Zong Shen quickly read the detailed attributes of [Destroyer of Silence Artorius].

It has to be said that the attributes of the Great Demon Artorius are still very powerful.

As the deputy commander of the legion that the Burning Blood Demon once attacked Azshara, he is already considered to be an out-and-out high-ranking member of the Burning Blood Demon.

But its current strength is far from its normal state. Even so, Artorius is still much more powerful than the [Outer God Projection Cthulhu] in the Goblin tribe.

Speaking of [Outer God Projection·Cthulhu] Zong Shen thought of the big eyeball. Speaking of which, the evil energy body transformed from the evil god's eye was also thrown into the challenge field, becoming a figure between the dark orcs and Zong Shen. The third force.

Maybe that guy has his own challenge rules, such as swallowing dark orcs or Zong Shen to increase his strength. The prize of the challenge is the improvement of strength and regaining freedom.

However, the strength of that evil energy body is at the legendary level at best. It does not have any subordinates, and it is not as threatening to Zong Shen as the dark orcs.

Moreover, Zong Shen had considered the existence of the fel energy body before. He planned to wait until the right time to let the strategy module locate the fel energy body. Then he would personally make bait and open the space portal to lure the fel energy body to attack the dark orc camp. Another good choice is dog eat dog.

At this time, a dog-eat-dog story was going on below.

Artorius' position is similar to that of a demon sorcerer, who is a spellcaster, while Mogroga, the leader of the Black Muscle Clan, is a typical heavy-armed berserker. Which one of the two is stronger is worth looking forward to.

Just when Zong Shen checked Artorius' attributes, the distance between the two was only three to four hundred meters.

Further away, the Black Muscle Clan warriors had killed all thirty-two Hellfire Warriors.

The broken rocks burning with green flames left unique marks on the ground.

Mogroga still keeps running wildly, leaving distinct footprints on the ground with every step, and the earth will also rhythm and tremble. Its weight after wearing armor is calculated in tons.

Just like Zong Shen now, with the improvement of attributes, his body shape seems to have not changed much, but in fact Zong Shen has gained a lot of weight.

This is because the density of his muscles and bones has increased, and increased density equals increased strength.

Not to mention a big guy like Mogroga, whose weight is even comparable to the same volume of steel.

Therefore, its running seemed to be astonishing. No matter the ruins of the camp or the boulders lying on the ground, it could not stop it, and it had no consciousness of avoiding it. The anger made it full of excitement, and it just ran rampant all the way. Come on, everything in front of it will be knocked away without mercy.

At this moment, Mogroga Heijin has almost become a brutal bulldozer.

As for Artorius, he was more like an octogenarian, walking slowly and slowly.

It left traces of the devil behind it, which were the faintly burning devil's fire.

In fact, Artorius looked extremely embarrassed. He was not as fierce and powerful as Mogroga. His body was so thin that he was only skin and bones, like a hungry man who hadn't eaten enough for months. The purple wings behind him Half of it was broken and was hanging behind the shoulder in a twisted posture. The other half of the purple wing was not much better. The wing membrane on it was in tatters and was still emitting burning smoke.

When walking, it staggers like a limp, which makes its image look completely incompatible with the might and ferocity.

That's why Zong Shen was surprised after reading its attributes, because its current attributes still exceeded this weak appearance.

The distance between the two sides got closer, reaching the limit of two to three hundred meters.

Just when Zong Shen was about to check Mogroga's attributes, the great and lonely demon Artorius took action.

To Artorius, who was thirty-five meters tall, Mogroga was as big as a baby.

It stopped, and the land below it sizzled as it was burned by the sacrificial fire. It gradually turned black, lost the nutrients and activity of the soil, and turned into a desert-like dead soil.

When the First Emperor built the Qin Zhidao, he calcined the soil and then mixed it with lime, turning it into dead soil where no grass could grow. Therefore, even though thousands of years have passed, the ruins of the Qin Zhidao in China are still barren of grass.

The soil burned by the sacrificial fire is similar to dead soil. Unless it is covered with new sand, it will remain barren.

This is the devil's overbearing sacrificial fire, and even the soil will be affected by the burning.

Wherever the demon army passes, there is no vegetation. They are naturally destroyers of nature and harvesters of life. Therefore, any demon is rejected and hostile by the ethnic groups that respect nature.

On the spot, the withered big devil stopped and silently raised the claws on his right arm covered with fine purple-black scales. His spiritual power surged out like a tide, constructing the spells in the devil's secret book.

After the spiritual power was condensed into substance, the devil's whisper echoed in the void.

"The blood-burning demon code level 6 secret technique·Painful whipping!"

"The blood-burning demon code level 5 secret technique·Ghost entanglement!"

Black light gathered in front of the claws, and Artorius completed a 5th and 6th level secret technique in the blink of an eye.

This demonic code seems to record a large number of spells that demon warlocks can cast.

In fact, demon's spells are common to those of undead, curse, hell, abyss, dead, soul, etc. This is why Tasia can learn [Summon Hellfire].

Of course, there is a difference between hellfire and hellfire. The level of the spell and the caster's own strength will all affect the spell cast.

Even if a super-level spellcaster uses low-level spells, their power can still reach the limit of super-level spells. After all, their intelligence attributes and magic damage are there.

A small fireball with 100 points of magic damage is completely different from a small fireball with 1000 points of magic damage.

After the two secret techniques of the Demonic Code were used, many roaring faces suddenly appeared around Mogroga who was running wildly. It seemed that these faces were the ghosts of the nearby Black Muscle Clan warriors who had died.

Many grimaces merged together and turned into several chains as thick as an arm, tightly binding Mogroga. This also caused the running Mogroga to stop instantly and stumble. Dog chews shit.

The huge size and weight caused him to fall, leaving a big crater like a train hitting the ground.

This is not over yet. Two long whips with a length of fifty or sixty meters suddenly appeared from the void above its head. Each whip was stained with sacrificial fire and purple and black light. The gloomy colors made this Two long whips just don't look like a good thing.

The whip also has barbs like shark teeth, making it look like a torture tool for scraping flesh.

After the two whips appeared, they began to beat Mogroga.

"Bah bang bang!"

The longer the whip, the greater the force of the whip from head to tail.

The length of fifty to sixty meters is considered a normal-sized whip for Artorius's height.

But for Mogroga, it was no less than two long elastic sticks beating continuously.

When the whip twitches, the force will gradually be transmitted and increase, and when it reaches the head of the whip, it can even reach supersonic speed. The same law applies not only to the small whip, but also to these two large whips.

The air exploded under the twisting of the whip, and finally the whip struck Mogroga's side hard from left to right. During the whipping, he also deliberately avoided the strong red dragon scale shield. Every blow hit Mogroga. can work on him.

The armor condensed by the dark power was instantly broken through, and the plate armor on his body was immediately dented. Although it was not penetrated, it was stained with a large amount of sacrificial fire.

Artorius's attack dealt chaotic damage, and the existence of the armor was of little significance. The sacrificial fire ignored the armor and protection, causing bone-eroding pain, causing Mogroga to roar in pain.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Damn devil, I'm going to tear you apart!"

"Tear you to pieces!!!!"

The power of the whip was astonishing. Every time it hit Mogroga, the turbulent airflow would make the crater where it was located larger and deeper, and the air would explode with a blast sound like the continuous bombardment of aerial bombs.



Three or four identical damage values ​​appeared one after another, basically matching Artorius' Chaos Damage 1 attribute.

These injuries are nothing to Mogroga. It is a blood bull among dark orcs and a legendary mid-level strongman. Although it has undergone balance adjustments by the lord system, Zong Shen estimates that its health Definitely no less than [Destroyer of Silence Artorius].

Thousands of points of damage are enough to kill some fifth- and sixth-level warriors, but for them it's just scratching an itch, and it won't hurt their muscles and bones.

It's just that the pain caused by chaotic damage is stronger, which is the main reason why Mogroga roars.


After a few severe blows with the long whip, Mogroga roared, and an invisible shock wave appeared centered on the place where it fell, raising a large amount of floating dust.

Dust is a physical cover, which affects Zong Shen's enjoyment of the show.

After the dust in the sky dispersed a little, Mogroga had broken free from the shackles of [Devil's Code Level 5 Secret Technique: Ghost Entanglement], grabbed the [Twin Dark Demons] with both hands, and cut off the [Devil's Code 6] that was still beating it. The Secret Technique·Painful Whipping].

It is worthy of the secret technique of the sixth-level demon code. After the two long whips were cut off, they were like giant snakes writhing on the ground. The length of fifty or sixty meters and the thickness of the huge baggage barrel made these two The long whip formed by the secret technique indeed looks like two giant wriggling snakes.

The fifth-level secret technique can only restrain it temporarily, so it is normal for it to have received a wave of beatings just now.

Heavily armored warriors are bound to suffer some losses when fighting against spellcasters along the way.

Secondly, the demon's chaos damage type is too powerful. Sacrificial Fire can ignore armor, making the heavy armor on it seem a bit redundant. However, this heavy armor is not suitable when facing high-agility enemies like Lilfy Calrig. Still very effective.

The Blackwater Swordmaster, Lickfire Calrig, doesn't like to face off against Mogrogar because this guy's skin is too tough, but in front of [The Silent Destroyer Artorius], even if he is physically There is no point in wearing a hundred layers of heavy armor.

"Ancestral protection, dark energy surges!"

After Mogroga Black Band cut off the long whip of Painful Whip, he let out a loud roar.

The blue-white phantom of his ancestors appeared and shrouded in front of him. Mogroga's muscles stretched out and stretched out the heavy armor on his body. The muscles all over his body were knotted and opened at least twice, and the plate armor collapsed directly. It fell off and fell around.

The remaining chain armor and soft armor lining on the body were almost bursting, and they were reluctantly tightened around Mogroga's body. It was about to start making serious moves.

Putting on the red dragon scale shield again, its height increased to eight meters, and even the boots on its feet were bursting, just like the change in body shape after the Hulk transformed.

It stamped one foot, and its body flew into the air like a heavy cannon, rushing towards Artorius at a faster speed.

Facing Mogroga, whose anger rose and his clothes exploded, the great demon Artorius still had that calm, haggard face. He once again stretched out his claws and concentrated his mental power to cast spells.

"Iron Curtain of Darkness!"

"Nightmare sleepiness!"

This time, what it cast was not the secret technique of the Demonic Code, but the demonic power it had mastered.

Under its formulation, the dark Iron Curtain slowly opened.

All areas covered by the [Dark Iron Curtain] turned gray-white, just like a gray-white TV.

Within the scope of the Iron Curtain, all elemental attack damage will be reduced by 15%, the movement speed and sight range of non-friendly units will be reduced by 30%, and the withered Great Demon Artorius will disappear directly.

It has entered the sixth level of stealth state, and will always remain in stealth state as long as it moves within the Iron Curtain.

The range of the [Dark Iron Curtain] is one kilometer in radius, covering the location of some of the Black Muscle Clan warriors.

After Artorius sneaked away, Zong Shen couldn't see it, so he could only let the strategy module mark it with a golden circle. As long as it stayed within the [Dark Iron Curtain], it would be considered at home.

The gray-white range affected a certain amount of vision, making Zong Shen feel like he was watching a dark old movie from high altitude. The world outside the [Dark Iron Curtain] still had colors, but within the Iron Curtain it was all gray.

This scene was so fragmented that Zong Shen even felt that Artorius and Mogroga had entered another gray world.

Raising the [Iron Curtain of Darkness] is only part of the plan. Artorius also cast [Nightmare Sleepiness].

A black nightmare was quietly born. It had no legs and headed straight for Mogroga like a floating ghost!

Unlike [Dark Iron Curtain], which took effect smoothly, this move [Nightmare Sleepiness] encountered an accident.

When the black nightmare approached Mogroga, the blue-white ancestral orc virtual image covering Mogroga's head noticed something and suddenly opened its eyes.


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