Zong Shen only made a little analysis to understand that the withered big demon below was indeed a big shot in the last era. Compared with it, the epic fear demon Balnazzar was just a stinky younger brother.

When he looked at [Destroyer of Silence Artorius], the [Devil's Heart] in his body was also a little bit ready to move, and it began to rhythm slowly.

You must know that the [Devil's Heart] integrated into Zong's body is very special. It is not simply integrated into the heart left by an ancient demon, but is derived from the skill [Devil Transformation] recognized by the lord system.

After some digitization and skilling, its [Devil's Heart] is a status skill.

He can decide whether to use demonic power at will.

During this period, Zong Shen also devoured the blood and residual souls left by many ancient demons, gradually increasing the strength and power of the [Devil's Heart]. It was actually a source that could pump the power of demons.

Not only can Zong Shen directly enter the [Devil State] and transform into a shadow demon, possessing powerful demon characteristics, but he can also inspire the power of demons alone at other times. For example, he originally lifted the evil stain covering the [Heart of the Holy Spirit]. Demonic power was used.

At this moment, Zong Shen felt the rhythm and excitement of the [Devil's Heart] in his body, and he felt a desire in his heart for the demon blood and demon soul in [Artorius, the Destroyer of Silence].

If you can swallow this guy's power, you can definitely change the [Devil's Heart] at once.

Correspondingly, his [Demon State] effect will become more powerful!


After briefly checking the attributes, the two great enemies, the withered great demon Artorius and Mogroga Black Muscle below, got closer.

Zong Shen thought about it and chose to view the detailed attributes of [The Destroyer of Silence Artorius].

Speaking of which, he has not checked the four basic attributes of the legendary level powerhouse.

He is still a little curious about this. He wants to use the basic attributes of the legendary level demon as a standard so that he can know it well and be mentally prepared if he encounters other legendary level powerhouses in the endless continent in the future.

Although there are differences in the attributes of different ethnic groups and even different individuals, accumulating more attributes is also a good thing. Through the combat effectiveness shown by Artorius in the end, Zong Shen will be able to know it.

As his thoughts emerged, the attribute list responded immediately.

A new list and a supplement of golden notes slowly opened, showing the four attributes and skills of Artorius.

[Strength: 529 (in a dead state, the current strength attribute is 60% of the peak value)]

[Agility: 319 (dead state, the current agility attribute is 60% of the peak value)]

[Wisdom: 1132 (in a state of silence, the current wisdom attribute is 85% of the peak value)]

[Charm: 626 (dead state, the current charm attribute is 65% of the peak value)]

[Mental power: 19376/20376]

(The recovery speed of mental power is equal to (wisdom × 1%)/second, and it needs to be recovered out of combat)

[Active skill: Summon Hellfire Level 4-6 (the advanced summoning secret technique recorded in the Demonic Code, which can only be mastered by talented demon sorcerers or casters of the necromancy, purgatory, and hell systems, instantaneous, level 4, The basic consumption of spiritual power for the fifth, sixth and seventh levels is 500/1000/2000/4000. It can guarantee the summoning of 32 hellfires of the corresponding level. The level is fixed at lv40 and can consume an additional 50/100/200/400 points. Mental power summons a hellfire of the corresponding level. The cooldown time of this skill is 5 minutes, and the hellfire can last for up to 60 minutes.)

(The rest of the skills derived from the Demonic Code will not be described in detail. Special inquiries can be made by asking)

Dark Ritual (Kill an own warrior and convert his health into Artorius' mental power in proportion to replenish it, cooldown time is 1 hour)

Nightmare Sleepiness (consumes 1500 points of mental power to put the target into a comatose state, which lasts for 30 seconds. During this period, if the target is attacked, it will wake up early, with a cooling time of 30 minutes)

Blood-sucking bat swarm (consumes 1000 points of spiritual power, and releases a swarm of blood-sucking bats within 100 meters in front. These bat swarms will drain the enemy's health and last for 30 seconds. After the time expires, the surviving bats will The swarm will return and feed back 60% of the absorbed health to Artorius, with a cooldown time of 4 hours)

Chaos Fireball (consumes 50 points of mental power to summon a Chaos Fireball, causing 1.5 times Chaos Damage 2 to the target. After hitting the target, it will continue to burn for 10 seconds, causing 150 points of Chaos Damage per second)

Transform into a doomsday guard (consumes 10,000 points of mental power to change all four basic attributes of the self to the highest one, increase the upper limit of health by 100,000 points, and increase the dual resistance of the demon skin by 100 points, lasting 30 minutes, cooling time 168 hours)

Artorius' Blood-Burning War Spear (consume 50,000 health points at one time to condense an Artorius-Burning Blood War Spear. The grade is rare. It comes with a blood-burning effect with priority damage value determination and fixed piercing damage attribute. is 999, and the durability is 800 points. The condensed blood-burning war spear will be retained for a long time until the durability is exhausted and broken. The blood-burning war spear can only be condensed once every 100 years. Some arrows, spears and other long-range and throwing flammable war spears can be condensed once every 100 years. The cohesion interval of blood weapons is relatively low, and the durability is also relatively low. Different legendary level blood-burning demons can condense different blood-burning weapons, and the corresponding durability and cohesion interval are also different)

Artorius's Final Battle Shield (consumes 50,000 health points at one time to condense a blood-burning battle shield of Artorius. The grade is rare. It comes with a death fire spreading effect with a passive counterattack effect, and a fixed shield defense value. is 2999, and the durability is 2000 points. The condensed blood-burning battle shield will be retained for a long time until the durability is exhausted and broken. It can only be condensed once every 100 years)

Dark Iron Curtain (consumes 2000 points of spiritual power to condense a dark iron curtain, designated to cover an area with a radius of one kilometer. All elemental magic attack damage within the iron curtain will be reduced by 15%, and the movement speed and effective vision of non-friendly units will be reduced. The distance is reduced by 30%, the duration is 1 hour, and the cooling time is 24 hours. When Artorius is in the Dark Iron Curtain, he will be able to enter the sixth level stealth state by default, and as long as he does not leave the coverage of the Dark Iron Curtain, he will attack regardless of The stealth state will not be affected whether you are hit or not)

Burning Blood Curse (Consume 5000 points of spiritual power to cast a Burning Blood Curse on the designated target. In the next 12 hours, the cursed target will not be able to receive any healing or health recovery effects, and will lose an equivalent amount of energy every 6 minutes. The upper limit of health is 0.5% until the effect of the blood-burning curse ends, and the cooling time is 12 hours)

Painful Blood Killing Flying Scythe (Loses 10,000 points of own health, draws blood from the body, condenses into 100 flying scythes, and attacks any target within 500 meters in front. Each painful blood killing flying sickle will be destroyed after hitting three times. Dissipate, Fei Lian can cause 0.6 times chaos damage 2 to the target. This skill has no cooldown and can summon a large amount of painful blood to kill Fei Lian by repeatedly consuming health points)

Final Judgment·Demon Judgment (Select an enemy target for judgment. Artorius can sacrifice his life and convert it into damage to the judged at a ratio of 1:1.2. This damage is harmful to Holy Light, Holy, The damage ratio caused by light and other systems is 1.5. The level of the trial target cannot be higher than or lower than itself. The cooling time is 3650 days)]

[Talent skill: Devil's body (recovers 10 points of health per second, doubles the recovery effect when out of combat, this effect can restore broken limbs and incomplete body injuries)

Strengthened·Sacrificial Fire (Great Demon Artorius is burning with sacrificial fire, causing 155 points of chaos damage per second to enemies within a close range of 6 meters)

Reckoning (the evil book spell cast by Artorius has a 5% probability of causing the target to fall into a dazed state, lasting 0.25 seconds to 1.25 seconds)

Soul Extraction (The evil book spell cast by the Great Demon Artorius has a 10% probability of restoring his own health, and the effect is equivalent to 20% of the spell damage)

Destruction extension (Artorius can extend his spellcasting, increasing the maximum distance of the spell by 10%)

Demonic Asylum (When his health drops below 30%, Artorius will gain the Demonic Asylum effect, increasing his dual resistance by 50 points)

Demon's Embrace (obtained the blessing of the Demon's Head's Embrace, Artorius's initial toughness increased by 15%)

Ancient level lifespan (Legendary-level great demons have ancient level lifespan and can survive naturally for millions of years)

Elemental resistance (resistance to elemental magic increased by 10%)

Demon skin (the skin of the legendary level demon Artorius has 195 points of armor and 210 points of magic resistance. This double resistance is based on Artorius's body defense)

Chaos attack (Artorius’s attack damage type defaults to chaos damage, and some damage types are a combination of piercing damage + chaos damage)]

[Passive skills: Demonic Code level 1-7 proficiency (Artorius has studied the Demonic Code for thousands of years and can master the methods of Demonic Code 1 to 7 proficiently. Casting the Demonic Code requires a certain amount of spiritual power. The specific value is separately There is a set of calculation formula (wisdom × 18). Affected by different talents, the ratio of wisdom into spiritual power will also be different)

Demonic Domination (The Great Demon Artorius has higher demonic domination and summon control. Through the Demonic Code, he can use most summoning skills and effectively extend the existence time of summoned objects)

Demonology (Artorius has demonology, and the damage of evil spells is increased by 10%)

Dark Demon Contract (The Great Demon Artorius can strengthen fear and make a Dark Demon Contract with some targets whose health value is less than 20%, turning them into demon servants. The success rate of the contract depends on the strength and will of the soul being dealt with. Wisdom The taming probability of creatures is low, Artorius can contract up to 120 demon servants)

State of withering (the long-term ban has left Artorius in a state of withering, and his basic attributes have been weakened, and he has not yet reached his peak state)

Inheritance of the Evil Code (Artorius, who has mastered the Demonic Codex, can pass it on for the second time, but the level of the inherited Codex content is one level lower than the level of the Demonic Codex he has mastered)

Magical boiling (when the health value is lower than 35%, the magic boiling effect will be triggered, all attributes will be increased by 30%, the maximum health value will be increased by 50,000 points, sanity will be lost by 25% (it is easier to fall into emotions), pain immunity, limb regeneration speed will be accelerated, The health recovery rate per second is increased to 150 points, and the magic boil will last for 30 minutes or the health will be restored to 80%. During this period, Artorius is immune to pain and various mental control skills)

Mark of the Demon's Head (Artorius's body is hidden with the mark left by the Demon's Head. Its presence will be sensed by the Demon's Head in the blood-burning demon dimension, and it will be detected when traveling across planes. Markers can also serve as space beacons)

Suppression of Divine Punishment (with the sharp dagger of Divine Punishment left on the body, the damage and health recovery effect is reduced by 99.9%, this effect has the highest priority)]

(This is the great demon Artorius who has been banned for tens of thousands of years. He was once the deputy commander of Azshara's Burning Blood Legion. When he was being purged and annihilated, he encountered dozens of Scourges. The so-called In layman’s terms, God’s Punisher is “anti-virus software”

There were some small situations at the end of the last era. The invasion of the blood-burning demons caused a chain reaction. Coupled with the remaining means and influence of those strong men in the ancient era, the final blood-burning demons failed to survive within the prescribed time. Completely annihilate the ethnic groups in the Endless Continent within

In order to smooth the reopening, the lord system released the damned ones. These damned ones began to divide and disintegrate from within the demons. Those demons who took refuge in the damned ones were also called oath-breaking demons.

The subsequent cleanup seemed short-lived, but actually lasted for tens of thousands of years.

This is the origin of the ten-thousand-year blank period in the last era

Only after the situation on the mainland can start a new advent will the human kingdom of this era begin to rise.

But the arrival of a new batch of lords was supposed to come after the destruction of the human kingdom in this era. However, the accident in the last era caused this batch of lords to face unexpected situations. Therefore, it is not just the lords who are participating in the competition this time. The existing major kingdoms of mankind and the alien forces left over from the previous era will also participate in the competition.

About the rise of the curtain is opening scene by scene, this era will be the most exciting era

Artorius still has the daggers of the Scourge on his body. These daggers restrained his power and prevented him from recovering from his injuries.

In fact, you can try to tame Artorius, which can teach the contents of the Demonic Code below level 6, but if you release or tame Artorius in the Endless Continent, it is very likely that the Demon Head will be induced.

But in the exclusive field of defensive challenges, there are no such concerns. In the next battle, the great demon Artorius can absorb souls through battle to restore part of his strength. The more powerful the soul, the better the effect.

Regardless of whether it can defeat Mogroga, you will have a choice after the challenge to decide whether to return it to the banned disk or return to the state where the ban has not been lifted.

Under the challenge rules of the lord system, you can treat this place as an absolutely safe trial ground.

No decision will affect the situation in Endless Continent, and even those unique titles can be reset.

So please feel free to use your methods boldly)


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