Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1424: Spiritual Eye Rune, Level 6 Scroll

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Zong Shen kept the function of [Sunlight Rune (orange)] in mind.

And consider it as an item that may come in handy when heading north.

He immediately started looking at the next type of rune.

This is a rune stone, completely as black as ink and without any luster on its surface.

So much so that no trace of the runes can be seen with the naked eye.

All runes are hidden in black.

This rune stone has a name that matches its appearance - [Dark Night Rune (Orange)].

Zong Shen played with it for a while, but couldn't see any details.

Because it's too dark.

This kind of black is actually difficult to describe with color.

It's closer to the deep nothingness you feel when you close your eyes.

Without paying too much attention to the rune stone, Zong Shen took a deep breath and then activated the strategy module to check its attributes.

[Dark Night Rune (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Praise the dark night (praise the dark night, after activating this rune, you can obtain the effect of the dark night's possession, gain 15% physical attack dodge probability, increase health points by 1500 points, passively restore 20 health points per second, and obtain the equivalent of The effect of level 5 stealth and attacks will not cancel stealth. During the duration of the possessed state, if a successful attack is launched from behind, the damage of this attack will be increased by an additional 20% and the target will be stunned for 3 seconds. The state duration is 15 minutes, similar effects cannot be superimposed)]

[Number of uses: 3/3]

[Activating this rune requires drawing at least 500 magic points or mana points]

(Praise the dark night, it is the protector of all the children of the night

Hiding oneself in the deep and endless darkness can increase double resistance, upper limit of health and health recovery.

It can also increase the damage of back attacks by 20% and add a stun effect.

As long as you use the [Dark Night Rune], you can transform into an excellent assassin and travel through the night to your heart's content)]

"This rune comes with high-level stealth and back attack damage."

"It's very suitable for activation and use during sneak attacks or sneak attacks."

Zong Shen commented in his heart.

Unlike the previous two runes, he was not too interested in the effects of [Dark Night Rune (orange)].

Because from his personal preference, sneak attack has never been the first choice.

Of course, in many cases, in order to achieve victory, he also has some quite flexible combat standards.

Compared with the secretly poking and sapling, he still prefers the open and closed front.

However, this cannot conceal the value of [Dark Night Rune (orange)].

Properly distributed to the reconnaissance force, it will definitely work wonders.

This kind of rune starts from the third level, and there are quite a few of them.

Reasonable distribution is completely sufficient.

Without wasting time, Zong Shen collected and organized all the [Dark Night Runes].

Then he looked at the last representative rune in the first to fifth level series.

The rune was imprinted on a palm-sized piece of gray leather.

The pattern in the center is a simple eye.

Based on this, all the runes are distributed around the pattern of the eye.

So its role seems to go without saying.

This is definitely a visual enhancement auxiliary rune. …. .

that's the truth.

This kind of rune is called [Spiritual Eye Rune (Orange)].

Zong Shen held the soft leather rune in his palm, calmed down slightly, and then examined it.

[Spiritual Eye Rune (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Spiritual Eye (after activating this rune, you can get the blessing of spiritual eye, increase the sight distance by 500 meters, improve the viewing angle by 60°, have the overlooking ability of 100 meters above the ground and the visual change of 4.0 times)

Jiao, lasts for 15 minutes, the effect cannot be superimposed if used multiple times at the same time)]

[Number of uses: 3/3]

[Activating this rune requires drawing at least 300 magic points or mana points]

(A rune that can greatly improve vision and obtain a 100-meter bird's-eye view.

It allows the elven rangers to become over-the-horizon marksmen.

It’s just that not every type of bow and arrow can carry out beyond visual range strikes.

Normally, this kind of rune is often issued to sentry troops

And some special archers equipped with giant-armed bows

The bird's-eye view allows users to grasp the overall situation in the area

To better avoid incoming attacks

You can also quickly determine the distribution of surrounding enemies)

As a support rune, it requires very little mana to activate.

Compared with the damage-increasing abilities, the gains it brings don't seem to have a direct boost.

But speaking from Zong Shen, who has played many sandbox strategy games.

He is well aware of how useful overhead perspective and enhanced vision can be in actual combat.

Before this, he had experienced the [Commander Observation Perspective] that came with the [Commander Tower (orange)].

This effect allows him to dynamically observe the area within the tower from an overhead perspective. From this perspective, it has a fifth-level detection effect and can zoom in at 5x to zoom in.

At that time, he felt that everything was under control.

There is also the [Gunner Mode] of [Giant Turret].

After entering the gunner mode, you can carry out manual attacks on designated targets, with a top-down observation perspective within a range of 100 meters to 3500 meters.

These experiences made Zong Shen very clear about how powerful the effect of the bird's-eye view is.

Therefore, when the [Spiritual Eye Rune (orange)] is activated, it is equivalent to opening a simplified version of the "Sky Eye" to the user.

A hundred meters above the ground is neither too much nor too little.

It can basically cover most of the surrounding areas.

It's a pity that although this type of rune is representative, the overall number is much smaller than the other types.

It is also starting at the third level, so it can only be considered to focus on the combat heroes and scout troops on the front line.

So far, in the category [Spell Scroll], the representative scrolls and runes from the first to fifth levels have been reviewed.

There are still some bits and pieces, Zong Shen has also taken a look at them, at least he can be aware of them.

After all, the items in the treasure house are too complicated.

There are also many fancy runes and spell scrolls.

The next thing he wants to focus on is the scrolls and runes of the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth levels.

Under the [Spell Scroll] category, there are a total of 388 items within these levels.

The higher the level, the lower the number.

Especially the eighth and ninth level scrolls and runes are in single digits. …. .

The core treasure house in the majestic ancient giant city does not have many such high-end inventories.

Zong Shen's eyes were calm as he scanned the remaining pile of items classified according to their levels.

[Level 6 Summoning Black Oak Spirit Berserker Spell Scroll (Gold) 29]

[Level 6 Forest Planting Spell Scroll (Gold) 21]

[Level 6 Silver Shadow Guardian Spell Scroll (Gold) 26]

[Level 6 Sun Shadow Spell Scroll (Gold) 23]

[Level 6 Earth Nourishing Spell Scroll (Gold) 32]

[Black Moon Incarnation Rune (Gold) 25]

[Light and shadow incarnation rune (gold) 19]

[Life Nourishing Rune (Gold) 47]

[Moon Flash Rune (Gold) 25]

There are 247 sixth-level spell scrolls and runes.

This means that the scrolls and runes of the seventh, eighth and ninth levels in the future will add up to only

141 copies.

Zong Shen knew it well and checked it from the sixth level first.

After all, the overall number and variety will become smaller in the future.

Just check the sixth level, plus the ones you checked before.

It was equivalent to checking 80% of the items in the category [Spell Scroll]. Thinking of this, he hurriedly started to pick up the samples for routine inspection.

The first is those sixth-level spell scrolls.

At this level, almost all spell scrolls have complex patterns on their surfaces.

The materials used are also exceptionally flexible and fine.

If you want to draw a sixth-level spell scroll, the base material used must also be of sixth level.

So the material of the scroll itself is epic.

Materials are the focus, drawing and imprinting spell models is secondary.

In fact, making spell scrolls is a loss-making business.

In terms of cost alone, its manufacturing cost is much higher than the casting cost.

The only advantage is probably that once the spell scroll is successfully created, there are no restrictions on its use.

And it can be used at any time.

It is equivalent to solidifying a certain spell into the scroll at once.

Make it free from the greatest restriction carrier, the caster.

However, unlike runes, you can only use your own magic power to activate the spell scroll.

It cannot be activated through [Magic Crystal] or other magic devices.

There is only a slight difference between magic energy and magic power.

It can even be shared in many fields.

But magic energy cannot be used to activate spell scrolls.

Those senior spell scroll makers explained this as spiritual thoughts.

Only the magic value output by oneself has spiritual thoughts.

And this is also the key to activating the spell scroll.

Officially because spell scrolls have many conveniences.

Therefore, it can become popular against the cost.

Become one of many common combat readiness supplies.

Appears frequently in wars.

Even today's seven major human kingdoms also use spell scrolls as a strategic reserve.

And they all have their own scroll manufacturing workshops.

Specially used to solidify and distribute various spells.

Without further ado, he focused his attention on the sixth-level scrolls he had retrieved from the scene.

Lines of gold characters appeared, and the tedious and necessary viewing process began again.

[Level 6 Summoning Black Oak Spirit Berserker Spell Scroll (Gold)]…. .

[Quality: Epic]

[Effect: Summon Black Oak Berserker (after activating this scroll, you can summon two Black Oak Berserker with a height of 25 meters, level LV50, default golden epic level, holding a heavy hammer, with additional building damage and blunt Hit damage, duration 2 hours)]

[Activating this spell scroll requires drawing at least 2500 magic points]

[The Black Oak Spirit Berserker has medium intelligence and will obey orders according to the following priorities after summoning]

[Supreme Commander\u003eSummoner\u003eFriends of non-summoned units]

(The Black Oak Spirit Berserker is huge, a large tree spirit with a height of 25 meters, and has a health value that far exceeds the average golden epic level.

The weapon is a heavy hammer, which can cause bludgeoning damage in a wide range and is especially good at destroying city walls, fortifications and fortress buildings.

Can also drop exploding acorns, causing explosive damage within a range

When in front of the formation, it will be a good human shield and can cover the orderly advancement of your own units)

[Level 6 Forest Planting Spell Scroll (Gold)]

[Quality: Epic]

[Effect: Forest planting spell (after activating this scroll, you can select an area of ​​200 meters by 200 meters to activate the forest planting effect, causing a dense forest to grow in the area within ten minutes. The duration is variable and depends on the subsequent fertility of the land. Certainly,

The Spirit Planting Spell can only be used at most once in the same area)]

[Activating this spell scroll requires drawing at least 4000 magic points]

[Forests are common trees that conform to the local climate and cannot spawn tree spirits]

(As we all know, whether you are an elf or a druid, you cannot cast many spells without the support of the forest environment and trees.

The forest planting spell can quickly create a forest.

Fighting in the forest, the elves get twice the result with half the effort

Of course, this is not absolute, the specific usage factors should be combined with the actual situation)

[Level 6 Silver Shadow Guardian Spell Scroll (Gold)]

[Quality: Epic]

[Effect: Silver Shadow Guardian (after activating this scroll, you can choose up to 120 targets to put a layer of Silver Shadow Guardian on them, so that they are covered by silver light and shadow. This layer of light and shadow does not have a solid value, but it can weaken all passing light and shadow by 20%. Magic effect, lasting 20 minutes, this effect cannot be superimposed)]

[Activate this spell scroll, and 100~12,000 points of magic value will be extracted according to the number of targets]

[The maximum selection range is 1000 meters within its own radius]

(The effect of this scroll is more interesting.

If you put it on an allied frontline warrior, it will create a shield that can weaken the damage of elemental spells.

But if you put it on an enemy spellcaster, the spell cast by the enemy will also be weakened.

If it is applied to yourself and the enemy at the same time, the spell damage will be reduced by 40% as soon as it enters and exits, so its use is very flexible.

If used correctly, it will definitely give the opposite spellcaster a headache.

And this is the effect of a sixth-level spell, which can only be dispelled by seventh-level skills)

[Level 6 Sun Shadow Spell Scroll (Gold)]

[Quality: Epic]

[Effect: Shadow of the Sun (you can choose any target to activate, so that it will be shrouded by the Shadow of the Sun. This state is completely immune to cold, weakens 80% of frost magic damage and 60% of dark magic damage, and is also resistant to chaos-type damage. It has a 30% reduction effect, and comes with strong illumination that covers the body for 50 meters, lasting 120 minutes, and the time of multiple uses can be superimposed)]

[Activating this spell scroll will extract 2000 points of magic value]

[The maximum selection range is 1000 meters within its own radius]

(Similarly, the effect of Shadow of the Sun can not only be applied to allies.

It can also be blessed on the enemy or any other unit.

Can have a weakening effect on specific units

Because it is a single-target spell, the magic value required to activate it is relatively low, the duration is relatively long, and it comes with a variety of targeted damage reduction, and it even resists chaos damage.

In addition, the light of the sun's shadow will illuminate the surrounding area with a radius of fifty meters.

Needless to say in this guide, you should also understand that this spell scroll also plays a great role in your trip to the north.

The sun is linked to light, but it is different from the holy light

Because it also contains hot passion)

...(End of chapter)

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