Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 874: King of Outland, Soul Eater, Magtheridon (Clone)

Chapter 876 King of Outland, Soul Eater, Magtheridon (Clone) [Please subscribe]

This is a situation that Zong Shen likes to see. He just needs to preserve the strength of his territory.

Although the territory is currently in a state of idleness, in fact, when this round of internal fighting among the dark orcs is almost over, it will be time for the territory to be tested.

He must ensure that the territory can withstand the impact of an army of two to three hundred thousand dark orcs without collapsing.

Only in this way can the victory be completely sealed. If the territory has no ability to protect itself, just the two fragments of the Arcane Crystal in his hand cannot wipe out all the enemies at once.

So all this was Zong Shen's special arrangement. He needed a relatively peaceful territory.

In fact, now that the defensive challenge has progressed, it has somewhat strayed from the theme.

The Dark Orcs are in a state of fervent civil war driven by a variety of factors.

The great demon Artorius and the clone of Magtheridon who are about to arrive are watching.

There are also [Fel Energy Bodies] on the periphery who are sneaking around and waiting for opportunities to devour the Dark Orc skirmishers to increase their strength.

Under such intertwining conflicts and games, Zong Shen's territory has become a little transparent.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is the secret door left by the lord system for Zong Shen's defensive challenge.

Just like playing a game, levels that seem impossible to pass with brute force always have hidden secret doors, and players can pass the levels more easily by relying on the secret doors.

The internal conflicts within the Black Muscle Clan and the competitive relationship between the four dark orc camps are undoubtedly a very important secret door.

But it is not easy to use this secret door. The difficulty of using it is directly proportional to the difficulty of reducing the defensive challenge. It requires careful thinking, excellent patience and insight to discover it.

Zong Shen has the strategy module and his information advantage is unparalleled, so he will naturally not miss this secret door.

After he learned about the contradictions and background of the dark orcs from the notes given in the strategy module, he instantly understood what he should do.

Looking back to the Blackjin clan camp, Mogroga Blackjin was getting closer and closer to the big demon's pit under the intentional guidance of Liuhuo Calrig.

The big guy also discovered this, but he was so deep in it that he couldn't get out easily.

If you try to turn away, you'll be greeted by Lickfire Calrig's slashes.

Therefore, it can only fight while following the opponent's rhythm.

When they were still hundreds of meters away from the pit where the great demon Artorius was, the light of induction composed of the power of the remaining souls absorbed by the ritual of annihilation finally completed the induction!


The ground shook violently, as if a major earthquake had reached magnitude eight.

All the Black Muscle Clan warriors were staggering and unsteady. They had killed all the monsters and were gathering next to the pit, waiting for Artorius to come out of the damn Sky Cube.

The black beam of light began to fade from the other end of the sky. It was very fast and disappeared completely in almost the blink of an eye. A giant demonic figure fifty meters tall stood in the same place.

Its lower body is like a brontosaurus, with four thick thighs and armored hooves on its feet.

Every inch of skin is covered with purple scales, and these scales adhere closely to the skin.

Behind him is a very thick long tail, which naturally hangs down on the ground, directly denting the land for several meters.

The same was true for its huge body. When it set its feet on the ground, the ground could not bear its weight, and it slowly sank more than ten meters deep. Fortunately, its size was large enough, and it would not completely sink into the ground.

As for its upper body, it finally has the characteristics of a great demon. Magtheridon's clone is almost exactly the same as its main body, except for some differences in size.

Above its waist and abdomen is a round and big belly, which looks like the beer belly of a dwarf uncle.

A huge grimace belt blocked the abdomen, and the chest further up was protected by a separate breastplate.

The slightly fat figure does not look strong, and there are no scales on the upper body. The skin is purple, like an unpeeled mangosteen, and it also looks a bit like an enlarged version of an ogre warrior.

The purple wings behind him were intact and in a closed state, gathered together under the shoulders.

Its purple wings were not small, but its lower body was even larger. Such a figure made Zong Shen seriously doubt whether the pair of purple wings could carry it to fly.

The shoulder armor on both sides of the neck looks very scary, with spikes covering it.

Each spike is four to five meters long. Such large spikes can only be used to stab opponents of the same size as they can stab undead humans.

It wears a purple half-helmet on its head, and there is a sharp horn burning with green flames in the middle of its forehead. You can see that the middle of its head is sunken according to the difference between the left and right halves of the brain. It seems that this guy should have A heart-shaped head, it is a good choice to use its head as a special decoration.

What's even more exaggerated is its mouth full of sharp teeth. This is a lipless guy. Its mouth is wide open, and those sharp teeth bite very tightly, like a tightly closed steel gate.

There are no ears on the sides of its cheeks, only two curved tusks about ten meters in length.

This body structure makes it look like a fanged mammoth.

Magtheridon's body like a thunder dragon has some shadows of large four-legged animals.

Its arms have no hands, and a short sword and a scimitar suitable for chopping are attached to the forearms.

Of course, this scimitar and scimitar are also tailor-made according to its body size.

The length of the dagger reached more than 20 meters, and the length of the scimitar reached 35 meters. Not to mention the attack power, the attack range was absolutely terrifying.

For a Magtheridon clone that is over fifty meters tall, the size of such a weapon is nothing.

It's like a 180cm tall human holding an 80cm short sword and a 1.23 meter long heavy scimitar.

Put on Magtheridon, it can easily split even a small mountain with such a weapon.

The back half of its weapon is an arm holster, which is placed directly on Magtheridon's arms. It seems that the arm holsters of the weapon can be removed and replaced at any time, and it can also grasp the weapon with both hands to attack.

However, this clone did not carry any more spare weapons. The dagger and scimitar in its hands were the only weapons it brought with it.


After Magtheridon's clone appeared, he spread his arms and let out a suppressed roar.

Its huge body began to move forward, and each step could push the ground down to a depth of more than ten meters.

The Great Demon Artorius was fixed in the [Sky Cube], looking at the location of Magtheridon's clone in the distance, his skinny face was slightly distorted, and an ugly smile appeared.

It shouted loudly in devilish language.

"Lord Magtheridon, please bring a natural disaster of fire to this world!"

Artorius's voice was dry, obscure, yet extremely penetrating.

The demon's words overwhelmed the noise at the scene, and Magtheridon's clone slowly turned its head.

The tightly-bitten sharp teeth slowly parted, and the guy laughed. Its big mouth spurted out green light, and its terrifying laughter echoed under the sky.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

"My dear Artorius, it turns out you are not dead yet."

"This does not seem to be the world where our army has wreaked havoc. The space structure is very strange,"

"It's like a domain, but its solidity is comparable to the dimensional world of the main plane."

Magtheridon's clone showed no concern for those Black Muscle Clan warriors. It raised its head and looked at the sky.

Then he spoke to Artorius in devilish language.

Those dark orcs couldn't understand Devil's language, but Zong Shen could understand it.

His golden subtitle translator was translating the conversation between the two into the common language of mainland China and appeared in front of Zong Shen.

"Sir, this is not the time to reminisce about the past."

"The situation here is very complicated. Let's kill these inferior dark creatures first and accumulate as much strength as possible for your clone."

"You are a glutton for souls, and all remnants and dead souls are your food!"

"In addition, I just discovered something during the call of the Nirvana Ritual. I have many questions to ask you about the blood-burning demon dimension..."

Artorius's words were agreed by Magtheridon's clone.

It nodded and turned to the nearly 20,000 black-veined orc warriors with a ferocious smile on its face.

On top of the huge pit, Artorius's [Sky-Breaking Cube] would take about ten or twenty seconds to end.

In line with the principle of hanging around for a while, it did not take the initiative to leave the [Empty Cube].

Next, it is time for Lord Magtheridon's clone to start a killing spree and devour the remnant souls of these dark orcs, and then it can calmly use the displacement secrets of the Demonic Code to take Lord Magtheridon's clone and leave calmly.

Its remaining mental power is not enough to continue fighting. It has to preserve its mental power as much as possible. It can only let the clone of Lord Magtheridon deal with these dark orcs first.

The current situation is that Zong Shen unsealed Solomon's Disk and summoned a big demon, and this big demon summoned a clone of an even bigger demon. Thinking about it, it's like a matryoshka doll.

After Magtheridon's clone appeared, it also attracted the attention of Lickfire Calrig and Mogroga.

"Damn Li Huo, damn bastard!"

"Do you want to lure me to the big devil?"

"Now most of the Blackwater Clan and the Blackwater Army are trapped in the [Blackwater Dead Zone]. Don't you realize that the situation is not conducive to you?"

Mogroga Black Jin roared.


"Stupid Mogroga, since you understand this truth, you should die obediently."

"I will lead your Black Muscle Clan army to kill these two big demons and that damn human!"

Lickfire Calrig sneered and retorted, Mogroga was right, its Blackwater Army was also trapped in the [Blackwater Dead Zone], but it only needed one thought to lift the [Blackwater Dead Zone] .

As long as Mogroga Black Muscle dies suddenly on the spot, it can instantly release the restraints of the [Black Water Dead Zone].

Before that, it would definitely lift the [Black Water Dead Zone] and release the more than 200,000 warriors of the Black Muscle Clan.

The current situation is quite embarrassing, and Lihuo Calrig is determined to drag it up to deal with the big demon.

However, Mogroga was still unable to counterattack effectively. The opponent's strength made it afraid of him, and it also prevented him from letting go of his hands and feet to escape.

While the two were arguing, they moved in the direction of the big devil.

The huge Magtheridon clone also took action, its four legs burning with green flames, allowing it to float in the air in defiance of the law without breaking the ground with every step.

The ground of the Burning Blood Demon's world is made of solid black rocks, which can stably support the great demon's huge body. Every step taken by the great demon here is like moving forward in a quagmire.

So Magtheridon's clone simply chose to float forward. Just as Zong Shen guessed, the purple wings on this guy's back were purely "decorations". Its purple wings were too big for his bloated figure. A little smaller.

Magtheridon's clone was seen charging towards the Black Muscle Clan warriors unscrupulously.

A stream of green flames spewed out from its mouth, sweeping across the earth.

Then it fell in the middle of the dark orcs like a bombshell!


The ground trembled violently, and Magtheridon's clone released the floating effect and hit the ground heavily.

In an instant, at least hundreds of high damage values ​​appeared, and a large number of dark orcs were suppressed by it, sustaining fatal blunt damage.

"Awesome, this guy's behavior is much more impressive than Artorius's!"

The surrounding Black Muscle Clan warriors launched a counterattack.

Throwing spears, bombs, sword lights, witchcraft, and various attacks with black lights hit Magtheridon's clone.

The ripples of the lavender light shield at the impact points of all attacks rippled and disappeared.

Taking advantage of the shield, Magtheridon took out the heavy scimitar in his hand.

It cut dozens of meters of cracks on the ground, and at the same time killed dozens of Black Muscle Clan warriors under the blade. This efficiency was like cutting grass.

Magtheridon's clone opened its mouth and took a sharp breath, and many gray-white remnant souls suddenly appeared from all directions. These remnant souls condensed into the form of mournful faces and were swallowed into its stomach.

Its body shape also expanded visibly to the naked eye, its height directly increased by three meters, and its size also became larger. After it finished swallowing, it burped.

This is the power of the Soul Eater. Those incomplete souls have become the tonic for Magtheridon's clone to continue to grow stronger.

Zong Shen was amazed when he saw it. Such characteristics are suitable for showing off on large battlefields.

[King of Outland, Soul Eater, Magtheridon (Clone)]

[Legendary lower level]

[Race: Blood-burning Demon]

[Chaos Damage I: 2179~2182]

[Chaos Damage II: 1721~1724]

[Blunt damage: 1877~1880]

[HP: 300000/300000]

[Armor value: 350 (Demon Skin·Demon Level) + 145 (Clone Armor)]

[Magic resistance: 335 (Demon Skin·Demon Level) + 130 (Clone Armor)]

[Detailed attributes: (click to view)]

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