Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 875: The powerful Magtheridon clone

Chapter 877 The powerful Magtheridon clone【Please subscribe】

In terms of the first-level attribute panel alone, this [King of Outland, Soul Eater, Magtheridon (Clone)] is stronger than [Destroyer of Silence, Artorius].

The race of both is [Blood-Burning Demon], and their level is also [Legendary Lower Level].

The only difference is that the strength of [King of Outland, Soul Eater, Magtheridon (Clone)] belongs to the standard legendary lower-level great devil, while [Destroyer of Silence, Artorius] also has [Suppression of Divine Punishment]. ], the strength has been reduced to a certain extent, and it is not at its peak.

It is in a withered state, and it is normal that its attributes are not as good as Magtheridon's clone.

The strength of the Great Demon is difficult to measure by common sense. In his heyday, Artorius' level was more than just a low-level legend. The influence of strength weakened its attributes, but did not reduce its spellcasting ability.

Therefore, the Magtheridon clone he summoned has the attributes of a standard legendary low-level demon.

Moreover, Magtheridon has just absorbed a wave of remnant souls and been nourished and improved, so Magtheridon's clone seems to be stronger than Artorius, which itself is also within its plan.

Zong Shen also noticed that Magtheridon's clones had no concept of hierarchy.

This situation may have something to do with it being a summoned clone.

Artorius cannot summon its elder brother, but it can summon his elder brother's clone.

After all, the eldest brother's clone has reached the starting strength of the legendary level, and its strong growth ability is enough to cope with the situation at hand. If Zong Shen were Artorius, he would choose to do this.

Zong Shen watched as Magtheridon's clone continued to wreak havoc among the Black Muscle Clan warriors with its shield.

To be honest, he hasn't come into contact with too many legendary level enemies in the Endless Continent.

So now is a good opportunity to gain knowledge. Understanding the attribute standards of legendary powerhouses as soon as possible will be of great benefit to his future development. When he can defeat the legendary powerhouse head-on without taking any tricks, he will have the means to conquer the giant city. Confidence and strength.

Thinking of this, he suddenly chose to check the detailed attributes of [King of Outland, Soul Eater, Magtheridon (Clone)].

This is a secondary properties panel that provides more detailed information.

In comparison, the information on the first-level attribute panel is relatively simple. If you want to view attribute values, skills, talents, etc., you need to check the second-level panel.

The strategy module will also provide more detailed notes on the secondary panel, including some extended information, weaknesses, targeting methods, etc., so Zong Shen must check the detailed information of Magtheridon's clone.

Because this is the essence of the information panel.

As its thoughts appeared, the data information panel in front of it automatically updated.

In its place is a more detailed second-level data information panel.

【Power: 1187】

[Agility: 575]

【Wisdom: 329】

【Charm: 626】

[Mental power: 7720/10000]

[Active skill: Demon Knock (Motheridon shocks the ground, causing enemies within three hundred meters that are smaller than your own to be forced into a dazed state for 5 seconds, with a cooling time of 2 hours)

Sacrifice Flame Nova (consumes 3000 points of spiritual power, guides a secret technique of sacrificial flame damage, and drops flame nova to any 100 enemy targets around you, causing 1.2 times chaos damage II to the hit target, cooldown time 1 hour)

Burning (every 30 seconds, Magtheridon will randomly release six fireballs to the surroundings. Each fireball will cause 1.5 times chaos damage II after landing. At the same time, it will cause a radius of 30 meters centered on the impact point. The area turns into a sea of ​​fire, and the fire of sacrifice burns blazingly, causing continuous damage of 0.1 times Chaos Damage II per second to the enemies inside. The flame area lasts for up to 10 seconds)

Powerful cleave (Motheridon wields the heavy scimitar in his hand and launches a powerful cleave in front of him, causing 2.0 times chaos damage I to the target, and also causing terrain changes and destruction. The cooling time is 10 minutes)

Chaos power (Motheridon can transform his own power into any form. As long as his will is strong enough, he can even use the power of chaos to twist his destiny. The clone also has a certain amount of chaos power, but it is far less powerful than Magtheridon's body. Using the power of chaos, Magtheridon can distort the rules of time and space to a certain extent. The specific effect depends on the power accumulated in its body)

Gate of the Abyss (sacrifice one's own life, open the gate of the abyss to attract the blood-burning demon waiting in the abyss, due to the special characteristics of the current field, this skill cannot be used)

Summon Void Walkers (Summon twelve sixth-level Void Walkers to help in the battle, each Void Walker can last for 30 minutes, and the cooling time is 12 hours)

Summon Hell Guards (Summon twelve sixth-level Hell Guards to assist in the battle. Each Hell Guard can last for 30 minutes, and the cooling time is 12 hours)

Summon the Abyss Tooth Hound (Summon twelve sixth-level Abyss Tooth Hounds to assist in the battle. Each Abyss Tooth Hound can last for 30 minutes and has a cooling time of 12 hours)

Summon Destruction Guards (Summon twelve sixth-level Destruction Guards to assist in the battle. Each Destruction Guard can last for 30 minutes, and the cooling time is 12 hours)

Summon Fel Eredar Warlock (Summon twelve sixth-level Fel Eredar Warlocks to assist in the battle. Each Fel Eredar Warlock can last for 30 minutes, with a cooling time of 2 hours)

Summon Hellfire (Summon sixty fifth-level Hellfires or twelve sixth-level Hellfires to fall from the sky and bombard the enemy. After landing, all the Hellfires will turn into Hellfire Warriors burning with sacrificial fire. The duration is 35 minutes, cooling time 12 hours)

Soul Pain Aura (Motheridon activates Soul Pain Aura, all enemies close to Magtheridon will feel the pain originating from the soul, and have a 35% chance of experiencing errors, including attack errors, movement errors, spell casting errors and other negative effects. After the halo is turned on, Magtheridon will passively absorb the remaining souls around it, and will consume 3 points of mental power every second. There will be a 10-minute cooling time after turning it off)

Abyss Boiling Aura (Motheridon turns on the Abyss Boiling Aura, causing 125 points of chaos damage per second to targets within 200 meters around him. After the aura is turned on, it will consume 10 points of mental power every second, and it will last for an hour after it is turned off. cooling time)

Demon's Leap Slash (Magtheridon leaps high and launches a jump slash at the target, causing 1.5 times chaos damage Ⅰ slashing damage to the area covered by the blade. At the same time, it opens up a bottomless abyss, and enemies who fall into it will Will be swallowed by the abyss, cooling time is 2 hours)

Magtheridon Doom Scimitar (currently a clone of Magtheridon, unable to condense blood-burning weapons)

Magtheridon Abyss Fang Horn (currently a Magtheridon clone, unable to condense blood-burning equipment)

Guard of the Abyss of Sin (Motheridon can activate the Guard of the Abyss of Sin, and a shield with a solid value of 100,000 points and a double resistance of 200 points will appear on the body. The shield can be replenished to a certain amount by killing enemies of different levels. Magtheridon can activate the Abyss of Sin Guard. The Abyss of Sin Guard activated by Theridon has only half the effect of the original body. The cooling time after the shield is broken is 2 hours)

Scarlet Weasel (Motheridon summons 500 Scarlet Weasels and randomly attacks enemy targets around them. 50% of the damage caused by each Scarlet Weasel will be fed back to Magtheridon itself to restore its damage. The scarlet sickle has lower health and double resistance, and is easier to kill. The cooldown time is 12 hours)

Destruction·Demon Devouring (Select a target to devour, and the damage will be offset according to the health value 1:1 until the enemy is completely destroyed. The devouring effect ignores the level. The final damage is determined based on the hedging loss of the lives of both parties. The cooling time is 3650 days)】

[Talent skill: Devil's body (recovers 10 points of health per second, doubles the recovery effect when out of combat, this effect can restore broken limbs and incomplete body injuries)

Soul Eater (Absorbing residual souls can continuously improve the strength. The maximum strength level of the current clone cannot exceed the first level of demigod)

Abyss Lord (has a positive impact on the abyss creatures under his command, increases the maximum health gain by 10%, and has additional abyss race control capabilities)

Crush (the huge body can cause 2.0 times bludgeoning damage to enemies crushed/trampled)

Soul storage (Magtheridon can store souls and condense them into soul spheres)

Demonic Asylum (when the health value drops below 30%, Magtheridon will gain the effect of Demonic Asylum, and the double resistance will be increased by 50 points)

Ancient level lifespan (Motheridon, as a demigod-level great demon, has an ancient level of lifespan and can survive naturally for tens of millions of years)

Void resistance (Motheridon can resist void storms and can travel through the void without the help of space magic circles)

Demon Skin (Magtheridon’s demon skin gives it powerful basic double resistance, which is based on Magtheridon’s own defense capabilities)

Chaos attack (Magtheridon's attack type defaults to chaos damage, and some damage types are a combination of bludgeoning damage + chaos damage)

Chaos Channel (After Magtheridon dies, the chaotic power in the body will open up a channel to the unknown world. The clone also has similar characteristics, but the effect is much lower than the main body)]

[Passive skills: Abyss Book of War I-IX level proficiency (Outside the Outer Domain, Soul Eater, Magtheridon is proficient in the Abyss Book of War from level one to level nine, the avatar is limited to level seven proficiency, and it requires energy to use some of the secret techniques of the Abyss Book of War) strength and health)

Demon-level title (Motheridon owns the Abyss of Outland as his territory, and this title can also deter other blood-burning demons whose titles are lower than his own. The clone also inherits part of the majesty of the title)

Demonic Physique (Motheridon has a powerful demonic physique, immune to most poisons and toxins, and has additional health recovery effects)

Devouring supplement (by devouring other creatures, Magtheridon can recover its own injuries and replace them in proportion to the health of the devoured target)

Abyss inheritance (Motheridon who has mastered the Abyss Martial Arts can pass it on for the second time, but the content of the inherited Martial Arts is one level lower than the level of the Abyss Martial Arts he has mastered)

Angry Abyss (when Magtheridon's health drops below 35%, the Angry Abyss state will be triggered, all attributes will be increased by 30%, the health limit will be increased by 70,000 points, and Sanity will be lost by 30% (making it easier to fall into anger), Immune to pain, the limb regeneration speed is increased, and the health recovery speed per second is increased to 180 points. The Angry Abyss state will last for 30 minutes or Magtheridon's health will be restored to above 80%, during which Magtheridon will be immune to all types of mental control. type skills

Clone (all the above-mentioned skills will have a certain effect on the main body. The specific effect depends on the change of the clone's strength. The general effect can be used as a reference)

Lifespan limit (the lifespan of the clone is one thousandth of the current remaining lifespan of the main body)

Apoptosis (when Magtheridon's clone is killed, in addition to a weakened version of the chaos channel, the power it draws will also be converted into an apoptotic heart and left behind)]

(The clone of Magtheridon basically has the same abilities as the main body, but in the clone state, all abilities will be greatly reduced.

However, as a demon-level demon summoned by the Nirvana Ritual, Magtheridon's clone has good growth and plasticity. Remember not to give it the opportunity to absorb the remaining souls unscrupulously, otherwise its strength will grow to that of a demigod. At the first level, the Magtheridon clone at that time will be able to easily trample your territory.

After killing Magtheridon, the fallen Apoptotic Heart is a good thing. It can be integrated into your demon heart to greatly enhance the power of the demonic state, and it can even buff your body attributes.

This gain will still exist even after the challenge is over. Even if it is canceled, you will receive other rewards from the lord system as compensation. After fusion on the spot, at least in the defensive challenge field, you can experience the joy of becoming stronger.

Magtheridon does not have any obvious shortcomings, but for the clone, as long as it blocks its way of absorbing the remnant soul, it is equivalent to cutting off its arm. Considering [Abyss of Anger] and [Demon Boiling] To increase the maximum health of Artorius and Magtheridon's clones, it is best to let the Blackwater Sword Master and the Black Muscle Clan Chief deal with these two guys, and then wait for an opportunity to detonate the fragments of the Initiation Arcane Crystal)

The attributes of Magtheridon's clone are quite strong.

It is only slightly inferior to Mogroga Blackstring. You must know that Mogroga is a powerful dark orc in the middle of the legend. In terms of attributes alone, it is only so much stronger than Magtheridon's clone. Some.

Not to mention that Magtheridon's clone also has domineering growth. The more warriors die, the stronger he will become.

In this field where mutual attacks are inevitable, Magtheridon can definitely find plenty of opportunities.

In just twenty or thirty seconds, Magtheridon's clone started killing among the black-veined orc warriors.

Relying on the effect of [Guardian of Sin Abyss], it restores the strength of the shield while killing.

The fighting style is as brutal as the monsters in Ultraman!

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