After checking the attributes of these five [Storm Raptor Druids], Zong Shen focused on those fourth-level [Elf Swordsmen].

Seeing these handsome elven swordsmen with one-handed long swords hanging on their left and right waists, Zong Shen felt inexplicably friendly, maybe it was left by [Immortal Body·Lord·Sword Language] [Essence of Knowledge] made him feel close to the swordsman.

After all, [The Essence of Knowledge of Lord Swordsman (orange)] contains its understanding and experience of swordsmanship during its lifetime, and it was once an elf swordsman and was trained by elf swordsmen. The level exceeded the fourth level, Zong Shen guessed that he was also a sixth level swordsman.

To be honest, there are not many swordsmen in the territory.

There are only a few third-level [Dragon Swordsman] and fourth-level [Strength Swordsman] from the Kingdom of Avalon.

In fact, there are many types of swordsmen.

For example, there are heavy swordsmen holding two-handed broadswords, and [Elf Swordsmen] holding two one-handed swords like these are light swordsmen.

Heavy swordsmen and light swordsmen have different characteristics. The former follows the strength system, which is similar to Zong Shen's style of using great force to achieve miracles. Although the two-handed broadsword is heavy, its cutting damage is much higher than that of a one-handed sword.

They do not pursue speed and agility, but only strive to maximize the power of a single slash.

Facing a heavy swordsman, you either can't hit him with a single sword blow. If an opponent of the same level receives a sword blow, he will lose blood.

The light swordsman, on the other hand, takes an agile route, pursuing exquisite displacement and fast attacks.

Swinging both swords together can launch multiple attacks in a short period of time, increasing the output by increasing the frequency of attacks.

The characteristics of the two are quite distinct.

In addition, there are more subdivisions according to the type of sword.

Like the [Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword (Gold)] held by Zong Shen, it is a double-edged broad sword according to its type.

But it is one size larger than the broadsword used by normal human warriors.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be the weapon of the “Dragon Slayer”.

This type of weapon requires sufficient strength to control.

There are many more subdivisions of weapons like this, so there are still many types of arms in the Endless Continent waiting for Zong to discover and explore!

He raised his hand and pulled out the [Demon-Slaying Warblade of Azzinoth (Gold)] at his feet, and performed a sword dance. The Demon-Slaying Warblade in his hand was like a curved moon blade. , is a highly recognizable piece of equipment.

And what Zong Shen danced was the "Elven Sword Dance". In [The Essence of Knowledge of Lord Sword Language (Orange)], this is a sword dance that all Elf swordsmen must do. It can not only exercise The physical coordination and control of weapons are full of alternative beauty.

The moon blade-like blade quickly cut through the air, making sharp sounds.

After dancing for a while, Zong Shen stopped.

This was not to show off his skills, but because he felt itchy after seeing these fourth-level [Elf Swordsmen] and couldn't help but want to do an "Elf Sword Dance".

The eight [Elf Swordsmen] looked at each other, and they could see that the "Elf Sword Dance" performed by Zong Shen was quite proficient and authentic, as if he had received more than ten years of training.

Only a senior [Elf Swordsman] can perform such a skillful sword dance.

Zong Shen smiled slightly and reached out to insert the [Azzinoth Demon-Slaying Warblade (Gold)] back on the ground.

Then he took off the [Power Demon War Helmet (Red)] on his head and hung it on the hilt of the [Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword (Gold)].

The eight [Level 4 Elf Swordsmen] in front of them all wore light elf armor, helmets with pointed ears exposed on their heads, and their golden hair was tied into a ponytail.

The long hair that hangs down will hinder their ability to fight and draw swords, so it needs to be tied into a ponytail.

Every [Level 4 Elf Swordsman] looks very handsome. They don’t look like swordsmen, but like courteous gentleman dancers.

Their temperaments are completely different from those [Dragon Swordsmen] and [Strong Fencing Swordsmen] in the Kingdom of Avalon.

Transform into "Sword Dancers" and fight enemies with two swords.

As a "light swordsman", this temperament is not inconsistent.

On the chests of these [Elf Swordsmen] are the emblems of the Silver Moon, the Sun, the World Tree and the Well of Eternity.

There are many elements, but the pattern arrangement of the emblem is simple and clear.

In the center is the well of eternity that is emitting silvery light, and above it is a silver moon, and the two are faintly echoing.

The green world tree stands next to the Well of Eternity, holding a golden sun above the treetops.

These elements respectively represent the origin, reproduction, and worship of nature, the sun and the moon of the elves.

It is worth mentioning that these [Elf Swordsmen] wear a set of skirts and armor on their lower bodies and a pair of lightweight leather boots.

Compared with those heavy infantry, [Elf Swordsman] is a proper light infantry unit.

After careful comparison, Zong Shen also discovered the differences between the two.

First of all, [Sgt. Rodok] actually prefers defensive counterattacks, so they are very strong in positional battles and often switch from defense to offense.

The enemy was still launching an attack, but in the blink of an eye, those shield-wielding [Sgt. Rodok] carried their shields behind their backs, picked up chain hammers and battle axes in their backhands, and started hacking away...

This can be seen from their active skills [Axe Chopping] and [Dual Wielding Mode].

The remaining two active skills [Axe Shield Mode] and [Hammer Shield Mode] are somewhat related to the characteristics of defense and counterattack.

The characteristics of [Dragon Transformed Spear and Shield Warrior] tend to be pure T, and the flesh is as strong as a mountain.

Don't ask for defensive counterattacks, just stick to the wall and be able to continue to withstand the enemy's damage.

Therefore, the active skills of [Dragon Transformed Gun Shield Warrior] are pure meat skills such as [Gun Shield Guard], [Roaring Taunt], and [Dragon Blood Wall].

The remaining active skill [Dragon Blood Incarnation] can also strengthen double resistance.

This is a typical extra point added to defense!

Therefore, these two types of fourth-level heavy shield warriors have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Zong Shen currently lacks troops in his territory, and they are the shield warriors in this form.

He was already thinking about finding a way to get a group of [Sgt. Rodok], or finding a way to visit the territory of the [Dragon Church].

Speaking of which, he likes both types of heavy shield warriors, but the Rhodok Kingdom is relatively far away from the territory, and Aze's territory is within the territory of the Rhodok Kingdom.

But [Longhua Church] is different. According to previous data, the church's active stronghold and activity area are in the Kingdom of Avalon. It is not in the same area as Zong Shen, but it is definitely better than him. Traveling across the country to Rhodok is easy.

Because the [Dragon Church] believes in the dragon god Io, and the Kingdom of Avalon worships the dragon god Io.

Although worship and belief are different, the forces of the Kingdom of Avalon and the [Dragon Church] cherish each other.

The two forces have always been in a relatively close and stable state of cooperation.

[Longhua Church] not only will not cause trouble within the kingdom, but will also spontaneously safeguard the authority of the kingdom.

Accordingly, the Kingdom of Avalon’s [Dragon Church] preached in a low-key manner within the kingdom.

Therefore, the existence of the "Dragon Church" can be seen in many giant cities and even state cities in the Kingdom of Avalon. In recent years, the power of the "Dragon Church" has even been trying to develop into surrounding kingdoms.

[Dragon Church] has also begun to appear in the border cities of the Kingdom of Swadia and the Kingdom of Nord!

Among the three human countries bordering the Kingdom of Avalon, only the Sultanate of Salander, which is inaccessible to oil and salt, has no church influence that can penetrate into it.

So Zong Shen considered arranging a time to go to the nearest [Longhua Church] stronghold or [Longhua Church] to have a look, and try to find a way to get more gun and shield warriors to form an important force belonging to the territory's own adult system. Shield warrior troops!

After thinking for a short time, Zong Shen decided on the [Longhua Church].

"Okay, you can return to the team."

"Katis, come here!"

Zong Shen waved to the team of shield warriors not far away.

The leader is [Dragon Blood Spear and Shield Warrior] Katis. Based on the principle of the old leading the new, he still lets the old members manage these newly added [Dragon Blood Spear and Shield Warrior]. Even if there is a level gap, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, now There are not many people yet.

Hearing the Lord's call, Katis, who had just organized his team, walked quickly with a gun and shield on his back.

The spear behind him is still the [Split Spine Spear (Purple)] that Zong Shen originally rewarded.

All warriors that Zong Shen was willing to reward with equipment were basically included in his training list.

As long as subsequent resources keep up, he will eventually transform these warriors into heroic talents!

Therefore, Katis can be regarded as one of his designated shield warrior commanders.

"Sam/Yarlin/Bowman/Chad, please follow Katis for now."

Zong Shen made a special confession, and the four of them did not object to it.

After all, [Dragon-Transformed Spear-Shield Warrior] and [Dragon-Blooded Spear-Shield Warrior] are ultimately "one family."

After watching the four [Dragon Blood Spear and Shield Warriors] begin to leave, Zong Shen withdrew his gaze.

Among the remaining fourth-level arms, the rarer ones are the elves.

For example, the advanced version of [Claw Druid] is [Deep Forest Claw Druid].

There is also an advanced version of [Raptor Druid] [Storm Raptor Druid].

In addition, there are also the advanced version of the third-level night elf archer [Night Ranger] [Night Forest Walker], and the fourth-level [Elf Swordsman].

Zong Shen simply waved his hand and called everyone over.

There are only 35 level 4 elven warriors left in the field.

The largest number was originally the fifty fourth-level [Night Huntress]. Zong Shen had already asked them to follow Vereesa. After all, he was no stranger to [Night Huntress].

When Luna advanced to become the Huntress, he did a lot of in-depth exploration.

I have quite a lot of experience with [Night Huntress].

First, there are seven [Druids of the Deep Forest Talon] who are wearing jungle hunting attire, with strong and stocky bodies, and hair as messy as weeds. They have broad shoulders and piercing eyes, and look like giant bears in the forest. serious.

These elven warriors put their hands on their chests and saluted.

Zong Shen casually looked at one of the [Deep Forest Druid] and checked his attributes.

[Deep Forest Claw Druid: Takkar Sharpclaw]

[Qualification: Excellent Level]

[Level: lv10]

[Attributes: (Click to expand)]

[Hunger and satiety: 80/100]

[Loyalty: 80]

Zong Shen clicked to expand the detailed properties.

【Strength: 46】

[Agility: 30]

【Wisdom: 18】

[Charm: 12]

[HP: 565+200]

[Magic value: 350]

[Piercing/bludgeoning damage: 87]

[Head armor value: 20]

[Upper body armor value: 45]

[Lower body armor value: 30]

[Magic Resistance: 40]

[Active skill: Giant Bear Roar lv10 (consumes 100 magic points, increases the damage and movement speed of own allies within 60 meters by 40%, lasts for 30 seconds, cooling time is 1 hour)

Life healing level 10 (consumes 80 magic points, heals any ally by 450 health points, and continues to restore health at 0.5 points per second for the next 5 minutes, with a 30-minute cooldown)

Claw Slap lv10 (After activating this skill, the arms and palms in Druid form will become three times larger. When attacking the target, it will have a knockback effect and cause 1.5 times the bludgeoning damage. Giant Bear In this form, bludgeoning damage is multiplied by 2.0, lasts for 10 minutes, and has a cooldown of 2 hours)

Deep Forest Bear Form (consumes 150 magic points to transform into a Deep Forest Bear, all attributes increased by 180%, lasts for 5 minutes, cooldown time is 24 hours)]

[Passive skill: Druid (in a forest environment, movement speed increased by 15%)

Bear Body (the maximum health value is increased by 200 points)】

(Advanced version of Druid of the Claw, able to transform into a giant bear in the deep forest

In addition, the skill effects of group roar and life recovery have also been significantly improved)

The improvement of [Deep Forest Claw Druid] is still very obvious.

If we say [Druid of the Claw] is a versatile warrior in the team who can milk, tank, and tank.

Then [Deep Forest Claw Druid] further strengthens these characteristics.

This makes the comprehensive combat capability and coordination ability of this unit more prominent, and can achieve greater results in team battles.

No matter what, let Vereesa put these sturdy [Druids of the Claw of the Deep Forest] into the queue of [Druids] first.

It happened that Vereesa had just received his order and was standing by at this moment.

"Vereesa, please take these seven [Druids of the Claw of the Deep Forest] on standby first."

He waved to Vereesa, who immediately walked up and led the druids towards the team.

At this time, Luna also rode the Sentinel Black Panther to Zong Shen's side.

The defensive challenge has not officially started yet, so it will be okay for Luna to leave the Lord's Fortress.

"Luna, you came just in time."

"You should also go to Vereesa and introduce the territory to the new warriors."

"Let Vereesa settle down the seven [Druids of the Claw of the Deep Forest] and come to my place to stand by."

After hearing Zong Shen's instructions, Luna smiled, gently patted the neck of the sentinel Black Panther Murray, and then jumped towards the team of elven warriors.

She was still so handsome, no one could tell that she was pregnant.


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