Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 85: First Contact with Aboriginal People

The crowd marched toward the village in a mighty manner.

Careless and upright.

There is no intention to hide anything.

The arrival of the group quickly attracted the attention of the patrolling soldiers outside the village.

Especially Zong Shen, who is riding a blood-tusked wild boar, is particularly eye-catching.

A five-meter-long wild boar is something that is not easy to mess with anywhere.

Someone who can use such a terrifying creature as a mount must have a lot of background.

Not to mention the few people following behind on prairie horses. Each one of them looked extraordinary and they were definitely powerful people.

Those patrolling soldiers are only the Avalon Tier 1 armed militia. The most common professional soldiers are trained by the Avalon Tier 1 military battalion.

These soldiers wore light leather armor printed with the roaring emblem of the dragon of Avalon, carried long swords, and wore leather boots.

They were indeed more powerful than ordinary farmers, but to Zong Shen, who was used to seeing second- and even third-level warriors, these first-level soldiers were nothing.

Zong Shen looked at the leading soldier casually.

This is a young man with blond hair and blue eyes who is about 1.8 meters tall and slightly thin.

Zong Shen had a clear view of his attributes.

[Avalon Armed Militia: Colin]

[Affiliated force: Kingdom of Avalon]

[Current status: Neutral]

【Level: 10】

【Strength: 16】

[Agility: 12]

[Wisdom: 7]

[Charm: 7]

[Health value: 235]

[Chopping damage: 36]

[Head armor value: 0]

[Upper body armor value: 18]

[Lower body armor value: 10]

[Magic Resistance: 5]

[Skill: Dragon Slash lv1 (quickly chop three swords, each sword completes 1.05/1.1/1.15 multiples of chopping damage, cooling time 1h)

Passive skills: Basic swordsmanship lv1 (increased damage by 5% when holding a sword)]

(Avalon’s new recruit Danzi has completed the barracks training, but still lacks combat experience)

There are a total of twelve armed militiamen in this team.

They held their weapons and nervously stopped in front of Zong Shen and others.

The leading famous soldier looked at Bajie's ferocious blood-red fangs, and his calves swayed a little.

"This...this lord..."

"Please explain your purpose of coming!"

He pulled out his dagger, held it in front of him, and asked stumblingly.

Hearing this, Zong Shen showed a gentle smile.

"I am a lord nearby. I want to come to Citano Village to purchase some food. At the same time, I want to talk to your village chief."

"These people are my subordinates."

Zong Shen said straight to the point.

His tone was gentle, which relieved some of the tension among the militiamen.

These indigenous people have their own thoughts and feelings and follow the rules of this world.

Zong Shen has never looked down upon these simple guys.

"Okay, sir, but you and your subordinates' mounts may not be able to enter the village..."

The leading soldier named Colin said cautiously.

"Okay, we will leave the mount outside the village, please don't worry, this chubby big guy is very obedient."

Zong Shen smiled, quickly turned over and jumped off Bajie's neck.

Bajie hummed to Zong Shen affectionately and touched his arm with his big nose.

Everyone tied their prairie horses by the fence outside the village. On the nearby watchtower, the sentries holding short bows looked at Zong Shen warily.

Especially the Bloodtusked Boar, a beast of this size is often extremely destructive.

Zong Shen looked relaxed and led everyone into the village along the street that ran through the village.

Behind them, the group of armed militiamen followed several hundred meters behind them.

Looking at the background of Zong Shen and others, there was a hint of fear and wariness.

Zong Shen, however, did not take this seriously. He was not afraid of shadows as he was upright. He had no ill intentions towards the village.

The streets are still very lively, with various shops and hawkers selling along the streets.

The main products sold are some village specialties, such as woven baskets, sturdy earthen pots, various dried beef and mutton, and even milk and coarse bread.

In addition, there are blacksmith shops and sewing shops in the village, which sell some common whiteboard equipment.

The houses on both sides are made of stone and wood, with the highest height no more than two stories. The ground along the street is paved with rough bluestone slabs.

The residents in the village looked at Zong Shen and the others with curious eyes.

This is especially true for some young men. They wear simple linen clothes, have youthful vitality on their faces, and are full of curiosity about the outside world.

These villagers can tell at a glance that they are outsiders.

From the eyes of those vendors, some were curious, some were greedy, and Zong Shen even saw some malicious looks in their eyes.

Zong Shen casually stopped an oncoming middle-aged villager carrying a basket.

This villager's body smelled of cow dung, he had a piece of hay stuck in his hair, his face was unkempt, and he was chewing unknown objects in his mouth.

As he was walking with his head lowered, he suddenly saw a hand blocking his way in front of him.

He raised his head impatiently, wanting to see who was blocking his way.

When he saw Zong Shen's fully armed appearance, he showed a visibly surprised expression, and the trace of impatience disappeared.

Zong Shen stretched out a hand to him

He quickly spit out what looked like rotten leaves in his mouth.

He put his two hands on the waistband of his trousers, which were so black that the real color could not be seen, and wiped them again and again.

Then he cautiously stretched out his right hand and took Zong Shen's hand.

"Hello, my lord..."

"Excuse me, is there anything else I can do for you?"

Zong Shen nodded, retracted his hand calmly, and curved his mouth into a smile.

"Do you know where the village chief is?"

The scruffy villager scratched his head, turned and pointed to the other end of the street.

"You have to keep going. There is a square not far along this street. The village chief is in the tavern in the square."

"Great, one more question."

"What was that you were chewing just now?"

Zong Shen pointed at the rotten leaves on the ground and asked curiously.

"Dear sir, this is a kind of leaf called betel leaf. Cows always like to eat some of these leaves. Chewing them occasionally can cheer people up."

When Zong Shen heard this, the smile on his face became even bigger.

"How many cows do you have?"

Hearing this question, the sloppy villager's body trembled subconsciously.

"I don't...don't raise many cows."

"There are only five cows, and three of them are calves..."

"The person with the most cows in the village is Mr. Mars.

However, he has been very unlucky recently. Last night, a group of bandits in the wilderness robbed his cattle, and the village guard's militia could not spare time to help him. "

The sloppy villager wisely chose to change the topic. First he cried for a while, and then gave Zong Shen a new clue.

Zong Shen's eyes lit up. He originally wanted to take the batch of cattle back with him, and it seemed that there was some hidden mission in it.

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