Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1422: Moon ooze, an opportunity to create a god

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No wonder there are only 4 bottles in the entire Azshara Elf Treasury.

As a special item that can only produce 20 bottles every 10,000 years.

In fact, it is not a simple medicine, but a gift from the moon god.

As for what this moon dew is, that remains to be discovered.

After all, the body of the Moon God is the dimensional world represented by the entire moon.

Both it and the Sun God are special beings that integrate themselves with the world and can affect other dimensions.

Therefore, the moon dew is likely to come from some kind of special treasure in the moon dimension world.

It just fell into the main material world of Endless Continent in the form of a gift.

Except for the bottle he had reserved for himself, he had not yet decided who to give to the remaining three bottles of [Moon Dew Essence (Special)].

As mentioned in the remarks, since these [Moon Dew Essence (Special)] can be used to select the best from the best, focusing on strengthening the heroes with the best strength in the territory.

It can also be used to train veteran henchmen who are lagging behind in strength.

Including Luna, the two sisters Favid, Madeleine, and Mapel are all in a weak state.

Shaking his head, Zong Shen decided to wait until he left before making a decision.

After all, there are a lot of good things in this wave.

In addition to the Azshara Elf Treasure House, he also has a MAX+ level of luck.

The treasure chests and lucky bags accumulated during this period can all be opened at once.

Then there will be another wave of extremely rich harvests.

Keep these [Moon Dew Essence (Special)] carefully.

There were only the last two bottles of potion left in front of him.

Its quantity is even less than [Moon Dew Essence].

The bottle used is not a crystal bottle, but a hollowed-out [Moon Stone].

Because the material of [Moon Stone] is not too clear, you can only see the shadow of the liquid inside.

The two [moon stones] that were hollowed out as containers are like two pods.

The size is about the same as an adult's thumb.

The liquid inside did not emit any light.

Therefore, these two [Moon Stones] look a little darker.

What's inside here is [Moon Ooze (Special)].

Judging from the name alone, it seems to be similar to [Moon Dew Essence].

But if you link it to Luna.

Then the word ooze is very fascinating.

Zong Shen was a little curious about what this thing had to do with the Moon God.

It should also be some kind of precious and special product in the moon dimension world.

Putting aside those despicable reveries, and analyzing from a serious perspective, the truth should be like this.

But specifically, we still have to look at its effects.

He carefully lifted up the two pieces of [Moon Slurry] contained in the stone shell.

Zong Shen concentrated briefly, and relevant attributes appeared in front of his eyes.

【Moon slurry (special)】

[Quality: Special]

[The slurry gushing out from the top of the dome moon contains the special essence and power of the moon]

[Effect: Upgrade of the Moon (after taking the next moon ooze, you will have the top talents and growth potential of the dark moon system, and be contaminated with the sacred aura of the moon god. At the same time, you will make up for the missing attributes according to your age. Each stage can also be based on the individual Understand the difference and master new skills)]

[Note Ⅰ: The transformation is irreversible, and the final growth limit is the moon branch deity, lacking a ladder to become a god above the gods]

[Note II: It takes 1,000 years from taking it to completing the conversion to the upper limit. The user will gain the lifespan of the starry sky immortal seed. After the initial taking, he can obtain the epic (medium) talent]

(It is no exaggeration to say that every drop of moon ooze is a key to becoming a god.

Of course, whether you can become a god in the end depends on whether the key can be accurately inserted into the keyhole.

But at least taking it will save you many years of detours.

But if you have the ambition to become a god, then it is best not to take it.

Because it will limit your online

The transformation process is irreversible. After taking it, you can only receive the power of the dark moon system. Even if you become a god, you will only be a branch of the moon system and cannot have too powerful divine power.

And it only provides a foundation. If you want to become a god, you still cannot avoid the challenge of understanding the rules and igniting the divine fire to condense the godhood)

"The giant city of Azshara actually has such a treasure?"

Zong Shen marveled in his heart.

[Moon Ooze (Special)] fully possesses the potential to create gods.

No matter how bad he is, he will still be a demigod.

This is absolutely no exaggeration.

After taking the initial server, you will have the talent of [Epic (Medium)] and a lifespan comparable to that of a starry sky immortal species, which means that you can easily break through the limitations of the low-level legend.

In the future, this talent will continue to improve as time goes by.

Until it is comparable to a god.

This process takes about 1,000 years.

If you just want to truly become a god, you still can't avoid those steps.

[Moon Ooze] only provides an upward step. How high you can climb depends on your personal opportunities and understanding.

In addition, it limits the user's ability to gain other powers later on.

You can only take the path of the dark moon system.

For Zong Shen, who has higher ambitions, it is not worth taking it personally.

Simply becoming a god is not the ultimate goal for him.

Even Alpha and Beta can become transcendent gods, beings with countless divine disciples.

Then at least he should aim for this.

Of course, Zong Shen also knew very well that this goal was a bit too ambitious for the current situation.

Looking at the entire Endless Continent, anything that can make a person become a god instantly is considered a very precious treasure.

Zong Shen naturally understands this truth.

1,000 years is too long, but the talent changes in [Epic (Medium)] in a short period of time are enough to create two legendary powerhouses immediately.

And just follow the sequence of privileges and climb.

Sooner or later he would get some treasure that could quickly compress the passage of time.

If used on the right people, the worst result would be to cultivate two dark moon demigods.

He is still a demigod infected with the aura of the Moon God.

If the opportunities were better, maybe a god-level leader would be born.

As the ruler of the god-level people, Zong Shen is definitely the best in the cards.

But I'm afraid that by that time, he will already have the strength to surpass ordinary gods.

If all goes well, the third prologue will break out in the tenth year after Advent.

Chen Rui didn't say how many years this stage could last, because he died early in his last life.

Then it may only last for a few years, or it may last for a hundred and eighty years, or even hundreds of years.

Regardless, these two copies of [Moon Ooze (Special)] are really good stuff.

Sophie, who was standing nearby, couldn't help but open her red lips slightly.

"This is the most important gift in the Holy Month Ceremony..."

Her tone was complicated, with a mixture of sadness and longing.

There is no doubt that these [Moon Ooze] are definitely the most important praise within the night elves.

Zong Shen put both copies of [Moon Ooze (Special)] into the storage compartment with a flick of his wrist.

He could naturally hear Sophie's desire, but he would not reward her rashly.

After all, this is a chance to become a god.

So he had to reward [Moon Ooze] to the right person.

At the very least, it must be in a state of full loyalty.

Like Sophie, it's still not that interesting at the moment.

His top priority was actually Luna.

Compared to myself who has the status of a lord and uses plug-ins.

Luna needs an opportunity to reach the sky.

As for the other one, he planned to think about it. Unlike the [Moon Dew Essence (Special)] which directly enhances attributes, these [Moon Dew Essence] are much more involved.

So be careful.

The principle of “it’s better to be deficient than excessive” must be followed.

Glancing at Sophie, a smile appeared on Zong Shen's face.

"Do you want it?"

His words made the desire in Sophie's heart swell infinitely.

As the Priestess of the Moon, she was supposed to abide by the teachings, never be humble or arrogant, and not be influenced by desires.

But faced with the opportunity to become a god, Sophie ultimately couldn't rely on herself.

After a moment of silence, she bowed deeply and answered in an extremely serious tone.

"I want it..."

The corners of Zong Shen's mouth raised slightly, and he raised his hand frivolously to stir up the purple hair.

"Then in the coming days, please be sure to show your loyalty to me."

"The task I give you is very important. You will become the bridge of friendship between the territory and Silvermoon Forest."

"Whether the future moves toward cooperation or war depends entirely on your performance."

"So please do your best."

"It's best to bring the elves to our side."

What he said meant something.

Especially the last sentence, it probably made her understand that belonging to territory must override belonging to ethnicity.

After becoming a lord, he would not be used to those aloof habits.

Sophie nodded tremblingly, and Zong Shen did not continue to hit her.

After reading [Potion], it’s time to look at [Spell Scroll].

All related items were screened out and stacked in another open space in the treasure house in an orderly manner according to grade and type.

The things here are said to be [spell scrolls] but actually there are many runes.

In addition to studying the sun and moon, the two departments related to gods, the elves mainly study the natural department.

They are the protectors of nature.

Advocating nature and balance.

It's just that they are more Buddhist than the fanatical druids.

Therefore, the [Spell Scrolls] in the Azshara Elf Treasury are probably of these types.

The scrolls stacked on the ground and the runes that looked like tanned leather totaled 4717 points.

Among them, there are 4329 copies from the first to fifth levels.

The remaining 388 points are divided between the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth categories.

Zong Shen took a look and found that there were many practical and representative spell scrolls in the first to fifth levels.

He listed these representative items as a reference.

I will not look at other low-level spell scrolls and runes. I will only focus on these representative low-level scrolls and high-level scrolls.

Zong Shen quickly collected it, and then raised his palm, and there were several more spell scrolls and runes on it.

With a quick glance, their names appeared clearly.

They are:

[Level 5 summoning natural tree spirit spell scroll (orange)]

[Level 5 Natural Rain Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Level 5 Clarity Arrow Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Level 5 Dark Moon Channel Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Level 5 Fierce Sun Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Level 5 Silver Moon Night Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Level 5 magic vine entwining spell scroll (orange)]

[Level 5 Summoning Mountain Eagle Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Silver Moon Rune (orange)]

[Sunlight Rune (Orange)]

[Dark Night Rune (Orange)]

[Spiritual Eye Rune (Orange)]

These are the most representative types of [Spell Scrolls] and runes from the first to the fifth levels, and their levels range from the first to the fifth level.

As you move up the levels, more advanced versions appear.

So as long as you look at the above, you can basically know the general effects of the first to fifth level [Spell Scrolls] and runes.

The level difference only affects the value of the effect, not the type of effect.

Therefore, as long as he checks these, Zong Shen can reasonably arrange the distribution of [Spell Scrolls] and runes from level one to level five.

After knowing what was going on, Zong Shen no longer hesitated.

He checked them one by one in order.

Golden subtitles appeared, putting everything under his control.

[Level 5 summoning natural tree spirit spell scroll (orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Summon natural tree spirits (after activation, four natural tree spirits can be summoned, the level is fixed at LV40, the comprehensive combat power level is equivalent to the fifth-level overlord level, the duration is 45 minutes)]

[Activating this scroll requires drawing at least 500 magic points or mana points]

[Level 5 Natural Rain Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Natural Rain (after activating this spell scroll, a natural rain will fall within a radius of 100 meters for 30 minutes, which will greatly increase the fertility of the land in the area, and the growth of plants will be shortened by 10 days every minute. Period, and at the same time, friendly units will gain a health recovery effect of 15 points per second. This effect does not have strong healing ability, but it can be superimposed with most self-healing effects)]

[Activating this scroll requires drawing at least 1200 magic points or mana points]

[In the same area, the effects of natural rain cannot be superimposed]

[Level 5 Clarity Arrow Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Arrows of Clarity (condensing 120 arrows of clarity to carry out a straight-line penetrating strike 500 meters ahead. The arrow body is in a semi-void state, so it can penetrate all armor, causing a fixed 1000 points of puncture damage. And will not be blocked by physical defense, but will be blocked by magic or magic energy shield)]

[Activating this scroll requires drawing at least 1000 magic points or mana points]

[Level 5 Dark Moon Channel Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Dark Moon Passage (After activating this scroll, you can obtain two corresponding Dark Moon Beacons. The secondary beacon can exist for up to 30 days before being deployed. After being deployed, a Dark Moon Passage will be opened. The maximum distance is no more than 30 days). More than 9999 kilometers, the channel can last for up to 7 days)]

[Activating this scroll requires drawing at least 300 magic points or mana points]

[The Dark Moon Channel has the same stability as the fifth-order space teleportation effect]

[When there are multiple dark moon beacons in the same area, the shuttle channel will have a very low probability of being disrupted]

...(End of chapter)

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