Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1500: Smash, Smash Again [Subscribe]

The magic circle of the Clift family is divided into two parts.

The real essence is centered on the Marquis Castle.

Its true appearance is far more than just a magic circle.

After the core magic circle is activated, the large magic circle deployed in the first circle is also awakened.

The two large magic circles create a yo-yo-like structure in the center of the city.

And this kind of magic circle is also called "pseudo-domain magic circle".

That's why there are two layers, upper and lower, and two light and shadow barriers to form the body of the magic circle.

It is a three-dimensional form that can cover an entire area, including part of the airspace.

At this time, the magic pattern light and shadow barrier in the air of the magic circle of the first circle has been defeated.

This is not an irreversible destruction.

Whether it is the magic circle light and shadow on the ground or in the sky, they are projections of the array disk.

Normally, you only need to wait for a while and replenish some precious materials to recover.

However, this is not a normal situation.

Zong Shen's army is pouring out at an accelerated rate, and the number of people soon exceeds 100,000!

These soldiers are in order, forming different military formations according to different types of soldiers and numbers.

Those military formations were obviously not defective, and each of them was fully powerful.

Judging from the energy flowing on the surface, it seemed like the style of the elves.

This was relatively rare in the Kingdom of Avalon.

As for why the style of the elves could be seen, it was actually very simple, because the military formations under Zong Shen's command were either emitting silver moonlight or the light green light of natural elements.

The magic formation of the first circle had no chance to be repaired.

Compared with the army that counterattacked tightly and in good order.

What made Marquis Ekmeledin even more nervous were those strong men.

Needless to say, Rexxar, who was carrying the violent bear, had thick skin and tough flesh, and was very powerful. In addition, with a body as tall as a hundred meters, it was enough to make the enemy feel full of oppression wherever he went.

Rexxar was free, and he did not summon other battle pets. He only needed to focus on restoring Misha's health and adding status.

Occasionally, he would stimulate the power of the beast pet and slap away the enemy who tried to sneak attack from the side.

There are many high-level assassins among the Dagalisni sergeants.

These fifth- and sixth-level assassins can sometimes threaten legends.

The threat here does not mean killing with one blow.

But high-level scouts can still deal tens of thousands of damage with full burst.

The main feature is high burst and low endurance.

The opportunity to attack is rare, after all, the perception of the legendary strongman is here.

The legendary strongman who has experienced hundreds of battles has extremely keen perception.

Facing the stealth around and the upcoming danger, he can always be aware of it.

Conventional stealth is actually useless for high-level strongmen.

However, in the chaos of the battle, those assassins will always have a chance to succeed.

Unfortunately, the margin of error left for them is too low.

Whether they succeed or not, the end is a dead end.

Even if they succeed, they cannot really assassinate a legend.

From just now to now, Rexxar has knocked away seven or eight scouts.

He did not hold back, and some of the characteristics of the beast pet will be blessed on him.

So he has the strength of a bear, the eyesight of an eagle, and the agility of a leopard.

Rexxar's own strength is actually not weak.

With Misha's strong attack, he became a more dazzling presence on the battlefield.

In addition, the angry Blue Xiaodai also became a real blue death god.

Every time she dives and breathes, she can cause a lot of casualties.

The army formation of the Dagalisni Giant City is like a soap bubble in a rainstorm when facing the thunder breath.

Basically, it will burst after shaking a few times.

The legendary garrison officers on the opposite side also want to come with a wave of warrior pigs, but they can't rush over at all.

The balance of combat power is no longer equal.

The huge blue dragon flapped its wings and flew, and its huge figure covered the sky.

Because the magic circle of the first circle was destroyed by Gugat in half.

The airspace here is no longer covered at all.

Until this time, the residents of the second and third circles knew what happened in the city.

Thanks to the Clift family's construction of many short-distance transmission nodes in the city.

The transfer of the garrison army is still fast and hidden.

But it can't be compared with Zong who opened the door and exploded the troops directly on the spot.

The efficiency of the two is far different.

In addition, Colby, who rode a giant wolf and led the cavalry assault, was also impressive.

Of course, among all the warriors present, the one who shocked Marquis Ekmeledin the most was Gugat.

The majesty of the demigod made him feel uncontrollable fear.

Any demigod can be a garrison.

Usually, a small or medium-sized giant city like Dagalisni is not worthy of having a garrison.

The fact that he can gather so many legendary strongmen under his command is the result of his intentional recruitment.

Judging from the number alone, there are more legendary strongmen in Dagalisni than in the giant city of Luntax.

This is actually related to local policies.

If the ruler is willing to issue some policies to attract strongmen, then over time there will definitely be legendary strongmen willing to settle down.

As for whether it is a temporary settlement or a long-term stay, it depends on whether the ruler is willing to recruit.

At the legendary level, it is not like ordinary mercenaries who can come and go at will.

Every recruitment has to pay a high price.

Therefore, the number of legendary warriors in a city is actually related to the decision of the ruler.

The quantity is there, but the quality may not keep up.

Legends are divided into three sub-levels: primary, intermediate, and advanced.

There are also many details above the advanced level, from Felonas, Rexxar, to Ya who has just joined the territory.

They are essentially all high-level legends, but their attributes vary greatly.

The reason is that the buffer zone between high-level legends and demigods is too large.

A single attribute of more than 1,000 can be called a legend.

But demigods need to break through 20,000 or 30,000 in a certain attribute, and they must comprehend the will of God and possess divinity.

The leap between these two major stages is the greatest.

This is also why demigods can become garrisons, while legends can only be regarded as high-end combat power, far from touching the ceiling of the continent's combat power.

Therefore, the appearance of Gugat completely crushed the fighting spirit of Marquis Ekmeledin.

He seemed to have foreseen failure.

The large magic circle of the first circle is not as powerful as the core magic circle where the castle is located.

But the specifications are definitely at the level of a giant city.

Just now, Gugat took less than two minutes to shatter the magic array in the air, which was scary enough. This means that he can destroy the first circle of magic array in just five or six minutes.

And these magic arrays were designed to deal with the siege of thousands of troops.

This shows how powerful Gugat is.

Marquis Ekmeledin also knew in his heart that he had no way back.

His only support, or the biggest back-up that the Clift family had arranged for many years, was right under him.

It was in the core area of ​​the castle.

This is not only a large comprehensive magic array.

It is also a door.

A... sealed door.

When he had no choice, he could only choose to open this door.

The power of the ancestors was the last reliance.

But the giant city of Dagalisni would also be affected.

Maybe it was still in time to evacuate now?

Marquis Ekmeledin was confused and he stayed alone in the castle.

Baron Hisham was entrusted with the important task of negotiation by him.

However, the two sides were fighting fiercely at this time.

There was no chance for negotiation.

At this point, it was too late to beg for mercy, and he couldn't beg for mercy.

The honor of the Clift family didn't allow him to do so.

Standing in front of the window of the castle, Marquis Ekmeledin took out the strange family emblem again.

The place where the ancestor's name was engraved seemed to be glowing.


The battle on the scene was very fierce.

Zong Shen's leading battle group was very brave.

But there would inevitably be losses under the fierce attack.

The Dragon Roar Archer Group, which first showed its power with the [Woodpiercer Volley] formation, finished the volley in half a minute.

Then it supported the friendly forces to continue advancing in a scattered manner.

When attacking the enemy on the stands of the arena, it was counterattacked by the opponent's long-range troops.

There were also two battalions of unknown high-level crossbowmen, the same Dragon Roar Archers.

The opponent's continuous attack caused more than 700 casualties in the 3,000-man Archer Group.

This was because Zong Shen fired a [Card Super Medical Wave].

It uses gems as the main body to launch a medical wave that can be ejected autonomously.

All friendly units ejected by the medical wave will recover 50% of their own health limit + 1000 health points at one time.

And within 30 seconds, it can heal injuries other than body fractures and organ damage. The medical wave can be ejected up to 200 times, with a cooldown of 12 hours.

This trick has a very good effect on group healing.

Although it cannot heal limb fractures and serious organ damage.

But penetrating injuries such as arrows and crossbows are very effective in healing.

In addition to Zong Shen's attack, the subsequent nurse troops also provided treatment and BUFF in time.

This reduced the casualty rate to a certain extent.

The casualties of the archer group are actually lower than those of the swordsman and knight teams.

This is the home court of Dagalisni, and it is normal for casualties to occur in an instantaneous fierce collision.

But soon, the advantage of Zong Shen's side was revealed.

The archer corps that arrived later launched the military formation [Wan Yue Changpao (Gold)].

It is also a complete sixth-level military formation, and its characteristics are completely different from [Woodpiercer Volley].

It focuses on continuous attacks on distant enemies.

It is not fierce, but it has a long range and strong persistence.

[Moon-Waning Projectile: can only recruit archers of the same level, the maximum number of troops is 2,500 people, divided into three projectile modes, and can last up to 20 rounds]

[Low-range projectile: maximum range is 950 meters, each round interval is 2 seconds]

[High-range projectile: maximum range is 1,500 meters, each round interval is 5 seconds]

[Slow-forward projectile: range is 1,200 meters to 1,500 meters, each round interval is 4 seconds]

[Effect: maximum range is increased to 950 meters to 1,500 meters, all arrows have an additional 50 points of armor penetration, each hit will cause a penetration effect, weaken the target's armor by 15 points, up to 5 layers]

[After completing 20 rounds of projectiles, you need to wait 10 minutes before launching a new round of attacks]

The archer corps formed the [Moon-Waning Long Projectile] formation and launched continuous shooting.

Directly suppressed the garrison troops in front who were resisting the advance.

These arrow rains in the projectile state are all shining with silver luster.

Like a falling moonlight waterfall.

The output was very impressive.

The swordsmen formed a tight formation and rushed forward in a group.

The military formation they formed was [Military Formation·Moon Wind Sword Formation (Radiant Level III)].

This is a higher level Radiant Military Formation.

[Commander requirements: Charm\u003e2000 points, Wisdom\u003e1500 points, Comprehensive Command Value not less than 2500 points]

[Moon Wind Sword Formation: can only recruit melee soldiers of the same level whose main weapon is a sword, with a maximum number of 5500 soldiers. After launching the Moon Wind Sword Formation, the entire legion will have a crazy strangling moon blade and wind blade on the periphery, causing 2000 points of slashing damage to all enemies along the way, increasing the impact resistance and toughness of the entire army by 50 points, and increasing the upper limit of health by 10%, which lasts for 30 minutes]

[Effect: Increases attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 30%, a 30 cm wide moon light appears on the surface of all sword blades, increases attack range, increases armor penetration by 70 points, and causes erosion and cutting effects every time a target is hit, weakening Target armor 15 points, and cause 20 points of erosion damage per second, lasting 15 seconds, up to 5 layers]

[Erosion damage can restore the soldier's health at a rate of 50%]

[Gathering force slash (can condense up to 1,000 attacks into 1 to attack the designated target, cooling time 3 minutes)]

[After each Moon Wind Sword Formation effect ends, it takes 4 hours to launch a new round of sword formation]

[In the formation state, the legion will reduce the cooling time of the next round of Moon Wind Sword Formation by 2 minutes when it kills more than 500 targets of the same level]

[In the military formation state, 65% of the damage suffered by all soldiers will be shared by all members, and the same is true for the healing effect]

This makes the members in the military formation seem to be condensed into one.

The advancement speed is greatly increased.

Like a razor shaving forward.

It is simply invincible.

During this period, the effect of [Gathering force slashing] is also mixed.

Every slash can create a shocking blade light.

Even the legendary strong are retreating.

The outer edge of the swordsman army formation appeared a crazily strangling everything with a moon blade.

When they collided with the enemy group, the opposite side was like a foam board encountering a flame.

It was melted in an instant.

These army formations are powerful, but without exception, they have very high attribute requirements for the command node.

For this, Zong Shen took a trick.

The commanders of all army formations are Zong Shen's clones.

With a clone that has 65% of Zong Shen's original body, it can naturally perfectly meet the needs of the army formation's command value.

This is also one of the reasons why Zong has been working hard to condense the clones during this period.

The army formation led by the clone is equivalent to him leading multiple small legions at the same time.

In this case of close combat, the effect is even more prominent.

Because of this, the attack intensity and command of Zong Shen's side can reach an extremely high level.

Every squadron, brigade, and legion formation that appears has the highest efficiency.

It's like art, not a cruel fight.

This is because of the clone.

The original body plus the clone can completely play the honeycomb tactics.

Infinity is 1, and 1 is also infinite.

This method of warfare was also recently explored by him.

It seems to be very effective now!

The Dagalisni garrison is being crushed!

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