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After checking the four [Spell Scrolls].

Zong Shen paused slightly.

Facts have proved that there are still many good things in the giant city of Azshara.

Opening this treasure house is equivalent to inheriting the wealth left by Azshara.

[Summoning Natural Tree Spirit Spell Scroll] is a very typical summoning spell to assist in combat, and the four tree spirits it summons all have LV40 and Overlord level.

[Natural Rain Spell Scroll] is a large-scale auxiliary spell that can not only increase the fertility of the land, but also allow allies to gain additional health recovery effects.

[Arrow of Clarity Spell Scroll] is an offensive killing spell. The 120 arrows of clarity summoned will sweep across the 500-meter area in front like a sledge, causing a wide range of penetrating damage. When dealing with clusters of enemies, time, it can play a big role.

The [Dark Moon Channel Spell Scroll] is a relatively rare space spell. The distance between the channels it can connect does not exceed 9999 kilometers, which can be understood as within 10,000 kilometers. The existence time is as long as 7 minutes. For soldiers in a large range The transfer helps a lot.

There are quite a few of these four scrolls.

And they range from level one to level five.

It's just that the effects are quite different.

For example, the first-level [Dark Moon Channel] spell scroll can only connect 99 kilometers of channels.

Zong Shen still plans to distribute them step by step as usual.

As the saying goes, good things must be used.

Reserve some and give out some.

All supplies will be given priority to squad leaders, squadron leaders, and combat heroes who also have the function of leading troops.

He reviewed it for a while, and then started to check it again after he had a good idea.

Golden subtitles emerge like bright flowers.

Fortunately, all the subtitles are essentially projected in the mind rather than actually appearing in front of the eyes, otherwise it would definitely be dazzling.

After calming down slightly, Zong Shen focused his attention on his thoughts.

Immediately, he looked at the lines of subtitles intently.

[Level 5 Fierce Sun Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Scorching Sun Shining (Designate an area within a radius of 100 meters to fall into a scorching sun shining state, lasting 20 minutes, causing 15 points of burning damage to enemies within it every second. The damage dealt to evil races is doubled, and the damage dealt by all frost magic in areas illuminated by the sun will be reduced by 30%)]

[Activating this scroll requires drawing at least 1500 magic points or mana points]

[Tree spirits or plants in areas where the sun shines will also suffer the same damage]

[This area is also immune to dark magic below level five to a certain extent]

[Level 5 Silver Moon Night Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Silver Moon Night (Specify an area within a radius of 100 meters to fall into the state of Silver Moon Night, lasting 20 minutes. When you are in it, the night buff state will take effect, and at the same time, every second in the area will be affected) The enemy unit causes 5 points of erosion damage that ignores armor and reduces the armor value by 20 points. All friendly forces within the night range will also receive an additional 20% movement speed bonus and a fifth-level stealth effect)]

[Activating this scroll requires drawing at least 1500 magic points or mana points]

[The tree spirits or plants in the area shrouded by the silver moon night will recover 15 points of health per second or an equivalent healing effect]

[This area is also immune to holy light magic below level five to a certain extent]

[Level 5 magic vine entwining spell scroll (orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Magic vine entanglement (after activating this spell scroll, you can select a 30 meter × 60 meter rectangular area within 500 meters to summon magic vine entanglement. Thousands of magic vines will crazyly entangle all enemies in the area. Square unit, until the vine body is destroyed or the 5-minute duration expires, the magic vine will absorb blood at a rate of 10 points per second after contacting the body. For every 50 points absorbed, the magic vine can grow an additional 1 meter. )】

[Activating this scroll requires drawing at least 1000 magic points or mana points]

[Level 5 Summoning Mountain Eagle Spell Scroll (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Summon the forest giant eagle (activating this spell scroll can summon four mountain forest giant eagles with level LV40. The strength of each giant eagle is equivalent to the orange overlord level. The duration is 45 minutes. The giant eagle has a speed of 400 kilometers per hour. flight speed and a certain carrying capacity)]

[Activating this scroll requires drawing at least 1200 magic points or mana points]

So far.

All the representative spell scrolls from the first to fifth levels have been viewed.

Next are the runes.

The four spell scrolls I just checked.

[Scorching Sun] and [Silver Moon Night] can both change the environment to a certain extent.

And each has its own characteristics.

The former is a blazing sun that can continuously burn enemies, reduce the damage of frost magic, and is immune to most dark spells.

However, it will also cause damage to natural tree spirits and plants within the range.

The power of sunlight is the sublimation of burning.

Suitable for dealing with evil races.

Ethnic species including demons and undead will take extra damage.

So this is this is a scroll that is suitable for certain situations.

The latter is to create a silver moon night, which can create night even in broad daylight.

As long as you are in the night, the various buffs that only take effect at night can work. In addition, the night can also corrode the enemy, reduce the armor of enemy units, and allow your own side to have high-level stealth and multiple Silver Moon Night Spells. Use the scrolls together to create a large area of ​​night.

The next two spell scrolls are all summoning types.

They are large-scale summoning magic vines, which can bind enemies within the range and suck blood.

And as the blood-sucking amount increases, the magic vine can continue to grow.

This means that its control effect is very flexible.

Of course, tricks like Demonic Vine Entanglement would be ineffective against high-level fire attacks.

The same is true for special elemental bodies like fire element and water element.

There is no need to say more about summoning the forest giant eagle in the future.

The summoned giant eagle can be ridden or assist in combat.

There are more scrolls like [Scorching Sun] and [Silver Moon Night].

The number of the latter two spell scrolls is relatively small.

This shows that the elves should be better at fighting enemies by suddenly changing the environment.

Especially for night elves, many passives only work at night.

Then the role of [Silver Moon Night] becomes crucial.

But for Zong Shen, the effect is not that great.

Although the territory also has dark night-type troops, and he will get similar passive skills after taking [Moon Dew Essence (Special)], there is really no need to use it on a large scale.

Therefore, these two scrolls can be distributed as appropriate.

After he put away all the first to fifth level spell scrolls.

The area where the scrolls were stacked on the ground suddenly became vacant.

Then he focused on those runes.

Currently, there are roughly three types of rune props that Zong Shen has come into contact with:

The first type is rune stone, and both humans and dwarves like to use this craft.

The second is the craft of drawing special bark or monster leather, which is more common among elves, orcs and goblins.

The third type is the runes imprinted on other magic carriers, which are miscellaneous and are not limited to the craftsmanship of a certain ethnic group.

Most of the runes found in Azshara's elven treasure house at this time are of the second type.

Made from tree bark and monster tanned leather.

It is said that dead horned eagles, giant eagles and chimeras will offer their skins.

Among the runes of orange quality and below, there are four representative ones.

Zong Shen flicked his wrist and took out a rune imprinted on a silver-white leaf.

The shape of the leaf itself is like a crescent moon.

It is silvery white all over, with clear leaves and leaves with a slightly translucent texture.

Runes as small as tadpoles are imprinted on the leaves.

They are distributed along the trajectory of the leaves, and there seems to be a clear pattern.

Judging from the appearance alone, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a beautiful bookmark.

At least Zong Shen is still happy to use this thing as a bookmark.

Holding Ye Di with two fingers, he looked at the runes quietly.

In the hazy silver halo, a golden reminder appears in the mind.

[Silver Moon Rune (orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Praise Silver Moon (after activating this rune, you can obtain the effect of Silver Moon possession, increase double resistance by 100 points, increase health points by 2000 points, and passively restore 10 health points per second. During the possession state, Each time it will cause an additional 10% of Silver Moon erosion damage to the enemy, with a maximum limit of 10,000 points and a duration of 10 minutes. Similar effects cannot be superimposed)]

[Number of uses: 3/3]

[Activating this rune requires drawing at least 500 magic points or mana points]

(Praise Silver Moon, it will protect all children who trust Silver Moon

The white moonlight is both offensive and defensive, and can increase double resistance, upper limit of health and health recovery.

It also allows the attack to deal an additional 10% of Silver Moon Corrosion damage.

Although there is a clear upper limit for additional damage, it can still effectively enhance the output.

And as a rune product, each portion can be used three times)

This is a very practical rune.

Its single-target gain effect is very obvious.

After activation, combat power can be immediately increased without any side effects.

Suitable for distribution to elite individual soldiers or combat power nodes such as squad leaders and squadron leaders.

It's a medium quantity, but each can be used three times.

Therefore, it can still meet the distribution needs.

And strictly speaking, even Zong himself can use this thing.

Its attached Silver Moon damage increase can cause 10,000 more damage per hit.

This level of damage increase is enough to shake the legendary powerhouse.

You can first arrange a base for the legendary powerhouses in the territory.

Having made an arrangement in his mind, he immediately began to check out the next rune.

The next rune exudes a golden halo.

You can still feel the warmth when holding it in your palm.

Its shape is a standard round shape, and judging from the soft texture, it should be made of leather.

There are diffuse lines on it, and all the runes exist along those runes.

It looks like a sun-like pattern is outlined with runes.

The correspondence between the sun and the moon seems to be a very common situation among the elves in ancient times.

Although day elves and night elves have different habits and living habits.

But we can still be brothers and sisters.

Because there is a close connection between the sun and the moon.

This connection, combined with the worship of gods within the elves, makes it impossible for the day elves and night elves to break apart.

But that small gap and friction is almost inevitable.

Zong Shen understood the correspondence between the two runes almost instantly.

Yes, the rune he was looking at was the [Sunlight Rune (Orange)].

Like the previous two spell scrolls [Scorching Sun] and [Silver Moon Night], they are in a pairing mode.

Where there is a sun, there is a moon, and vice versa.

Put away the divergent thoughts in your mind.

Zong Shen focused his attention and looked at the rune that looked like a small sun.

[Sunlight Rune (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Praise the Sunlight (After activating this rune, you can obtain the effect of sunlight possession, burning all enemy units within close range, causing 30 points of damage per second, while increasing your own health limit by 2000 points, and reducing all It can withstand 30% of the damage from frost and dark magic, and can also release radiance to dispel the darkness within 10 meters around the body. During the possession state, it lasts for 10 minutes, and similar effects cannot be superimposed)]

[Number of uses: 3/3]

[Activating this rune requires drawing at least 500 magic points or mana points]

(Praise the sun, it will protect all children who trust the sun. The warm sunlight will protect you, continue to burn nearby enemies, and reduce the damage of frost and darkness. It also has the lighting effect to dispel darkness.

It'll come in handy when you head north

Sunlight runes can effectively dispel darkness, and each rune can also be used three times)

Sunlight and moonlight each have their own characteristics.

All have protective effects.

Overall, [Silver Moon Rune (orange)] is more practical.

Because of increased output.

The ability of [Sunlight Rune (Orange)] to dispel darkness is only applicable to specific situations.

Just like the northern border mentioned in the remarks.

In the dark scenes there, [Sunlight Rune (orange)] can come in handy.

But in daily use, the only notable thing is that sunlight weakens the damage of frost and dark magic.

Putting on a layer of sunlight is equivalent to putting on a piece of armor that can reduce specific magic damage proportionally.

It can play a great role when dealing with Frost and Dark opponents.

As for the close-burning and basic cold-repelling effects of sunlight, it can only be said to be better than nothing.

Zong Shen is waiting for [Sunlight Rune (orange)] to play its due role in the journey to the north.

Speaking of the North, the date for the big challenge is getting closer and closer.

He had to rush to expand the population of the territory to the threshold of 100 million before heading to the north.

Conquer at least three surrounding giant cities at the same time.

This forms a regional front that is an angle to each other.

Only in this way can we lay a solid foundation for the next stage of kingdom competition.

Only then can he participate in the challenge with confidence. (End of chapter)

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