Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 250: Mysterious crisis scene, secret passage in ruins

Uriah's mission was completed without any drama.

Some things are so logical

However, Zong Shen still felt a little disappointed in his heart, and he still felt a little regretful.

There is a sense of helpless regret, mainly because what happened to Uriah was a tragedy.

Zong Shen also did not find the remains of Uriah's father in the mining area dormitory at that time.

However, according to the situation in the mine back then, the outcome was probably a disaster.

Zong Shen sighed. This mission made him deeply feel the tragedy and cruelty of the year.

It had some impact on his mood.

He turned around silently, and Tasia felt that something was wrong with Zong Shen's mood. She was sensible enough and didn't say anything. She just held his arm obediently and gave him some warmth and strength.

Uriah must be reunited with her parents in heaven now.

He left a blessing and used his own power to protect Zong Shen.

Being able to withstand fatal injuries of no more than 2,000 points of damage at a time, this blessing can be regarded as giving him an extra life for Zong Shen.

Suddenly, as if a flash of inspiration occurred, Zong Shen stood there as if stunned.

The image of hellfire falling from the sky appeared in his mind, and the target of the attack this time was Zong Shen's territory. The territory that appeared in his mind was far more powerful than the current one.

In the sky above the territory, the sun, moon and sky all disappeared, and the entire sky became a huge dimensional channel, exuding dark psychedelic colors.

After a wave of hellfire washed over the ground, countless demons flapped their wings and swarmed out from the other side of the dimensional passage. They all had crazy smiles on their faces, like thirsty desert travelers who suddenly saw It's like a sweet spring.

The entire territory was caught off guard and suffered heavy damage in an instant. Smoke billowed out from everywhere, many buildings were destroyed, and countless civilians fled in all directions.

At this time, Colby also appeared in the scene in his mind. He was wearing a set of exquisite light armor, and the blade of the saber in his hand flashed with orange light.

The giant wolf under its crotch also became larger. It was wearing a set of tailor-made leather armor and could spit out a wind blade when it opened its mouth.

The whole thing looks more than ten times more majestic than it is now.

I saw Colby leaping up on a giant wolf, with thousands of wolf cavalry on him roaring, launching a counterattack against the demons attacking everywhere. He was so powerful for a moment that he slashed with the saber in his hand, and the general blood-burning demons All will drink hatred.

Even such a powerful Colby had his head crushed in an instant by a big demon that fell from the sky. He was unable to fight back. At the same time, the big demon also trampled the giant wolf to death with one kick.

It is huge, tens of meters high, and its whole body is burning with faint flames. The flames spread wherever it goes, leaving huge footprints on the ground. It always has its back turned in the picture.

Suddenly, the big demon seemed to notice something, and turned his head sharply. The picture in his mind shook and blurred, and finally disappeared. Zong Shen's last impression was only a horrifying smile.


"Damn it! Who is that big devil?"

"Is the blood-burning demon really that scary?"

"There is also the huge claw behind the portal in the Crypt Challenge Cave."

"And the powerful arcane crystal shards in the lake."

Zong Shen panted violently, and suddenly remembered a lot of information related to different dimensions that he had obtained during this period.

His back was soaked with cold sweat almost in the blink of an eye.

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

The scene just now made him shudder, and it also made Zong Shen couldn't help but think, if his territory was attacked by the blood-burning demon army, would he be able to survive?

As a lord, can he protect the territory and its people?

Even the ancient giant city of Azshara was reduced to scorched earth under that terrible offensive.

Thinking of this, a strong sense of crisis appeared inexplicably.

Zong Shen clenched his fists and shook his head gently, a fighting spirit welling up in his heart.

At this time, he only felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

He must not waste a single moment of time, he must develop the territory quickly.

Zong Shen and Tasia climbed out of the cellar. The stars in the night sky had disappeared. The sky in the distance was dark with a faint blue. The night was coming to an end.

After a lot of trouble, it was already past four o'clock in the morning.

He didn't know where this crisis picture came from, but he knew that the scene in the picture must not happen in his territory.

As soon as Zong Shen and Tasia went up, Luna and the others surrounded them with concern.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

"You look so pale."

"There doesn't seem to be any fighting happening below?"

Everyone was chattering, and Zong Shen forced a smile and waved his hand.

"I'm fine, just get ready to fight."

"It may not be enough for just us."

"I asked Colby to lead a team of Wolf Riders to support."

Now Uriah's mission is completed, but the mission of the dead Kim is not yet done.

He needs to eliminate the remnant soul of the so-called suture monster Gurange.

Without even thinking about it, this is definitely a combat type mission.

This place is not far from Odo Village, and the missions are all related to the Dread Lord Balnazzar. Zong Shen feels that the mission location is likely to be very close to the burial ground where the Calamity Raven Church operates.

Another point is that the guide once reminded that this task should not be delayed until after eight o'clock in the morning, otherwise someone will get there first.

This early arrival is very intriguing. Nine times out of ten, it does not mean that the mission was taken first, but the ruins at the mission location and the remnant soul of Gu Lanqi may be eliminated by others first.

Zong Shen took out the communication crystal and began to contact Colby, asking him to lead a team of wolf riders in this direction for support.

With a team of twelve wolf cavalry as supplements, they should be enough to handle this mission.

After Zong Shen contacted Colby, his mood became much more stable.

There is a gray arrow above his head, always pointing to where the Boneyard continues to the west.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Colby led a team of wolf riders to the Bone Burial Ground and successfully reunited with Zong Shen and the others.

Zong Shen mounted Bajie, and everyone mounted their prairie horses and began to move forward in the direction pointed by the gray arrow.

After advancing another two or three kilometers in the Bone Burial Ground, large areas of ruins and rubble began to appear in front of them.

The terrain is also somewhat undulating, with some pitch-black crooked-necked trees growing sparsely.

On the treetops, black crows stared at Zong Shen and others passing by with their small red eyes.

Walking out of this small ruins, the arrow pointed faintly not far ahead.

Looking forward from here, you can see that this section of the burial ground continues to the west for about four or five kilometers, with a field of fire and stars twinkling.

That's where the Calamity Raven Church deployed its methods in the Boneyard, and where the ruins of the Dread Lord Balnazzar are located.

The mission location of the Dead Soul Guidance is two or three kilometers away from that place.

I'm afraid there is some connection between the two.

"Everyone slow down the pace, the horses are tied here in the ruins."

"Everyone except Wolf Troopers and Luna and I are moving forward on foot."

This place is only a few hundred meters away from the target location, although the people from the Calamity Raven Church are still several kilometers away.

But out of caution, Zong Shen decided to let everyone sneak past carefully.

Soon we arrived at the target location, where there were the ruins of a tower.

Almost all of this tower collapsed, leaving only two collapsed L-shaped walls. The middle was full of ruins. It had been covered by various silts over the long years, and was covered with weeds. It looked like It's a small hill.

The location of the dead soul's guidance is among the ruins, inside the original tower.

It seems like there should be some kind of secret passage in the tower.

But now it's time to dig out again.

Zong Shen took out a handful of mining picks with ease and quietly distributed them.

Then he began to lead everyone to start digging the ruins as gently as possible.

Zong Shen had a lot more manpower this time. Even if he couldn't dig freely, the overall digging efficiency was still very high.

After more than ten minutes, all the mud, bones, and gravel accumulated in the ruins of the tower were cleared out.

A faintly visible bluestone floor covered with traces of dirt was revealed.

Zong Shen took a pickaxe and tapped lightly at the location pointed by the dead soul. There was a hollow echo from below. There should be a secret tunnel entrance here.

However, the tower was now severely damaged and it was impossible to find the mechanism to open it. Zong Shen had no choice but to resort to violent means of destruction in desperation.

He raised the mining pick in his hand and struck it towards the camouflaged bluestone ground.




Three crisp sounds, not too loud, came out, which were a bit abrupt in the quiet night sky.

Three holes appeared on the large bluestone, each one as deep as a knuckle.

Good guy, I don’t know how long I will keep knocking like this. The most important thing is that the violent destruction will be too loud. When this bluestone is broken, I’m afraid all kinds of monsters and monsters will be attracted here.

Zong Shen had many powerful explosives such as mining detonators in his hands, but none of them were suitable for use in this situation. Now he just wanted to find a way to get this stone slab open without making a lot of noise.

He looked in his personal storage compartment, wanting to try his luck to see if there were any props suitable for this occasion.

Soon Zong Shen actually discovered a very useful prop, which once helped him transform into a human bomber in the mine. It is a very practical prop.

He turned his hand and took out the [Ejection Claw (Blue)] and grabbed it in his hand.

After taking a few steps back, he aimed it at the bluestone floor.

These bluestone floors are not a whole, but are spliced ​​together from pieces of thick bluestone.

As a secret entrance to the agency, there must be another mystery to this floor, but as long as the claw hook can penetrate it, then with so many of them, they can overturn this floor with just brute force.

Although the bluestone slab is very strong, Zong Shen is still very confident in the claw hook, because in the mine, the rock walls reinforced by rune magic could not prevent the claw hook from penetrating.

Zong Shen signaled everyone to retreat, and when everything was ready, he launched his claw hook.

From the top of the cylinder, a huge arrow shot out, hitting the bluestone slab hard. The sharp rock-breaking arrow was much more powerful than a mining pick, and it easily penetrated the bluestone slab several centimeters behind.

Because of the distance, the claw blades did not unfold until the arrow penetrated this time, just in time to block the claw hook, which was very suitable for pulling.

The total length of the ejection claw hook rope is 20 meters, which is enough for everyone to pull.

Zong Shen threw the rope behind him, and the wolf cavalry got off the giant wolf one after another, rubbing their palms and grabbing the rope.

Those giant wolves were also very smart and bit the rope at a slight position to help pull.

In the end, the mages also stepped forward, and Zong Shen was responsible for the finale, standing at the end.

His strength value is as high as 72 points, and the strength of one person is equivalent to two or three third-level soldiers.

Everyone got into position and grabbed the rope.

"I said start, and everyone pulled back hard together."

"Be sure to use both force at the same time."

Zong Shen whispered and began to make final adjustments.

When he had accumulated enough strength, he shouted "Start"!

Everyone pulls backwards at the same time!

A huge force was transmitted to the bluestone slab through the claw hook.

The entire bluestone slab was lifted by one centimeter in an instant.

"Come again!"

Zong Shen issued the order again, and everyone exerted their strength again.


After a crisp sound of breaking, the resistance from the other end of the claw hook disappeared immediately.

Everyone leaned back involuntarily, and the entire bluestone slab was pulled up by them.

The cracking sound just now was the original mechanism roller, which had been violently destroyed at this time.

A large piece of bluestone was pulled apart by everyone using brute force.

A tunnel entrance two to three meters wide was exposed below.

There is absolutely no problem for a single person to enter. The Wolf Cavalry all disembarked from the giant wolf. Colby was the first to enter. Zong Shen gave him a [Magic Flashlight] to illuminate the path, and then all the Wolf Cavalry were separated into humans and wolves. Enter the tunnel in batches.

Then came the mages and Luna. Zong Shen himself sat at the end. He carefully put away the claw hook manually, withdrew the claw hook arrow and put it into the storage compartment.

Then he grabbed the large piece of bluestone with both hands and easily dragged it to the entrance of the secret passage.

At this time, he entered the secret passage, dragged the bluestone slab back to its original position little by little, and covered it at the entrance of the secret passage, leaving only a gap about a palm wide, which served as a vent inside and outside the passage.

The transmission shaft of the mechanism has been broken by them, and now the bluestone can be pushed open with brute force.

They were very careful in cleaning up the ruins and did not leave too many traces around.

The cleaned silt and gravel were piled up next to the wall. After Zong Shen covered it with stone slabs, it was almost impossible to find anything strange unless he carefully explored it.


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