Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 360: Athletic Conference, semi-desert area


Zong Shen heard what England said and subconsciously repeated it.

England nodded, feeling a little proud when he saw Zong Shen's confused expression.

As a bard, they always know a lot of information.

He is especially proficient in news among the kingdom's nobles.

This is true regardless of this kind of external news or that kind of gossip.

For example, the daughter of a certain count eloped with a certain poor boy.

Another example is that a certain noble was suppressed, and all kinds of noble gossip was involved.

In addition, they also know which noble's daughter is to be married and which noble's son is to be married.

At the same time, they will also praise the young nobles' outstanding figures and their travel experiences.

England paused for a moment, sorted out the information about the competitive meeting, and then spoke softly.

"That's right, it's a competition!"

"Every great city has its own arena."

"Anyone can participate, regardless of your profession, background, or identity, except prisoners and heretics."

"This is a non-lethal fighting competition, and the weapons used will be provided by Jucheng."

"They are all wooden weapons. There are no specific rules for competition. Just knock down your opponent."

"In each game, 6 to 12 people will compete together, and the one standing at the end will be the winner."

"The top three in the final ranking will receive generous bonuses and the qualification to attend the banquet."

Zong Shen was very excited at this moment. This was a banquet for aboriginal nobles. If he could attend, it would definitely be of great benefit to the contacts he would accumulate among the aboriginal people in the future.

Zong Shen stretched out his right hand and shook the bard England's hand.

"Thank you Engham, that's great news."

"I will go to the giant city of Lentax within a month."

"We will meet again in the great city of Lentax."

Upon hearing this, England took off his hat and put it on his chest, doing the courtesy of a bard.

"I wish you good luck, dear Zong Shen."

"I'm going on my way."

As he spoke, he stood up straight, then took out a pair of parchment rolls from his arms and spread them out.


“Sitano Village…”

"Definitely on the route."

"At the rate I'm traveling, I'll probably arrive tomorrow afternoon."

"I will wait for you in your territory for a day."

"Then I need to hurry up, otherwise I may not be able to arrive before the banquet starts."

This parchment scroll was a map. Zong Shen glanced at it briefly and found that the place he pointed at was Oka Village and Lurlu River.

At present, he has left the territory for more than 200 kilometers, passing through several forests along the way.

However, the terrain is generally flat, and heading eastward, it is basically an open grassland area.

If you keep walking in this direction, you will reach the East China Sea of ​​the mainland.

Bospan is just one of the many cities in the kingdom's territory in this direction.

It is a fringe city under the jurisdiction of the giant city of Lentax.

If you continue eastward through Bospan, you will reach the great city of Galisni, and the great city of The Hague and the port of Ellaraia on the eastern coast of the kingdom.

The plain terrain also ends after Bosbon and enters the Tallu Basin.

Because the world is so vast, it creates diverse terrain conditions.

Coupled with the fact that all kinds of incredibly destructive wars in history have changed the terrain, the entire continent is filled with all kinds of strange and dangerous places.

This is a colorful world, and the bard Ingram will be Zong Shen's key to opening this world.

With rich experience, he can tell Zong Shen a lot about the world.

"So dear England."

"I will handle Bosbon's affairs as soon as possible and rush back to the territory."

The two shook hands again, and England mounted his white prairie horse.

He placed his beloved Viele piano on a back frame on the side of the horse.

He waved goodbye to Zong Shen and the others.

"Farewell, my friend."


After England and Zong Shen said goodbye to each other, he rode his white horse in the direction where Zong Shen came from, maintaining a speed of 20 to 30 kilometers per hour and moving forward at a constant speed.

"Let's go too."

Their village also rested for a while, allowing Bajie, the Sentinel Black Panther, and the Andalusian War Horses to have a good meal.

Bajie himself ate a basket of apples with just one pig, while the horses ate eggs and mixed hay.

The sentinel panther's diet is the simplest, eating beef jerky directly.

While purchasing supplies, they also solved personal problems in the village.

Now that everything is settled, it's time to continue setting off.

The hunger and satiety levels of Zong Shen, Luna, and the Immortal Lancers are all around 80.

On such a long journey, the hard work is done by the mounts. As passengers, they are not tired at all.

At most it's a pain in the butt due to bumps.

The consumption of physical energy and hunger and satiety alone is not worth a battle to clean up the monster group.

Zong Shen put the uneaten apples and hay into the storage compartment and rode directly on Bajie.

He stretched out his hand to Vereesa and pulled her behind her.

Luna also sat on the special saddle stretched out by the Sentinel Black Panther with a strong posture.

As a fourth-level war horse, the Sentinel Panther's attributes are no weaker than those of the Andalusian war horse, which is also a fourth-level horse, except for endurance.

It is even more flexible than a war horse, has stronger instantaneous explosive power, and also has certain attack capabilities.

It can be said that beast-type war horses and professional war horses each have their own advantages.

There is no doubt about the endurance of the war horse. Just like now, Bajie needs to rest after running for more than two hours.

The Andalusian warhorse of the Immortal Lancers actually has a lot of stamina to spare.

Because Bajie’s top speed is 80 to 90 kilometers per hour.

The Andalusian war horse can reach a top speed of 100 to 110 kilometers per hour.

Of course, this data is based on relatively good road conditions.

Under different terrain conditions, warriors still have different performances.

For example, when entering the rugged terrain of mountains, Bajie and Black Panther will be more flexible than war horses.

At least for now, the Andalusian war horse can easily keep up with Bajie's full speed, and his stamina can still be maintained very well.

Zong Shen moved quickly. After everyone was ready, he left the village entrance and returned to the dirt road.

Continue at full speed in the direction of Bosbon.

This made the surrounding lords who originally wanted to wait until the bard left before coming up to chat with him in vain.

At 5:27 in the evening.

Zong Shen and his team randomly found an open place on the roadside to stop.

This was their second rest since leaving Oka Village.

Each break is at least half an hour.

Even with intermittent breaks, Bajie's physical endurance still showed a downward trend.

For this reason, Zong Shen directly fed Bajie a large mouthful of Moon God Spring water during his previous break.

Only then did Bajie's physical endurance recover.

Let Bajie be responsible for the long-distance trek, which is indeed a bit of a stretch.

The surrounding light was obviously dimming, making the already overcast weather even more depressing.

The challenges of the lords and the aboriginal people are independent of each other and do not conflict with each other. They do not know what the weather is like when the aboriginal people see it.

Zong Shen always feels weird whenever he thinks about it.

However, he can also understand the arrangements and intentions of the lord system.

At this stage, it was necessary to bring the lords and the natives into direct and gradual contact and to isolate themselves from each other.

Especially when it comes to challenges, if there is no special isolation, after the Aboriginal people intervene, the challenge will completely change.

After all, the original intention of the challenge is to accelerate the growth of the lords and hone the lords. At the same time, the rewards after the challenge are an additional way for the lords to gain strength.

With the power of the lord system, it is natural to isolate the challenges from each other.

It is already the eleventh day of landing.

Three days of novice period, seven days of crypt challenge, and new challenges coming soon.

The new challenge will consist of a two-day preparation period, a one-day notice period, and a four-day official period.

Basically, it is a seven-day killing mode with one challenge per week. After the third challenge cycle ends, it is almost the end of the first month of implementation.

27 days after the novice period ends, the first defensive challenge will come.

These are all the information mentioned in the new rules after the novice period ended.

Counting it all together, the so-called defensive challenge happened to be the 30th day after the Lords landed!

Intuition told Zong Shen that that would be a new turning point for the lords.

Its significance is absolutely no less than the end of the novice period.

But what exactly will happen is still unknown.

Even the strategy system cannot figure it out, because the lord system will make dynamic decisions based on the situation at that time.

This includes content for each challenge as well.

The strategy module won't know the exact answer until omens begin to appear.

If the lord system itself has not yet been determined, the strategy module will not have the answer.

After all, the essence of the strategy module is still a "plug-in" for the lord system.

It has no information itself, all information comes from the Lord system itself.

In short, the strategy module functions as a porter.

Others are taking closed-book exams, but he is the only one who is taking open-book exams, and they are the kind with retrieval.

Zong Shen stood there and thought for a while, while Bajie was rolling on the ground beside him.

The small truck-like body rolled around and the ground shook three times.

Now they are still more than 170 kilometers away from Bossang.

This dirt road passed through seven or eight villages and was very peaceful along the way.

There were no attacks from wild beasts or monsters, nor were there any traces of bandits or horse bandits.

This dirt road is a typical communication route between villages formed by villagers and traveling merchants.

But the peace now does not mean that the night will still be so peaceful.

Along the way, Zong Shen met many small-scale traveling merchants, as well as some villagers traveling on foot or in bullock carts.

According to the current progress, we should be able to reach Bosipan between 8 and 9 pm.

Zong Shen stretched his body and stretched his muscles.

Riding Bajie on a long journey is almost like taking a long-distance bus on Earth.

Even the comfort level of Bajie is not as good as that of a bus.

It has been ** hours since we set off at around 9 o'clock in the morning, and Zong Shen just feels inexplicably tired.

I still have to find a way to get an aerial mount in the future, otherwise it will be too uncomfortable in this world.

After resting for half an hour, Zong Shen fed Bajie a small mouthful of Moon God Spring to let it moisten his throat.

It will get dark soon, and there are fewer and fewer traveling merchants and travelers on the road.

For Aboriginal people, night is not a good time to travel.

Even traveling merchants know this truth and will calculate the distance and rest points before setting off.

Whenever night falls, they will go to the predetermined village to settle down and rest.

No one would choose to travel at night unless they were accompanied by a strong escort.

This is not a big trade road or official road. There are often raids by bandits at night, and nocturnal grassland beasts and monsters often appear nearby.

"Let's go, we're not far from Bangcheng."

"If we hurry, we can arrive in two or three hours."

They rested until about six o'clock in the evening, when Zong Shen waved and set off.

After advancing for a while, a small sign appeared on the roadside.

However, because the black was too dark and Bajie was moving at full speed, he did not see clearly what was on the sign.

I could just vaguely see something painted on it.

The group of people continued to move forward in the twilight.

After crossing hundreds of kilometers, the terrain nearby is still flat.

But the surrounding land shows obvious signs of desertification.

The native climate here is still very good, and the causes of grassland desertification are basically man-made.

For example, overgrazing and land reclamation for farming are important causes of grassland desertification.

The grassland near Zong Shen's territory, if you look down from the sky, it is a carpet.

Nearby, desert already occupies two-thirds of the land.

The remaining green spaces are sparsely distributed around the village.

And since entering the 200-kilometer range moving average of Bangcheng, the villages along the way have become much denser.

In the beginning, you had to walk 50 to 60 kilometers before encountering a village. Now, there is basically a village every 20 to 30 kilometers.

This shows that around the outer circle of the city, the closer to the city, the density of population distribution increases significantly.

As Zong Shen and the others ran wildly, dust swept across the sky behind them.

Bajie and the war horse were covered with dust, and Vereesa and Luna also put on their face towels again.

Fortunately, Zong Shen's silver battle helmet is also full-covered, otherwise he would have eaten a lot of dirt along the way.

After more than half an hour, they advanced another forty or fifty kilometers.

The desertification here is becoming more and more serious, and the night has completely fallen due to soil erosion.

The compacted land on the dirt road has turned into soft desert sand.

This slowed everyone down.

The surroundings were pitch black, and from time to time, large groups of unknown beasts could be seen running past on both sides.

The eyes of these beasts reflect a bright yellow light, like dots of light

Since entering this semi-desert area, the style of painting seems to have changed! \u003c/div\u003e

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