Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 251: Bone Burial Bunker, Lots of Treasure Chests

After entering the secret passage, there is a staircase extending downwards.

The width of the walkway can allow two giant wolves to walk side by side, and the steps are very wide. Each step is engraved with an unknown rune the size of a fist.

The surrounding walls all had obvious signs of reinforcement. After walking down the steps for more than a minute, large reliefs began to appear on the walls on both sides. Zong Shen slowed down and held the [Magic Energy] Flashlight] illuminates these reliefs.

These relief carvings are all about scenes of demons. Several huge primitive demons were born from the initial chaotic void. Suddenly, several light beams enveloped them. In the next scene, the demons appeared on a desolate land. These demons hunted and enslaved other races and gradually became a demon tribe.

Zong Shen watched all the way, and finally in the last scene of the relief, these demons dominated the entire world, possessing a large number of various demons. They looked up at the sky, as if waiting for something.

The entire relief depicts the development history of the demonic tribe of Jiuzhan, which gradually grew stronger and eventually dominated the entire world.

Wherever they go, there is smoke full of sulfur smell, and the green flames can ignite everything and destroy all life.

The demon clan only has a unique racial system, involving soul and will. Creatures of other races cannot master the power of demons unless they voluntarily transform their souls or fall. Therefore, except for the original original great demon, in later generations, With the development of demons, there are more and more ethnic groups among demons, including fire demons, tree demons, stone demons, succubi...

These are real demons. Compared with monsters like crypt demons, they are not so much demons as crypt monsters with certain demonic characteristics. Their essential race is still relatively crypt creatures.

In relief, after those demons dominated the entire world, their development reached a bottleneck. Unless they could attract the chaotic energy in the void, the development of demons would inevitably use other creatures as a medium.

In the last scene of the relief, all the demons were looking up at the sky, and a dimensional channel appeared across the sky and the earth. The demons seemed to have received some information, and began to prepare, and began to attack the other end of the dimensional channel. There was a lot of fear. The demons gathered together and began to summon the hellfire.

Countless demons swarmed up after the hellfire and entered the dimensional passage.

These reliefs roughly record the birth and development of the blood-burning demon clan, up to the scene before the invasion of this endless continent.

The pillar of light that suddenly appeared in the void and sucked away the original demon came inexplicably, which was somewhat similar to the appearance of the current lords.

Zong Shen withdrew his gaze and continued to follow the team down the big stone staircase. After advancing for about a minute, the front suddenly opened up, and an extremely spacious and tall underground walkway appeared.

The entrance they went down is actually just a branch road on one side. The main road in front of them is the main body of this underground secret passage. From this point of view, the Burning Blood Demon should have built a large number of tunnels in the Boneyard. Underground stronghold.

Where they were standing now was at least a few hundred meters underground.

According to this construction standard, it seems that the blood-burning demons originally wanted to use this place as a semi-permanent stronghold, but now there is no trace of the blood-burning demons in the entire continent.

I don’t know whether it was the counterattack of the aboriginal coalition or other inexplicable reasons, but the Burning Blood Demon failed to completely occupy the Endless Continent in the end.

In addition, Zong Shen also discovered something, that is, the blood-burning demon seemed to be particularly interested in creating undead souls.

Almost the entire bone burial ground has become a breeding ground for the undead. If a crazy person digs up the bone burial ground, hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of undead monsters may be released in an instant. .

The undead are essentially different from the demon race, but the undead race is the same as the crypt race. They have many commonalities with the demon race, such as the characteristics of the soul, preferences, and living environment.

This is the commonality of races. Just like humans, elves, dwarves, and goblins, there are some commonalities. These commonalities are the fundamental reason why multiple races can cooperate.

Of course, the role of the Bone Burial Ground is not only to create a large amount of undead death energy and undead monsters, but also to prevent the ancient trees of war from taking root. It has many inherent defensive advantages.

The team came to a spacious tunnel. The entire tunnel was a square passage of ten meters by ten meters, which was loose enough to accommodate seven or eight soldiers advancing side by side.

The walls on both sides are decorated with skulls that are as smooth as jade.

After Zong Shen and others stepped onto the passage, the skulls were all lit up one by one, and orange-red flames burned in the skulls, acting as lighting for the passage.

These skulls vary in size, and they are obviously all "trophies" of the blood-burning demon. In Zong Shen's opinion, they are more like a bad taste.

Skeleton flames shine in front, and as far as the eye can see, there will be a branch road appearing on both sides of the passage at regular intervals, and there are also some large and small compartments with different functions.

At the end of this corridor, which can be seen several hundred meters away, is a hall, which should be a transfer point for this corridor.

The entire walkway is not intact, and some areas have collapsed slightly.

There are also skeletal remains on both sides, and some walls are covered with cracks and traces of magic attacks.

Apparently, there had been fierce battles in this bone bunker.

The guide of the dead soul above Zong Shen's head points far ahead. I am afraid that the target required by the mission is in that hall.

"Are there any places or treasures worth exploring along the way?"

Zong Shen started asking about the strategy module as usual. The guidance of the strategy module can save a lot of time and energy in exploration. Just follow the prompts to find the treasures.

(57 meters back, there is a silver treasure chest in the corner next to the blocked tunnel, there is a bronze treasure chest in the seventh room on the right, and there is a black iron treasure chest on the branch path inside the eleventh room on the right.

There is a good weapon in the third room on the left. There is a fragment of an Elf Key in the sixteenth room on the left. In the twenty-first room on the left, there are three remaining weapons that were burned. Night Huntress Recruitment Scroll Captured by Blood Demon

In the hall ahead is the place where the suture warlock Gurange fell. There are some weird alchemy materials and alchemy notes left. As a confidant of the Dread Lord Bazanar, he also possesses a piece of the Devil's Secret Order. With the Devil's Secret Order, he can Mastering the authority that is part of the Burning Blood Demon Zone Commander, especially in this Boneyard, can play a lot of roles. I believe you will be able to use it soon)

After reading the guide tips, Zong Shen felt relieved, and the original feeling of depression disappeared.

This bone burial bunker is truly a treasure!

The existence of so many treasure chests is enough to prove that this is also a very important relic site.

Zong Shen followed the prompts and turned around and walked backwards. There was actually a tunnel behind him, but it was hit and a large area collapsed. It seemed that an entire section of the tunnel behind him collapsed.

That's why there was a slightly low-lying area on the road when we came. It was obvious that the ground had become low-lying because of the collapse of the tunnel.

Next to the collapsed and blocked corridor behind him, behind the remains of a stone slab, lay a silver treasure chest quietly. The angle was very tricky. If it hadn't been for the guide's prompts, and unless he specifically searched behind it, he wouldn't have been able to see that there was one there. A treasure chest.

Since the explosion rate rules were adjusted, treasure chests have become the meat and potatoes that the lords crave.

Because almost any props can be found in the treasure chest, and there is a high probability that you can get blueprints or finished product recruitment scrolls.

Of course, the upper limit of the quality of the items you can get is linked to the quality of the treasure box itself.

The Black Iron Treasure Chest has a chance of unlocking at most level 2 items or sophisticated level props.

Bronze treasure chests have a chance of unlocking at most level 3 items or excellent level props.

Silver treasure chests have a chance of opening up to level 4 items or rare items.

And so on, increasing step by step.

As for the quantity and type, it all depends on appearance. As long as your appearance is not bad and your hands are not smelly, there will basically be 5 to 7 different item rewards.

Compared with the hard work of spawning monsters and scavenging ruins, the rewards from treasure chests are the most practical and direct.

But treasure chests are often located in ruins with great history, or in hidden places guarded by monsters.

For most lords, being able to open one or two treasure chests since landing is considered very lucky.

A small number of lords don't even know what a treasure chest looks like to this day, and have never even seen a treasure chest, let alone someone like Zong Shen, who has opened more than a dozen large and small treasure chests since they were launched.

【Silver Treasure Chest】

[An unknown silver treasure chest, no one knows what can be found]

(There is nothing wrong with the treasure chest, you can open it with confidence)

Nine out of ten treasure chests that exist alone are fine, but treasure chests that appear in clusters require careful attention.

Most of the lords have become smarter now, and they all know that when two treasure chests or even three treasure chests are together, there must be a trap treasure box among them, and there is a high probability that this trap treasure box will be the one with the highest quality.

These are summed up from the lessons of blood and tears. As the lord's strength increases, it is difficult for the lord to be killed by trap treasure chests below the silver level. At most, the lord will enter a state of serious injury, so this experience has been passed down.

Zong Shen looked at the silver treasure chest and directly chose to open it.

The lid of the box opened immediately, and six bonus light balls of different colors emerged in the silver-white light.

[Silver treasure chest opened successfully]

[Silver Knight Helmet (Purple) × 1]

[Tier 3 Fire Mage Recruitment Volume × 2]

[First-level medical center construction drawing × 1]

[Book: "Introduction to Farming\

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