Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 361: Shark Lizard Herd, the mission of hiring businessman Picol [Anti-theft Chapter]


The roars of monsters and the roars of wild beasts can be heard in the distance.

Because the distance was too far and the surrounding area was too empty, it was difficult to tell where it came from.

And after going deep into the desert, there are no villages in this section.

This is about 140 kilometers away from Bossang.

It stands to reason that the closer you are to the capital, the higher the population density will be.

But the situation in this area obviously goes against common sense.

Desertification caused by overgrazing and land reclamation for farming is understandable.

After all, there are precedents for this kind of situation on Earth. There was even a policy of returning farmland to forest for a period of time in order to curb desertification.

All sloping farmland prone to soil erosion will be restored to a natural vegetation state.

Used to protect the ecological environment and avoid soil erosion.

But obviously the aborigines in this world do not have such a high level of ideological awareness.

Zong Shen and the others slowed down a bit and continued moving at a speed of fifty to sixty kilometers per hour.

Because the surrounding light was too dark and there were no people around, Zong Shen took it out directly and gave one to Cecilia.

Turning on the third level of brightness, two beams of light shone forward.

"This Baron Bezos is terrible."

"It stands to reason that the closer you are to Bangcheng, the better the environment should be."

Zong Shen secretly thought in his heart that if he was allowed to take charge of the city, the first thing he would do would be to manage the surrounding environment.

Create a livable city-wide circle to prepare for further expansion of the urban area in the future.

"grown ups…"

"There seems to be someone ahead!"

Luna on the side suddenly shouted. Although she was transformed into a hero, she still retained the professional characteristics of the Night Huntress.

Night is her home, and her eyes can catch all kinds of traces in the darkness.

After hearing Luna's words, Zong Shen took off his battle helmet, held his breath and looked forward with squinted eyes.

In the distance, at the end of the magic flashlight's light, there seemed to be several figures standing next to a big stone on the side of the road.

There is at least seven or eight hundred meters away from Zong Shen and the others.

"What are they doing?"

"What's going to be standing on the side of the road?"

Zong Shen was confused, shook the dust from his helmet, and patted his head with his hand.

He put the battle helmet back on his head. The dust on this road was too much, especially when moving at such a high speed.

"Let's go over and take a look, everyone is on alert!"

Zong Shen waved his hand and made a forward gesture, and everyone speeded up.

However, due to the soft sand on the ground, it couldn't go much faster.

Those people seemed to have noticed Zong Shen and the others. One of them took the initiative to take a few steps forward, waving his arms and shouting something.

In less than a minute, Zong Shen arrived at where those people were.

They were all on the side of the road, backed by a rock the size of a cabin. There were five people and a carriage.

Judging from their clothes and appearance, it was obvious that they were a small group of traveling merchants.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a turban.

He came to Zong Shen and took the initiative to bow and salute.

Then he stood up straight and looked at the team of Immortal Lancers behind Zong Shen.

"My lord, are you going to Bosbon?"

Hearing this, Zong Shen nodded. There was nothing to hide.

Everyone who takes this road is going to Bospan.

"What about you, why didn't you go to a nearby village to rest?"

"Camping in the wilderness at night can be dangerous."

Zong Shen asked in confusion.

But he saw a wry smile on the face of the middle-aged traveling merchant who was the leader.

“It’s all about making ends meet.”

"We are the traveling merchant team under Lord Evans of Bosbon."

"I was ordered to go to Runcorn Village to purchase some requiem grass."

"Requiem grass is very special. It must be roasted using a special frying process immediately after picking."

"Otherwise it will wither once it exceeds 24 hours."

"And the large wind furnaces used for frying are only found in Bangcheng."

"Nearly 18 hours have passed now, and we must return to Bossang before 1 a.m."

When Zong Shen heard what the middle-aged traveling merchant said, his eyes narrowed slightly and he keenly captured a few words.

Mr. Evans, traveling merchant team, purchasing requiem grass.

"Then you are still staying here?"

"This is still one hundred thirty or forty kilometers away from Bosibon."

"At the speed of an ordinary carriage, we can reach Bosbon in more than four hours."

It was not yet seven o'clock in the evening, and if the traveling merchant team in front of them continued on their way, they would definitely reach Bosbon before 1 o'clock in the morning.

"Sir, are you from a foreign country?"

The middle-aged traveling merchant heard what Zong Shen said and asked cautiously.

Seeing Zong Shen didn't answer, he quickly added.

"This area is a famous desert area near Bosbon."

"The reason for the deterioration of the environment here is because there is a group of shark-lizard beasts in this area!"

"The ferocious shark lizard beast among them is even more ferocious."

"They are huge and move through the sand beneath the ground."

"It sleeps during the day and wakes up at night to hunt wild beasts and travelers in the area."

"Underneath this big rock is bedrock, and those shark-lizard beasts cannot swim underneath."

"That's why we stayed here to take shelter."

Zong Shen looked at the middle-aged businessman and had no doubt that what he said was true.

As he entered the area, he did see a warning sign erected on the side of the road.

Just because he was busy on the road, he didn't read the warning sign clearly.

And this part of the journey is really not quite right.

It's very abrupt and weird, and the style of painting changes suddenly along the way.

Although the previous journey was boring, it was very peaceful, and the scenery along the way was ordinary pastoral scenery.

After reaching this section, it's like entering no man's land.

Zong Shen asked about the strategy module and once again confirmed what the middle-aged travel merchant said.

The answer is yes, there is indeed a group of shark lizards making their home in this area.

Their activity range reaches tens of kilometers.

Therefore, not only are there no villages nearby, but they are also not part of the area where the lords come.

Along the way, Zong Shen passed through two or three areas where lords were coming.

Some areas are close together, and some areas are empty areas separated by tens or even hundreds of kilometers.

It seems that the lord system also has choices when planning the area to descend.

Any area where a lord exists must be able to meet basic survival conditions.

At least it won't fall into boxes, and some harsh areas will provide more starting materials for balance.

For example, a lord who descends on the northern ice field will initially have a certain amount of cold-warming supplies.

These are balancing measures taken by the lord system to compensate for regional differences.

At least ensure that the Lords can have an adaptation period.

There will be no further interference in the future, because there are ways to survive in the ice field area.

There are also ways to survive in hilly areas in the western hilly areas.

As the saying goes, rely on the mountain to eat the mountain, rely on the sea to eat the sea, after satisfying the basic balance.

The next development depends on the personal level of the lord.

Each starting location has its own characteristics. Different regions, different landforms, and different environments will actually have different advantages and disadvantages.

You can see where the problem lies from the fact that there are no aboriginal villages or the scattered territories of the lords in this desert area.

Although I don't know the details of those shark-lizard beasts, I don't want to spend a whole night here.

After all time is money my friend!

"Are these shark lizards a threat to us?"

Zong Shen directly asks the question to the strategy module, and it evaluates whether it is a threat.

(Based on the size of the current team, the threat level is between elementary to intermediate

These guys lurk in the sand, they look like giant sharks with limbs

An ordinary shark lizard is a captain-level monster with a body length of about seven meters. The violent shark lizard can reach a length of twelve meters, making it a leader-level monster.

They have shark-like heads, dorsal fins, and mole-like forelimbs with digging claws.

The body is as strong as a violent bear, with thick silver-gray skin and exaggerated pectoralis major muscles, which will definitely make you feel at home)

After Zong Shen read this description, he already had a vision of a land shark in his mind.

After understanding the situation, he came back to his senses and looked at the middle-aged traveling merchant.

"Why doesn't Bangcheng send people to clean it up?"

"Are you going to let those shark-lizard beasts run rampant here?"

The middle-aged businessman had an ugly smile on his face.

"This group of shark-lizard beasts will dive underground and sleep during the day."

"It comes alive at night."

"They have considerable intelligence and teamwork capabilities."

"Bangcheng has sent a large number of Bangcheng troops before, but these guys didn't even show their faces."

"A large group of Bangcheng troops cannot be stationed here for a long time, otherwise logistics and supplies will be a big problem."

"As for the squadrons and squadrons of Bangcheng troops stationed here, there is no big use."

"There are hundreds of shark lizards in this group. They are a group."

After listening to the description of the middle-aged traveling merchant, Zong Shen had already sensed the difficulty of these guys.

Unless the city army is willing to dig up this entire area, or gather a large number of earth magicians to solidify the ground, it will be really difficult to deal with them.

"Hmm...these guys must not taste good..."

Zong Shen whispered to himself.

"You...what did you say?"

The middle-aged traveling businessman did not react.

Zong Shen waved his hand to him.


"I understand, thank you for reminding me."

"Then I won't disturb you anymore and wish you good luck here."

Zong Shen said calmly, and then rode Bajie to the open space nearby.

The ground around here is made of hard bedrock, and the shark-lizard beasts cannot swim around, so it can barely be considered a safe zone.

With a move of his hand, he took out the goblin airship from his storage compartment.

Just in case, he took the goblin airship with him when he was selecting and preparing supplies before setting off this morning.

There is a desert area all around him. If you want to rush in or take a detour, you may be attacked.

He won't be so stupid as to force this.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the airship, the middle-aged traveling businessman was stunned.

"Empty...space props..."

"Could it be some great nobleman traveling secretly?"

"There is also this goblin airship. This thing is worth a lot of money and its purchase is limited."

"Only nobles with a strong enough background can buy it."

He was frantically thinking about Zong Shen's possible status and background.

Zong Shen got off Bajie directly, walked into the cockpit, started the airship, and the wind gem in the air bag began to light up, inflating the air bag.

The turbine fan on the cabin also began to rotate slowly and entered a preheating state.

Then he returned to the entrance, holding a broad-bladed sword, and manually hacked and expanded the hatch.

After spending a lot of effort, the hatch was expanded to a suitable range.

Although it looks a little unrecognizable, it does not hinder the main structure of the airship.

The Immortal Lancers all got off their horses and entered the cockpit separately.

Then there is Vereesa, Luna, and Bajie.

After they all entered the cockpit, Zong Shen was ready to enter.

At this time, the middle-aged traveling businessman boldly called him.


"Please stay."

Hearing this, Zong Shen stopped and turned around, waiting for his next words.

At this time, the middle-aged traveling businessman took a few steps closer.

He bowed slightly and said softly.

"Can you help us bring the Requiem to Lord Evans?"

"If we cannot arrive in time, these requiem plants will wither."

"We will also be severely punished..."

"Our wives and children are all in Lord Evans' manor..."

The middle-aged traveling businessman lowered his head, his tone was very sincere, and his posture was very low.

Zong Shen didn't answer. He was busy looking at the system subtitles in front of him.

Zong Shen made his choice and nodded to the middle-aged traveling merchant.

The subtitles of the task in front of you change randomly.

A mission actually appeared. Although there was no substantial reward, this mission was a good opportunity to get in touch with Evans.

After all, Zong Shen is still responsible for sneaking into Evans' manor, entering the magic secret room in the wine cellar, and retrieving the wealth left by Marsco's father.

"I'd like to help you."

"Let your people put all those requiems into the cockpit."

Zong Shenyan said briefly and concisely, and then added another sentence.

"I'm going to take this batch of Requiem Grass back. Do I need any proof?"

The middle-aged businessman was overjoyed when he saw that Zong Shen had agreed.

He took out a rough black iron emblem from his arms and handed it to Zong Shen.

"thanks for your help!"

"You just need to tell the manor guard that you are here for the Requiem Grass."

"If anyone stops you, show your emblem to them."

"And tell him that you are here on Picol's behalf."

"The Requiem Grass is very important to Lord Evans. He will definitely thank you."

Hearing what he said, Zong Shen just nodded and reached out to take the emblem.

Originally there were two chapters on anti-theft.

Due to some delays due to some trivial matters, only half of the second chapter on anti-theft was written.

Let’s just take one chapter on precautions.

It’s still the old rule to refresh in the morning.

As for how many more chapters there will be during the day, I can only say that there should be three more chapters as much as possible.

It’s as much as it can be.

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