-level defense buildings.

It can be seen that the demon statues that were revived by the aberrant demons kneeling down are the real BOSS in this hall.

The nine demon statues may represent the nine great demons who originally led the legion.

At least Zong Shen has recognized the Dread Lord whose blood he often collects.

Those huge and bloated lower limbs are simply iconic.

"Well, are even our remnant souls disturbed?"

"So, the change of era has been completed, right?"

"I don't know how long it has been now..."

"Those damn traitors!"

The hoarse and obscure voice echoed in the hall, and the tone was full of vicissitudes of life.

The resurrected demonic statues don't seem to care about death at all.

In other words, they have already lost their energy and died.

"It seems we have lost."

"But those traitors didn't succeed either."

"The original king will definitely be able to counterattack again!"

A new voice appeared, but it was still sighing to itself.

They didn't seem to take Zong Shen seriously.

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