Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 759: Dragon Blood Spear Shield Warrior

[Redbud Glory lv10 (activate Redbud Glory, increase damage by 20%, and gain a shield equivalent to 25% of the upper limit of health, giving the war horse a stronger impact, lasting 10 minutes, cooling time 2 hours)

Formation foot combat lv10 (dismount to fight, rely on the war horse to form a formation, increase attack power and armor value by 20%, increase basic toughness by 15%, reduce control probability, this skill effect is triggered every 12 hours)]

[Passive skill: Automatic gun setting (when mounted, holding a lance will automatically enter the gun setting state every 1 minute, causing 1.6 times the puncture damage to up to two targets)]

[Squad skills: (unlocked)]

[Armor-clad hybrid dragon-scale warhorse: Dixi]

[Level: lv10]

[Race: Hybrid War Horse]

[Blunt damage: 59~62]

[Health value: 665]

[Armor value: 35+25 (Dragon Scale)]

[Magic resistance: 30+25 (dragon scale)]

[Speed: 7]

[Active skill: Quick start (when the war horse is stopped, it can start quickly and recover its speed to escape the encirclement. After this skill is activated, it will instantly break away from most control skills below level five, and the cooling time is 2 hours)]

[Passive skill: Dragon Scale (the neck, waist, abdomen, and limbs of the war horse will gain an additional 25 points of armor value and magic resistance)]

(Avalon's fourth-level assault cavalry has received standard knight training and has a detachable light lance, equipped with a kite-shaped shield and a knight's sword. They are all-rounders on the battlefield and the mainstay of the Avalon Knights.

It is a pity that the assault cavalry in the territory has not yet formed an organizational structure. After forming a squad, a squadron or even a brigade and a knighthood, the corresponding group skills will be unlocked)

Zong Shen quickly read through his attributes. Overall, they were similar to those [Immortal Lancers].

The biggest difference between the two is that the lance charge damage of [Immortal Lancer] is much higher than that of [Avalon Assault Cavalry].

The [Heavy Armored Andalusian War Horse] is also different from the [Armored Hybrid Dragon Scale War Horse].

This is normal. After all, the [Immortal Lancer] wields a heavy lance, and its attacks are mainly charge-based. The characteristics and focus of the two are different.

As for these fourth-level [Avalon Strike Cavalry], Zong Shen naturally had no choice but to let them enter the cavalry queue first.

It just so happened that the Lion Knights and the [Immortal Lancers] were also there.

There are not enough cavalry of a single type, so we can only form mixed teams as much as possible.

After sending away the three [Avalon Strike Cavalry], Zong Shen looked at the guys carrying large shields. There were four [Dragon Blood Spear and Shield Warriors] in total.

They are all advanced versions of the third level [Dragon Transformed Gun and Shield Warrior].

It is a typical garrison infantry, tending to battlefield defense.

Holding a heavy shield and spear has a certain ability to withstand impact.

In the early days of advent, [Dragon-Transformed Spear-Shield Warrior] once filled the gap in the territory without the main T-unit. Zong Shen always used the wolf cavalry as the front row at that time. Since the emergence of [Dragon-Transformed Spear-Shield Warrior] Finally, he wiped out the spider web monster in the mine in one fell swoop.

So Zong Shen is still looking forward to these [Dragon Blood Spear and Shield Warriors].

I don't know which one is better than the fourth-level [Sgt. Rodok].

You must know that [Dragon Blood Spear Shield Warrior] belongs to the unit of the [Dragon Church], and [Rodok Sergeant] is the standard unit of the mountain kingdom Rodok.

These four strong figures are all over 1.9 meters tall.

Even compared with those tall orcs of the Blood Ring Clan, they are not far behind.

Compared with these strong men, [Sgt. Rodok] are generally shorter, but their combat effectiveness can not only be measured by their body shape, but also by their attributes, combat style, combat skills, etc.

[Sgt. Rodock] has long been famous, known as an unbreakable fortress in the mountains.

Compared with them, the spear and shield soldiers of the [Dragon Transformation Church] are even more niche, but one thing is that Zong Shen is still very satisfied with the performance of the third-level [Dragon Transformation Spear and Shield Warrior], so this fourth-level [Dragon Transformation Spear and Shield Warrior] What kind of attributes and skills will Blood Spear Shield Warrior have?

It’s worth waiting and seeing!

I saw these four tower-like men walking slowly in front of Zong Shen.

The standard armors they wore were all similar, in bright silver color, but the dragon emblem on the chest was a red dragon.

However, the image is still that of the nine-faced dragon god, but there is a clear difference between the emblem and the roar of the dragon in the Kingdom of Avalon. The nine-faced dragon god naturally includes the image of the red dragon, otherwise it would not be honored as Wanlong. Ancestor.

Except for a few alien species, the dragon god Io can transform into a five-color dragon or a metal dragon.

These [Dragon Blood Spear and Shield Warriors] wear strong red-painted barrel helmets with a cross opening in the middle, exposing their eyes and noses. Each of them has a long red feather on the top of their head.

When they stand, they resemble humanoid armored puppets.

The armor all over his body is well-equipped and bright, and his momentum alone can overwhelm many infantrymen of the same level.

They carried a black curved square shield with their hands on their backs, and a two-meter-twenty-three-meter long spear slung on the inside of the shield. It is worth mentioning that there are 3×4 riveting holes on the shield, and they There are six sharp short rivets with specific grooves on the bottom inserted on both sides of the waist, and there are no other secondary weapons.

From the analysis of the short spears and the shield surface, Zong Shen believes that these short spears can be used alone as secondary weapons, or they can be inserted into the reserved holes on the shield surface to assemble into a "stabbing spear square shield" .

While Zong Shen was observing them, these four [Dragon Blood Spear and Shield Warriors] slowly walked up to Zong Shen.

They slowly bent their knees, and the telescopic structures on their leg armors made a "crunching" friction sound.


The knees covered with metal armor made a hammer-like sound when they touched the ground.

"In the name of the Immortal Dragon God."

"Dragon blood gun and shield warrior Sam/Yarlin/Bowman/Chad, reporting to you!"

"Great Lord, may the Dragon God guide you forward."

The four big men spoke loudly at the same time. Their voices even drowned out the noise around them and attracted everyone's attention.

It doesn't matter what level you are in. Character is the most important thing.

Fourth-level warriors like them roared with the power of sixth-level and seventh-level soldiers, so their strength must not be much weaker.

"You are welcome to join us."

"My territory needs warriors like you who are full of strength and enthusiasm!"

Since they took the initiative to greet them, Zong Shen didn't mind a few more words of encouragement.

The four stood up slowly, their movements a little sluggish. This was the price of heavy armor and shields.

If he could run faster than a scout while wearing heavy shields and heavy equipment, then that would be a bit unbelievable.

Different arms must have different distinctive characteristics.

Otherwise, there would be no so-called multi-arms cooperation and collaboration.

After Zong Shen thought for a moment, he looked at one of the [Dragon Blood Spear and Shield Warriors].

After a thought, rows of attribute information emerged.

[Dragon Blood Gun Shield Warrior: Sam]

[Qualification: Excellent/low-level dragon blood baptism enhancement]

[Level: lv10]

[Attributes: (Click to expand)]

[Hunger and satiety: 80/100]

[Loyalty: 80]

"Low-level dragon blood baptism strengthening?"

Zong Shen tilted his head and murmured to himself, with a thoughtful look on his face.

If I remember correctly, those third-level [Dragon-Transformed Gun-Shield Warriors] have also been strengthened by some kind of church ritual.

But after reaching the fourth level [Dragon Blood Spear Shield Warrior], it becomes [Low Level Dragon Blood Baptism Enhancement].

Apparently this was a more effective and intensive baptismal ritual.

Speaking of dragon blood baptism, he couldn't help but think of the old King Guser.

Dragon blood contains the power of dragon veins, which can be said to have endless magical uses. However, the higher the baptism standard, the higher the quality requirements of dragon blood. For example, if the old king Guser directly takes the heart blood of the old red dragon, the power will be great. Big.

Come to think of it, the baptismal specifications of these fourth-level [Dragon Blood Spear and Shield Knights] are definitely incomparable to the old king.

Speaking of which, the overall number of the church's military units is incomparable with the kingdom's military units.

But the quality is generally very high, at least in the same level of arms, they are very capable.

Small quantity, strong attributes, good equipment, and high quality of comprehensive combat power are one of the labels of the church arms.

For example, the [Jackdaw Halberd Warrior] and [Heretic Powerful Knight] of the Church of Calamity Raven are slightly more powerful than the same-level units of the kingdom's forces.

The same is true for today's [Dragon-Transformed Spear-Shield Warrior] and [Dragon-Blooded Spear-Shield Warrior].

However, the standard arms of other kingdoms can mobilize more than a dozen large corps at any time, but your church cannot. This is why the church forces will only be hammered into snakeskin by the kingdom forces if they fight head-on.

Most churches have unique strengthening techniques and rituals such as baptism to further implement the small but elite way of cultivating warriors.

Relevant strengthening techniques and baptismal rites are often related to the deities worshiped by the church.

Different churches have different methods, so they cannot be generalized.

It is precisely because of this that Endless Continent looks so exciting!

The collision and interweaving of various civilizations, habits, traditions, and beliefs, as well as the background of changing eras, have made the Endless Continent a magnificent place for leadership competition!

"Then let me see how much surprise the so-called dragon's blood baptism can bring me."

With a thought, Zong Shen unfolded the detailed attributes of [Dragon Blood Spear and Shield Warrior Sam].

【Strength: 57】

[Agility: 19]

【Wisdom: 8】

[Charm: 11]

[Health value: 695]

[Puncture damage: 98~102]

[Head armor value: 55]

[Upper body armor value: 70]

[Lower body armor value: 50]

[Magic Resistance: 45]

[Active skill: Gun Shield Guard lv10 (set up the gun shield on the spot and enter the gun shield guard state to resist the impact, the toughness is increased by 60%, the movement speed is reduced by 80%, and the double resistance is increased by 20 points). This skill has no cooldown and can be used for a long time. maintain garrison status)

Roar Taunt lv10 (The Dragon Blood Gun Shield Warrior roars, causing up to five targets within 20 meters in front of him to be taunted, entering a state of increased damage, and uncontrollably attacking the Gun Shield Warrior for 20 seconds. Cooling time 3 hours)

Dragon Blood Strong Wall lv10 (to form a strong wall, you can combine it with other Dragon Blood Gun Shield warriors. Each team member can increase the strong wall by 800 points and double resistance by 8 points. The upper limit is 12 people, and the cooling time is 2 hours)

Dragon blood incarnation lv1 (activates the baptized dragon blood power in the body, increases all attributes by 30%, has 50% of the dragon power effect of the same level, dragon scales appear on the body, gains an additional 30 points of double resistance, the skill effect lasts for 15 minutes, The cooling time is 18 hours. After the duration is over, it will fall into a high temperature fever state for up to 20 minutes)]

[Passive skill: Stand forward (when there is a teammate five meters behind you, the puncture damage will be increased by 15%)

Spear-tip shield (the short spear equipped on the waist can be inserted into the shield surface, causing the shield to receive 59~62 piercing damage, increasing the chance of "scare the horse" by 50%)】

(A warrior who has been baptized by low-level dragon blood and has been strengthened by a small amount of dragon blood in his body.

All gun and shield warriors are selected and trained from an early age by the [Dragon Church]

The church has clear requirements for the physical fitness of every warrior

After the initial selection, they will be intensively trained until they are 16 years old, and then they will go through a series of processes such as prayer, blessing, baptism, etc.

Dragon blood baptism is not 100% successful. The overbearing dragon blood will erode those warriors who are not strong enough and turn them into dragon puppets without wisdom. Only those who have withstood the baptism can receive further training and arming to become a [Dragon Church] Gun Shield Warrior in 】

"Good guy, this attribute is completely worthy of Sergeant Rodock."

"And it's slightly higher in strength and armor value."

Zong Shen licked his dry lips, raised his hand and took out a water bag from the storage compartment, pulled out the cork tied to the rope and took a sip.

You must know that [Sgt. Rodok] is already at the T0 level among the fourth-level shield warriors.

This is especially true when fighting defensive battles in mountainous environments.

Otherwise, this unit would not be very famous in the mainland.

But [Dragon Blood Spear Shield Warrior] is not weaker than [Sgt. Rodok] at all.

In terms of basic attributes, [Sgt. Rodok] has a standard [Strength] attribute of 44 points after being recruited, while [Dragon Blood Spear Shield Warrior] is not only physically stronger, but has also been strengthened by dragon blood baptism, making their [ Strength] attribute reached 57 points!

A full 13 points higher than [Sgt. Roddock]!

The second is the [Upper Body Armor Value], [Dragon Blood Spear Shield Warrior] has reached 70 points, while [Sgt. Rodok] has only 60 points. These 10 points are more of a difference in equipment.

However, it is worth mentioning that [Dragon Blood Spear Shield Warrior] can transform into a dragon, increase its basic attributes in proportion, and dragon scales will appear on the body to gain additional double resistance.

Judging from these advantages, [Dragon Blood Spear Shield Warrior] is still very strong.

But it is normal. After all, the [Dragon Church] follows the elite soldier route. Countless children are turned into dragon puppets every year due to baptism. These dragon puppets are also called unintelligent dragon puppets and serve as puppet weapons of the church. exist.

The ignorant dragon-turned-people have no intelligence, but they still have to eat.

Only those who survive the baptism can become gun and shield warriors.

But [Sgt. Rodok] is different, as the most famous soldier in the Rodok Kingdom.

They have a large number of organized corps in the kingdom, enough to make any enemy who dares to attack feel numb.


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