Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 84: Run away after burning and become immortal

These spider webs are very flammable.

"Favid, add some material to these long legs, aim at the right channel, and launch explosive fireballs."

Then follow us and evacuate to the outside of the mine.

The cobwebs in the hall on the right quickly burned, and sparks and smoke filled the air.

At this time, a rapid "rustling" sound also came from the right channel.

These "rustling" sounds were mixed with the "pop-pop" sounds of burning spider webs, and the entire mine hall reverberated.

Obviously, the flames in the mine hall have attracted the attention of those spider web monsters.

So Zong Shen is ready to strike while the iron is hot and do something big.

Favid took the order and returned to the mine hall through the smoke without much delay.

He held up his staff and started chanting.

Five seconds later, a fireball the size of a washbasin flew out, targeting the passage on the right.

Favid took a few steps back, turned around and left without looking back.


The explosion hit, causing the mine to tremble slightly and shaking off pieces of dust.

"Let's go, let the flames burn more intensely!"

Zong Shen waved his hand, controlled Bajie to turn around, and led everyone to run out of the mine.

The task of conquering the spider web monster's lair is very difficult, and Zong Shen is prepared to take his time with them.

Everyone quickly left the mine, and the air outside was much clearer.

Shortly after everyone left, billowing smoke began to pour out.

From the right hall to the right passage, it is basically completely covered with thick spider webs. These spider webs are the best flammable materials.

"Colby, take someone to move some big rocks and block the entrance of the cave first!"

Zong Shen ordered again.

As the saying goes, set fire to the mountain and sit in jail.

But this is the world of lords.

As long as you can win the battle, there is no problem using fire attacks.

He directly set fire to the pansi hole.

There are many boulders and building ruins nearby.

Several big men worked together and quickly blocked less than half of the entrance to the mine.

This small half is enough. After all, to ensure full combustion, air circulation must be ensured in the mine.

"Let's go, Colby, you take these kobolds and return to the territory first."

"The others followed me south, looking for the village of Citano."

"Don't worry here. Let the flames burn for a while."

As the saying goes, run away after burning and live forever.

So Zong Shen made a temporary decision to change the target for the time being. The spider web monster nest here would never be directly conquered so easily.

Simply give it a fire first, and leave the rest to time. When the fire is almost gone, Zong Shen will return to harvest.

Now that there are plenty of mounts in the territory, the time for everyone's march has been greatly shortened. Zong Shen can completely arrange the series of itineraries more flexibly.

By the way, place the kobold miners.

These kobolds are not very powerful in combat, and if you keep them with you, they will be easily damaged in the battle with the spider web monster.

Only by bringing them back to the territory and converting them into labor force as soon as possible can the value of these kobold miners be brought out.

Everyone returned to where they were and mounted their horses. Zong Shen asked Colby to return with the old traveling horse.

As his initial mount, this old guy led him around, without any credit or hard work.

Colby took the order and left. Seven wolf cavalry led fourteen kobolds and led a group of old horses back towards the territory.

Perhaps because they have lived in dark caves for a long time, those kobolds are a little afraid of light.

Coupled with their short stature, they don't move very fast.

This journey back will be destined to be long.

Zong Shen watched them return towards the direction of the territory.

He himself rode Bajie and formed a new team with Favid, Luna, Rensa Brokenclaw, Aisia, and Madeline, and headed south to explore.

Everyone rode [Avalon Prairie Horse] and galloped together!

Zong Shen rode Bajie and followed them.

Although Bajie's ultimate speed reaches 6 points, his endurance is not as good as that of a prairie horse. In addition to his huge size, he runs fast like a moving chariot.

The nearby ground was trembling slightly.

Large amounts of dust were kicked up.

Wherever Bajie went, he left obvious hoof prints.

Half an hour later, the grassland gradually became low-lying.

A stream slowly flows out from the mountains in the north, flowing from north to south.

The stream formed a small lake in the depression.

Zong Shen stood by the stream, eyes slightly narrowed, observing the situation in the depression not far away.

A large forest grew beside the lake, and the aboriginal village Zong Shen was looking for was on the other side of the lake.

It was very large. With a quick glance, Zong Shen could see that there were over a thousand houses standing in the village, and there were at least 3,000 people there.

A main street ran through the entire existence, and Zong Shen could vaguely see many villagers walking on the street.

It can be considered a quite large village.

The village was surrounded by a fence.

A large amount of square farmland has also been reclaimed, occupying a large area within the field of vision.

On the pasture next to it, there are large herds of cattle and sheep grazing, and dozens of prairie horses are also roaming freely in the fenced pasture.

The whole village seemed quiet and peaceful.

Outside the village, there were several teams of professional soldiers wearing light armor patrolling back and forth.

Watchtowers tens of meters high stand in the four corners of the village. There are three archers on each watchtower. They are standing ready and looking around with vigilance.

He seemed very wary.

Only in vigilance can the flower of peace be nurtured.

"Tell me some information about this village."

Zong Shen asked skillfully in his heart.

(Sitano Village is a relatively large village under Bosbon. It was established by a group of brave pioneers more than a hundred years ago.

They took root, built, survived and reproduced here, and eventually formed a settlement, attracting many refugees and passing merchants to stay or even settle here.

However, Mayor Spike seems to be a little troubled recently. You can find an opportunity to talk to him.)

The golden strategy subtitles slowly emerged.

Zong Shen thought and dismissed the strategy subtitles.

"Let's go to the village and have a look. Remember not to have any conflicts with the villagers."

He turned back to give the final instructions to the other cavalrymen. The newcomers must not make enemies with the villagers.

He has high hopes for Xitano Village. In the future, the breakthrough in solving the population shortage will all lie in Xitano Village.

Solving the population problem is equivalent to solving the first bottleneck of future territorial development.

In addition to being able to collect and build buildings for their territory, farmers can also receive barracks training and become professional soldiers.

Strictly speaking, farmers are the most important foundation and wealth of a territory.

It is also the most important factor for the strong development of a territory.

For Zong Shen, farmers and population were even more important than ordinary soldiers.

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