Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1499: From siege to counterattack [Subscribe]


"No need to apologize, Your Excellency the Honorable Marquis Ekmeledin."

"Please cherish your current identity and status, because they will soon vanish into thin air."

The atmosphere on the scene was terribly depressing.

The magic circle was working, and Zong Shen could vaguely feel that the free magic elements around him were being drawn out without activating the [Eye of Magic Sense].

The top magic circles all have similar characteristics.

When activated, not only will the reserved magic power be used, but the free elements will also be attracted.

And the stronger and higher-level magic circle, the more obvious this feature is.

Feeling the pressure, Ya slowly drew out the two knives [Life Separation] and [Death Separation].

The black and red halo was particularly eye-catching in the depressing environment.

Colby was not afraid of danger and gently stroked the totem giant wolf under his crotch.

It was condensed by the power of the totem and was considered his exclusive mount.

The totem giant wolf has three different heads and can launch three attacks with different characteristics.

It is tireless and fearless.

After being killed, as long as he waits for 12 hours, Colby can summon it again.

This is the ability he has newly comprehended after inheriting the power of the Nine-pillar Wolf Spirit Totem. In the future, he may even have the opportunity to summon nine giant wolves.

The advantage of this kind of inheritance power with growth lies in its clear progressiveness.

Even without Zong Shen's subsequent support, Colby still has strong growth potential.

As for the drawn earth-drilling beast, it has already been half-crippled.

At this time, it is still firmly executing Zong Shen's orders.

It is using the threaded sharp corners on its head to drill the military formation on the stands.

The military formation with a protective effect has formed a light curtain to resist the drilling.

Only flying sparks can be seen and harsh friction sounds can be heard.

Zong Shen did not issue new orders.

At this time, Marquis Ekmeledin, who was standing on the floating stands, put on a noble cloak.

This cloak is exquisitely made, and the lace with various gems can be seen from a long distance.

There is the emblem of the Clift family on it.

This makes the originally thin Marquis look particularly energetic.

The original Marquis Ekmeledin looked more like a petty and mercenary businessman.

Now he has the posture of a commander.

After putting on his cloak, he came to the edge of the floating stand majestically.

In his hand, there was a command flag representing the giant city of Dagalisni.

He could wave it at any time to order a full-scale attack.

The two large magic circles of the core circle and the first circle also played a connecting effect.

Several elemental giants with a height of 100 meters appeared in the sky.

Judging from the figure of each elemental giant, the strength after full concentration would not be lower than the legendary middle level.

Such a lineup, coupled with the lower-level garrison troops that are rapidly gathering outside, and the magic weapons and equipment mobilized.

It is difficult for those below the demigod to escape.

This is not that Zong Shen wants to boost others' prestige and destroy his own ambition.

He is just telling the truth.

Such a lineup can be regarded as luxurious no matter where it is placed.

If the invaders are only ten or eight legends, it is difficult to make any waves here.

This formation is a sure-fire way to catch a turtle in a jar!

The connection magic circle constructed with the core area and the circle is a sure-fire way to kill.

This makes this place the best prison, allowing the defenders to gain an advantage.

After all, the magic circle here combines trapping and blocking, and has many fancy functions.

Apart from anything else, the space transfer just now made Zong Shen very interested.

If such a magic circle is arranged in several places in the territory, the strength of each defense matrix can be strengthened!

Combined with the original arrangement in the territory, it is enough for the team led by ordinary legends to deal with demigods.

But it seems that these two magic circles should not be so easy to replicate.

It is likely that they exist for reasons such as "ancestor glory".

No answer was found when asking the strategy module.

This shows that the main structure and design of this magic circle were not completed in the Endless Continent.

Although the strategy module is easy to use, it will be confusing when encountering cross-dimensional information.

But Zong Shen is not entangled. Isn't the best problem solver here?

He planned to find a way from Marquis Ekmeledin.

Then use the strategy module to extract information from the outside bit by bit.

Looking at Marquis Ekmeledin who had already revealed his victorious face.

Zong Shen responded with a contemptuous smile.

When he was about to wave the flag of command, Zong Shen suddenly spoke.

"Your Excellency seems to be too complacent."

"I am not going alone this time, and there are more than just a few subordinates around me."

"I brought an army!"

As soon as Zong Shen finished speaking, several small-dimensional channel portals with a diameter of tens of meters appeared on the open space around him.

This is also the advantage of the small-dimensional world.

Because its main body is [Dimension Seed], it can ignore external space interference.

When the portal was opened, the first to appear was Gugat, who had been holding back for a long time.

The technological armor sprayed out flames, making it look like a black meteor.

Following closely was Lan Xiaodai, who roared and leaped in the form of a dragon.

Zong Shen could sink his consciousness into the small-dimensional world at any time to shout.

There was no obstacle in the communication between the two sides.

The soldiers inside knew the situation that Zong Shen was facing now.

So much so that Zong had already arranged their respective tasks before opening the small dimensional passage.

After Gugat and Blue Derpy, the beast king Rexxar appears with his pet violent bear Misha.

Then came the elite army.

The restructured sixth-order Avalon Bauhinia Knight stepped out of the queue.

Mountain Giants, Chimeras, Dragon Roaring Swordsmen, Dragon Roaring Rangers and other high-level units swarmed out.

Since plans were made in advance, the troops brought this time did not appear in a swarm.

The arena cannot accommodate so many people.

All the troops that appeared were formed into military formations according to their arms types.

The rangers formed a golden epic military formation [Forest-Piercing Volley].

Its blessing effect is quite strong:

[Forest-piercing volley: Only archers of the same level can be recruited. The maximum number of people in the army is 3,000. It fires continuously at a fixed radio frequency of 1 shot per second, which can last up to 30 rounds]

[Effect: The maximum range is increased to 800 meters. All arrows come with an additional 30 points of armor penetration and 20 points of basic piercing damage. Each time it hits the target, the target will suffer an additional 1% of the forest-piercing salvo in the next hit. Damage caused, this effect can be superimposed, up to 30 layers]

[After completing thirty rounds of salvos, you need to rest for five minutes before launching a new round of attacks]

[In the military formation state, 50% of the damage suffered by all soldiers will be shared by all members, as will the treatment effect]

Without any hesitation, they launched the attack first.

After the range support of the auxiliary brigade took effect, the ranger queue fired the first salvo.

The characteristics of the military formation are destined to be a group blessing with strong output.

The barrage of arrows came one after another.

In an instant, they rushed to the nearest stand like a pouring water, and then hit the light screen protecting the military formation.

While the Rangers were showing off their power, Gugat crashed into the uppermost floating bleachers like a rocket, and the sudden burst of speed crushed the Mach ring.

This frightened Marquis Ekmeledin.

Fortunately, the passive reaction of the magic circle was faster, and the Marquis of Ekmeledin was moved away before Gugat smashed the 100-meter-diameter stand with his headbutt.

Debris flew.

At the same time, there was also a damage value of up to 650,000 points.

There are zeros and integers, and there are no remainders.

Because this is the solid value possessed by the floating stands.

In other words, Cugat destroyed the stands with just one blow.

The damage is overflow.

The angry headbutt of the demigod-level strongman was indeed terrifying.

Seeing that the attack did not work, Gugat was not angry.

He looked at the magic formation at the top, and then looked down at the bottom while suspended in the air.

The order Zong Shen gave him was to attack the magic circle with all his strength so that it could not attack or trap the army.

So Gugat didn't hesitate and charged up again, the cone-shaped wake was bright and eye-catching.

Magic has magical charm.

Technology also has its own beauty.

At least the momentum is eye-catching enough.

Everyone's eyes are focused on one place,

I saw Gugat bumping into the magic circle arrogantly.

The shadow of the magic circle in the sky shook violently.

Immediately after Gugat collided, two large elemental hands appeared out of thin air.

They are like giants catching flies, fishing from both sides to the middle.

Gugat gave up his battle armor and advanced, using a sudden free fall to avoid the giant hand's grasp.

Then the enhanced energy cannon on the shoulder is activated.

The azure blue light balls circulated densely, blasting towards the magic array one after another.


The vibrating sound lasted for a long time.

Each energy cannon blasts out diffuse signs on the phantom barrier formed by the magic array.

In Zong Shen's eyes, every time a diffusion pattern appears, it represents hundreds of thousands of damage points.

The solid value of the phantom of the magic circle above is 50 million, which is astonishing.

But in the face of continuous high damage, it simply couldn't ignore it.

This is no longer ants gnawing at the meat, but hungry tigers swooping down on it.

Energy cannon is Gurgat's signature long-range skill.

High attack, long range, and great power.

After the initial increase in demi-god level divinity, the destructive power became even more astonishing.

In fact, Gujiat's damage gain is not as high as Zongren's.

But it cannot withstand the multiple blessings of divinity.

Although the magic circle in front of me is very magical, it does not touch the boundaries of God after all.

And the reason why demigods can walk sideways in the main material world.

A big reason is also because of the blessing of divinity and divine power.

Just hit the high power with the low power, and whoever gets beaten will be confused.

Under normal circumstances, there is no such person who can perform miracles as powerfully as Zong Shen.

The power of demigods is initially revealed!

Breaking through the magic circle is only a matter of time.

Although in theory, the two magic arrays have a total of four phantom barriers above and below.

But Zong Shen knew that as long as one of the barriers was breached, the remaining magic circle would also be damaged.

The most important thing was when Gugat attacked the magic circle.

The elemental giants that were originally condensing have become sluggish.

Even the entire magic circle was unable to provide timely support.

There were already several giant fireballs hitting our own military formation.

After Gugat took action, the interference intensity of the magic circle was greatly reduced.

The battle has been intense since the beginning.

As Zong Shen's army surged out, they counterattacked with various elven military formations.

This battle changed from a siege to a counterattack.

The confident Marquis Ekmeledin was no longer calm and confident.

The arena, which was the node of the second magic circle, was soon hammered out by Misha.

And the small dimension channel continued to pour out soldiers.

These soldiers were well-trained and could attack immediately after completing the formation.

Their discipline and command were much higher than his carefully trained garrison.

Just kidding, there is a loyalty guarantee, this gap cannot be made up by training.

It is also one of the privileges enjoyed by the lord.

As long as Zong Shen issued an order, it would be resolutely implemented.

Of course, if the loyalty is below 70 points, there may be deviations in implementation.

But these soldiers were carefully selected by Zong Shen.

Naturally, there would be no problems in this regard.

In just two or three minutes, the situation was reversed.

In terms of numbers, the replenishment speed of the Dagalisni garrison that came from the periphery was not as fast as that of Zong Shen's soldiers, and the gap was getting bigger and bigger.

In the strategy of king vs king and soldier vs soldier.

The legendary warriors of the Dagalisni Giant City couldn't beat Lan Xiaodai, Colby and Beast King Rexxar.

Let alone Rexxar, even the violent bear Misha he summoned could crush most legendary mid-level warriors.

The same is true for the military formation.

The complete elven military formation is obviously more powerful than Dagalisni's military formation.

Military formation is almost a standard for all large forces.

But few giant cities can get a complete military formation.

Even if there is one, it may not be able to fully play its role.

Because the military formation needs a ruler to lead the team.

The higher the number of formations and the stronger the effect of the military formation, the higher the requirements for the ruler.

Those powerful military formations usually require strong men of the level of Rexxar or Felonas·Sinner to meet the requirements.

Even [Parricide·Ya] when it is not blessed cannot meet the requirements.

Even her attributes are visibly improved.

When the real swords and guns are used, these subtle differences will also appear.

A large number of troops emerged, and Colby rode on a totem wolf and led the Dragon Howl Knights to launch a fierce charge along the gap in the arena.

They encountered the urgently dispatched Dagalisni Third Legion head-on.

The entire arena was surrounded by open land.

There was no terrain that was suitable for blockade.

Because this place itself was not a pure street fighting terrain, it was a good decision to lead a cavalry brigade to open the way.

After all, the blockade in the arena had become a joke.

Gugat also destroyed the phantom barrier above the second magic circle, greatly weakening the binding force of the entire magic circle.

Soldiers were still pouring out of the portal, and the number directly exceeded the troops mobilized by Marquis Ekmeledin.

It is definitely more efficient to summon them on the spot than to mobilize them from the periphery.

There is no doubt about this.

After Zong Shen summoned the army, the victory or defeat seemed to be doomed.

Marquis Ekmeledin, who was transferred back to the castle by the magic circle, was shocked.

Because the second magic circle was damaged, he could no longer use space displacement in the first circle.

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