Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 762: Zong Shen: Forced marriage is not advisable. I have the final say in my feelings.

Loyalty is pretty good, at least much higher than those of the orcs.

Zong Shen chose to click to expand the detailed properties to view.

【Strength: 23】

[Agility: 48]

【Wisdom: 15】

[Charm: 25]

[Health value: 495]

[Piercing damage: 94~97]

[Chopping damage: 57~60]

[Puncture damage II: 42~45]

[Head armor value: 25]

[Upper body armor value: 40]

[Lower body armor value: 20]

[Magic Resistance: 25]

[Active skill: Stealth through the forest LV10 (This skill can only be used in the jungle. After activation, it will enter the fourth-level special stealth state, increasing the movement speed and jumping ability by 35% for 30 minutes. This stealth effect will not be activated due to Exposed due to attack, cooldown time 2 hours)

Eye of the Forester LV10 (Activating this skill will greatly increase the sight distance of the Forester shooter, and enable it to penetrate the obstruction of plants and clearly observe the surrounding situation within a range of 350 meters. This effect is effective at night Will double, lasts 5 minutes, cooldown time is 1 hour)

Forest Sentinel LV10 (After activation, the maximum direct shooting distance of arrows will be increased by 50 meters, and the attack speed will be increased by 35%. This effect is doubled at night, lasting 5 minutes, and the cooling time is 4 hours)

Armor-breaking charge LV10 (the arrow can be charged for an additional 2/4/6 seconds after being stringed, so that the arrow has 1.3/1.6/1.9 multiples of piercing damage and an additional 10/20/30 points of armor-breaking effect. This skill Cooling time is 35 seconds)】

[Passive skill: Forest Traveler (when traveling through the woods, the movement speed is increased by 30% and the footsteps are reduced by 50%)

Moving shooting (the error rate when moving shooting is reduced, the hit rate is increased, and the attack speed debuff effect when exempting part of the movement)]

(The fourth-level longbow archer of the night elves has received strict training and can shoot while roaming, and can sneak into the woods to ambush.

The night is the cloak behind them, and the woods are their trustworthy companions)

Generally speaking, these [Dark Night Forest Walkers] are advanced versions of [Dark Night Forest Patrollers].

It's just that the latter is a "dark night gain", while the former is a "jungle gain".

According to the characteristics of [Night Forest Walkers], they are suitable for fighting in the jungle.

The overall attributes are similar to [Avalon Strike Ranger], but the characteristics and focus are different.

"Vereesa, take everyone back to the team."

Zong Shen breathed a sigh of relief and explained to Vereesa who returned to him again.

With the addition of these 15 fourth-level [Night Forest Walker] shooters, the shooter force in the territory can be further strengthened.

Although there are already more than one brigade of [Wolf Cavalry] in the territory, the number of other arms has not kept up. The overall number of arms is still very different.

So far, all the second-level, third-level, and fourth-level battles summoned by the recruitment roll have returned to the team.

Zong Shen also knows the attributes of those new warriors and can make reasonable arrangements in future tactics.

Speaking of which, no new troops have joined the territory for a long time.

This time it was a pleasure to check it out.

Although he knows that some readers will definitely say "water, water, water, water".

But Zong knew that the information about these arms would one day be of great use. When the authority of the lords came, the era of universal lords would eventually come.

As a lord, only by understanding the detailed attributes and skills of each unit can you fully evaluate their strength.

By coordinating the overall situation, each warrior can exert his own strength.

After all, these attributes were thought out by the great Creator at the cost of a receding hairline.

And there are still fifth-, sixth-, and seventh-level troops behind that I haven’t checked yet!

Of course, there are not many recruitment rolls for the fifth, sixth and seventh levels.

It’s not as exaggerated as the second, third and fourth levels!

At this time, the recruitment process of the fifth and sixth levels has been completed, and only the recruitment beam of the seventh-level arms is still shining, but it has also begun to converge. This is a sign that the recruitment is about to be completed.

Just when Zong Shen turned his attention to the fifth-level recruited warriors, Tie Zhu also led the scout team to the open space north of the Lord's Fortress on foot to gather.

There were not many scouts in the territory, so they stood next to the melee group and looked very inconspicuous.

After receiving Zong Shen's approval and blessing, Tie Zhu openly held hands with [Third-order Viper Blade: Katarina].

Such actions also attracted the attention of other soldiers.

"Damn it, this is just starting to spread the dog food!"

Although Zong Shen was in favor of starting an era of free love in the territory, this blatant behavior still made him a little unhappy. Looking back, he saw that his women were not around.

Luna was helping Vereesa organize the team, while Asia and Tasia stood in the mage queue and whispered.

The two sisters Madeline and Mapel were counting the archer troops, including the [Night Threader] archers that Vereesa had brought just now. They were also merged into the archer group, not the mixed group of elven warriors.

As for Mariel…

No, Mariel doesn’t count!

As an excellent lord, you must never have thoughts about underage citizens!

Although the customs in the Endless Continent are completely different from those on Earth, boys and girls at the age of 14 and 16 generally get married and have children, especially in villages and cities.

This situation would be delayed for a few years in the giant city, but judging from Mariel's age and the customs and background corresponding to the Endless Continent, it would not be considered a heinous crime even if Zong accepted her.

However, in this regard, Zong Shen still decided to be Buddhist, otherwise there will be a very few readers with super fragile glass hearts who have to be more serious.

"This kid really showed off his skills..."


Zong Shen rubbed his chin and suddenly laughed.

Because he saw that in the mage team, Favid, who was in charge of leading the team, was trying to secretly hold Doris' hand.

What he got in exchange was a big backhand from Doris.

Speaking of Doris, Zong Shen already knew that Farvid was interested in her.

Due to his personality, Mr. Zong had no interest in Doris, and there was no question of whether he would give her as a gift or not.

If you don’t love it, you don’t love it; if you don’t like it, you don’t like it.

There is no way that just because Doris is interested in him, he has to like Doris in turn!

Does he follow someone who is shameless? !

To say something sullen and narcissistic, if there are so many people who like Zong, he still has to love them all back?

This is two-way freedom, not one-way compulsion.

Again, there are thousands of female citizens and warriors in the territory.

No matter how hard someone tries, it is impossible for Zong to take all the female citizens in the entire territory as his own.

It is even more impossible that Zong Shen has to accept someone just because others like him. This is his personal freedom.

Whether he accepts it or not depends on whether he likes it or not.

Otherwise, an elderly female farmer in her fifties or sixties in the territory would have a crush on Zong Ze, and Zong Shen would have to accept her as well?

Isn't this pure nonsense?

Who Zong Shen likes, Zong Shen makes the decision himself, what others say doesn't count, and he can't force a marriage!

He really didn't have a good impression of Doris, but he didn't have any bad feelings either.

After all, this guy's behavior was similar to that of Rasma, not very obedient, and a little crazy and unruly.

These characteristics perfectly fit Zong Shen's strengths.

Therefore, Zong Shen held a tacit attitude towards Favid's pursuit of Doris.

According to Doris's character, it would not be easy to catch up with Farvid.

Zong Shen looked at the territory and felt that the territory had a "fireworks" or "anger" at this time.

When it first landed, the operation of the territory was relatively rigid, and the citizens were relatively sluggish.

Because their natures have been suppressed by the lord system.

This even includes giving birth to life and love.

But now, after a period of development and evolution, the repressive nature of the people has finally been released.

The sense of virtuality in Zong Shen's mind has also been reduced a lot!

Zong Shen once asked himself whether he wanted a stable "single-player world" or to create a real "open world".

There is no doubt that he chose the latter.

"This is my territory and my world..."

He said firmly to himself in his heart.

At the same time, he also believed that with his own efforts, he would eventually become the strongest lord and see the most beautiful scenery.

Whatever you want in your heart will come true!


"Then it's time to take a look at those fifth-level warriors."

Zong Shen looked at those fifth-level warriors.

These fifth-level warriors are all new arms, so a careful inspection is indispensable.

The first thing he saw were three two-headed ogres carrying maces and clubs.

The last time Zong Shen saw an ogre was at the abandoned outpost in the north of the territory, when he robbed the goblin profiteer Boswell.

Goblins like to hire strong ogre warriors as guards.

Although these guys have simple minds, they have strong limbs and a slow perception of fear.

This leads to the fact that the nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages among ogres is lower than that of other ethnic groups.

The probability of being unjust, fleeing from battle, and fearing battle will be greatly reduced, making it perfect as a caravan guard.

Of course, not all ogres are stupid and slow.

Be aware that there are also savvy spellcasters among ogres.

And there are two types of two-headed ogres. One is born with two heads. The skin of this kind of two-headed ogres is often aqua blue and has super magical talent and the ability to sense elemental magic. Two-headed ogres are Double consciousness and personality also get along relatively harmoniously, can cooperate and cooperate perfectly, and are relatively rare in number.

Another kind of two-headed ogre appeared the day after tomorrow. The ogres of Hanging Castle invented a magic.

Transform an ordinary ogre into a two-headed ogre by infusing it with raw arcane energy.

This kind of acquired two-headed ogre has a light yellow skin, and its double consciousness is somewhat subtle.

These fifth-level [two-headed ogre warriors] summoned by Zong Shen are typical "acquired" two-headed ogres.

At this time, the three guys were arguing with themselves.

The most outrageous thing is that one of the ogres stretched out his rough fingers, first dug the nostril of the left head, took out a ball of yellow-green mucus and fed it to the right head, and then dug the nostril of the right head. , fed to the left head, both heads smacked their lips, it seemed to be very tasty...

The other two two-headed ogres were not idle either, and even started arguing loudly.

He even controlled his left and right arms respectively and pinched the other person's face...

This caused the surrounding fifth-level warriors to subconsciously keep a suitable distance from them...


"She really has personality!"

Zong Shen gave a thumbs up. There is nothing wrong with having a few more idiots in the territory.

It would be too boring if they were all the kind of stern-faced, meticulous warriors.

After the recruitment process was over, these fifth-level warriors already stood there and saluted.

At that time, Zong Shen just waved his hand and directly completed the loyalty process.

He stared with both eyes and shouted loudly after seeing the names of the three ogres.

"Bitter Stone Mogrosh..."

"Huga Mogrosh..."

"Gooki Mogrosh..."

"What the hell are these weird names?"

Zong Shen couldn't help but complain in his heart after he finished shouting in mainland China's lingua franca.

The names of these ogres are very distinctive, with a barbaric flavor similar to that of highland barbarians.

It seems that these three [Level Five Two-Headed Ogre Warriors] should come from the same clan.

Because their surnames are all "Mogrosh".

Ogres, dwarves, and orcs often use their clan name as their surname.

Upon hearing the lord's call, the six heads of the three [two-headed ogre warriors] stopped arguing and immediately ran over with maces on their shoulders.

You must know that these [two-headed ogre warriors] are very tall, more than six meters tall, almost equivalent to the height of a two-story building. When they run wildly at the same time, the ground nearby is shaking slightly.

Those stocky legs were like drumsticks, making a muffled sound every time they landed.

The limbs and bodies of these two-headed ogres are very similar to humans, but they are much fatter and stronger.

There are sharp horns on the top of each of their heads, and their lower jaws protrude as wide as the orcs. Two fang-like canines stand up on the cheeks on both sides, making them look a bit ferocious.

The facial features and appearance of each head are different. One of the heads of a two-headed ogre actually has a one-eyed head. Looking at it alone, this one-eyed head looks a bit like the legendary "Cyclops".

As warriors among ogres, they do not wear heavy armor, not even serious leather armor.

The upper body is covered with an open sleeveless cloth vest, and the lower body is surrounded by a dark red crotch cloth.

There were obvious signs of friction on the edges of the crotch cloth, revealing messy white threads.

Apart from this, there is no equipment or clothing on them.

That is to say, they wear a helmet with sharp horns on their heads, and there are two metal wrist wheels with spikes on their wrists.

However, it would be fine even if these guys were not wearing armor, because their skin was very tough and had the texture of yellow elephant skin. Zong Shen estimated that even ordinary arrows would be difficult to penetrate effectively.

But it still looks a little imperfect without armor!

It doesn’t quite fit in with Zong Shen’s fantasy of a heavily armored ogre!

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