Latest website: Coincidentally, Zong Shen didn’t pay attention to those sculptural demons who pretended to be gods and ghosts.

From their self-centered conversations, it can be known that these guys are the remnant souls left by the great demon.

It's not the body.

Among the nine statue demons, Zong Shen recognized the Dread Lord and [Artorius the Destroyer] on the spot.

Speaking of which, Artorius' true body is still locked in [Solomon's Sealing Plate (Legendary)].

He had already tried to unblock during the defensive challenge before.

The released Artorius is in a "withered" state, but even so, he still possesses legendary low-level strength. The most important thing is that the devil can quickly restore his strength through soul absorption.

This left a deep impression on Zong Shen.

The great demon in its original form is at the level of a legend, but because of its ethnic characteristics, its combat power is more powerful than the legendary strongmen of other ethnic groups.

Taking into account the characteristics of chaotic damage, the legendary level demon may even have a chance to harm the demigod-level guardian strongman. This is the demon's advantage.

But with Zong Shen's current strength, it would be no problem to kill the legendary demon in its prime.

Not to mention the remnant souls left behind by those great demons.

Across the black light barrier, Zong Shen crossed his arms and looked at the nine statue demons inside the light barrier with great interest.

He looked relaxed and not at all anxious.

Since taking over the giant city of Lentax, Zong Shen's tense nerves have relaxed a lot.

Although he also took this opportunity to see the world higher and farther, the three-thirds of an acre of land around the territory did not prevent him from maintaining a calm and calm attitude.

The [Moon Wolf Fang (Heritage Level II)] and [Five Color Gemstone Shield (Glory Level I)] in my hand have long been put into the storage compartment.

Because he already knew the intensity of the battle in the Bone Burial Bunker.

Just leave it to Colby to deal with the little Karami like the previously deformed demon.

The black light shield protected the hall, and the statue demons seemed confident of its sturdiness.

So he started chatting by himself, not caring about Colby and Zong who were isolated by the light shield. From this arrogance, Zong Shen could roughly understand the situation of the war that year.

Arrogance is never developed in a day or two.

There must be reasons that accumulate over time, causing these big demons to become more arrogant and arrogant.

It can be seen that their offensive against Azshara went smoothly back then.

After all, Azshara is now in ruins.

At this time, Zong Shen remembered the situation he had seen in his dream before.

In a scene like a meteorite destroying the world, countless hellfires fell from the sky, first causing serious damage to the defensive buildings, and then transformed into hellfire giants and launched the first round of raids.

Zong Shen asked himself at that time that he could not stop such an offensive.

But that may not be the case now.

The overwhelming battle situation made the big demons in these legions extremely arrogant.

At the same time, he expressed disdain for the damned ones who disrupted the situation and the traitors who appeared within, and did not think it was due to strength at all.

The statue demon holding a heavy book was previously shown as [Demon Warlock Petal].

This mask was obviously activated by him.

But it shouldn't be some kind of individual defense spell, but the internal defense of the Bone Burial Bunker.

After all, it has a solid value of 10 million points. No single-target spell under the demigod can achieve this level.

You must know that the original main defense building of Zong Shen's territory [Red Gold Barrier Pillars (Gold)] constituted a red gold barrier with a solid value of only 10 million points.

Including the continuous replenishment of charge, it can barely reach a defense capability of 20 to 35 million points of solid value.

Therefore, it is considered good to have a shield with a solid value of 1,000 points outside this hall.

After Zong Shen's strength and vision improved, the blood-burning demon was no longer so scary.

The two sides are currently in a very delicate state, which can be understood as mutual arrogance.

These demon remnant souls couldn't see Zong Shen's reality, and Zong Shen didn't take them seriously.

Through that layer of black shield, everything was fine.

At this time, Zong Shen heard [Artorius the Destroyer] among the nine statue demons suddenly speak.

It was still the same cold tone he had heard in defensive challenges.

"It's weird."

"I felt a familiar aura on that human being."

At this time, the bloated Dread Lord shook the trident in his hand and asked angrily.

"What breath?"

The statue demon holding the remnant soul of Artorius pondered for a moment in confusion before answering.

"The breath of my true body, and..."

"Hmm...the damned one!"

Its words instantly silenced the remaining statue demons.

The condemned person is undoubtedly an extremely sensitive word.

Just when the other statue demons were about to start talking.

Zong Shen, who stood outside the light shield, interrupted them first.

"Did you have fun discussing it?"

"Such arrogance is really admirable!"

Zong Shen said sarcastically, with no intention of saving face for them.

Such behavior made those statue demons look at each other in confusion.

They stared at Zong Shen like a fool.

Just when they were about to threaten, all the statue demons were stunned.

Because the black light shield that made them feel at ease suddenly trembled.

And in the hand of the arrogant human being, a scimitar shining with the light of the bright moon appeared in his hand.

After receiving the blow, the black light shield trembled and became much weaker.

The high solid value suddenly dropped a little!

Zong Shen just added a [Strength Amplification], which caused more than 200,000 points of damage with a casual slash.

A heritage weapon's base slashing damage is determined by its attributes.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that Zong Shen can casually deal high damage even without using any powerful skills. This kind of attack level has surpassed most legendary powerhouses.

And it’s still a flat A.

"It's not very hard either."

Zong Shen said minding his own business.

Then he started chopping continuously.

Arcs of light flew, with an average of seven or eight arcs hitting the black mask every second.

Just three or four seconds later, the solid value of the black mask was cleared, shattered into pieces, and turned into dots of black light rain.

The escaping Moon Wolf blade swept across several deformed demons and cut them in half on the spot.

The health value was instantly emptied, and the blade light hit the rune-reinforced stone wall unabated, leaving two shocking gaps.

Zong Shen stepped into the hall again with light steps.

And his actions made all the big demons stunned.

After casually glancing at the statue demons, Zong Shen had an idea.

[Demon Warlock Petal LV40 (gold)], [Destroyer Artorius LV40 (gold)], [Dread Lord Balnaha LV40 (gold)], [Nightmare Boiling Blood Dornier LV40 ( gold)】……

Nine golden messages appeared next to these statue demons.

Zong Shen narrowed his eyes and said nonchalantly to Colby behind him.

“I will do it myself, you are responsible for protecting Zoe.”

"They are just the remnant souls of some golden epic-level forces. It is estimated that they are monsters created by the remnant souls stripped off by the great demon and the bodies of these statues transformed through special rituals."

Now he doesn't even need to read the strategy notes carefully, he can roughly guess the origin of the opponent.

In order to achieve a quick victory, he took action himself.

After all, the devil's methods are treacherous and changeable.

Although Colby has the heritage of the Wild Wolf Clan and possesses legendary strength, it is easy for accidents to occur when faced with the cooperation of nine epic statue demons.

These nine statue demons have inherited some of the characteristics and powers of their original forms.

Colby has always carried out Zong Shen's orders unconditionally.

He slowly took a few steps back and focused on staying in front of Zoe Babbitt.

Compared to the powerful Zong, the one who needed protection most at the scene was indeed Zoe, who only had level five strength.

"Damn it, how dare you speak such arrogant words!"

"The remnants of the damned!"

"The fire of sacrifice will burn your soul!"

The statue demon was shocked at first, but then Zong Shen's contempt aroused the arrogance in his bones.

He immediately became angry.

They screamed and rushed towards Zong Shen.

It seems that the arrogance of these demons is not only due to prejudice, but also has a lot to do with the temperament of the ethnic group itself.

Dark green sacrificial fire appeared on their claws.

However, the next moment, Zong Shen disappeared.

[Flash of Phantom God] has a higher energy level and can ignore the sealing effect of some areas.

He suddenly appeared in front of those statue demons, and the [Moon Wolf Fang] in his hand made the joyful sound of the sword when slaying demons.

Along with the silver-white arc light, the demon blood splashed and the demon soul shattered.

Statue demons all possess gold-level epic power.

The body is a tempered special body, plus the blessing of the remnant soul of the great devil.

As a result, these guys generally have 70,000 to 80,000 health points.

Counting those messy methods, it took Zong Shen a full 49 seconds to deal with all the big demons.

For this reason, he also entered the [Power Demon Possession] state, but did not use the non-teachable skills and the three major status skills. It was considered a warm-up.

He seemed to be downplaying it, but in fact these statue demons were somewhat difficult to deal with.

The demon warlock among them can actually cast a terrible curse on the soul.

This curse can cause the target to continue to be weak, reducing all attributes by 30%, and lasts for 1 year.

The level of the curse is as high as level 7.

Ordinary purification cannot solve it.

Fortunately, Zong Shen had just obtained the [Platinum Knight Helmet (Glory Level III)] not long ago.

Its active skill [Glory of the Platinum Knight] can attract glory, purify itself of curse effects below level eight, and at the same time restore health equal to 20% of the upper limit. The cooldown time is 12 hours.

This move happened to resolve the vicious curse cast by the demon warlock.

In addition, the other eight statue demons also have their own killer methods.

Just as he had expected, these golden epic-level demons were not simple.

All of them possess a certain level of fighting ability.

If it were Colby who took action, death would not be possible, but at best it would only be a miserable victory.

After all, there are nine statue demons.

Each statue demon exploded an oval-shaped orb similar to the [Devil Soul Orb].

It looks purple.

Zong Shen stared at one of them casually and saw its detailed information.

[Demon Soul Seed (Special)]

[Quality: Special]

[The soul seed contains a trace of the original devil's thoughts. Implanting it into any living being can gradually transform it into a demon. The specific effect depends on the specific situation]

[Available only to lords and hero-level talents who join the territory]

[You can obtain racial occupation after use: Demon]

(The original demon planted thoughts in the great demons of each legion.

These thoughts are very strange, they will transfer as the main body of the devil's soul changes.

As time passes, those big demons will either be sealed or eliminated.

These thoughts were transferred to the revived remnant soul body, and finally turned into a demon soul seed.

In addition to transforming living beings into demons, it can also communicate with the original demons under certain circumstances)

Only four [Devil Soul Seeds (Special)] were exploded from the nine bottles of demon statue.

This means that there are still five great demons that have not been completely eliminated.

These ghosts are really hard to kill.

Zong Shen clicked his tongue in surprise.

And these [Demon Soul Seeds (Special)] are actually rare professional items.

It allows lords or those heroic talents with belongings to be transferred to "demon".

Different from Zong Shen's [Demon State], those transformed through [Demon Soul Seed (Special)] are real demons. This is an ethnic change.

In short, it means "not being a human being".

Zong Shen had no interest in this.

Although the demon's body is powerful, it also has chaotic damage that ignores armor.

But these were not very attractive to Zong Shen.

He doesn't have that much power, so it's better to maintain his "human status".

But they can be used to cultivate the backbone of the [Legion], or sold at a high price.

The Lord System has never launched the [Auction House] building, which is a pity.

Otherwise, these [Demon Soul Seeds (Special)] will definitely sell for a high price.

However, Zong Shen does not intend to take action or use it in a short period of time.

Because this thing involves the terrifying original demon.

After putting away these four [Demon Soul Seeds], Zong Shen stretched out.

Those statue demons were broken into pieces after being destroyed, and had little recycling value.

As for all the aberrant demons that escaped from the magic sarcophagus, Zong Shen and Colby killed them.

In addition to being able to explode [Soul Beads], their bodies are also good materials.

Claws, scales, hearts, horns, and eyeballs can all be used to create magical objects of corresponding levels.

Zong Shen asked Zoe to put them into storage props and bring them to the territory workshop for processing later.

The body materials of the deformed demon are more troublesome to process.

Because their blood is corrosive and has a high energy level, it is not easy to solve.

A little carelessness can cause additional damage to the handler.

Therefore, it needs to be handled more carefully.

But as part of the trophies, Zong Shen would naturally not let them go.

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