Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1001

Claire froze.

"Hello, Claire? What's wrong with you?"

"Yeah... dating Alice... so..." Her voice trembled slightly.

"This is not a date. It's the work of the Knights. Don't think about it." Mu Hantian explained.

"You...really become a running dog of the Knights. That badge suits you well."

It seems that there is no explanation at all.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom...

Claire was angry.The angry red "color" double ponytail stood upside down in the air, as if to release a fireball at any time.

"Hey, listen to me. Actually, you don't need to be so hostile to the Knights."

"What does it mean to not be hostile to the Knights! Don't pretend that you know everything!"

Claire was very annoyed and raised his whip.


Suddenly, a lovely voice came.

Claire was still holding the whip and turned away in embarrassment.

"You... didn't you eat at all?"

"Because Scarlett ran away early in the morning."

"Forget it, Claire, shall we have lunch together?"


Claire opened her ruby ​​eyes wide.


She flushed and turned her face to the other side.

"Since... Since you are so persistent, this lady can barely accompany you."

"Let's go then. I just had lunch with Alice and the others in that park."

Bang.Claire's temple twitched.

"You...what did you you have a problem with your head!"

"I know you don't have a good relationship with the Knights, but as long as you have a chat, you will know that they are all ordinary girls. You can reconcile by having a meal together. Isn't that great?"

"I have been guilty with the Knights for a long time, and I don't want to reconcile with them. I don't care what elite knights they are. In short, the fact is that they are always insulting my sister!"

"That was a long time ago. Besides, Alice is not that kind of person..."

"Alice, Alice... It's Alice who speaks and shuts up!"

Claire's patience reached its limit and finally broke out.

She pulled out an elf magic outfit and held the flaming whip tightly.

I really don't understand why I am so irritable.However, seeing Mu Hantian's appearance of guarding the Knights and Alice, she couldn't help but burst into anger.

"You are my contract spirit! It belongs to me!"

The excited Claire waved the whip of flame.


"That's it, Claire "Lu" Jo."

The burning whip of flame was blocked by the spear entangled by the storm.

"Don't you know that the college prohibits students from using elves on the street?"


Claire clenched her teeth, looking very angry.

Then, big tears emerged from the clear ruby ​​eyes.

"Okay, whatever you want. Go whatever you want, idiot!"

"Hey! Claire..."

Mu Hantian caught the chocolate bag that Kleier threw out.

"I hate you! I like Alice so much, just follow her!"

Claire cried with tears, and then ran away from the scene.

The first thousand eighty-five chapters of Claire's sadness

"Hey, that person is Claire "Lu" Jo?"

The two senior students just witnessed the scene of Claire rushing out of the alley.

These two people were the King Kong Elf and the Mirror Elf who played against Kleier's team yesterday.

They looked at Claire's back, with hatred in their eyes.

"Now she is the only one. And this is outside the school, teachers should not be able to control it here."

The King Kong wizard turned his gaze, and said to the magic mirror wizard: "It's impossible. Look, the male "sex" wizard and the leader of the knight order are here."

Mu Hantian and Alice were running out of the alley in order to get back to Claire.

"Tsk, has that male'sex' elf envoy joined the Knights?"

"Perhaps it was due to the last attack that caused a shortage of manpower. Compared with the time of Versilia, the current Knight Order is far worse in quality."

Both of them were once members of the Wind King Knights.The opposition to that arrogant Claire "Lu" Qiu also started at this time.

Having said that, the two men are inherently poor in character, and they often abused their power to bully the weak while they were knights.Later, after Alice became the head of the regiment, he was expelled.

"It's just three low-grade students. The two of us should be able to kill them..."

"I advise you to dispel this idea. With your level, no matter how much you come, you won't be opponents."

Hearing a voice from behind, the two immediately put on a posture of preparation.

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