I saw the huge buttocks of the Bloodtusk Boar trembling.

Then its huge body began to twist, trying to break away from the rubble that buried its upper body.

Zong Shen raised his guard sword and slashed in two waves.

Because of the [Blessing of the Elf Soul], his attack and defense were increased by an additional 10%. Coupled with the skill bonus of the second-stage slashing and the "Blessing of Holy Light", combined, it also caused two considerable damage.



Two deep gaps suddenly appeared on the Bloodtusked Boar's buttocks.

At this time, Rensa Shatterclaw also arrived.

Two sharp claws clawed hard at its back.



There was an obscure and unpleasant sound of leather tearing.

At this time, the Bloodtusk Boar still had 860 HP.

At this time, the three closest wolf cavalrymen had arrived, and struck it with three saber strikes on its big ass!




Three deep scars and three damage values ​​were caused.

From behind, four more wolf cavalry are about to arrive.

Maybe it's because of pain, maybe it's because of the continued decrease in blood volume.

The Bloodtusk Boar began to struggle hard, and before Zong Shen could launch a second round of attacks, it deflected all the rubble that hit it.

An earthy yellow light began to flow all over its body, which was the effect of the skill "Thick Skin".

This increases the Bloodtusk Boar's armor value to 60 points and its magic resistance to 24 points.

Defense is greatly enhanced!

Zong Shen raised his sword to strike again.

【-twenty two】

It only caused 22 points of damage.

At this time, the Bloodtusk Boar had turned around and pointed its sharp fangs at Zong Shen's butt.


Zong Shen only felt a sharp pain in his buttocks, and his whole body was pushed out.

Fortunately, the armor value of Zong Shen's lower body is not low. Not only does he have [Emerald Leg Armor], he also has [Swift Leather Boots], all of which are sophisticated equipment.

Especially the [Emerald Leg Armor] is an ancient piece of equipment from the elves.

Plus the defense bonus of Holy Light Blessing.

This prevented his butt from being punctured and the damage he suffered was not too high.

Seeing Zong Shen being attacked, everyone rushed to rescue him.

But I saw a wave of hands.

"I'm fine, keep an eye on the big guy."

His tactics and philosophy are actually very simple, that is, he will never confront such a big monster head-on.

Flexible output is the way to go.

At this time, the Bloodtusk Boar was in an extremely miserable state. Not only was there a sharp arrow stuck in one of its eyes, but its upper body was also covered in gray-white dust.

The buttocks were even covered with knife marks and cuts.

After it pushed Zong Shen away, it gave Zong Shen a vicious look.

In the end, instead of pursuing the victory, he moved his limbs and tried to escape towards the mine.

Although this guy is huge, his speed is not slow at all.

Its health is rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zong Shen's face showed a smile full of wisdom. He was already prepared for this.

Just when the Bloodtusk Boar was halfway across the way, Luna intercepted it from the side and threw the moon blade.

It's a pity that it only caused a particularly pitiful single-digit damage.


Although Luna is now level 12 and has used two green soldier strengthening beads, her throwing damage has increased by 63 points.

Unfortunately, due to skills, Luna's Moon Blade does not have any damage bonus.

Facing the thick-skinned state, the Bloodtusk Boar with an armor value of 60 points can only cause a pitiful 3 points of damage.

The Bloodtusked Boar rushed over arbitrarily, tilted its head, and used brute force to knock Luna and her Black Panther away.



Two damage figures popped up from the heads of Luna and Black Panther respectively.

"Cast the net!"

"Except for mages and long-range soldiers, all go up to suppress this big guy."

Zong Shen stood up and issued an order.

This big guy is very smart and wants to run away after suffering a loss.

Therefore, Zong Shen needs to decisively change his tactics and strategies at this time.

He is scared when his opponent is tough.

The opponent scared him hard.

If this big guy is allowed to run away, with its recovery ability, it probably won't take long for the blood volume to recover.

Then all the previous efforts will be in vain!

Upon hearing the order, a wolf cavalry threw out the net and covered the Bloodtusk Boar again.

Then, seven wolf cavalry and the Druids of the Claw rushed forward.

The eight big men surrounded the Bloodtusk Boar and began to raise and lower their hands, dealing crazy damage.

Unfortunately, the pigskin is too thick, and the damage dealt by this wave is not considerable.

"All wolves, grab this guy's limbs!"

Zong Shen immediately issued a new order.

Each of the four pig trotters is controlled by two big men with a strength of more than 20 points.

Those giant wolves were not idle either, they all looked at the body of the blood-toothed wild boar and bit it fiercely.

The restraints of the net disappeared, and the Bloodtusk Boar began to struggle violently.

However, there were too many big men, and they were restrained as soon as they made any move.

When Zong Shen set out, he rolled ten pieces of hemp rope. Ever since he met the dwarf uncle, he had been very interested in hemp rope.

Give him a piece of hemp rope and he will tie it all over the world.

A piece of twine is about four meters long.

As a commonly used building material.

This kind of hemp rope is extremely strong. With Zong Shen's strength attribute, he can only break it with all his strength.

If your limbs are tied alone, you can't break free without a strength value of 180 points.

As a successful lord, how could he not be proficient in rope skills?

The ruins here include many collapsed stone pillars and a partially broken low wall.

Zong Shen tied one end of the hemp rope to the pig's trotters and the other end to the nearby building debris.

After seeing Zong Shen, the blood-toothed wild boar struggled even more fiercely, and the eight big men almost couldn't hold it down.

The length of five meters is 2 to 3 times that of an ordinary wild boar. Not to mention its muscular body, it weighs at least two tons.

The initial strength value of ordinary people is around 5 to 7 points. The strength value of such a big man is equivalent to thirty or forty ordinary people.

Barely able to suppress it.

Zong Shen tied the limbs of the Bloodtusk Boar separately to help the soldiers reduce the pressure.

No one is sure what Zong Shen is thinking now. It seems that he has other concerns and is not ready to kill this big guy.


Zong Shen rubbed his hands with a smile on his face, and looked at the blood-toothed wild boar with a somewhat malicious expression.

He held the guard's sword and called Madeleine to draw out her dagger to help.

The two men continued to chop at the head of the Blood-toothed Boar.

It doesn't matter how much HP it needs to be killed, just that it doesn't continue to recover.

The blood-tusked boar's thick-skinned state lasts for 5 minutes. After losing the blessing of the Holy Light, Zong Shen's slashing attack can only cause 22 points of damage.

As for Madeleine, her dagger can only deal 1 point of forced damage.

Zong Shen stuck to his rhythm and slashed the Bloodtusk Boar from time to time.

After this guy's thick-skinned state ends, he will only have less than 200 health points left!

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