Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 79: Pet Contract, Entering the Mine

By the end of the chop, the blood-toothed wild boar's skull had been chopped to pieces.

Blood dripped down its big head and fell to the ground drop by drop.

The land below was bright red.

As the life value elapses, it has begun to become dying.

It looked at Zong Shen pitifully with its only intact eye.

There were transparent teardrops falling from the corners of his eyes, sliding over his big head covered in blood, and falling to the ground.

It looks rather pitiful.

Zong Shen was unmoved, and kept reducing its health to less than 50 points, and then stopped chopping.

He inserted the guard sword into the ground at his feet and took out a piece of dark yellow kraft paper.

On the vellum, there are densely packed treaties written in mysterious words.

It was the prop [Pet Contract (green)] that Zong Shen had obtained in the dungeon before.

Has a base success rate of 20%.

However, the success rate of the contract will fluctuate with the status of the contract target.

The worse the state, or even the near-death state, the higher the success rate of reaching a pet contract.

Therefore, Zong Shen's treatment of the Bloodtusk Wild Boar was not due to any psychological problem, but simply for the sake of success rate.

For example, now, the success rate of the contract has reached 60%. This probability is already the limit that the green pet contract can reach.

The Bloodtusk Boar has rough skin and thick flesh, and it is also a captain-level elite wild monster. This green contract is totally worth using on it.

When he gets a pet contract with a better grade in the future, Zong Shen can definitely get a better pet.

Anyway, there is no explicit regulation on the number of contracted pets.

Theoretically, as long as your skills are good enough and your life is tough enough, it is possible to form a pet contract with a money-hungry handsome boy.

"Little pig, do you want to live? Or don't you want to live?"

"If you want to live, just become my pet. This is your only chance."

Zong Shen said leisurely, placing the pet contract in front of it and shaking it.

The Bloodtusk Boar looked at the contract with one eye, then at Zong Shen, and gave a very humane snort.

The success rate rose again by 10% to 70%.

It seems that the will of the contract target can also determine part of the success rate.

Zong Shen nodded, the time and place were favorable.

Now it's up to your own luck.

With luck, I came home with a wild boar.

Bad luck and came home with wild boar meat.

Zong Shen chose [Use].

The pet contract in his hand suddenly turned into a chain, one end connected to the blood-toothed wild boar, and the other end connected to Zong Shen.

A special connection is gradually being established, and the chain is getting stronger and stronger.

This process lasted for ten minutes without any accidents.

After all, the success rate is as high as 70%. If it still fails, Zong Shen's face will be too dark!

The chains disappeared after the contract was concluded.

Feel the connection within your heart.

Zong Shen waved the soldiers who suppressed the wild boar to disperse.

Then, he swung his sword and cut off the hemp ropes on the limbs of the Bloodtusk Boar.

The wild boar was surrounded by a ray of light. After the light dissipated, all the injuries on its body were healed, and even the sharp arrow that shot out the eye disappeared.

It's like the state has been reset.

It lay down in front of Zong Shen submissively.

Putting his head on the ground, he expressed his surrender to Zong Shen.

Zong Shen nodded with satisfaction.

The attributes of the Bloodtusk Boar are still the same as before, and they have not shrunk because they became pets.

It can also be upgraded and cultivated.

[Bloodtusk Boar: Hack (can be renamed)]

[Race: Beast]

[Qualification: Excellent]

[Level: lv20]

[Attributes: (Click to expand)]

[Hunger and satiety level: 80]

【Loyalty: 99】

(Congratulations??, this big pig will become your partner. Unlike soldiers, when the pet’s loyalty reaches 100, you will be able to get additional benefits, so please be sure to treat your pet sincerely)

"Yes, let's change your name."

"You will be called Bajie from now on. This is a big shot among pigs."

Zong Shen touched his chin and changed Huck's name to a familiar one.

All the soldiers gathered around.

They all know that this big wild boar that is not easy to mess with has now become the lord's pet.

Zong Shen patted Bajie's big head.

Looking at the broad shoulders behind its neck, I wondered if it could be ridden.

Thinking of this, he grabbed the stiff mane on Bajie's back and climbed up quickly.

Riding on Bajie's head.

Not to mention, you can actually ride it.

And it's very spacious. The mane on the back stands up like a backrest. It doesn't even need a saddle, and it's more comfortable than riding a horse.

There's nothing wrong with being a Hog Rider.

These two big fangs alone are impressive enough.

Bajie has no objection to this. As a pet with an initial loyalty of 99, it is very loyal to Zong Shen.

Zong Shen patted its head lightly and pointed to the mine not far away. Bajie immediately understood what his master meant, stood up slowly, and walked steadily towards the mine.

"Let's go."

Zong Shen turned his head and said to the surrounding soldiers who were lower than him.

Everyone followed the Bloodtusk Boar and entered the mine.

As soon as we entered the mine, a stench hit us.

There was the stench of rotting corpses and the stench of defecation.

Skeletons almost filled the entrance to the cave, and they were clearly Bajie's work.

The mine was dark and there was no light source, but there were torches stuck at regular intervals on the walls on both sides.

Favid took the initiative to collect five or six torches, piled them together, and fired a small fireball.

The torches were lit directly, and the wolf cavalry picked up the torches one after another and illuminated the mine. The figures of everyone were elongated by the fire and projected on the mine wall behind them.

Zong Shen glanced at the torch and frowned, as if he had discovered something suspicious.

These are ordinary torches.

It's not made of any special materials, nor is it a prop.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to withstand the erosion of thousands of years.

However, these torches were also covered in dust and showed slight signs of decay.

Apparently it's been a few years.

So who brought these torches?

In other words, in the past years, some forces organized exploration teams to try to reopen this mine.

Just as he was thinking, golden strategy tips slowly emerged.

(Thirty-five years ago, Baron Bezos of Bosbon organized an exploration team and led a small group of Bosbon's Avalon second-order light infantry in an attempt to explore this mine.

But he encountered some scary guys in the mines, and those things that could spin silk almost wiped out Baron Bezos's entire army, leaving a serious shadow on him)

After Zong Shen read this reminder, he immediately understood that this mine was quite famous.

These torches were left by Baron Bezos.

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